That Kind of Cowboy (Ford Bro...


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Madison- I am always running from my past. The past of my childhood, the past of my abusive ex-husband. ... More

Chapter One: Madison
Chapter Two: Lucas
Chapter Three: Madison
Chapter Four: Lucas
Chapter Five: Madison
Chapter Six: Lucas
Chapter Seven: Madison
Chapter Eight: Lucas
Chapter Nine: Madison
Chapter Ten: Lucas
Chapter Eleven: Madison
Chapter Twelve: Lucas
Chapter Thirteen: Madison
Chapter Fifteen: Madison
Chapter Sixteen: Lucas
Chapter Seventeen: Madison
Chapter Eighteen: Lucas
Chapter Nineteen: Madison
Chapter Twenty: Lucas
Epilogue: Madison

Chapter Fourteen: Lucas

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   I am too late, I let her down. I thought to myself as me and my brothers speed to Maddie's house. What was I thinking of letting her go by herself? What kind of man lets the love of his life do something like that? If anything happens to her, I will never forgive myself for it.

"We will be there soon." Greyson said from the driver seat. "He better not lay one finger on her."

"I cannot believe that I let her go on her own." I said, voicing my thoughts.

"It is not your fault; he needs to be locked away." Ryan said from behind me.

"Damn it." Jackson said from between me and Grayson.

"What?" I asked looking around, he did not have to answer me. I could see Ethan on the porch with Maddie on the ground trying to protect herself.

I did not even wait for him to shift the truck's gear into park, I hoped out yelling her name. Ethan turned my way, and then threw one last punch at Maddie, our eyes locking. Seeing the pain in her eyes before she hit the ground.

He took off running as I got closer to them. I could not deal with him right now, Maddie needs me. Falling to my knees beside her, seeing her beautiful face caused my eyes to mist. Her beautiful face is now swollen, and purple is starting to show up.

Carefully lifting her head up and setting her onto my lap. Noticing blood on my hands, I gently checked the back of her head. It is bleeding more than I would like it too. Looking around for something for me to use, and of course finding nothing to help stop the bleeding.

"Margret, it's Lucas. I need a towel and hurry." I called through the closed door, so she would know that I was there. Seconds later Margret came rushing out with what I asked for and handing it to me.

"Is she going to be okay?" She asked with worry in her voice.

"I hope so." I replied, looking down at my girl. I let a tear fall from my eye as I held her. Holding the towel against the back of her head. My entire world laying here in my arms. I cannot lose her, I need her.

More tears threatening to fall as I hold my angel, hearing the sirens in the distance getting closer. Praying with everything in me that she will be okay. She is still breathing, not moving in my arms, and I have not seen her eyes open since she hit her head. My heart is feeling her pain, I cannot breathe from it.

So many people love and care for her and she does not know. She has me and my family now, her children, our children. Ethan needs to be caught, he cannot keep doing this and getting away with it. I will make sure that he will be taken care of.

The medics came running up, moving me out of the way. I feel more tears building up. I look around for my brothers, needing one of them. I do not think I will be able to stand long.

I never want to see this sight again. She should not be laying there like that. She should not be going through any of this. I want her to be happy and safe, is that too much to ask for?

"Is she okay?" Grayson yelled, running up to me. I do not want him to see me cry, but one escapes. Quickly swiping at my eye before he could see it.

"He hit her pretty hard with that last one. Her head hit the cement, and it knocked her out." I told him, looking back over at Maddie. My heart fell as I saw them put her on a stretcher.

"Let me round everyone up. You need us right now and Ethan got away. We could not find him anywhere; he must have been watching more than we thought."

"Great, just what we need. To still worry about his every move."

"He will be taken care of, have faith brother. We will not let any of them out of our sights until he is caught." Grayson reassured me.

"I am going to follow Maddie in her car, so her mom can ride with her. Can you update mom and if you can bring the kids. I need to see them right away." I told him, trying to find the strength I need. Those kids need me right now and I am going to be strong for them.

