By Dread08297

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(this was based on a roleplay me and a friend made, all characters belong to me) a story about a race of huma... More

chapter 1 pie contest
Chapter 2 shopping day
chapter 3 back to school
chapter 4 the big race
chapter 5 Riptide
chapter 6 the tournament
chapter 7 the truth
chapter 8 training

chapter 9 rise of the oni

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By Dread08297

(Rise of the Oni)

*At the Oni stronghold the 7 generals were all sitting together planning their next move*

Pride: *looking at a map of all the kingdoms* Is this all of them?

Lust: yes as well as the town locations as well

Greed: what's our next move since you clearly are so comfortable in the leadership role while our queen is gone

Pride: shut it greed, and for now we will send small raids to closer towns, perhaps to draw out their soldiers 

Wrath: why not go for one of the main cities 

Envy: if you want an entire army to rain hell upon us you better have an idea what that sense they have an air advantage unless we shapeshift

Pride: we won't attack their cities, not just yet at least, our army has spent to long frozen and has gotten sloppy

Gluttony: tell me about it they even look sad hunting these beasts, sure they are different than our home lands but they should know better

Greed: oh don't remind me of home

Lust: what, someone feeling homesick?~

Greed: if you mean sick of that place then yes, why do you think our queen chose to conquer this realm, even she was sick of the other clans-

Pride: anyways like I was saying, wrath greed you will go together to attack some of these villages and report once your finished

Greed: with this moron?

Wrath: *growls*

Pride: go!

*Both shrug and get up to get ready*

Gluttony: why not me? I can tear down those villages in minutes with wrath

Pride: not yet sister, I have other plans for you in time

*Later that day in one of the villages*

Jaden: *looking at my phone* it's strange that Quake, Willow, Ash and Thunder all went missing

Kuromi: Apparently River, Shard, Gust and that metal girl Silver are gone as well, didn't they all go to the arena?

Jaden: And now that those creatures show up and they are gone?

Kuromi: maybe lapis might know

Jaden: oh right I forgotten you had her number, so what's talking to a princess like?~

Kuromi: oh shut it you dork *I pull out my phone and texts lapis* ok she wants us to meet up with her later 

Jaden: cool

*Soon a cart pulls up which looked exactly like thunders, but sparks was in the driver's seat*

Sparks: what's up fuckers!

Jaden: What the hell? Sparks what are you doing

Sparks: my brother is busy training with old people so I'm going on a joyride in his cart, you wanna try?

Jaden: oh draco please no-

Kuromi: hell ya! *Pulls Jaden into the cart* step on it!

Sparks: *speeds off quickly* WOOOO!

Jaden: *hanging on for dear life*

*Meanwhile in the same village with a new group of kids named pyro, copper, clover and clay*

Pyro: So sparks has that cart?

Clover: yep! He should be here any minute!

Clay: I think that's him right now

*Sparks pulls up and parks by them* 

Sparks: sup guys, I brought some friends

Kuromi: *jumps out* woo!

Jaden: *shaking*

Clover: hello 😊

Copper: sup

Pyro: Is he good?

Sparks: I'm sure he's fine

Jaden: I hate you sparks

Clay: your brother built this?

Sparks: hell yeah he did, he ain't home so it's all mine 

Clover: does he know?

Sparks: the question is are you a snitch?

Clover: I'll keep my mouth shut

Pyro: What's your names?

Jaden: I'm Jaden and this is kuromi

Pyro: I'm pyro, this is clay, copper and clover

Kuromi: hello

Sparks: so you guys ready for a joyride

Pyro: there isn't room for everyone

Sparks: some of us is going to just have to fly, I heard the amusement park was open today

Copper: hell yeah!

Kuromi: hmm is it ok I invite others to hangout?

