✓ My doomsday management syst...

By koushuu17

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Author: Aduou Link; https://www.novel543.com/1227305531/dir [With cp + apocalypse + system + store opening +... More



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By koushuu17

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My apocalyptic management system...

My Doomsday Management System-Chapter 61 Shen Yus Story Ended

"This little beast was in the base of city B. He used a piece of zombie blood to dye it and infected many people! He used a piece of wind power to control the blood and scratched a person's skin. The person mutated without even feeling pain. He was discovered after he stayed at the base and did this! Do you know how many people he infected in a whole day?! The base was destroyed by him! Dont you think he deserves to die?! He is a devil!" The man said more and more

The more excited he became, the louder he spoke, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

"They all deserve to die, and so do you. I will be more careful if I do it again and kill all of you." The little child knelt on the ground, his back straight, and his tone was very calm but full of determination.

Shen Yu walked in front of the leading superpower and took off his hat.


The man saw Shen Yu's face clearly, and his eyes widened instantly. He wanted to say something, but he was choked in his throat and couldn't speak. He was so scared that he could only huff and puff.

Shen Yu looked at the man's ridiculous look, raised the corners of his mouth, and pulled up his hat. With a wave of his hand, the vines on the child were cut off.

The body's superpowers were overstretched, and the child was a little weak and stood up with support.

He took out a dagger from his arms and walked towards the leader of the superpower.

The child mercilessly pierced his heart with a dagger, one 㥕, two 㥕, three 㥕... The

leader with the superpower was controlled by his body, unable to move or speak. In the end, his face was distorted and he opened his eyes and stared blankly at him. He fell back, his eyes full of fear.

The child pulled it out and walked towards the next person who looked at him showing fear and begging for mercy.

For a moment, the alley was filled with the sound of people piercing flesh and the smell of blood.

After Shen Yu finished watching the scene, he turned around and left.

The child put away the dagger and shouted to his back: "My name is Qian Lele! What's your name? I will repay you!"

Shen Yu disappeared into the alley without looking back.

Qian Lele? ! Little European Emperor? !

Xi Yue recalled Qian Lele's appearance and found that he really matched up with this kid! No wonder she feels familiar!

Thinking about what those superpowers said and how Qian Lele hated them, Xi Yue probably knew what happened to Fang Guohua and Fang Xiaojun...

She remembered this base in City B!

As night falls, the whole city is dark, and even the moon is hidden in the clouds.

Shen Yu huddled on the clean bed, closing his eyes tightly, his body twitching slightly, and his hair stuck to his sweaty forehead.

The sky broke, and the morning light shone into the room.

Shen Yu opened his eyes, and his pupils turned scarlet. Black lines covered his entire face, which looked ferocious and strange. Under the lines, his skin color began to turn a little dull and gray.

Xi Yue knew that he was about to turn into a real zombie.


Shuguang Base has sent many superpowers in recent years to kill Shen Yu, but not only failed, but they also watched him become stronger.

The upper levels of the base learned from the reports again and again that Shen Yu was becoming more and more like a zombie. They were afraid that they would create a truly thoughtful zombie king by themselves, so they approached Zhou Lijun from the temple and asked him to come forward to kill Shen Yu. .

Zhou Lijun felt a little depressed because he was frustrated in love. After understanding Shen Yu's rank and getting a series of positions in the upper echelon, Zhou Lijun went to find Shen Yu under the banner of fighting for mankind.

Behind Shen Yu there are always people with special powers who are following him, and he has never paid attention to these people.

When Zhou Lijun received the news and looked for Shen Yu, he was sitting on an empty street basking in the sun.

Zhou Lijun saw Shen Yu, who had completely transformed into a zombie, leaning lazily in front of a store, and without saying a word, he used his mental power to attack him.

Shen Yu didn't know how many times he had experienced such sneak attacks in the past few years, so he immediately used his mental power to block it.

Zhou Lijun attacked several times and found that the half-corpse was stronger than he imagined, so he used his thunder power, which he had never used in front of others, and turned the thunder and lightning into a long whip to whip through it.

Zhou Lijun's psychic powers were both at level seven, but none of them had broken through level eight. Shen Yu was already an eighth-level psychic psychic, so there was no suspense in this battle.

Zhou Lijun was finally tied up with vines by Shen Yu and thrown out like trash.

Zhou Lijun didn't know whether he felt he had lost face or was sure that Shen Yu would not kill him, so he attacked Shen Yu several times.