My family is in danger, and I let it happen. I cannot let that happen again. She needs a man to protect her at all costs. My family will come first no matter what. I need to redeem myself for my shortcomings.


"How is she doing?" Mom asked as soon as she got me from rushing through the waiting room door. The kids and Gramps were trailing behind her, worry written all over their faces.

"The doctor is in with her now." I replied, standing from my chair. My brothers and Margret came in not too long ago. We have been waiting for the doctor to tell us anything about her condition.

"They have been wanting you." Mom whispered into my ear, as she gave me a hug. "They are scared, and they need you right now."

"Come here." I told them when mom pulled away from the hug. I bent down and opened my arms for them. They all came to me, hugging me back just as tight. These kids mean the world to me.

"Daddy." Sofia cried into my shoulder, melting my heart. Knowing that she thinks of me like that, causes a little smile to form on my face. These kids need me to be strong for them and that is what I am going to do.

"Let's go sit down and wait for momma." I told them as I picked Sofia up into my arms. Noah and Emma sat on each side of me, and Sofia stayed in my arms, hugging my neck.

Look around the waiting room at my family, Mom and Gramps are sitting with Margret on one side and my brothers on the other. This is what Maddie and the kids have been missing, what they have been needing. A big family that loves and cares for them.

"Is momma going to be alright?" Sofia asked in a shaky voice.

"She will be. You know how strong she is." I told the little girl in my arms.

"I'm glad you were there for her." Emma told me, keeping her head down.

"Hey, look at me. I will always be here for her and all three of you. I am not going anywhere, I love y'all too much." I told her, hugging Sofia closer to me. "We are family now, and family do not let each other down."

"Are you going to be our dad now?" Noah asked.

"If you will let me, I want to be that." I told him, meaning every word.

"I want that too, dad." Emma replied, smiling up at me. These kids have my heart forever and I will do anything to keep their smiles on their faces. I will show them how a father treats his children. They will never have to wonder if I will be there for them or if I love them. I will let them know every day if I must.

We have been waiting in this room for over an hour. I am going crazy with worry. I need to know that she will be okay, that she is awake. I need her, I need strength that Maddie can only give me. I do not know how much longer I can wait.

"I'm hungry." Noah said from beside me. Looking around, trying to produce a solution. Looking over and catching mom's eye.

"Grayson, why don't you and your brothers take the kids to the cafeteria. I am sure they are hungry; it is time for supper."

"Come on, I am hungry too." Nate said, taking Sofia from me and hanging on to his neck.

"Y'all behave and listen to your uncles." I told them.

"We will, daddy." Sofia replied with a sweet innocent smile on her face. I have a feeling that Nate and Sofia might start something, but hopefully not.

"And boys." Mom called out to them. They stopped and faced her, as she continued to speak. "You better behave too."

"I will keep them in line." Grayson said, taking the lead.

"Thank you." I told mom as they left the room.

"I know you are worried, but we should hear something soon. Keep holding on to your faith." She told me from her seat next to Margret.

"I am trying to mom." I replied, sinking back down into my chair, and leaning my head against the back. Closing my eyes and picturing my beautiful, strong girl laying in there without me. Thinking back on the brief time that we have known each other.

I have never loved anyone before, not the way I love Maddie, but I know that I am in love with her. I know that she is my soulmate, she is my best friend. The one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one I want to give my name to. The one that comes with three beautiful children that need my love and care.

I want to be the one she spends the rest of her life with. I want to be the one she tells all her secrets too. Who can tell me anything and know that I would never judge her. I want to be the one she gives her heart away to. I want to be the man that she needs. I want my forever with that girl who has been through hell and back.

She needs me and I need her, leaving her behind will never be an option. When we make it through this, I will never leave her side. She will never be alone in this world, again. She has me now and I am going to give her the world.


"Family of Madison Ross?" A short older nurse asked as she opened the door. There is a tall man standing next to her in a white lab coat. The four of us that were still in the waiting room stood up. My brothers and the children are still in the cafeteria.

