Tales of a Wild Heart

By Rarabear561

77.2K 2.9K 889

"Violet? Whose that? She's not in this class, is she Maya?" a brunette questioned to her best friend, Maya "U... More

Introducing Ms. Violet Summers
Chapter One: Violet Meets Cowboy
Chapter Two: Violet Meets Communication
Chapter Three: Violet Meets Jealousy
Chapter Four: Violet Meets Art Exihibt
Chapter Five: Violet Meets Beauty Standards
Chapter Six: Violet Meets Bake Sale
Chapter Seven: Violet Meets Bully
Chapter Eight: Violet Meets School Election
Chapter Nine: Violet Meets the Holidays
Chapter Eleven: Violet Meets Maya's Birthday
Chapter Twelve: Violet Meets Birthday Surprise
Chapter Thirteen: Violet Meets Chaperon
Chapter Fourteen: Violet Meets Operation: Angela
Chapter Fifteen: Violet Meets The One That Got Away
Chapter Sixteen: Goodbye California, Hello School
Chapter Seventeen: Violet Meets Relationship Standards
Chapter Eighteen: Violet Meets Zay Babineaux
Chapter Nineteen: Violet Meets Time Capsule
Chapter Twenty: Violet Meets College Party
New Cast Alert 🚨
Chapter Twenty One: Violet Meets Rules
Chapter Twenty Two: Violet Meets Fatherly Advice
Chapter Twenty Three: Violet Meets Yearbook
Social Media
Chapter Twenty Four: Violet Meets Semi-Formal
Chapter Twenty Five: Violet Meets Autism
Chapter Twenty Six: Violet Meets Head Bitch In Charge
Chapter Twenty Seven: Violet Meets Bull Riding
Chapter Twenty Eight: Violet Meets Triangle
Chapter Twenty Nine: Violet Meets New Years Kiss
Chapter Thirty: Violet meets S.T.E.M
Chapter Thirty One: Violet Meets Surprise
Chapter Thirty Two: Violet Meets Competition
Chapter Thirty Three: Violet Meets Forgiveness
Chapter Thirty Four: Violet Meets Tiresome Triangle, Feelings, And A Legacy
Chapter Thirty Five: Violet Meets Sophomore Year
Chapter Thirty Six: Violet Meets The Alamo

Chapter Ten: Violet Meets Game Night

2.1K 88 18
By Rarabear561


Outfit of the Day

Violet groaned as she was on Lucas shoulders on their way to the Matthew's apartment "Why Cowboy why" she groaned not wanting to be apart of Game Night. "Riley didn't even invite me" she said as she saw Farkle standing by the speaker box waiting for them which she thought was nice of him. Lucas could only chuckle "Well too bad I'm not dealing with them by myself. I need my deputy with me" he told her as him and Farkle spoke their names before getting let up. Violet sighed as Farkle knocked on the door and wiggled her way off of Lucas shoulder just in time as Riley opened the door "Welcome to Family Game Night, friends" she greeted the boys with smile before it faltered seeing Violet who only seem to blankly stare back with boredom in her eyes. "Don't even open your mouth to ask Matthews, Lucas dragged me because he thinks I need to socialize more" Violet lied through her teeth as she walked inside and immediately got tackled by Auggie.

"Eeyore!" Auggie exclaimed as he hugged Violet's legs who without hesitation hugged back "Hi Winnie" she greeted as she ruffled his curly head before she released him. She took in the apartment and a smile made its way to her lips as she saw Josh standing in the living room as she walked over to him "Eeyore?" Josh questioned Violet who simply giggled "Yeah I'm Eeyore and Auggie is Winnie the Pooh. You'd think I'd be Tigger, but he knows I'm more of a sad blue character and I encourage it" she explained as she felt Maya's stare, but chose to ignore her as she looked up at Josh who smiled at her. "Can I be Tigger then? I want to go on an adventure with you" Josh flirted causing Violet to giggle more as she pushed him playfully "Oh yeah you trying to balance our natures" she teased as Josh nods his head.

Cory looked at the group before looking at Riley "Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong answer" he said as they got into an argument about bringing friends to a family only night. Violet watched in amusement as him, Topanga and Riley bickered back and forth before Lucas decided to speak up "Maybe we can just come back another time" he suggested as Riley sat down. Josh walked over to the group leaving Violet to just watch the scene "Doctor Turtleneck, I presume" he said as he shook Farkle's hand, "How could you tell?" Farkle asked looking at Josh curiously. "You just seem like a doctor to me" he replied awkwardly before moving onto Lucas "You must be..." he started before Lucas waved his hand "Howdy" he greeted as he knew what was coming. Violet could only laugh at the scene as she excused herself to the bathroom for a brief moment, she pulled her antidepressants pills out of her bag and took them as she felt her brain was faltering leaning against the door.

