Her Truth

By SailorMoonFangurl

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Fifteen year old high school freshman Florence Dream Elysion has it all. Beauty, popularity, wealth, and tale... More

Chapter 0: Past Life Grudge
Chapter 1: Unusual Weather
Chapter 2: The Vision
Chapter 4: Friendships Never Last
Chapter 5: The Suspicious Transfer Student
Chapter 6: The Night Of Fate
Chapter 7: Helios' Disappearance + Flora's Sacrifice
Chapter 8: Introduction To Darkness
Chapter 9: End Of Freedom, Beginning Of Captivity
Chapter 10: An Unexpected Visitor, Friend Or Foe?
Chapter 11: Insolence Isn't Tolerated
Chapter 12: Survival Plan
Chapter 13: Please Be A Dream
Chapter 14: A Letter Written
Chapter 15: Missing Attendance
Chapter 16: Mysterious Illness
Chapter 17: Some Devastating News
Chapter 18: Imminent
Chapter 19: Realization
Chapter 20: Farewell/Epilogue

Chapter 3: Big Mistake

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By SailorMoonFangurl

Synopsis: Okay. Helios and Flora got a vision, (like in the Sailor Moon Eternal movie) Oh! We have a doubter here! Flora just thinks it's a hallucination and that it's not real. Welp. She should've listened. Her bad.

"I said that vision felt weird.. it's probably a hoax. Helios said "I got that same vision. The maiden in the vision sounded serious. I said "nah we've got zero reason to worry! Ahhh the bus is here!! Gotta run!! As we ran, Helios tripped, and he said "my knee!"

I yelled "come on! It's just a scrape."

I picked him up, as he was 12 and I was strong, I had pretty supernatural strength, because it was a side effect of me being Sailor Dream Elysion. So I could pick him up.

I said "okay don't be stubborn.." I put him over my shoulder. "It's bad enough I have to carry our baby cousin. You're literally twelve. This is ridiculous."

I took him on the bus and I let him go. I said "I can't believe I had to pick him up.."

I checked my phone! September 3rd: Cloudy, 100 percent chance of precipitation. Warning: Heavy thunderstorms, rain, thunder, and lightning, Violent wind speeds. Tornado watch until 10 AM.

Helios said "I checked mine too. Literally says the same thing.

I said "No one else is seeing it besides the two of us, it's probably just a bit of hallucination. No biggie, let's just go about our day!"

Helios said "are you sure Elysion will be okay?" I said "come on it'll be fine! Why are you being so clingy all the sudden? I told you I'm sitting with my friends."

Helios said "Sis, come on! This could be our last day together!"

I laughed nervously "come on! Don't be dramatic!" "Maybe I'll sit with you on the bus ride after school."

Tera said "Hey Flora! What's up?" I said "Nothing, just dealing with Helios.."

"I'm a bit annoyed with him. He just keeps following me."

Marina said "Well he is in the upper school now. They do a lot of stuff with the 6th-12th graders. So we will be seeing a bunch more of him and his shenanigans."

The bus stopped at the school building. "Alright.. I got my schedule.. my home room is 212 with Ms. Sine. So second floor. The second floor is where the upper school home rooms are."

Tera said "Wasn't she your 8th grade physics teacher last year!"


Marina said "Well you'd better think of a good excuse! Just say your dog ate your homework!"

Tera said "Come on, like that will work. That's the oldest excuse in the book."

I said "Hold on.. I looked at the junior high and high school roster. Helios is on 211. Dammit!"

"I got my locker combination too. Oh shoot.. my locker is right next to his.."

I entered the school building and put my stuff in my locker.

Helios said "Wait.. Flora.. you have a pink locker?"

"Yes! Isn't it cute?"

I paid for the school to paint it. Marina and Tera also have colored lockers.

Marina said "that's cool. Mine is cyan."
Tera said "Mine is black."

"Okay class.. the bell will ring for first period soon."

I went off to first period after the bell rang, and I got my English textbook out of my locker.

"I did not miss these heavy textbooks. I already had to pick up my brother this morning."

