Tangled Fates

By ChaosIncarnate3

777 56 5

Created to be a powerful weapon at the hands of a notorious organization, forced to follow orders , Emerson f... More

Tangled Fates
Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

76 8 1
By ChaosIncarnate3

"Rise and shine Mer! It's a beautiful day and I know seeing me first thing in the morning, makes it even better, so-"
"Stiles, if you don't shut up and get the hell out of my room, Noah is going to come and find your broken body on my floor"
"Shutting up and leaving now, but uhm get up, maybe? Your alarm didn't go off, so I think you forgot to set it, but we have to leave for school soon" Emerson groans, taking her pillow and burying her face in it, she heard Stiles let out a chuckle before exiting her room. She laid there for a couple of minutes not wanting to move before she reluctantly got up to get ready for the day. When she was ready she made her way downstairs walking into the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice from the fridge and to put some bread in the toaster. Noah sat at the kitchen table simultaneously drinking a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper, Emerson making her way to sit beside him.

"Morning kid, how did you sleep?" He set his cup down on the table, turning his attention to the girl. She shrugged in reply taking a sip of her drink, she hadn't slept, not really anyways. Noah set his newspaper down, a worried glance playing on his face. "Is it the nightmares? I thought that was getting better. When was the last time you had a full night sleep?" To be honest Emerson didn't even know herself, every night when she was beginning to fall to a deep slumber, a nightmare would wake her up, what's worse was is that they're weren't really nightmares, but repressed memories from her old life.

"I don't know," she sighed, "but I'm fine, they don't really affect me that much anymore." That was a lie and they both knew it. "it's ok if they do you know, I would never judge you for that and neither would Stiles, or Scott or Lydia for that matter." She nodded, a silent "I know" falling from her lips, "but I really am ok." Noah sighed, he wasn't gonna push her on the topic, but he knew she wasn't being all that honest, so he decided to change the topic. "Alright fine, but I want you to tell me or at least someone if it ever gets worse ok?" She softly nodded in agreement. "Good, now there's something else I would like to talk to you about." That certainly caught her attention, making her sit up and pay close attention to the man.

"I was thinking, as much as I know you love your bike, and I'm very proud of how hard you worked on it," Emerson couldn't stop the smile that was forming at her lips, no one had ever told her they were proud of her, at least not in a way that mattered, "but I was thinking, maybe you should have another form of transportation just in case, so if your willing we could go to the shop later today and browse for something your style, preferably something with more than one person access and cover from bad weather." She chuckled, "that sounds ok"
"Alright good I'm glad you agree, at least this way you have a spare ride if you need to pick up your friends or if Stiles gets too annoying to drive with." They both shared a look making them burst out in laughter, as if he could sense that they were talking about him Stiles made his way down the stairs towards them with a confused look in his face.

"What's so funny?'' Noah and Emerson shared another look, Emerson covering her mouth with her hand while Noah cleared his throat and took a sip of his coffee. "It's nothing Stiles, Noah was just telling me how he thought it should get a car just in case I couldn't drive my bike or neither of you are around." Stiles hummed nodding, "that's a good idea pops,'' he reached around Emerson taking the piece of toast that she had forgotten till that moment. "Hey! I was going to eat that," Stiles points at her with the piece of toast at hand, "were you really?'' She stayed silent before scoffing, "whatever you know you could have just asked." Stiles chuckled in return, mouthful of toast, "where's the fun in that." She shook her head finishing her drink, Noah watching amused at the scene before also finishing his coffee and standing up.

