unlocked desires

By HannahSimpson391

4.6K 83 2

After overhearing Colin say he'd never court her, Penelope tries to forget him. Realising what he has done, C... More

What Have I Done?
Snake in the Grass
Love Is In The Air
Taste of Your Lips
To Love - To Live - To Grow
Clandestine Meetings
Oh But To Be In Love
Trouble Comes To Ton
Ain't No Party Like A Scotland Party
Our Happily Ever After - final part

Somebody To Love

388 8 0
By HannahSimpson391

Mother, this is Miss Eloise Bridgerton, her mother the Dowager Viscountess Violet Bridgerton and Mister Benedict Bridgerton. Everyone, my mother Lady Fiona Debling." He was not as nervous as he thought he'd be seeing her for the first time in almost two months. Their letters were something he cherished greatly.

"I am very pleased to meet you all. Lord Debling has told me so much about you all. Mister Bridgerton, I hope you will find time to view our gallery. We have just acquired a piece by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres called Grande Odalisque. A bit risqué but I believe it to be rather beautiful. There are some original pieces from my late husband. He was quite the artist himself in his younger years before he became Lord of Brighton Hall."

Benedict smiled brightly at the woman. She seemed like a lovely lady and if she was twenty years younger, he'd have found himself quite taken. "That would be lovely, my Lady." He took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles causing her to smirk.

Lady Debling looked to Lady Violet and Eloise, "Oh, he's good." They all chuckled and Benedict looking a bit pink.

Eloise took Lady Debling's arm and linked it with hers. "Oh, I like you very much." The two women giggled as they made their way indoors. Christopher watched his mother and the young lady he was starting to fall in love with wistfully before following with Lady Violet on his arm, Benedict not far behind.

"And this is the solar. I love the big, bright windows especially on a beautiful day like today. If you look out here, you can see the fishing village and marina off in the distance. It's a short carriage ride, but I prefer the walk best." Christopher chuckled at his mother's rambling. "And what, pray tell, is so humorous my son?" Lady Fiona asked.

"Nothing at all mother. I have just never heard you so enthusiastic." Christopher walked closer to where Eloise was. He needed to be close to her; he was drawn to her. "Miss Eloise?" She turned to face him, one eyebrow raised and a smirk playing on her lips. "Mayhaps after tea, you would like a turn in the garden?"

"I would love to." She said in a practical sigh.

"And I will accompany you as chaperone." Benedict said as he approached them.

"Nonsense, Mister Bridgerton. Lady Violet and I can accompany them. You should enjoy the gallery and then if inspiration comes, my maid Sophie could show you my late husband's studio." He smiled over to Lady Fiona.

"A studio, you say? Mother, why don't we have a studio at Number 5?" His mother shook her head.

"My dear boy, the question is why don't you have a studio at My Cottage?" Lady Fiona looked confused so they explained that Number 5 was Lady Violet and the younger children's house in London and that My Cottage was Benedict's country home near Aubrey Hall.

"And why did you name it My Cottage?" Lady Fiona asked with a smile.

"Because, it's My (he pointed to himself) Cottage." Benedict gave s lopsided grin as they all laughed at his shenanigans.

"My Lady, My Lord? The tea is ready." Benedict turned at sound of the sweetest voice he had ever heard. His heart stopped. This beautiful young woman stood holding a tray laden with fingers sandwiches, fruits, cheese and biscuits as an older woman followed with tea. She was the most magnificent creature he had ever laid eyes on. He wanted to put her to the canvas. She was inspirational personified.

"Thank you, Sophie dear. Oh, Sophie, if it isn't any trouble, could you show Mister Bridgerton the art gallery after tea and the studio? His a painter, you see, and I thought it would be a great treat for our guest." Lady Fiona asked the maid.

Sophie looked and met his eyes, a blush forming on her cheeks. "Of course, my Lady. I would be happy to." She curtsied then fled the room. Stopping as she cleared the door, Sophie back up to the wall, placing a hand over her beating heart. He was the man of her dreams, but there was no way he'd ever be with a girl so below his station. "Come on, Soph! He's just a man. Just a handsome artist from a family of high breeding. Oh blast!" She thought to herself.

Almost a week of wedded bliss and they were still insatiable. They had sex in almost every room so far. Last night Colin had taken her on his desk in his study then this morning, in the morning room after the maid had just dropped the tray off. He used the fresh strawberries on her rosy pink nipples then trailed it down her body chasing the juices with his tongue.

"If you're not pregnant after this week, I'd be very surprised." Colin had just finished another round of love making with his wife and she was currently wrapped up in his arms. He kissed her once more before she turned in his arms.

With a yawn, she closed her eyes. "Mmm, yes. It I think I need a nap my love." Her voice was as smooth as honey. Colin lightly trailed his fingers across her silky skin then kissed her bare shoulder.

"Sweet dreams my love. I have a few letters to respond to. I'll be in my study. I love you, Pen." He heard her mumbled 'Love you Col.' then left her to slumber.

