unlocked desires

By HannahSimpson391

5.3K 98 2

After overhearing Colin say he'd never court her, Penelope tries to forget him. Realising what he has done, C... More

What Have I Done?
Snake in the Grass
Somebody To Love
Taste of Your Lips
To Love - To Live - To Grow
Clandestine Meetings
Oh But To Be In Love
Trouble Comes To Ton
Ain't No Party Like A Scotland Party
Our Happily Ever After - final part

Love Is In The Air

579 10 0
By HannahSimpson391

You are cordially invited to the blessed union of

Mister Colin Bridgerton

Miss Penelope Featherington

The day had finally arrived! The last month had been a quiet agony on the two young people as they snuck around, meeting in secret for a snog or four. They had almost been caught in the gardens one night. Just as Penelope took Colin in her mouth for the first time, Benedict was sneaking a smoke. Luckily he was quick about it and Colin was able to stifle his moans by biting his fist. Of course, Penelope being the little minx she is had decided to torture Colin by continuing to suck him as he prayed his older brother did not spot them.

"Penelope, are you ready?" She heard her mother ask from the other side of the door. Penelope knew what her mother wanted to talk about. Philippa had already warned her.

"Yes mama. Please come in." Portia Featherington was not the most hands-on mother nor the most nurturing, but she did love her daughters and want nothing but the best for them.

"Before we go down to meet the Viscount, I wanted to explain to you about what to expect on your wedding night." Penelope inwardly rolled her eyes at her mother. Sure, her and Colin had not had vaginal sex, but they were definitely not innocent. She just listened attentively as if ignorant of what to expect. "Just lie back and think of England. It will hurt but afterwards can be quite pleasant." Lie back and think of England? Oh mother! Penelope fought her smile and simply nodded in understanding.

Her mother took her hands in hers and stood back. "Oh my baby, my sweet girl. You are beautiful." Then her mother placed her hand lovingly on Penelope's cheek. "I know I don't say it, but I do love you, Penelope." Penelope smiled brightly at her mother.

"I love you too, mama."

Colin stood with Benedict at his side, eager and a bit nervous. He was moments away from marrying the woman he loved, his best friend, his Pen. He smiled to himself thinking of last night. He'd snuck into her bedroom and they held each other all night; sneaking kisses and touching each other. He couldn't wait to carry her over the threshold of their new home in Bloomsbury. Anthony and him found the two story cottage two weeks ago and he could not wait to surprise his bride with it tonight. His bride, his wife. Just then he felt his brother nudge him.

When he looked up, his jaw dropped. There she was; his beautiful Penelope on Anthony's arm. She wore a long flowing gown of lace with subtle floral accents; the creamy colour of the dress brought out her peaches and cream complexion. He felt his cock twitch thinking about how he'd remove it later on. Penelope smiled at him, tears in her eyes. Colin felt his eyes sting as well and just like that Anthony was handing her over to him.



They each laughed as they clasped hands. The reverend began. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man," he gestured to Colin, "and this woman, "gesturing to Penelope," together in holy matrimony." They were here. Getting married. Penelope couldn't help but think it was all a crazy dream. Colin wanted to smack himself for taking so long to realise that he was in love with Penelope in the first place.

"Colin, do you take take Penelope as your wife? To have and hold, from this day forward? In sickness and in health until death do you part?" The reverend asked.

"Yes, I do and even in death." He said as he stared intensely into her eyes.

"And do you, Penelope, take Colin as your husband? To have and hold, from this day forward? In sickness and in health until death do you part?" Penelope smiled then squeezed Colin's hand.

"I do, forever and always." Colin smiled back at her and sounded as if he breathed a sigh of relief.

"The rings, if you please." The reverend took the rings from Benedict and blessed them. "May the Lord bless these rings which you give as a sign of your love and devotion. Amen. You've both chosen your own words. Colin? You first, son."