"Ok then its settled, after school we can stop at the shop, this guy I know works there, I'm sure he could give us a fair price for a nice car." Emerson frowned, "wait no, I don't want you to spend money on me, I can buy my own car." Noah shook his head, "you don't have to do that Emerson I can-'' Emerson cutting him off, "I know what your going to say, but I want to, you have done so much for me already I don't want to take advantage of you generosity"
"This has stopped being generosity a long time ago kiddo, okay? You're part of this family, a Stilinski, my kid." Emerson eyes watered at the statement, her head turning toward Stiles who sent her a smile and nod in return. She sighed, blinking the tears away, " still, I want to do this,'' Noah sighed before nodding, "ok you can use your money but only if, you let me contribute too." Emerson knowing that that was the best she would get, reluctantly agreed, Noah smiling in victory, making Emerson softly chuckle. She stood up clearing her plate and cup before heading to the kitchen to clean them and then make her way to school. Stiles was picking Scott up, so Emerson rode to school on her bike having to meet with Lydia at the library.

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Emerson sat at a table, headphones in, drawing on her sketchbook. She was waiting for the boys to show up, she had heard all the gossip throughout the school about the bus driver that was attacked, and she also knew that Scott had dreamt about it somehow, the details not very clear to her since she received her information in a rushed text message. She had been busy the first couple of classes, studying with Lydia for one of their classes. The boys showed up, Scott freaking out about potentially having hurt the bus driver and maybe losing control around Allison. "I need to cancel my date with Allison," Emerson giving him a really look, Stiles shaking his head, "you cant just cancel your entire life because you're a werewolf." Emerson nodding in agreement, "yeah Scotty, we will figure everything out don't worry."

"Figure what out?" Lydia asked, pulling out the chair across from Emerson before sitting down, Jackson, Danny and Allison having joined also, along with some other guy that Emerson had no idea who he was. The three shared a brief confused look, not being used to the new group of people sitting with them, except for Lydia since Emerson sits with her from time to time.
"Oh just um homework," Scott replied. "Get up," Jackson says to the random guy, "how come you never ask Danny to get up?"
"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot'' Danny claps back to the guy. Emerson turned her head facing Lydia, her eyes subconsciously focusing on the girls chest, she shakes her head snapping out of it before looking back up. She had met Lydia's gaze, a teasing smirk on the strawberry blondes face, Emerson had been caught but she just shrugged innocently and sent back a smirk of her own, making Lydia laugh softly.

"So people are saying is some kind of animal attack, cougar I think." Danny started, "I heard mountain lion" jackass replied.
"A cougar is a mountain lion," Lydia joined, then acting dumb in account of Jackson, "isn't it?" Emerson scoffing before turning to Jackson, "would it kill you to grow some brain cells of your own instead of having your genius of a girlfriend pretend to be as dumb as you look?" Allison who was drinking some water in her seat beside Scott, chokes on her drink due to the sudden laughter that escaped her throat. Everyone at the table turning to the girl who turned red in embarrassment, playing it off as if she had coughed into her drink. Lydia sending Emerson a grateful smile which she returned before focusing back into her drawing.

Her attention being brought back to the conversation when she heard Lydia invite her to go bowling. "What?" She questioned confused, "bowling, Scott, Allison, Jackson and I are planning to go, a group hang out, wanna join?" She hummed, "I wish I could but I don't want to," she replied. "Oh come on Emmie, it will be fun," Jackson interrupted before she could talk, "you know what else sounds fun? Jamming this fork in my eye." He does the jamming motion, Emerson reaching forward and taking the fork from his hand, "that does sound fun jackass, how about I give it a try, hmm?" Jackson flinching as Emerson "pretends" to poke his eye out, Lydia taking the fork from the girl's hand.

"It's bowling, you like bowling," Lydia told Jackson, "yeah, with actual competition,'' he remarked, Emerson rolled her eyes annoyed with the boy. She bit her tongue holding herself from snapping at him, luckily the fries that Stiles managed to slide down towards her capturing her attention more than the boy. "How do you know we are not actual competition?" Allison jumped in, Emerson and Stiles sharing a look, both of them had stuffed their faces with fries at some point during the conversation and they now looked like chipmunks, Scott had notice and sent them both a questioning look, to which the both of them just shrugged in reply, Scott nodding confused.