"Don't ruin this brain" Violet mumbled as she leaned against the door sighing to herself before walking back out to the living room to see everyone picking teams and she didn't want to get caught in the middle of the war going on. "I call host" she said as she sat next to Josh, who wrapped an arm around "You're going to have to be co-host cause I already called host" he told her with a smile as she nods "Good to me". Maya watched the scene in jealousy "How do you guys even know each other" she asked crossing her arms in annoyance as Riley tried to calm her down. "Oh Violet's my wife" Josh said without hesitation and that made the whole group look at the pair in shock. Violet hearing him and seeing the reaction from the group and the look Lucas was giving her, she sent him a reassuring smile as she smacked Josh's arm "Virtual wife you idiot. We aren't actually married" she told the group and that caused Cory and Topanga to relax.

Riley and Maya also relaxed slightly but Maya was still jealousy that Violet had the title of any kind of wife. "We met through a Call of Duty lobby also I watch her gaming videos and streams" Josh explains as Violet nods before her head snaps in his direction "You know that I stream" she asked as she didn't tell anybody besides Lucas before she realized she posts her handles on her social media. "Anyways moving along, as show host and co-host we're here to make sure everything is right and fair" Violet says in a host voice as she snatches the money away from Ava "especially this one though I do like you". Violet allowed Josh to do most of the talking as Cory says he was going first which caused another bicker to commence. 'Can they just stop fighting' Violet thought as Lucas stands up "Well it's been a lovely evening, but I need a hug from my mama" he said as Maya questioned him "Mama?"

"Yeah what do you call your mama?" Lucas asked Josh who looks at Violet before looking back at Lucas "Ma" he responded in a weird voice and suggests Lucas to try it out. "Ma" Lucas mimicked and immediately shook his head "Nah, she'd put me in the shed" and Violet agreed "Yeah she would". As the game continued, it was Cory's turn "4, 5, 6, and as usual I will choose the Fatherhood Path" he says as he moves his piece landing on a pink square "Pink squares means I get a daughter" he cheered as he shows the card to everyone proudly. "Actually sir me and Farkle already own that square" Lucas tells Cory who sassed him in return "So?" and Violet could sense something was brewing as she leaned towards Josh "Fasten your seatbelt Tigger we are about to go on a ride" she said to him as he also stared at the scene.

"So your daughter is ours" Lucas adds on and Riley couldn't help but to look overly excited as she watched the scene basically shaking. "Excuse me?" Cory sassed Lucas as Riley looked at her father "Let him talk" she says daydreaming scenarios in her head as Lucas nods "According to the game, we get your daughter" and with that sentence coming out of his mouth, Riley was ready to tackle Lucas if it wasn't for Topanga restraining her daughter from doing so. "Josh!" Cory called out and Josh could only smile "She's not Riley Matthews anymore, she's now Ms. Dr. Howdy Turtleneck" he announced as Cory looked to Violet for help "Sky?" Violet could only smile at Cory as well "Rules are rules Cory" she teased as he hesitantly handed Lucas the card but didn't let go which resulted in a game of tug of war with the card.

"You really need to let go sir" Farkle advised but his warning fell to deaf ears as the card ripped in half, "You killed my daughter" Cory said flabbergasted at the whole ordeal. "My turn, I pick six" Ava said as she started counting her spaces "Uh, Ava you need to roll the dice" Topanga tried to tell the little girl who seemingly ignored her as she was still counting "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6" and that made Topanga look to Josh "Josh, objection". "I'll allow it because she cracks me up" Josh said with a laugh and that caused Topanga to look in Violet's direction "Carebear?" Violet raised her hands in surrender "Unfortunately, he overrules my vote" she said in a defeat tone even though it wasn't true. As the game continued along, Ava ended up sending Topanga back to the start and Topanga looked to her daughter for help, who seemed to have a "Go to Europe with a friend" card and wanted to use it instead.

Violet could only roll her eyes as she couldn't believe they were acting as if any of it was real as Topanga was getting about Riley wanting to win without her as well as choosing Maya over her. Violet leaned into Josh as he had body heat and she could see Lucas give Josh a sly dirty look hoping no one caught it, but she did and she found it cute that Lucas was possessive over her. She sent him a smile and laughed slightly when his cheeks flushed red and after that she seemed to zone out for the rest of the game as Riley wanted to play the long game. Violet managed to fall asleep on Lucas lap, how did she get there? It was mystery. Lucas held her soundly as the group played the long game til the early morning.

