Dgrayman overnight

By Saphireblueelf

150 20 0

Kanda works in a warehouse on the over nights. He is a solitary person by nature, but finds friendships in th... More

Becoming friends
Allen's tale
Fun on the overnight shift
Safety record
Kanda's promise
Hidden ventures
Allen's tale
The black order
Chef Jerry
Alien lanscape
The art of love
Plan of action
Mask of Maria
The adventure begins


4 1 0
By Saphireblueelf

Lenalee lunged forward. She vanished as well. Noise, who was blind, asked what was happening. Kanda was the one to answer him.

"Something screwy." He muttered.

He poked Mugen into the area where the other two vanished. Feeling somethingntug on it, he drew it back. Half of Lavi reappeared.

"Come on in, you won't belive this!" the one eyed ginger grinned.

He then yanked Muhen toward him, as he vanished once more. Kanda was pulled through the invisible barrier. Dasiya glanced at the others.

"What do you think?" he asled.

"Well, we can't just stand here!" Krory huffed.

"That was Maria singing." He insisted.

Striding forward, he too vanished. Allen looked between Noise and Dasiya.

"Together?" Dasiya offered.

Allen nodded. The each linked their arms through one on Noise's. On the count of three, the stepped forward. There was a rippling sensation that rolled over their skin. They took another three steps. The weird feeling left them. Glancing around, they were in some sort of garden.

Lavi yanked on Dasiya's arm, forcing him down. Kanda was crawling through the underbrush of the over grown, weed infested yard. Krory was squatted behind what should have been a pumpkin. It looked rotted, but still attached to the vine. There was a purred smell in the air.

"How did you not smell that?" Dasiay hissed at Noise.

"I think the barrier is magical." Lavi offered.

"Uh, guys, I don't think we are in our world any longer." Allen pointed upwards.

What appeared to be a cloudy blue sky, flickered. Allen's eye changed a she stared at it. He could see something moving behind a plexiglass dome. Maybe the smell wasn't coming from he garden alone.

"Damn, we crossed the threshold into his world?" Lavi hissed.

His eyepatch was pushed back onto his head. Allen glanced over at him.

"We need to end this, but how?" He asked.

"We free Maria." Krory had come back to them.

Lenalee was between where he had been hiding, and where Kanda was still making his way tot he forgoing, intact, castle before them. It was dark, made with some sort of black obsidian that was weeping a punishment gel like substance.

"Odd." Lavi muttered.

He moved to pull the eyepatch back down. Krory stopped him.

"I think it would be best, that we use your little ability." He offered.

"We have Allen!" Lavi huffed.

"This way, we can split up if we need too." Allen insisted.

"Fine, but until we do..." Lavi pressed the patch back over his eye. His body shivered slightly.

"Let's go." He called.

Leading the way, he crawled after Kanda. The group gathered Lenalee in their progress tot he castle. Using the weeds as cover, they made their way, hopefully, undetected up tot he castle.

Kanda was hidden in a small alcove where the tower wall met the castel wall. He waved for them to stay down. Peering around a spot, none of the others could see, he looked back. Holding up one finger, he motioned them to move forward. Lavi pushed Allen toward the dark samaria. Once beside Kanda, the dark male slipped around the corner.

Allen waited. He then did the same gesture. Daisya went next. In this way, the moved forward. Inside the wall was an open space, yet Kanda was leading them through the .ost hidden areas he could find. They moved forward, slowly, yet steadily.

Before too long, they were crammed together against the wall. There was a door, but no windows on this level. Kanda tested the rocks, attempting to climb up them. Unfortunately there were no hand holds.

"We need to get inside." He growled.

Lavi laughed. He walked away from the group, telling Kanda to be ready.

"What are you doing, stupid rabbit?" Kanda hissed.

Lavi walked up tot he door. He used the huge serpentine knocker. Throughout the interior of the castle, they all heard a booming ringing sound. The singing was cut off. Everyone held their breath. It seemed to take hours, but they were sure it was only a few minutes, before the door opened.

Kanda snagged hold of the arm, he pulled a grey skinned, skeletal being through the door. It screamed as he tossed it into the open courtyard. Something that matched the serpentine knocker, flew out of the dirt. A large maw of teeth, swallowed the skeletal being whole.

"What was...?" Lenalee shivered.

"Be glad it wasn't in the garden!" Krory pointed out.

"Inside, now!" Noise hissed.