Colin cleared his throat, "Penelope, I'm sorry it took me so long to recognise that the way I felt for you; the way I missed you when I was away and searched for your face whenever I came back home. If I had known that the feeling of being home was wherever I was with you was called love, I would have done this a long time ago. I love you Penelope. I love you today, I'll love you tomorrow and I'll love you until forever." Penelope felt the tears welling up in her eyes and as one escaped, Colin caught it with his finger. He then placed the ring on her finger. "This ring is a symbol of my eternal love. May our everlasting friendship reign forevermore."

The reverend turned to Penelope. It was her turn. This was it. "Colin, from the moment my bonnet knocked you off your horse when we were children, I have been in love with you. I spent so many years being the quiet wallflower. Taking in everything and everyone at the balls we would attend. Trying to find you in the crowds. But you always found me first. What began as a friendship blossomed into more. I've been saved by your kindness and blessed by your love. And I love you, Colin, more than anything and anyone. And promise to support you and continue being your biggest supporter in all things. I offer you this ring to wear as a symbol of our unbreakable bond. It is a reminder of my eternal faith and unwavering dedication. I will cherish you forever more."

The reverend made his final declaration, "Because they have exchanged their vows before God and these witnesses, have pledged their commitment each to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands and by exchanging rings, I now pronounce that they are Mister and Missus Colin Bridgerton. Those whom God hath joined together, let no one put asunder. Colin, you may kiss your bride!"

And he did! Colin took Penelope by her waist with one arm and cupped her jaw with the other before slowly kissing her to the cheers of everyone in attendance.

"Geoffrey, take the long way and don't rush." Colin said to the carriage driver before stepping inside and immediately locked lips with Penelope. "God, Pen! We did it! We're married." He said quickly before his mouth descended onto hers once more.

Penelope giggled as she lifted her gown and Colin settled in between her thighs, kneeling on the floor of the carriage. "Just to take the edge off so we can make it through out wedding brunch my love." He smiled when he realised she did not wear bloomers. "Fuck, you are amazing, Pen. My wife, I cannot wait to take you fully." He reached up and kissed her as his fingers found her wet and waiting.

Penelope moaned loudly, not caring if anyone heard her. "Oh, Colin! Yes!" He uses his thumb to rub her clit causing overwhelming pleasure. "Just like that! Oh God!" Colin feels her walls clamped against his fingers as he eases them out, sucking his digits clean. Penelope pants as he settles back in the spot next to her.

Colin leans in to kiss her once more and she can faintly taste herself on his tongue. "How long do you think we need to stay before we leave for the cottage?" Penelope asks him breathily.

"Eager as I am I see." Colin chuckled. "I think an hour after we eat should be sufficient. It's not a long drive to Bloomsbury, but I do wish to have you all to myself. We will have minimal staff at our home, so I'm sure we will have plenty of time for making love." He watched her blush prettily. The carriage pulled to a stop in front of his mother's house. He took her hand as they left the carriage. The family waited on the steps to greet them before they were all ushered inside to brunch.

Eloise snuck out of the brunch for Colin and Penelope to read her latest letter from Lord Debling. They had a weekly correspondence going now and she was getting quite attached. She almost tore it in her haste to see his sloppy but endearing script.

Dearest Eloise,

You are correct! My favourite activity is people watching. You can learn a lot about a person just by watching them from afar. For example, you like to sneak off and avoid filling your dance card whereas the other debutantes are so eager.

I hope you'll give me the first dance next season. I truly have enjoyed our correspondence thus far and only wish to continue it. I know it seems far fetched to you for me to become as enamoured with you as I am, but beside the fact that you are blissfully unaware of how gorgeous you are, that is not what draws me to you.

Your passion towards the world and how unjust it is that women are not accepted into higher education, your unabashed protestations against societal norms, these are the things that draw me to you. I do hope you can see that.



Eloise sighed and hugged the letter to her breast. She was starting to like him, Lord Debling, Christopher. She hadn't felt like this before; not even with Theo. She decided to write back after Colin and Penelope left for their new home. Right now, she needed to sit and break fast with her family; old and new.