Sparks: sure why not

Kuromi: perfect *I sent a text to lapis inviting her to meet up with us* let's go

*The group all make their way to the amusement park*

Jaden: good thing I got money on me

Sparks: make sure to not get scammed at these games

*Nearby lapis was spotted along with her two friends sky and winter*

Lapis: hey kuromi!

Kuromi: hey lapis! Who's your friends?

Lapis: oh this is sky and Winter

Sky: hello

Winter: hey

Pyro: well hello~

Copper: *smacks behind his head* quit that

Lapis: I never been to places like this, I had to lie to my mother to let me come

Winter: so where to first?

Sparks: how about the bumper cars

Clay: hell yeah, you ain't standing a chance copper

Copper: oh wanna bet, fine let's settle this

*All 10 of them make there way to the bumper cars, luckily 5 of them were open so they could each sit in as pairs, sparks with clover, kuromi with lapis, Jaden with clay, sky with winter, and copper with pyro*

Kuromi: wooo! *Drives straight into spark and clovers cart*

Sparks: hey!

Lapis: *laughing*

Copper: *drives into clay and Jaden* ha!

Clay: you fuckers!

Jaden: *giggles*

*Meanwhile not to far away greed and wrath were leading there soldiers towards the amusement park*

Wrath: I see something up ahead

Greed: odd structures, but plenty to kill dear brother

Wrath: *chuckles* now you're speaking my language

*The Oni soldiers began making their way to the amusement park, and meanwhile the kids were finished and all relaxing at a bench eating snacks they paid for*

Sky: *wearing sunglasses* it's been a while since I had this much fun

Winter: agreed this was the best

Pyro: we should all hangout more often

Sparks: agreed dude

Clay: *drinks some soda* 

Copper: hey do you guys hear something?

Jaden: hear what?

Clover: why is everyone running?

*People from the other end of the park were running and turns out the Oni were attacking*

Pyro: oh shit!

Clay: what the fuck!?

Sparks: ok fun times over time to go!

Kuromi: don't have to ask me twice!!

*They all began running*

Wrath: *throws one of the bumper cars into the stands* This is far to easy

Greed: enough noise will draw out some attention, be patient brother *uses my magic to levitate a food truck and smashes it into one of the roller coasters*

Jaden: *hides behind one of the game stands* shit shit shit

Kuromi: *hides next to him* shhh

Jaden: where are the others?

Kuromi: we had to split up, these things are everywhere 

Jaden: what do we do?

Kuromi: I don't know just stay quiet

*Lapis and sparks were both hiding as well*

Sparks: shit shit shit

Lapis: *shaking*

Sparks: oh I know, call your mom she will send an army

Lapis: good idea- *I noticed my phone was gone* oh no…

Sparks: damn it, ok please work *I pull out my phone and sends a text to Thunder trying to get help* please answer you idiot

*Meanwhile back at the temple the main 8 were exhausted from training again*

Ash: holy shit for someone their ages they ain't no joke..

Quake: no shit, my arms are killing me

Willow: *rubs my eyes* I'm so tired…

Thunder: *my phone vibrates and I pull it up* huh? *I noticed the text from sparks* fuck we need to go now!

Silver: in the middle of training?

River: the sages told us not to leave, what's going on?

Thunder: my brother is at the amusement park where those freaks are attacking! Your sister is with him

River: …what are we waiting for, let's go!

Silver: we can't make it even by flight, the sages are the fastest way out and they are not here

River: I'm not letting my sister get hurt, we can figure something out

Gust: I may have an idea, Thunder can you hold at least 2 or 3 people when running?

Thunder: I like the way you think

Quake: oh God no let's think this through-

Willow: to late big bro *climbs on thunders back*

Thunder: *grabs Ash and Shard with both hands and immediately ran out at quick speed*

River: please be ok lapis..

*Later the Oni were trashing the park and killing some of the security guards*

Wrath: *sniffs* there are still some at the park

Greed: search for them!

*One of them walks up to where Jaden and Kuromi were hiding and immediately pulls them out*

Oni warrior: I got two small ones! 