So for several days Shen Yu lived a life of eating, sleeping and fighting Zhou Lijun.

Maybe Shen Yu was tired of this kind of work. After another round of sneak attacks by Zhou Lijun, he took off his hands and threw him further.

Since then, he has never come to the door again.

That night, Shen Yu, who had just overcome the pain, suddenly sat up from the bed, walked to the window and looked into the distance with an unclear expression.

Xi Yue heard the howls of many zombies coming from City B. The sound was creepy.

What's going on here? ! Xi Yue looked at Shen Yu and felt a little uneasy.

After dawn, Shen Yu walked along the road to City B.

After passing a corner, Xi Yue saw a severed hand lying in the middle of the road. There was a jade ring on the thumb of the severed hand.

This is the sneak attack on Shen Yu's superpower a few days ago!

Xi Yue was deeply impressed by this wrench because it was a black wrench with dragon pattern, which was very rare.

Sure enough, a few steps further, Zhou Lijun, whose face was beyond recognition, was lying on the ground. His body had been eaten by zombies and was already empty. His intestines were all over the floor, and his head seemed to have been opened by something and the brains were sucked dry.

Xi Yue had seen a lot of zombies fighting around Shen Yu. This was the first time she saw such an impactful scene. She was so scared that she quickly covered her eyes.

Suddenly, Xi Yue felt some noise, and let go of his hand and looked up.

A huge army of zombies actually came out of the city!

Shen Yu looked at the tons of zombies in the distance, paused for a while, then raised his feet and walked over there.

"Chen Yu, what do you want to do?"

"Are you going to join the zombie army?"

"You don't want to fight so many zombies, do you?!"

"We don't! Let's just be a quiet little zombie. I'm so embarrassed!"

Xi Yue followed him, feeling increasingly uneasy and almost crying.

Shen Yu released his mental power as he walked. The zombie army in the distance seemed to sense something and stopped one after another.

After Shen Yu approached, the zombie army was like a sea of ​​​​Moses, making way for a channel in the middle, and a thin child zombie walked out of it.

Xi Yue only saw Shen Yu and the child zombie looking at each other, and then the two sides suddenly started fighting.

Shen Yu dragged the child zombies farther and farther away, and the zombie army behind him lost control and scattered in all directions, howling.

This child zombie not only has the eighth-level spiritual power, but also awakened the seventh-level space and speed powers. It is a three-level zombie king.

Shen Yu endured the pain of the virus raging in his body, and was chased by the zombie king for a day and night, and escaped from City M.

Shen Yu finally stopped at the door of a dilapidated community. He looked at the faded name of the community at the door with a sad expression.

The zombie king was catching up from behind, his eyes full of greed and excitement, and he looked at his heart which was beating slightly.

Shen Yu didn't resist and allowed the zombie king to take out his heart. When the zombie king relaxed its vigilance, he used all his energy to break its mental barrier and then took off its head.

"Shen Chenyu..."

Xi Yue looked at Shen Yu with a big hole in his chest, and her tone was trembling. She knew that this was his choice, and Shen Yu didn't want to become a zombie.

He works hard to resist the virus every day, but it's no use. His body is still completely transformed into a zombie. When the healing power disappears, he will lose his mind and completely turn into a confused monster.

Shen Yu entered the community and sat down beside the old altar.

Xi Yue sat next to him and basked in the sun with him.

Something seemed to fall from the sky and landed on Shen Yu's shoulders, and then disappeared again.

"It's snowing! It's Taiyang Snow! Shen Yu, look!"

Xi Yue stood up in surprise and looked up to see more and more snow falling from the sky. She hadn't seen snow for a long time.

Seeing the clean snowflakes flying in the sun, Shen Yu showed a faint smile on his face, and then he used his mental power to crush his own zombie crystal core.

When Xiao Yu was just out of school, he was brought into this community by Lao Shen. Shen Yu, who just turned 30 today, has stayed here forever.

Xi Yue hugged Shen Yu and murmured in tears, while the scenes behind him began to fade and break up.

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My apocalyptic management system...

My Doomsday Management System - Chapter 62 The Jade Pendant Full of Food

It was around seven o'clock in the morning, not long after dawn, and Shen Yu had woken up after only three or four hours of sleep.

During these two days outside, he always thought of Xi Yue from time to time. Think about what she did, what she ate, and whether she was in trouble. He had never experienced such a strange feeling before.

After washing up, Shen Yu was going to go to the building to pack some breakfast so that they could eat together when Xi Yue got up.