"A toast," Colin stood up, glass held high, "to my bride, Penelope!" Everyone raised their glasses and Penelope blushed slightly. "Pen, I never knew love could be as wonderful as it is until I opened my eyes and stopped being an arse, sorry mother, Mrs. Featherington. You're my best friend and the love of my life. I cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together. Cheers!" Everyone cheers'd as well and Colin kissed his wife sweetly.

"I love you too, Colin." The food was cleared and everyone decided to retire to the drawing room. Anthony and Benedict pulled Colin off to the bar cart for a small glass of brandy.

"Gents, it's been a real pleasure but do you think we can get this over with so I can sneak off with my wife. She's eager to get home. To our bed." He winked playfully at his older brothers. Anthony shook his head as Benedict smirked at him.

"Listen, just be sure to give her pleasure first before you get yourself off. You're young so I don't expect much." Anthony playfully punched his younger brother's arm.

"Shut your gob. I know what I'm doing. It's not like I'm some blushing virgin." Colin pouted. Benedict leaned in closer as so nobody but his two brothers could hear him.

"You haven't, you know?" Colin looked at him confused, "With our sweet Penelope?" Colin's ears became red and his brothers guffawed. "You dog!" The ladies looked over and Benedict smiled innocently at them as they went back to their own conversation. Then Benedict continued, "I cannot believe you would take liberties with her. Is that why you wanted a short engagement?"

Colin bristled, "No, good God man. I love her and just wanted to be married as soon as possible and she is still, technically a virgin. We never, well, you know. Just some, hmm, what's a good way of putting it? Heavy petting?" He smirked slyly as he looked over making eye contact with his bride. She smiled sweetly, lifting one eyebrow in question. His brothers helped them with making their early exit.

They waved from the carriage as the family stood on the steps of The Bridgerton home saying goodbye. Lady Violet and Portia were dabbing their eyes as the carriage pulled away. As soon as they left Grosvenor's Square, Colin was kissing Penelope. He pushed her dress up and grasped her derrière, kneading it as she let out a breathy moan of his name. "Oh, Pen!" Colin pulled her into his lap so Penelope straddled him.

She could feel his erection through his pants and began to rub her Center against it illicit moans falling from her lips. "Can't wait to make love to you, my beautiful goddess." He pulled down the front of her dress, exposing her luscious breasts.

"Colin, oh Colin. Please!" He took one nipple into his mouth and began to suckle it, massaging the other with his hand.

"Fuck, I love you so much!" He looked up from her chest and saw her flushed cheeks. "I want to taste you." He moved her to sit and fell to his knees, unbuttoning her stockings from her garters. He'd done it once before and Penelope shivered with anticipation. He took a moment to see her glistening before him before making her scream in ecstasy.

By the time the carriage stopped in from of their new townhome located in Bloomsbury, Colin had just finished tying his pants back up after his wife returned the favour. Her lips were swollen from their kisses and she was ready to get lunch before licking themselves into their bedchamber for the remainder of the day.

The housekeeper, Mrs. Lewis greeted the newlyweds along with the butler, her husband, Mr. Lewis. "Mr. and Mrs. Bridgerton! Welcome home!" The elderly couple led them into their parlour where the cook had set up a tea service and a platter of sandwiches, grapes and cheese and biscuits. Penelope couldn't help but giggle. Colin smirked knowing already what she was thinking. Her husband's appetite was well known around the ton and apparently it reach to Bloomsbury and beyond as well.

"Hush you." He whispered softly into her ear as he pulled her toward the loveseat. He turned to bow slightly to the staff. "Thank you both. Please extend our thanks to Miss Henry as well for the food. We will be retiring to our bedchamber after luncheon and wish not to be disturbed. Feel free to retire for the day as well. Oh, wait. Mr. Lewis, could you leave a bottle of Port and a pitcher of lemonade in our chambers." The older man tipped his head before disappearing from the room, followed by his wife.