"You can bowl right?" Allison asked Scott, "sort of," he told her, Jackson feeling the need to jump in, "sort of? Or yes?"
"Yes. In fact I'm a great bowler." Scott told him, Emerson face palming at the boy, while Stiles shakes his head with a sigh.
"Excellent," Lydia exclaimed before turning back to Emerson, "you are coming with" Emerson shaking her head, "I rather not, if I wanted to third wheel I would just join Scott and Stiles on their sleepovers." Both boys snapping their heads at the girl, "what" "what" they chorused.
"You just made that sound so weird Mer," Scott told her, Emerson sending him a playful smirk before drinking her soda.

"You are not going to third wheel ok? You can invite your brother, orrrr you know one of the many people interested in you." Emerson making a disgusted face in reply, Lydia putting her hands up in mock surrender. "Great then, you're coming, we can meet there ok?'' Lydia got up before Emerson could reply, blowing her a kiss before scurrying away as to not give her friend a chance to refuse, leaving Emerson with a shock expression on her face.

Emerson catches up to the boys in the hallway, having stayed behind since she was finishing her drawing. She sees Scott walking away, Stiles shouting something at him, she made her way to him. "Mer am I attractive to gay guys?" The question caught her by surprise not expecting that at all, she regained her composure before speaking, "do I look like a gay guy to you?" She asked him, hands on hips, Stiles stuttering before muttering, "well gay girl, but, that's close, no?" She pursed her lips, "I'm walking away from you now," she turned making her way down the hallway, "but Mer my question!" Stiles shouted after her, Emerson raising her hand sending him a small wave, still walking away.

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Emerson was at home waiting for Noah to get back, he had called her and told her how he was taking the police dog to the vet before heading home. She took the time to catch up on some glee episodes, and by catching up I mean rewatching. About an hour had passed before Noah got home, apologizing to Emerson for the delay before they both made their way to the shop. They took their time browsing the vehicles, they eventually settled on one that Emerson just fell in love with. She will admit the car was a bit into the pricey side, but it was nothing Emerson couldn't afford, in fact the purchase made no scratch in her pocket, for her it was more like buying a pack of gum. Noah stuck to his condition and put down the down payment for the car, Emerson not letting him put more money than that into the purchase. Emerson driving home in her new car, while Noah followed in his car.

Emerson barely managed to park in her driveway when Stiles rushed out of the house, "Mer your home good, holy shit dude your car-wait we have to go, Scott needs us at the school we gotta go."
"Why is Scott at the school?"
"Apparently Derek told him he needed to get in the bus if he wanted to know what happened, hence the breaking into school." She nodded locking her car before getting into the jeep with Stiles.
"When we come back I want to drive your car.'' Emerson snickered amused, "no way, nu uh."
"The fuck you mean nu uh?!" He asked offended, "I let you drive Roscoe.'' She turned to face him, giving him a blank expression, "no you don't." She pointed out, "no I don't," the boy muttered in defeat.

The drive to the school consisted of Emerson taking over the radio, while Stiles pretended he didn't know all the lyrics to the Taylor Swift songs she was playing. They came across Scott somewhere along the way, the boy now joining in the small jam session Stiles and Emerson were having,only stopping when the got to the outside gates of the school.
"Alright I guess I'll go in, you two stay here and keep watch." Scott told them, Stiles turning to him mouth agape, "why do I always have to keep watch?''
"Because we are here looking for answers, and I can't find any if I get caught" Stiles reluctantly agreeing, "fine, but its starting to feel like your Batman and I'm Robin." Scott tilting his head slightly confused, he gesture to the girl in the front seat, "what about Mer?"
"She doesn't even like DC that much," Stiles replied, Emerson humming in return, "it's still nice to be included," she said.
"Ok well I don't know be one of the Avengers then," Stiles suggested, "you mean one of those people who run around in tights?" Stiles turning to her offended, "No, I mean the earths greatest heroes." She nodded, "yeah the ones with very tight clothing, we've established."

