Killer or Hero

By Thiccie67

20.8K 762 210

It's been two years since the live execution and murder of the Hero student Izuku Midoriya. He was captured n... More

Ch.1 Thread are torn
Ch.2 A New Killer
Ch.3 Hero Conference
Ch.4 No Choice
Ch.5 Cleanse and Control
Ch.6 Monopoly
Ch.7 Leads
Ch.8 Old Burns
Ch.9 One Hand's Hand
Ch.10 Rat Hunting
Ch.11 Hunter
Ch.12 First Hint
Ch.13 Round 2
Ch.14 Truth
Ch.15 Old Memories
Ch.16 Eye for an Eye
Ch.17 Why?
Ch.19 Family
Ch.20 Old Friend
Ch.21 Son of War
Ch.22 Platinum is the Color Red

Ch.18 What?

572 24 0
By Thiccie67

Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor any DC properties

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

Izuku was sitting on top of a desk looking out into the starry nightlife from a CEO's office in the largest tower of Jaku City. He was in his usual attire, his red hood outfit with a magnum resting in his lap as he sat on the edge of the long oval desk staring out the window with a neutral expression. 

Behind him strewn about the bloody room were the remains of the Meta Liberation Army's higher-ups, they would have been a challenge due to their quirks if he attacked straight up. That's why he poisoned their food before he began his attack, it was easy picking while they were barfing up blood to finish them off. However, that wasn't on Izuku's mind at the moment.

It had been a month since his fight with his past class and well it was still playing on repeat in his mind. The memories as well of his time at Ua, were on constant replay in his head with the usual monochrome visuals and mute characters, but for some reason, his heart hurt every time the memories played out. It wasn't physical pain he already checked but he still didn't understand why it hurt so much.

Izuku sighed as he put the last bullet into the magnum and holstered it back into his side hoister. He had a few hours until sunrise meaning a few hours until he had to drop off Zumi to school. Plenty of time to finish up here and then follow up on the lead for the final one of those bastards. 'Calm down, Izuku. Can't have you losing your cool this late in the game.' thought Izuku as he hopped off the table.

A memory came to Izuku's mind at that moment. A memory of a small girl with snow-white hair and blood-red eyes, the colored memory was of the little girl running into his leg with fear from an alley before morphing into the girl's wide smile as she munched on a candy apple while sitting on a counter. Then for the first time since he regained his memories, a sound came from the girl as she continued to munch on the apple. 


"Can you get more candy apples Deku-san?" "I already told you Eri-chan, you can call me Izuku. And of course, I'll get you some just let me tell the others I'm heading out." "Yay!"


Izuku's eyes widened at the memory as it broke the tradition he was so used to. Instead of the usual monochrome visuals, mute characters, and unknown feeling at the moment, this time there was color, there was sound and he knew exactly what he felt at that moment. He was...content and happy. Why was this one so different? Izuku didn't ponder it for long as a name passed his lips.



*The Next day*

The afternoon sun peered over Musutafu as the afternoon rush began with all the people heading home from their jobs or school. Izuku hovered near a crossroads a common spot for the UA students to cross to get to the station. Some students usually stayed in their dorms since his death but most still returned to their homes, especially the 3rd years, just like his P.O.I or Person of Interest. It didn't take long for his target to emerge from the gates of UA and make her way down the streets with her three friends. 

She wouldn't recognize unless he made it so due to his pulled-up red hoodie. Yet as he watched the young woman laugh and smile at something her familiar friend said, that content feeling he felt before returning. Izuku focused on her company a boy with a red hat, and a set of blond twins, all wearing a pair of red sneakers. They passed by him without a single glance as Izuku continued to stare at the person of interest. She had short white hair close to a bob cut but was more of a pixie cut and had the same ruby-red eyes. Izuku walked to the center of the sidewalk as she stared at her back.

Maybe by divine will or by her instincts as a hero in training Eri turned around to face the person looking at her. She looked angry and annoyed at first assuming it was some pervert, yet her expression turned to confusion seeing the hoodie. Izuku revealed his face showing a small smile to the young woman and causing her to freeze as shock morphed onto her face. Her eyes wide along with her mouth as she stared in complete shock at the man in front of her. 

"Hello.....Eri. I'm glad you're doing well." said Izuku on instinct as he sat on the bench. Eri stood there frozen trying to keep her composure and not break down in the middle of the public. "Eri? You good? We have to get going the train is almost there." said the hat boy as he turned to the girl, however, Eri ignored him with a single response. "Go, I'll take a different train. See you all tomorrow."

The boy wanted to argue but gave in to the girl's demands making Izuku chuckle seeing how flustered he was. Eri sat down next to him staring at him the whole time as Izuku stared forward seeing all the people pass by along with their lives. He turned towards her his green eyes looking into her red.

"Deku.....Izuku-nii, is that you?" "Yes, it's really me. How have-" Izuku was interrupted by Eri wrapping him in a hug. He stared down at her with an emotionless glance before softening as her body began to shake and small sobs could be heard from her. "I thought....all this time I thought you were dead. That it was my fault, always thinking that if I never asked for those stupid apples you would still be alive." Izuku's expression softened again as he began to rub her back, "It wasn't your fault, Eri. It was never your fault, from what I learned they were going to try and kidnap no matter what." "But I was the one that gave them that chance."