He sat at his desk going through his correspondence. He had a letter from a friend of his he made in his travels. There was a few household items being addressed from his landlord. Then he came across a hand he was not familiar with.

Mister Bridgerton,

Your wife is not who she claims to be. I have been suspicious of her since the announcement of your sudden engagement. It may not be too late to get an annulment. If you could, please meet me by calling on me at my home at your earliest convenience. I can be very discreet.

Yours Truly,

Cressida Cowper

Colin dropped the letter as if it burned him. The gall of that harpy. Did she know of Penelope's secret identity? He carded his hand through his hair and huffed in frustration. He stood from his desk and paced the room before grabbing the letter and heading back to his and Penelope's bedchamber.

He knocked before entering and found her softly snoring in their bed. After watching her for a few moments, He sat next to her sleeping form and stroked her hair. "Pen?" She whined a bit before sneaking a peek at her husband.

"Col, I was having such sweet dreams." She whispered as she started to sit up. She noticed he had a letter in his hand. "What's that?" Colin handed her the letter that Cressida sent. She read over it quickly. "Do you think she knows I am Whistledown? And what nerve of her to ask you to come to her? And an annulment! That bitch!" Colin chuckled at her language.

"I will go meet with her," Penelope started to protest but stopped when Colin put his hand up, "but I want you to join me." He pull her into his lap, instantly becoming hard when his saw she was only wearing a sheer nightgown and no undergarments. He kissed her shoulder then buried his head between her breasts, leaving a mark on each one. "I love you."

Benedict followed the adorable maid as she led him to the Debling Gallery. She was tiny; she looked the same heights as his new sister-in-law, Penelope, but not as curvaceous. Her hair was a dark blonde colour and curly; although she had it all wrapped into a bun, a few stray curls had fallen loose. "Here we are. I shall be right here if you have any questions." Her voice was soft and sweet as sugar. Benedict stared. She cleared her throat, shaking him from his revery. "Sir?"

"My apologies, Miss Sophie. Would you mind joining me?" He put his arm out for her to take. It was Sophie's turn to stare. He smiled brightly and shook his elbow. She sighed and smiled softly at him.

"Of course, Mister Bridgerton." She took his arm and felt herself flush.

"Please, just call me Ben." He offered to which she gaped.

"I could not. That would be highly improper of me, sir." Sophie could not believe this man. He was a second son and she was the bastard daughter of a long dead Earl. They felt worlds apart.

"Mister Bridgerton makes me feel so old. Please, let us be friends Miss Sophie." She stared at him in wonder. He was quite handsome. His chestnut locks had a wave to them, a strong jaw, full lips and a disarming smile made the blush on her cheeks darken. "Why, Miss Sophie? You're blushing!" He teased. She yanked her arm from his and stalked across the room, but he caught up to her in two strides. "Please, I am such a boor! I did not mean to offend you!"

Sophie huffed in frustration. Never had she met someone from a high born family such as his that acts so peculiar. He was so odd but endearing at the same time. After looking at him, puzzled, she announced, "You are so strange." They both started to laugh. It broke the tension in the room and she took his arm again.

She showed him some original work from the late Lord Debling. He was actually very talented, Benedict had to admit. He was no Henry Granville, but he was pretty damn close. "The late Lord was very talented. His shading is impeccable. That is what I am working on perfecting at the moment." Sophie listened intently and at times got lost in his eyes lighting up as he discussed the art work. "Good God! Is that an original Fuseli!"

Sophie gasped, "Ben!" She lightly slapped his arm, "Language!" She whisper-screamed at him to which his smile grew wide across his face.

"Miss Sophie? Did you just hit me?" He chuckled as she turned bright red in embarrassment and stammered out an apology. "Oh pish-posh! I am only in jest. You can feel free to hit me anytime." Sophie huffed out a laugh and shook her head.

"You are so incorrigible!" She giggled girlishly causing him to smile at her.

"And you, Miss Sophie, are beautiful." Benedict couldn't resist telling her. She was the most adorable creature he had ever laid eyes on.

"Ben, you are being too familiar." Sophie chastised him.

"I cannot help myself. I know I am being too forward when I say this but I find myself drawn to you." Benedict confessed. This had never happened to him before. He had a feeling about her. He felt they were soulmates.

"I, I'm sorry, but I need to go." Benedict tried to stop her but she disappeared around the corridor. He leaned against the wall and clutched at his beating heart.

Lord Debling laughed heartily at Eloise's comments on the statue of two cherubs by his mother's prized rose garden. "Do you not see it? Look!" She had sworn the cherubs looked like a cross between a baby and a pig. "Tell me their noses don't turn up like a pig's snout!" She giggled as she clutched his arm to bring him in for a closer look. He chuckled again.

"My goodness, you're right!" They laughed again.

Violet's heart went to her throat. After years, her Eloise finally seemed to have found a man that she could see a future with. They already seemed to be great friends; that was the first step to a great relationship.