As the morning rose, Auggie only had to roll a two to win the game "Nobody can roll a 2" Cory said in doubt as Ava proved him wrong "We pick 2" she says and moves the piece causing the game to chime a few times before music started to play. The game lit up in a rainbow pattern as it pushed up whirling before going back down into the board. "And as everyone is joined together, we see that in the Long Game, friends become family" Josh announced into a whisk that he was using for a microphone and that made Riley realize what the game was about. "It's not a game at all" she says as she looked to her parents and that made Auggie ask "What is it mommy?" to which Topanga responded "It's life" with a smile.

"Life a long game?" Auggie questioned and Cory kneeled down beside him "Yeah bubba, life is the long game" he told him as he motioned him towards him holding him in his lap. "Lucas I believe you should wake Violet up" Topanga advised him as she realized that she had fallen asleep and missed the ending of the game as she got up and rubbed Violet's head before sitting back down with Cory. Riley head snapped in Lucas direction as she didn't even realize that Violet was asleep in Lucas arms and couldn't help but be jealous as she wished it was her in his arms instead as Lucas gently shook Violet awake "Darling it's time to get up" he said into her ear. Violet groaned as she buried her face into his chest stretching before opening her eyes yawning "The game's finally over" she asked in which he nodded.

Violet took in her surroundings as she noticed Josh and Maya on the couch together as she got up and stretched her legs. "Maya, you do understand that I'm too old for you?" Josh asked Maya causing her to nod "I do Josh, I do know that. But I'm in it for the long game" she said confidently with a smile and that made Violet's eyebrows knit together. She understood that the age gap wasn't too much, it was more of the ages that they were which made it look weird and to her, Maya and Josh definitely weren't the long game. Violet decided it would be best that she didn't open her mouth to say anything about the interaction as she helped Lucas up "Alright well Matthews as fun as this was and I did have fun I have animals to tend to. Would love to do it again but participating this time" she said as she blew Topanga a kiss. Lucas grabbed Violet's bag knowing that she would forget it as he bid his friends goodbye before him and Violet left the apartment.

"Can I sleep at yours?" Lucas questioned Violet as he didn't want to wake his mom up by entering late and he couldn't stop his smile when Violet responded "Yeah cowboy you can". Violet never minded when Lucas stayed over as it helped her feel less lonely especially being that she hasn't seen Shawn in a while, the void in her kept reopening every time. Violet smiled with exhaustion written all over her face as they made it her house and immediately when she walked in, she greeted her fur babies before heading to her room with Lucas following close behind her. "You know it was pretty cute watching you get all jealous about Josh giving me any attention" she teased as she began to wipe off her makeup not wanting to forget again. "I was not jealous" Lucas said in denial as he took off his boots and placed them in a corner before he went to his side of her dresser grabbing night clothes which consisted of gym shorts and a tank top.

Being that Lucas slept over numerous times, Violet thought it'd be a good idea if he were to have clothes in her dressers to avoid him having to go back home for clothes every time. Violet rolled her eyes as she began to strip down to nothing but her undergarments not really caring if Lucas saw as he's seen her naked on numerous occasions, Violet didn't like wearing clothes at home and forgot Lucas was over and stripped naked, flashing him in the process. "I love how that is so normal for you to do" Lucas said as he looked over at her holding his blush down, even though he's seen her body on multiple occasions he still couldn't get over the fact at how pretty she looked. "I mean you've seen me naked and we've showered together. It's just what best friends do" Violet said as she stripped off her bra and pulled one of Lucas shirts over her head and gave him a little spin.

Lucas laughed "You really do look good in my clothes" he said as he stripped and placed on his night clothes, disposing his old clothes and hers as well in the hamper as he turned on the TV and laid in bed. Violet soon joined him as she laid on his chest "I know I do and you know what's funny? I just thought about it. If anybody from the group found out how we sleep or that you even saw me naked they'd freak" she laughed as she rested her head on his chest yawning once again. Her eyes were beginning to shut as Lucas turned on a random show for background and played with her hair "Yeah but especially Riley. Now enough chatter, we need to go to bed it's late" he said to her not realizing Violet already dozed off and when he did noticed, he placed a kiss on her head and fell asleep shortly after.

•chapter ended
Season 1 episode 17
"Girl Meets Game Night"

Disclaimer: hope you guys enjoy! I didn't feel like doing the flashback of them reenacting the revolution as Violet didn't participate in it. Also love the interactions from the last chapter I really didn't think it'd get much traction so thank you so much :). I do have a question though I know someone said Shawn should adopt Violet and just be a mentor to Maya and I agree but I also liked Shawn and Katy getting together so I'm gonna put it to a vote what should I do?

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