Jaden: hey put us down!!

Kuromi: *trying to break free* let go!

Spark: *I notice this and was about to get up*

Lapis: what are you doing?

Sparks: not leaving them that's for sure *gets up and shoots some lightning at the Oni*

Oni warrior: agh!

Kuromi: *kicks his face making him drop us both*

Lapis: *shoots water under him making him trip over* run!

*All 4 of them try running to the exit but greed jumps in front of them*

Greed: well look what we have here, trying to run away~

*Lapis and sparks try using there powers but greed grabs them both including Jaden and Kuromi with his extra arms*

Greed: hmm barely any meat on your bones, but probably ain't to much of a problem

Sparks: Let us go!

*Meanwhile Thunder brings the group all to the park and he was out of breath*

Thunder: *panting* fuck…I am never running that much again..

River: *I noticed greed* put my sister down *blasts a large amount of water towards him*

Greed: *turns around and creates a shield out of dark magic* now we have a real fight

Wrath: look who it is

Quake: *growls* ready for round two bitch

Wrath: I been looking forward to it *cracks my knuckles*

*More Oni soldiers come out*

Ash: looks like we have a fight! *My hands light up in flames*

Quake: the big one is mine 

Silver: like hell it is

Thunder: fine I'll get the ugly one

Shard: which one is the ugly one?

Ash: Just shut up and pick one!

Greed: get them!

*The Oni warriors rush towards them*

Gust: I got this! *Uses wind to push a good amount of them away*

Ash/shard: my turn! 

*They both try blasting them but their powers collide canceling each other out*

Ash: Hey, watch it!

Shard: I had that!

Silver: knock it off you two!

Quake: *rushes in and stomps on the ground making multiple rock spikes stick out heading towards the two generals*

Greed: *I use my dark magic to form a forcefield around us* pitiful

Wrath: *once the shield wend down I smash the rocks*

Quake: *growls*

Greed: go have some fun brother 

Wrath: with pleasure *I start shapeshifting my body into a large bear like creature with spikes sticking out from its back*

Quake: what the hell?-

*Wrath tackles him and pins him to the ground trying to bite him but Quake did his best to hold him off*

Silver: *tackles wrath off of Quake*

River: kids go!

Lapis: but-

River: I said go!

*Lapis, sparks, kuromi and Jaden all run away from the fight*

River: *turns to greed* you tried to kill my sister, now you deal with me

Greed: *chuckles* you think I'm afraid of you? I fought sea beasts more vicious than you *I form blades out of dark magic in each of my six arms*

Thunder: *runs by him punching him multiple times every time I got close* 

River: *shoots water towards greed but accidentally hits Thunder causing him to trip over*

Thunder: ah! Hey!-

Greed: *growls and grabs him by his tail and throws him at River*

Gust: there are too many of them!

Ash: *shooting fire out of my mouth*

Willow: *tries to bring roots out of the ground but ashes fire burns them* Ash!

Ash: shit

*Quake and silver were both fighting off wrath but were struggling to take him down*

Silver: *panting* ok I see how you struggled at this

Quake: no shit Sherlock, what do we do

Silver: just throw everything you have at him!-

Wrath: *knocks them both back with my strength towards the other draconians*

*The Oni push them all back cornering them against a wall preparing to kill them*

Shard: what do we do!?

Gust: I..I don't know..

Ash: keep holding them back! Don't you dare try and give up!

Silver: now that is a language I understand 

Greed: kill them all

*The Oni began moving closer but a lightning bolt strikes in front of their path revealing the sages*

Wrath: *growls* oh great, more dead bodies to add to the pile

Sage ignitus: you will not lay a claw on these children

Greed: we fear no creature, we slain many dragons you and these brats are nothing compared to us

Sage Evergreen: than how about when we are united

*Soon multiple draconian soldiers began pulling up armed and ready for battle*

Wrath: *growls*

Greed: hold it brother, we cannot afford to lose soldiers at the moment, besides pride will need this information

Sage mercury: stand down or you will not like what happens next

Wrath: we can take them greed

Greed: not now, but soon 

*The Oni gather together and Greed uses his special ability making them all teleport away from the area*

Draconian soldier: where did they go!?