"Ok guys I still have to go in there, so can we stop with all the superhero talk?" "Gladly" Emerson agreed while's Stiles sighed, "fine, but this is not the end of this conversation," he was mostly talking to Emerson, the girl turning to Scott sending him a look that read help me. Scott trying not to laugh while he exited the jeep and made his way over the fence. Emerson sensing that Stiles was gonna bring back the topic, quickly turned the music back on, not giving him a talking chance. He sent the girl a small glare, while she grinned at him triumphantly, making him sigh in defeat before both of them getting lost in the music once again.

"Stiles, honk the horn.''
"The horn Stiles, someone's over there with Scott" Having now seen the light flashing around the where the bus was, Stiles starts to honk the horn repeatedly catching Scott's attention, and making him rush out of the school and into the jeep. Emerson climbing to the back so Scott could have a fast entry before Stiles sped them out of there.  Scott tells Stiles and Emerson that he remembers being on the bus. A lot of the blood is his, but there was another set of glowing eyes on the bus. He thinks it was Derek. Stiles wants to know why Derek would help him remember if he was the one who attacked the driver. He suggests that it's a pack thing, like an initiation that they have to kill together.
"That means that I can go out with Allison,''Stiles nodding from the driver seat, "I was going to say you won't kill us, but sure the Allison thing too." Emerson snorting from the backseat at the comment.

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Emerson was in her room reluctantly getting ready to go bowling with everyone, Lydia had blown the girl's phone making sure she was going to come even if Lydia had to pick her up and drag her with. After both her and Stiles were ready they made their way to the bowling alley in Emerson's new car. Once they arrived they made their way inside, Lydia being the first to spot them, made her way towards Emerson, a smile on her lips. "Emmie I'm so glad you're here,'' Emerson offers her a small smile, "kinda didn't give me much of a choice Lyds," Lydia nodding innocently, "oh I know," she shook her head letting out a small chuckle before both girls made their way back to the group.

She waved to Scott in greeting while completely ignoring Jackson's presence, and also sending a small nod toward the Argent girl. The group made their way to the front desk, getting some bowling shoes and choosing a lane to bowl in. Everyone made their way to their lane after having chosen their bowling ball, Emerson excusing herself to go and buy some pizza and drinks for the group, if she was spending the night alongside Jackson she needed to have some comfort food by her side. Allison made her way toward Emerson, going unnoticed by the group, she joined the girl in the food line. Emerson having noticed the sudden presence, eyed the Argent girl from the corner of her eye.

"Hey, how have you been?'' Allison asked, breaking the silence, Emerson glancing at her momentarily before turning to face the front. She shrugged not really knowing what to say, "I'm ok" Allison nodding, " I just wanted to make sure, after what happened-''Emerson turning her head finally acknowledging the girl, "I didn't get the chance to ask you before and I was meaning to, just if you were ok." Emerson cleared her throat, "yeah no I'm fine,"she nodded putting her hands in her pockets, Allison studying the girl in front of her.

"Does that- I mean can I ask? Does it happen a lot?" Allison asked hesitantly, afraid to push the girl's boundaries, Emerson stayed silent for a while, not wanting to share much with someone she barely knew, but something, in the back of her mind was telling her to tell Allison, so she turned back to the girl with a small sigh, "sometimes," she answered quietly, "Stiles usually helps me with them though." Allison nods at the girl's response, Emerson asking a question of her own, "how did you know what to do?" Allison sighed shaking her head slightly, "I didn't, not really, I just- remembered this article I read once, I'm just glad I was able to remember enough to help you." She told Emerson, maintaining eye contact with the girl, Emerson nodding softly, "I'm glad," she stated, Allison tilting her head slightly, "that you remembered I mean," she clarified, hesitating before speaking again, " you um really helped me out that day."

