My Other Half

By simpforholytrinity

1.3K 225 56

When Natalia stumbles upon a late night conversation, things in her life take a drastic turn. Fortunately, or... More

Mistakes Happen
My Savior
Not good enough
A turn of events
Ruh roh
No time to die
Sonograms & Serendipity
Sun Showers
She's Here
An Unexpected Stay
A New Perspective
Glimpse of Us
Back Again
Standing by
A proposal
Plan B
Trouble in 'Paradise'

Surprise surprise

54 8 0
By simpforholytrinity

3 months later

"Oh aren't you just the cutest little thing? Yes you are... yes you are" I gently bounce the little girl on my knee as she giggles which only makes the smile on my face grow wider. Audrey is in bed resting and Billie is off shooting for the show after being home with us, it's her first week back. We've decided that I can stay home with the baby once Audrey officially goes back so I've been spending a lot of time with Sarah so we can bond.

My phone rings and I reach for it, Sar on my other arm. "Hiii" I say excitedly after seeing Billie's name on the phone, "well hi to you too, Bunny" she chuckles. "How are my favorite girls doing?" I look down at Sar who stares up at me with curious eyes and I smile. "Well Audrey's resting right now. Me and Sar are in the living room playing" I say, "can she hear me?" I put it on speaker "now she can" I inform her.

"Hi, little one. How's mommy's favorite baby doing?" she asks and Sar's eyes light up as she recognizes her voice, trying to babble out words. "She says hi too" I translate as I giggle, "oh gosh, I can't wait to get home to ya'll" she sighs and I take it off speaker for now. "What's going on, sweetheart?" I ask softly, "nothing I just... got a bit spooked today, it happens. Now I'm just tired and ready to be home" she mumbles.

"Well you shouldn't have much longer right? Then we'll be all over you when you come home" I tease, "you don't know how good that sounds right now. I can't wait to be in the arms of all of you" she replies tiredly. "We can't wait for you either—isn't that right, Sar Bear" I switch to a small voice and Sarah smiles up at me, "she's smiling real big right now, you should see it" I giggle.

"You've been so good with her. Thank you, bunny. I can't thank you enough and considering Audrey hasn't had a decent nap before today, I can say she feels the same" I simply smile at the praise and brush it off. "Oh, I also ordered groceries for tonight so don't worry about bringing food home" I say quickly, "you're cooking?" I can hear her smirk through the phone and I playfully roll my eyes.

A knock sounds at the door and I tell Billie it's the groceries and I'll see her later. I set the little one in her swing, turning it on so it rocks slowly as music plays. I watch for a second as she bats her hands at the little mobile and I smile tenderly. There's another knock which brings back my focus and I head to the door. "I'll only be a minute, sweetheart" I tell Sarah as I unlock the door.

My gaze lifts and my face falls, not expecting to see her ever again really. "Hello" the blonde says and my mouth opens but I can't form words just yet, not knowing what I could possibly say. "Hi" I squeak, closing my eyes and scolding myself for not being able to keep my voice steady. "May I come in?" I nod and gesture for her to enter, pointing to the chair on the far side of the room.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here and why I look like... this" she grimaces while gesturing to her attire. I've never seen her look this bad, her clothes dirty and partially torn in some places. "Some country witch brought me back" she seethes, "Misty..." I mutter to myself "yes that's it! That one" she chimes in.

"And what are you doing here, Fiona? I don't mean to be disrespectful but... this is abrupt" I point out and she nods but before she can reply, we're both distracted by a noise. I rush out my seat and over to Sarah who's whining, most likely about being in that seat too long. "It's ok, sweet girl. I'm here" I whisper, "and who is this?" the older blonde asks.

"This is Sarah... Sarah can you say hi?" I whisper and she looks between me and Fiona, her clutch getting a bit tighter on me. I mean she hasn't really met people so I don't blame her, in fact I'm the same way because I've been around people. "She's..." she prompts vaguely, "yes, she's mine. My girlfriend gave birth to her" I smile proudly.

"But... Delia can't have children" Fiona points out and I realize she has missed a lot as I sigh, taking a seat on the couch with Sar still in my arms. "Right... Cordelia and I broke up. One of my girlfriends Audrey had this little one" I poke her stomach a bit and it makes me smile as she tries to get away. "One of?" Fiona questions, "yes. I assume you know this is Billie's house... she's my girlfriend too" I answer timidly.

"Mmm ok. And what of Delia?" I know this is what she's most interested in so I offer her something to drink beforehand. She agrees to have a water and I think about what I'll say to her as I pour it in a glass and bring it back over. I decide to tell her the truth, Cordelia cheated on me. "She what?" I simply nod in agreement, not having believed it myself for a while even though I saw it with my own eyes.

"That girl... I told her she gets in her own way" she grumbles, "well enough about me. What about you? Back from the dead, eh" I chuckle which makes her roll her eyes. "That swamp witch brought me back—whatever you say her name is" she scoffs, I left out the fact that this 'swamp witch' is the one Cordelia cheated on me with; figured she's already pissed Fiona off enough for two lifetimes.

"She never told me why but she seemed elated for whatever reason. It'll do no good, me being back. I assume Delia isn't aware or else I wouldn't be here right now and instead being interrogated" she sighs deeply before coughing and taking a sip of water. "I haven't got control of my powers yet and... well I made a lot of enemies in my last life; a lot of whom would love to find me so defenseless" she points out, I nod in agreement.

"Think I could stay here for a while? I'm sure Billie won't mind and... we can catch up. It's been a while since I've seen you and certainly things have changed" she says, eyeing the now sleeping baby in my arms. "Yes, surely Billie won't mind, it's Audrey I'm concerned about—she only gave birth a few months ago and she's still a bit..." I grimace and Fiona smirks in understanding.

"Feminine rage turned maternal—it's a beast, you're never the same" she utters with a knowing smile, "where is she now?" she questions and I tell her the blonde is upstairs resting. "You can just... relax here for a while and I'll sort it out" I say as I hand her the remote and go to put Sar in her crib, making sure to grab the second baby monitor to keep an ear out for her.

I text Billie that Fiona is here and within minutes I'm getting a call. "Hahaha sweetheart, that's just the laugh I needed" she chuckles out and I bite my lip, "Billie... I'm not joking" I state seriously and I hear her laughs die down. "What do you mean she's 'there' like... as a ghost?" she asks in disbelief, "no, bil. In the flesh. Misty... brought her back" I explain and it's silent for a while as I can only hear her breathing.

"Isn't that like... forbidden? How can she even do that? I thought it was an advanced power or something" she blurts out, "I don't know, Billie, I don't know. All I know is that Fiona is in our living room right now asking if she can crash for a while" I state and again silence follows. "Well shit. I won't be home for a while but... I mean can you really say no? Have you spoken to Audrey about this?" she thinks aloud.

"Well she's resting and I didn't want to wake her so-" "who are you?" I hear from the other room and I pinch the bridge of my nose, "seems like now is the time to tell her" I sigh into the phone. "I wish you luck on that, baby girl. I'll be home by 6, try not to burn it down" she states. I walk into the main room to see Fiona placing bags of groceries on the counter with Audrey staring her down. I pray this goes well.

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