"My son seems quite taken with your daughter, Lady Violet." Lady Fiona was watching the duo closely. "I just hope she is as taken with my Christopher. He's already had his heart broken once this past season." Violet knew she was talking of his fondness for Penelope. Penelope, though, always was and always would be Colin's; even if it did take him almost losing her to figure it out.

"Now, do not think me having any ill will towards your sweet Penelope, by no means do I begrudge her. True love such as hers and your Colin cannot be look down upon. I just know my Christopher. He is a true romantic at heart just as his late father was. Must be the artist in them." Lady Fiona looked wistfully at the two young people laughing at something together. "I like her." Violet smiled at her daughter and Lird Debling.

"And I like your son as well. I believe they will make a fine match. Eloise has never been one to seek out a husband. She actually dreamed of a single life as a spinster at one time. To see her smile as soon as she sees a letter from Lord Debling arrives, just warms my heart." Yes, he would make a fine husband for her Eloise.

Anthony was made aware of Cressida Cowper's letter. He was annoyed at first at knowing that his new sister was the renowned author, but quickly got over it as they planned what to do about the threat. It was decided they would bring along the family solicitor so as to stop her from any and every legal standpoint.

Colin knocked on the Cowper family's front door, Penelope on his arm and Anthony and Mr. Sanderson, the Bridgerton family's solicitor behind them. The Cowper's butler answered the door and looked surprised at the large party. "I was told to show a Mr. Colin Bridgerton to the drawing room by the young Miss." he said in a bored voice.

"We will all be in attendance, I thank you, sir." Colin said in a jovial voice. If there was one thing he got enjoyment in, it was putting bullies in their place, and Cressida Cowper was one of the worst bullies in the ton.

The smile on Cressida's face fell as she took in the small party coming through her drawing room doors. "What's all this?" She said in a shrill voice. "Colin?"

"Who gave you leave to use my Christian name? I know I did not, Miss Cowper. And my brother, the Viscount and our family solicitor are here as my legal counsel as you have made threats against my darling wife whom I love above any other being on this planet. For you to think she holds any secrets from me is almost laughable." Colin hissed as the debutant fell into her armchair looking crestfallen.

"But I don't think you know that she has been taking hired hacks into Bloomsbury disguised as the help! She meets with a man there!" She shrieked, "I have had her followed twice now!"

Penelope and Colin looked at each other and smiled. "Yes, actually. I am well aware of this." Cressida gaped, mouth opening and closing like a fish struggling to breathe on land. "And you will not speak of this to anyone or I will sue you for slander, harassment and stalking my wife."

Mr. Sanderson then stepped forward with some paperwork, handing it to the woman. "This is a notice stating you cannot be within 15 meters from the Bridgerton family and their in laws. If you do not comply, the constable will be called to arrest you or enforce a fine. Please sign that you understand." Cressida looked flabbergasted.

"Truly? This is quite the overreaction, is it not! Miss Featherington?" Cressida pleaded.

"My name is Mrs. Bridgerton, Miss Cowper, no matter what you wish to ignore. Colin is MY husband! You will stay far from us and our family. You are and have always been cruel towards me for reasons I will never know." Penelope spoke this words softly towards the shrew of a woman before her.

"Do you want to know why!?" Cressida stood then and stomped her foot. "Because for some crazy reason he," she pointed at Colin, "has always been so consumed with you that none of us ever had a chance! You, with your ridiculous red hair and bright dresses and vulgar family! He never looked twice at any of the other debutants, especially me, but I thought I finally got my chance when he danced with me this past season, and then suddenly he's holding you minutes later like nothing else in the world existed! I want that! I wanted it with him since I debuted!" She slumped back into her chair, hiding her face in her hands.

Penelope couldn't believe it. Cressida Cowper was jealous. Jealous of Penelope. Colin wrapped his arm around his wife's waist and pulled her closer. He huffed out a quiet laugh, "Well, there it is." Penelope looked up at him in confusion. "I truly was the last person to figure out that I was in love with you." Penelope nuzzled into her husband and felt him kiss the top of her head.

Cressida signed the paper and apologised to the newlyweds before they all left. In the carriage, they collectively sighed. "Well, she didn't know what you were in Bloomsbury for, so that's good." Colin said as he snuggled up with Penelope in their carriage.

"Yes." Penelope bit her lip. "Colin?"

"Yes, my sweet?" He pulled away to lol at her face. She looked contemplative before she sighed.

"I am retiring Whistledown. That was too close of a call. I will announce it in my next column. I think I want to take a break and maybe help you revise your journals so that you can get them published. You are such an amazing writer and the world needs to know." Colin's eyes widened.

"You really think so, Pen?" She smiled with bushed tears in her eyes. "What about your writing?" He asked as he tugged her into his lap.

"I think I will start my first novel. It's about a Wallflower who has been in love since childhood with her neighbour." Colin smiled widely before kissing her passionately.

"I don't think I could ever tell you enough how proud of you I am. I love you so." Colin pulled her back into another deep kiss. "Now, let us get some lunch. I am starving! They both chuckled as they disembarked from their carriage after it stopped in front of their home.

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