After Colin polished off three sandwiches and fed Penelope some grapes and cheese, he decided they would take the tray upstairs to their room. After setting the tray down, Colin closed the door and locked it. Turning, he saw Penelope standing near the window, the sunlight pouring in from outside illuminated her form. "My God. I cannot believe that you are mine." He practically gasped.

Colin rushed to her, embracing her, and she grasped his hair to tug his lips to her own. He groaned at the feeling of her body pushed up against his own, her soft curves moulding into his hard body. He reached around undoing the buttons of her dress before pulling it down to leave her in her chemise. "Colin, disrobe!" Penelope demanded as she pulled her chemise over her head before unpinning her hair so it flowed down her back.

She was like a vision of Aphrodite herself. "My goddess." He said as he made his way back to her after undressing fully. They stared at each other; the first time they had seen each other fully bared before themselves. Penelope should have felt embarrassed or shy, but she surprised herself when she only felt confident. Colin made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

He took her hand and helped her into their marital bed. "And now, we make love?" She asked.

"Oh yes, now we make love."

Eloise paced her room. She had another letter from Lord Debling. He wanted her and her mother over for tea. What normally would have scared her, actually made her excited. His letters were something she treasured now. He was witty, had some great insight on the issues of the country and was all for equality among the sexes. He also thought it was a travesty that a woman could not attend university. His mother had basically raised him for most of his life; his father passing away when he was eight. Eloise was seven when her own father passed away so they commiserated about that as well.

Violet looked up as her daughter came into the drawing room. Seeing her finally alone, Eloise decided it was a good time to discuss Lord Debling. "Mama, could I ask you something?" Her mother placed her needlepoint down and smiled.

"Of course, sweetheart. What is it?" She watched as Eloise paced and fiddle with a letter in her hand. "Is that a letter from Penelope?" Eloise stopped and looked confused for a moment then realised she still had Lord Debling's letter in her hands.

"Oh, ah, no. I have been writing for quite some time now with Lord Debling." Her mother looked surprised but a smirk slowly formed. "He, uh, well that is to say we..." Violet hid her smile behind a fake cough. Eloise closed her eyes tightly then sighed. "Oh alright, he wishes to properly count me and I have accepted." Her mother clapped her hand to her heart.

"Oh! That is wonderful!" She got up and hugged her daughter. "Is that why you are so nervous?" She giggled at Eloise rolling her eyes.

"No, he wants us over for tea. He lives in Brighton though so we'd have a long drive so he offered us rooms for the night at the estate." Violet was not expecting that bit, but agreed as long as they had Benedict accompany them. "Okay, that should not be an issue Mama. I will write Christopher, um, I mean Lord Debling at once." Without even noticing, she skipped from the room with a bright smile on her face. Violet smiled and shook her head. Her little girl was finally growing up.

The following Friday morning, Benedict arrived to accompany his mother and favourite sister to her suitors home. Her suitor, who would have ever thought Eloise would find someone she willingly wanted to be around (that wasn't a family member or Penelope). Violet seemed pleased as punch. Daphne was married and had a child, Anthony was married, and Colin was married to his best friend now. She glanced at her second oldest and smirked. Benedict rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"I know that look mother. Please, just let me do this in my own time. Focus on this one." He nodded over to his sister, currently focused on the book she was reading, not hearing a word around her. Violet sighed and agreed. Moments later, the carriage stopped in front of a large and extravagant manor. The footman opened the door and Benedict stepped out and helped his mother out followed by Eloise.

Eloise looked up at the massive home and almost laughed. He'd said he had a modest home! She shook her head in disbelief and smiled when she saw him at the top of the steps by his front entrance. Lord Debling grinned from ear to ear as soon as he laid eyes on her.

Eloise was wearing her hair mostly down, only pining a bit back from her face. He'd told her in one of his letters that he had seen her hair like that the night she fixed his injured hand. The moment he saw her smile at him, his heart beat harder. His mother, the Dowager Lady Fiona Debling appeared at his side. "Oh, Christopher, she's lovely." He couldn't agree more. "Sophie is getting our luncheon together. She says it will be served in twenty. Come! Let us greet your future family, shall we?"

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