Izuku stared at the girl's back and sighed as he made her look into his eyes. "I know this must have been eating at you for years now, but forget about it. Look at me, I'm alive." "But you're not yourself anymore." Izuku leaned back with a sigh, "Ah so you know about that." "Mr. Bakugo told me about it, but I didn't believe him when he said you were alive. But here you are."

Izuku chuckled at that, "You know, you are the reason I am alive." "Huh?" "It's true your little outburst at my funeral plus all the drugs in my body allowed me to be revived. Not whole but alive, so thank you for that." Eri didn't respond as she just put her head on his shoulder, they talked for a while with Izuku just wondering how she'd been.

He learned she was studying to be a support hero similar to Recovery Girl who somehow was still alive, he didn't question it. She called herself Rewind which was neat, she talked about her friends which was Kota, small world, and the other two were from an incident shortly after his death. Apparently, they were inspired by his life due to Bakugo and looked up to him. He eventually left the young woman with a lighter heart and returned home.

'This was a good idea.'


*The following morning*

Izuku and Fuyumi could be seen sitting on a park bench cuddling as they watched Zumi and Shomi chase after each other with super soakers and a couple of other kids who joined in. Zumi still had her moments but ever since she met Shomi she'd become more outgoing and social. It put a smile on his face seeing the young girl advanced so much in 2 years. Fuyumi was quiet next to him making him look at her.

"You alright, you feeling alright?" "I'm fine Izuku." Izuku opened his mouth to add something, "And the baby is fine as well. It's just....when are you going to be done?" Izuku sighed tired of hearing this question again, "I already told you, I'm almost done." "You said that when you first told me too, so are you actually serious when you say you're going to give up that life." "I am serious." "Then promise me that once this is over, you won't be that anymore." 

"I promise."


Izuku strolled into a hospital's waiting room and pulled out his handgun firing 5 rounds into the air making everyone panic. The guard tried to fire at Izuku but Izuku just shot a single round into his neck killing him. Izuku began to tear through the hospital as he made his way to an elevator, he only wanted to see one person there.

The old elevator went down slowly as Izuku reloaded his handguns with preciseness as this was the endgame for at least half of the operation. Finally, found ole Potatohead himself and now it was time to end it. Was it suicide? Probably. The elevator chimed and opened with Izuku stepping out with both handguns at the ready. A comfort for him rather than an actual threat to this monster, well there was always a backup plan.

Izuku strode into a lab with several tanks of Nomu's, it seems even in their hiding they were preparing for the future. He'll take care of those after he's done here. Then he reached a foyer and found his target along with the side objective. All for One sat on a throne on a higher ground hooked up to hundreds of machines and close by was the doctor. However, Izuku noticed a major difference in All for One or more of his body.

He was wrinkled all over and looked extremely pale, his arms were as thin as sticks, his frail and bony. He could even see the ribs poking out from under the suit. A random thought crossed Izuku's mind.

'Is he dying?'

"Ah, Red Hood or Midoriya or Deku, whatever the fuck you call yourself. You finally made it here, I saw you were busy with that failure and his rejects." Afo's voice was hoarse and crackly like an old man who smoked for his entire life. "Well, what the hell happened to you? You look even worse than I remember." AFO laughed at that a single ha, "I'm dying. It seems regeneration quirks can only last so long. It seems all these quirks are like a cancer on a body even for me, I tried to get rid of them onto the Nomu's but it was far too late by then." Izuku hummed as he stared at the old villain.

"So what the hell do you want brat?" "I want to kill you." AFO stared at the anti-hero for a long second before breaking out into a hoarse laugh that ended with a wet bloody cough. "Sure go ahead, like I give a shit anymore. Ever since that brat fucked up and got your quirk destroyed. I haven't had a real reason to care anymore, and this sickness well it's not really living anymore. So, go ahead but I won't make it eas-" Afo was interrupted by three loud bangs as Izuku fired three bullets piercing the villain's torso, but they didn't go through instead three darts were in his skin with a red liquid going inside him.

AFO felt the effects immediately as his body started to tear itself apart, his remaining healing quirks dying inside him. "A gift from Eri. Sorry, asshole but I'm not going to take any precautions. Now for the real bullets." Izuku lifted his second gun and fired 5 bullets at AFO, the villain stared as the bullets traveled in slow motion toward him, and he felt fear course through for the second time in his life. On instinct, with the last of his quirk, he sent an energy blast at Izuku at the same moment the bullets tore through his skull. Izuku's eyes widened as the blast connected with his chest shattering his armor and launching him into the wall with the back of his head hitting it hard.

Than darkness.


Izuku opened his eyes and saw a young him watching the computer in the dark, crying as he clutched an All Might figurine. His mother came in and after a brief conversation hugged the boy whispering sorry non-stop, this memory was despair.

Izuku's life went on fast forward as Izuku watched from an outside perceptive finally understanding everything. What they were saying, how he responded, and most importantly what he felt in that moment. His whole life played right in front of him, like an out-of-body experience. His hope, his desire, his drive, his destiny, his fate, and his love. All played before his eyes and he finally felt something he thought he never could, he felt whole.

Izuku's eyes opened looking at the ceiling with awe, he finally remembered who Izuku Midoriya was.

Who he was.

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.19 Family

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