"Okay class. Turn in your summer reading assignment. Flora, where's yours?" I said "Oh.. about that- I had a very busy summer!"

My teacher said "You were supposed to read "Astrological Crisis!" My teacher said "Okay I just printed off your tests! This will be a whole 20 percent of your first quarter mark."

"This is a closed book test. No books allowed. Take everything off your desk except for a No. 2 HB pencil, or else the test won't be graded accurately. Don't turn the paper over until I ask you to. These are all multiple choice questions.

If you have your phone out, I will automatically think you are googling the answers.

I got my pencil out and didn't know any of the answers. "Oh shoot who WAS the first one to go to jail?! Who was the REAL murderer? Was it Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, or none of the above?!"

I didn't actually read the book, so I just decided to pull my phone out, and set it to the lowest light possible and kept it hidden on my lap. I already had cheat notes typed in the Notes app.

About 30 minutes later, everyone finished except for me."

My teacher said "Flora. Dreama. Elysion."

I nervously gulped, and said in a happy and cheerful manner.

"I just finished!"

My teacher said "Okay, I will grade it immediately!"

I chuckled nervously "heh heh.."


The bell rang, and everyone left. "Flora? Can you please stay behind for a few minutes?"

I said "sure.."

My teacher showed me the graded test, and I looked at it nervously.

"Perfect score? Intriguing.. for someone who didn't read the book.."

I chuckled nervously again with my hand over my mouth.

"Did you even read the book?"

I replied that I actually did read it,

"You clearly didn't read it."

"No I didn't read it but I had an awesome summer!"

"I'm going to assume you cheated. I'm giving you a zero for this. You will not be allowed to retake the test."

I went to my world history class. We just went over the go class syllabus, the grading rubric, and got a basic assignment that was just a review from middle school.

"Okay what was the name of the matriarch of the royal family of Elysion?" I answered "Lady Endymion."

"That's correct, Flora. But next time please raise your hand."

Then.. science.. ugh.. I hate that class so much. Normally you would think I would love biology, Hence my name being Flora, But I hate it, I am very squeamish and literally faint at the sight of that stuff. In 7th grade life science, we were talking about the blood circulatory system, and I literally passed out in front of the whole class, it was extremely embarrassing. I ended up having to be picked up.

My teacher said "Happy first day of school everyone! I hope you had an amazing summer. Now we will go over the syllabus."

"I hope you like where you are seated, because those are your permanent seats for the whole first quarter."

Then came lunch. I had A lunch, the first lunch, so did my friends so I sat down with them.

My brother dragged me aside. "Flora, so you keep getting all these visions, but you don't bother to tell anyone? Not even me? Just say you're not feeling well!"

I said "No. I'll be fine." He said "I'm just trying to protect you from the threat that's coming towards us."

I said to Marina and Tera "I'm sitting with Helios today. We have something very important to discuss that is only for us. It's a family emergency."

Tera said "maybe tomorrow you can sit with us?"

I said "Okay."

He said "Flora? What's wrong?"

I said "Nothing just feeling a bit lightheaded." Helios said. "No, you look like you're about to pass out."

I randomly blacked out, until a teacher said "Come on you two. Your lunch block is over. It ended ten minutes ago.

I woke up a few seconds later and said "What the hell happened?"

After the school day ended, I sat down with Helios on the bus. Tera said "Flora? Sit with us please." I said "I promised my brother I would sit with him."

We got off the bus, but decided to explore Elysion's beautiful foliage. We were running around in the woods, and picking some fruit off a tree and we literally ate the whole tree. We did this until dark."

We also went to the stables and we rode Helios's pet winged horse. I also had my dog in a little basket. Her name is Cotton Ball, and she is the sweetest little puppy ever. We took a little ride.

I said "We should get home. It's getting dark out."  On the way home, we counted the stars and saw a bunch of beautiful stuff. I said "Is that a shooting star?" Helios said "Yes, let's both make our wishes."

We got home.. little did we know..

This would be our last night together..

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