Sage Granite: search the area

*The soldiers spread out trying to search for any of the Oni*

Shard: well that could have gotten worse

Willow: thanks for showing up- um..

*The sages glared at them with disappointed looks as nimbus uses his ability to bring them all back to the temple*

Quake: we can explain

Sage Granite: do you not realize how stupid of a choice you all made today!

Sage ignitus: you could have gotten yourselves killed

Ash: like hell we were not going to do anything

River: my sister was in danger!

Sage tsunami: you all are to important, you are not ready for such danger yet

Sage Evergreen: you all have much to learn, you couldn't even work as a team to win

Shard: we can't work with each other, I especially can't work with hot head here

Ash: say that again I dare you!

Sage ignitus: *bonks them both* until your training is complete and you show you can all work as one together, none of you shall get involved

Silver: you can't expect us to sit here and do nothing

Sage Nimbus: unless you 8 think you can take on all of us

*They all stay quiet*

Sage Granite: return to training, your time will come but not now

*They return to the training rooms, meanwhile at the Oni stronghold greed and wrath return*

Pride: what do you have to report

Greed: their warriors lack skill and experience, but have strength in numbers but still don't seem much trouble against us

Pride: good, so no trouble at all?

Wrath: just another run in with more brats playing hero, one was that earth elemental I fought

Pride: the one you said showed sighs of having the earth dragons power?

Wrath: indeed

Pride: and yet you didn't think to capture him?

Greed: why the hell would we take prisoners

Pride: perhaps you morons forgot we need the dragons power to break our queen free, and yet again you let one of those keys slip away!

Wrath: um..

Greed: we will see them again, besides he wasn't alone, 7 other different ones showed up, the lightning one was extremely fast, remind you of anyone?

Pride: …those children must be the ones we are looking for, guess that information does prove useful, now go back to training our army while I make plans

Greed: don't wanna fill us in

Pride: don't push your luck Greed, nor test my patience, now go

*Both of them walk out while pride went back to planning*

(Time passes for about a week where the main 8 were still struggling with training and getting frustrated)

Ash: agh…everything hurts..

Thunder: your telling me..

Shard: some teachers they are absolutely no help..

Gust: it must be a test

Willow: a test?

Gust: they are trying to test what we can do, what our potential is and what our powers can do

Shard: what do you suggest we do?

Gust: *drops some books* study

Quake: you got to be kidding me

Gust: these books are studies of the dragons and what powers they were able to possess that regular draconians can't do, all we need is practice and knowledge

Ruvert: we have to read all of this?

Gust: yes now quit complaining and start reading

Willow: I don't see any other option, let's give it a try guys

*They all sit at the center of the room looking threw the books gust given them*

Sage cloud: *I noticed them reading and smiled as I walk out leaving them be*

Sage Nimbus: you think they will eventually learn?

Sage ignitus: they have to, the kingdoms are at stake and we barley know what we are up against

Sage Granite: what does the master say?

Sage Evergreen: to let them work at their own pace, only time will tell

Sage Mercury: let's hope he is right..

Shard: wait gust am I reading this right?

Gust: what is it?

Shard: it says here I have thermal vision?

Willow: huh?

Gust: interesting, guess it's how the ice dragon was able to hunt in tundras or blizzards

Shard: wait so I can do that?

Ash: if Willow can heal I don't see why you can't do that

Shard: huh, guess I'll have to figure out how to do that

Silver: interesting

Willow: *giggles*

Ignitus: *smiles as I watched them together*

(End of chapter 9)

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