Allison smiled gently at the girl shrugging slightly, "I'm just glad you're ok," she spoke quietly. Emerson finding a sense of calmness around the girl, they were both snapped out of their thoughts since it was now their turn to order food, Allison staying to help Emerson in carrying everything back to the table by their lane. "Hey you're back," Lydia pointed out, "oh hey when did you leave?" Scott asked Allison confused, the girl pointing to the food and Emerson, "just helping her bring the food," Scott nodding in acknowledgment before turning back to his conversation with Stiles. Emerson made her self and Lydia a plate with pizza and some cups with their drinks, before seating down beside Lydia, handing the girl her food, Lydia smiling appreciatively at her best friend. Allison following suit and grabbing some food for herself and sitting beside the girls.

"So, McCall," Jackson called out grabbing the boy's attention, "since you're such a great bowler, what do you say to some friendly competition?'' Scott hesitating, "what do you mean?" Jackson rolling his eyes at the boy, "a bet McCall,you in or not?" The boy turning to his best friends for advice, Stiles trying to be discreet with his frantic head shaking and failing, while Emerson just flat out gave the boy a disapproving thumbs down, which turned into a middle finger as soon as Jackson turned his head towards the girl. Lydia and Allison trying to hide their grins by pretending to be deeply concentrated in their food; Stiles not bothering to hide his amused smile, and Scott trying not to stare at the taken back look that was plastered on Jackson's face.

Scott wanting to impress Allison decided to take Jackson up on the bet, very dumb decision, Emerson thought. "Alright, if you manage to knock down more pins than me by the time the game is over, then I'll speak to coach about placing you in first line." Scott's eyes widened, not believing what he heard, "but if I win, well let's just say you might want to prepare yourself to be utterly humiliated." Scott swallowed nervously before agreeing, "he is so dead," Emerson muttered to herself. They all started playing, taking their respective turns, so far Jackson was in the lead, Scott not having knock down but a single pin. "He is really bad at this," Lydia said referring to Scott, Emerson nodding in agreement while Allison grimaced seeing Scott almost throw himself down the gutter.

"Alright I cant watch this anymore," Emerson breathed out, getting up and approaching Scott. "You are thinking about this way too much Scotty, just relax." The boy sighed, "I'm trying Mer, but I really suck at this."
"Yeah you do, but that doesn't mean you stop trying, so get back out there and beat Jackson's ass." The boy cracking a smile at the girl, his nerves loosening, he could do this.

He couldn't do this. He watched as Jackson threw his last shot scoring a strike, he had officially lost the game. He hadn't score at all except when he managed to know down the one pin. The only time he got even remotely closed to scoring was when he had thrown the ball and it somehow ended up on the lane beside them, knocking down 3 pins. Jackson arrogantly celebrated his victory, making everyone roll their eyes. "Jackson would you shut up," Allison snarked, Emerson snorting in amusement not expecting that from the girl, from her sure, but not the girl. "I'm sorry, I'm just flashing back to the words "I'm a great bowler"

"Hey Jackass," Emerson called out having had enough with the boy for the day, or her whole life for that matter, "why don't you shut your mouth before I shut it for you. I want a rematch, me instead of Scott." Jackson scoffing incredulously, "you want to play for McCall? You? Emerson you're a shit bowler too." Emerson suppressed a smirk, "well I guess you have nothing to lose then, hmm?" Scott Allison Lydia and Stiles all sat at the edge of their seat, waiting for Jackson's response, the scene way too entertaining to look away from. Jackson thought about it before agreeing, "great, original bet still stands, if I win, you talk with coach, and if you win, Ill do whatever "embarrassing" thing you had in mind for Scott." Jackson chuckled humorlessly, "game on."

"That is seriously amazing. Jackson,uh, how many strikes were that?" Allison teased the now fuming boy, "ten strikes," he grumbled, "in a row." Allison humming with a proud grin, "that's right, guess Em wasn't much of a shit bowler, huh?" Jackson rolling his eyes annoyed making Allison chuckle before turning to face her friends, they all stood frozen and wide eyed in front of her, confusing the girl. "What?" She asked, Scott and Stiles sharing a look before muttering about having to clean their lane, the boys running off with the empty pizza tray and empty cups, the sight just confused the girl further.

