Caught In between

By AnjieCyn

963 156 76

When Levi asks Marlise to help him babysit his son after his wife walks out on him, he never expects to fall... More

Authors Notes
CHAPTER 4: The Mothers
Chapter 5: An Almost Loss
Chapter 6: A New face
Chapter 7: Drastic Decisions
Chapter 8: New beginning
Chapter 9: Secrets out
Chapter 10: Questions
Chapter 11: Negotiations and Privileges
Chapter 12: Ghost from the past
Chapter 13: Suspicions
Chapter 14: Truth
CHAPTER 15: Moms who played God
Chapter 16: Betrayed
Chapter 18: To err
Chapter 19: Feelings
Chapter 20: A baby deal
Chapter 21: Coming Home
CHAPTER 22: Change of plans
Chapter 23: Visitor
Chapter 24: Family
Chapter 25: Don't play with my heart
Chapter 26: Bitter heart
Chapter 27: The other woman
Chapter 28: Moving & Miracles
Chapter 30: Opportunity
Chapter 31: Life and Death
CHAPTER 32: From the past
Chapter 33: Birthday
CHAPTER 34: Accidental click
CHAPTER 35: Secrets Out!
CHAPTER 36: Better to be friends

Chapter 17: A sister bond

29 4 4
By AnjieCyn

Marlise marveled at the incredible bond she had formed with Cherish in just one month at the hospital. It was as if a switch had been flipped, transforming her evil twin sister into the most caring and nurturing human. She couldn't shake the feeling that something dramatic had taken place in her life to turn her into this angel. Cherish was there every step of the way, helping Marlise care for her newborn daughter. From late-night rocking sessions to assisting with baths, Cherish was always by Marlise's side, ensuring that both mother and baby were well taken care of. Marlise couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence, knowing that she wouldn't have been able to navigate the challenges of the hospital without her. Whatever had caused this change, she was grateful for the connection they had formed and the support Cherish had provided. She looked down at her baby sleeping peacefully in her arms and smiled.

The door opened and Cherish walked holding a red flask. She smiled at Marlise for a brief second then placed her flask on the floor. Her eyes lingered elsewhere for a while before she dared look at Marlise.
"What is wrong?" Marlise asked, sensing that something was wrong.
Cherish sniffed before speaking.
"Its Levi," she replied, her voice as she began to cry.
"What happened to him?" Marlise said, alarmed. She'd not seen him for a while except on the first day she woke up and didn't want to ask. She'd also chosen not to ask about him for fear of jinxing this good thing that was going on between them. Cherish could easily accuse her of still being interested in Levi.
"He left the house last week and hasn't returned since. I've been calling his number but he only responded to me yesterday that he needs some space to think because of everything he has discovered. That he wants to give me my freedom since we were practically forced on each other. What does he mean? Does he want a divorce? Sis, I'm tired. How do I deal with Jay who is constantly throwing tantrums every second, looking for him and of course, I am not talking to mama." Cherish poured out.
"What did he discover? Mama is here?" questions flew out of Marlise's mouth as she tried to grasp what her sister was saying.
"Oh I'm sorry for pouring everything all on you as if you understand what has been happening. There's something you need to know," Cherish paused and took a deep breath then started explaining everything that happened in the past weeks.
When she was done, Marlise's mouth was hanging open and her eyes almost popping out.
"Wow! So there was drama happening at home while a man whom I trusted almost stole my baby," She said more to herself.
"What? Which man?" It was Cherish's turn to be shocked.
"The man you saw me with at the restaurant some weeks ago. While I thought he was just a kind person helping a pregnant lady, him and his wife or girlfriend had plans to steal my child. God spared me the kind of sorrow that Levi's biological mother was have felt on discovering that her child was dead,"Marlise said.

"So is he the one who left you this, under your pillow?" Cherish asked, taking out the envelope she'd kept in the wooden beside cupboard and handing it to her sister. As soon as Marlise opened it, her mouth fell open after seeing the amount on the cheque.
15 million francs cheque!
Then she saw the note.
I'm sorry
A tear rolled down her eyes and a lump formed in her throat as she thought of her time with Elad. He'd never given her any reason to doubt him and even now, she still couldn't reconcile the man who'd cared for her to the one who would have taken her daughter, had she not been sick. At that moment, she wished she could meet him face to face and ask him why. She turned to her sister who was still staring at her with sadness in her eyes.
"Thank you for everything you've done for me sis," Marlise said.
Cherish looked at her and a tears ran down one eye.
"They set out to break us and I empowered them. I chose a man over my own twin. I was mean to you and I am sorry. Please forgive me," Cherish cried.
"Its okay. Let's start all over," Cherish said and pulled her into a hug. The twin sisters hugged each other for the first time, forgetting everything around them.


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