They rushed forward. Everyone dodging into the gloomy interior. They had to freeze beside the door, once it closed behind Lavi. The darkness was complete. A small glow appeared around Mugen. Its blue white light shinning the way forward. Allen's left arm, also had a small glow about it.

He took it off. As it transformed into the sword, it's blinding white light, nearly filled the hallway. They glanced at each other.

"Lead the way." Lavi gestured.

There were two directions they could go in. They silent debated about splitting up. It came down to Noise, who pointed to their right. He stated he could hear the singing again. Krory had also been looking this way, as if something pulled his attention.

As on, they moved out. Allen took the lead with Krory and Noise. Lenalee, Lavi and Daisya gathered int he middle. Kanda watched their trail, making sure no one snuck up on them.

"This all seems to easy." Allen whispered.

Lavi smacked him. "Don't say that! Whe ever someone says that..."

Daisya yanked Lavi back. Allen fell forward with Noise and Krory. A huge turning saw blade cut the space where they had been standing.

"... it all gose to shit!" Lavi finished.

Kanda came up to them. He stuck Mugen in the gears. The blade halted. Ordering them to run, Lavi manged to get everyone across. Kanda leapt over the space, pulling his sword free, only to find a packed room of those sketal beings, surrounding his friends.

Already, Allen had invaded two of them. Lavi had .angel to pin one down as he brought his fire circle about him, to burn a dozen other so more. Lenalee was kicking at one, While Krory looked like he was making out with two more in a corner. Noise had iced five up. Daisya was bouncing his soccer ball around a group of about six. This left more than a dozen watching.

Kanda screamed out. He swooped in, letting Mugan eat into what ever it was these things gs used as flesh. The first two fell easily, after that, the others realized they were under threat. They engaged the max warrior. Kanda wasn't able to keep tabs on his friends, he had to assume they could handle themselves.

He fought with every ounce of his ability. He was down to three left, when one came at him with some sort of dark magic around him. Kanda invoked the spell of Mugen. The neither world creatures sprang out of the blade. They seemed to eat the darkness around the remaing three beings. As it faded, so did the skeletal like image. Standing there was something that resembled a blue squid. It looked a bit liek Helveska, but upside down. In a chattering voice it thanked him.

With that, they went after what remained for the beings. They were able to tear away the magic binding them. Their friends freed, they left the intruders alone. Allen reattached bis arm. There was light coming through the wall. They could hear the singing even louder now.

"How were we all able to breathe?" Dasiya asked.

"The dome and those things had something over their heads." Lavi stated.

"Lets get this over with." Kanda stroked forward.

He pressed intot he was, attempting to find the door. Allen pushed him aside.

"Allow me." He used his burned, scarred hand, eye glowing with some eerie other worldly light, to open the portal.

They stepped into, what any of them could best describe as a dungeon. Cross was, well tied to a Cross. The skeletal beings were around him. The squid liek creatures were freeing them as well.

"Hmm, maybe they did all the fighting for us." Dasiya stated.

"We still need to free Maria." Krory insisted.

"Ok, but how?" Lavi asked.

Krory drew something out of his pocket. It looked like a pair of black chopsticks. He drew in the air with them. The others moved along behind him, leaving the squid creatures tot heir own work. As the symbols Krory drew were completed, they glowed a sickly yellow. Then they va ished into the air. After he drew theast one. The dead face of the woman singing, swung to look at them.

"My keeper, you have come for me." Her voice was whispered, sounding as if it came from the grave.

"I have freed you." Krory insisted.

"Yes." She hissed.

The chains hiding her coffin closed, melted away. Cross lifted his head then. He screamed at them to stop.

"She is a witch! She rules us all!" he yelled.

"I will end that which has defiled me!" Maria cried.

"You are free to do with him as you wish, but please don't hurt the innocent. They were under his spell too." Krory demanded.

Her head turned. "You will not take me back to my grave?" she asked.

"I told you, you are free. Finish what hds you to this earthly plain, then, find peace." He insisted.

"It has been, so long, so very long!" Cross erupted into black flames as Maria spoke.

She tossed her head back, wailed out a song so diabolical, they all had to cower, veering their ears. When it was over, they stood up. Cross was gone. Maria was gone. The castle was gone.

In fact, they stood in the center of the science department. The people from Centeral looking at them shocked.

"We're home!" Lavi grinned.

"Great, I'm starving!" Allen laughed. This set everyone else off.

Everyone, but Kanda. The mission complete, they debriefed with Komui and were given a week's vacation!

The end.

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