"Well," Lydia started interviewing her hands in front of her, rocking on her feet, "I um, have to go use the bathroom, yeah," the girl practically running away, dragging Jackson with, all that was left was Emerson standing in front of her, a look on her face she couldn't quite decipher.
"What-," Emerson sighed running a hand through her hair, crossing her arms across her chest. "Didn't um-didn't know we were on the nickname stage," she responded, arching an eyebrow at the girl in question, Allison still confused till she realized what the girl had meant. She tried to stammer out a reply, but nothing came out, her cheeks flushing a slight red in embarrassment.

"I-um-I thought-nothing never mind-forget it," Allison's words were cut short by the sudden sound of Emerson's laughter, the sound making Allison freeze in her spot momentarily. Regaining her composure she sighed, a chuckle escaping her throat, joining Emerson in her laughter. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you nervous," Allison giving her a shy smile in return, "its ok, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable with what i said-I didn't even know I said it-," Emerson holding a hand out to stop the girl from apologizing, "you didn't.''

"I didn't?" Allison asked unsure, Emerson shaking her head slightly.
"So why did everybody leave?" Emerson humming, a smile playing at her lips.
"Yeah, if anybody who is not on the "Emerson nickname approve list" as Stiles likes to call it, calls me anything else beside my name, well let's just say, I've broken my fair share of noses." Allison's eyes slightly widening, "well if talking to me first was your approach, i would have preferred that you did it before hand,'' she replied, swallowing nervously.

Emerson's smile slowly turning into a grin before she broke out in fits of laughter, "oh my god, your face," she managed to say, still laughing. "Allison, I'm not going to hit you," she confessed, the argent girl breathing out a sigh of relief, "you're not?" Emerson shaking her head with a chuckle. "Look," she started, Allison's attention solely on the girl in front of her, "it takes a while for me to get comfortable around a new person, as I'm sure you've already noticed," the Argent girl nodding in reply. "Yeah well when you helped me out that night, I realized maybe you wouldn't be bad company." She shrugged, a bright smile forming in Allison's face, "really?'' Emerson hesitantly nodded.

"So does that mean I can keep calling you Em?" She asked hopefully, Emerson thinking about it for a second, before nodding slowly, Allison squealing in excitement, Emerson's eyes widening at the sudden noise.
"So does that mean that I'm in the Emerson approved list with Lydia, Stiles, Scott, and Jackson?" Emerson scoffing loudly, "Jackson? The only list I have with his name on it, is my hit list, as in I will hit him if he gets too close to me." Allison laughing in response, "why do you hate him so much?"
"He's an ass, he treats Lydia horribly, and honestly I just find his face very punchable." Allison bit her lip to stop herself from laughing again, nodding in agreement with Emerson.

"But to answer your question, maybe not yet, but you're definitely on your way there." Allison nodding before giving the girl a confuse look, "wait but I thought you agreed with me calling you Em?'' Emerson nodding before replying, " the list is a two way street Allison." Allison taking in the meaning of her words, she could call Emerson by her nickname, but Emerson needed to be more comfortable around the girl before she could give Allison her nickname; her way of letting people in.

Their conversation coming to an end when Lydia and the rest of the group approached them, Stiles holding an ice pack and some pain killers he stole from the first aid kit. The group stopped in front of the two girls, confused faces all around, Lydia taking Allison's face in her hands, searching the girl for bruises, finding none, then turning to Emerson and grabbing her hands analyzing them. "What- how come you didn't punch her? You punched me," Jackson remarked, Emerson shrugged, a smirk on her face at the boy's clear offense. Taking her hands back from Lydia's, the group got ready to leave, enjoying the night they had.

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