"How is she doing?" I asked her, as we got closer to the door.

"She's strong and holding up. She just needs some rest, and she will be ready to go home. The swelling in her face is starting to go down. Her left eye will be black few a few days, and we had to put five staples in the back of her head. She will need to take it easy for a few days. She will be in pain for a while, her right side is bruised. The good news is that she did not break any ribs and there was no damage to her head that we can see from the tests. She will have a headache from it." The doctor told us.

"Can she have visitors?" My mom asked him.

"She can have two people in there at a time." He answered. "If you have any concerns or questions, we will be here to help the best we can. Sarah will take two of you back there to see her now. She is awake and waiting for you."

"Margret, you go see your girl, Lucas will be with you." Mom reassured Maddie's mom.

"Follow me." Sarah said, leading the way to Maddie's room. We followed her all the way to her room. My heart picking up speed the closer I get to my girl.

Seeing her laying there in that bed breaks my heart all over again. She does not deserve what she has been through. She deserves more than this.

"Lucas" She whispers, trying to smile at me, forgetting about her swollen eye. She winces in pain, as she reaches her hand out to me. I move around her bed, taking her hand into mine.

"I am here baby; I'm not leaving you again." I tell her, carefully kissing the top of her head.

"Please don't" she said, squeezing my hand.

"I promise, love. Your mom is here." I told her, she slowly moved her head to the side that her mom's on.

"Hey baby." she said, taking Maddie's other hand in hers.

"Are the kids alright?" Maddie worried in her weak voice.

"They are here with us; they were in the cafeteria eating when we came back here. They are with my brothers and mom and Gramps is in the waiting room." I told her, circling my thumb on the back of her hand.

"Where is Ethan?"

"He got away, but do not lose hope. He will be caught, and I will keep you safe. This will never happen again. I will not let you out of my sight." I promised her.

"I should have listened to you. You told me not to go alone and I did anyway. I am so sorry, Lucas." She is still worried about me when she is the one in this hospital bed. The one that I let down, not being there for her.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, and you never have to apologize to me. I am the one who owes you one, I let you down today, Maddie. I should have been there for you. I should not have let you go alone. I am sorry." I told her, placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Don't apologize, it is in the past now. Let us move on from it." she replied, having trouble talking, she closed her eyes.

"Tired?" I asked her, moving a strand of hair out of her face.

"A little, it feels like I could sleep for days."

"You will feel like that, with an injury like the one you have." Her mother told her. "I will let the kids know you are all right. I love you and please call me."

"I will." she said.

"Thank you, Lucas."

"You're welcome. Can you send mom back here for me?" I asked her, knowing that Maddie would not want me leaving. I do not want to leave her right now, either.

"Yeah." She replied, moving towards the door, and closing it behind her.

"Go to sleep baby, you have time before they release you. I will be right here when you wake up. I promise." Kissing her head again, reassuring myself that she is still here with me.

"Okay." was her muffled reply as her eyes remained closed. I pulled a chair from behind me up to her bed. Keeping our hands interlocked together, I sat down. I am so thankful that she will be all right.

"You wanted to see me?" Mom's gentle voice asked.

"Yeah, you can come in. She is asleep, the medicine made her tired." I told her, as she moved closer to the bed.

"I cannot believe that someone could do something like this. She is so sweet; she does not deserve this." Mom said, quickly swiping a tear from her eye.

"She doesn't, she deserves the world." I told her truthfully. "Can you take the kids to your house for the night, and I will pick them up in the morning?"

"I will, and you two take the time you need. I will have one of your brothers staying with us. I will feel better about keeping them with one of them there with me."

"I understand and thank you for everything mom." I told her.

"Lucas, I am so proud of you. You turned out to be a good man. It takes a lot for someone to step up, but I knew you would. I can see how much you love them all. Keep them safe and we all will have your back. You need help we will be here to help. Never forget that I love you son."

"I love you too mom." she waved as she exited the room.  

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