Xi Yue choked with sobs and opened her eyes, feeling a little dazed when she saw the familiar ceiling above her head. I touched the quilt covering my body and it felt soft and fluffy.

I woke up from my dream!

After being stunned, she rushed out of the room without even having time to put on her slippers.

In the living room, Shen Yu put the packed breakfast on the plate and put it on the dining table.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned his head and saw Xi Yue standing at the door of the bedroom with her hair disheveled. He frowned and was about to say something, but found that Xi Yue gave him a sweet smile and tears fell one by one.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did you have a nightmare? Or something happened? Why aren't you wearing shoes?" Shen Yu panicked for a moment and hurriedly stepped forward to carefully wipe her tears and wanted to take her to bed. Wear shoes.

Seeing such tenderness, beauty and joy, Xi Yue couldn't hold back any longer and threw herself directly into his arms, bursting into tears. "

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu​ ​Okay! Why are you so nice!" Shen Yu didn't know what happened. What Xi Yue said was a little confusing. He was obviously fine when he saw him in the early morning. "Okay, okay. I'm here. I'll take you with me wherever I go from now on, okay? Let's put on our shoes first, and then you tell me what happened, okay?" Shen Yu slowly patted Xi Yue's back , His tone of voice was unknowingly gentle. Xi Yue was crying and out of breath. After hearing what Shen Yu said, she slowly released her hand on his waist. Shen Yu picked up Xi Yue and put her on the sofa, then went to her room to get slippers for her to put on. Xi Yue sobbed and sat on the sofa, staring at Shen Yu's movements without blinking. After putting on her shoes, Shen Yu sat down next to her. She looked at Shen Yu, held back her mouth, and had tears in her eyes again. Shen Yu hugged Xi Yue into his arms and patted her back again and again. When Xi Yue gradually calmed down, Shen Yu went to the bathroom and twisted a towel to wipe her face. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" Shen Yu gently wiped her red and swollen eyes with a low and gentle voice. Xi Yue sniffed and spoke a little muffled: "I had a nightmare, it was very scary..." The girl's beautiful almond-shaped eyes were slightly red, with tears hanging from her eyelashes, and her voice was pitiful, which made Shen Yu feel weak. . He smoothed the broken hair on the side of Xi Yue's face and whispered, "Is it better now?" Then he said with a little distress, "I packed breakfast in the restaurant, but I'm afraid you won't like it." "I like everything you order!" Xi Yue replied urgently and quickly. Shen Yu chuckled, his voice was low and sweet, his amber eyes seemed to have fallen into the sky full of stars, as if they could suck people's souls away. Xi Yue was stunned for a moment and felt his little heart beating fast. Sure enough, the novel is right, beauty can kill people!

After coming to his senses, Xi Yue's face turned red, and he quickly said "I'm going to wash up" and ran away.


"Is there a lot of people in the restaurant? We can call the restaurant to deliver food in the future."

Xi Yue held a soup dumpling between his hands, bit a hole in it, and blew it carefully.

"There were a lot of people, but when I went there I happened to see um... Liang Ye, is that the name? And her boyfriend, I ordered some food at their table." Xi Yue took a sip of the

soup dumpling, The extremely delicious soup soothed her soul. She pushed the soup dumpling in front of Shen Yu: "Hmm~ This is so delicious. Eat it quickly. It's Liang Ye. I've been with her a lot these days when you've been out. Her boyfriend Wen Nian had dinner together. They are really inappropriate..."

Shen Yu picked up a soup dumpling and raised his eyebrows when he heard the second half of Xi Yue's words: "What's wrong with them?"

"Show affection! I A huge light bulb shines brightly in the middle."

"Just kidding, they are very nice. Liang Ye sees that I am a little lonely and will fall in love with me when eating."

At this point, Xi Yue suddenly thought of something and said with some hesitation: "You ...Did anything happen when you went out this time?"

Shen Yu raised his head and smiled: "Look at this."

After that, he took out a folded towel from the space and motioned for Xi Yue to open it.

Xi Yue opened the towel, and there was a piece of green safety buckle inside. It was very transparent, like a puddle of clear water, and it looked very expensive!

Xi Yue raised her head in confusion, not understanding what Shen Yu meant.

"Look at the back."

Picking up the safety buckle, there was actually a small word "mu" engraved on the back.

Mu? What's the meaning?

Safe buckle, Mu...

Xi Yue suddenly had an idea, "Lin Muyan? You didn't get it from her cousin, right?" "

Yes, her cousin is indeed a bit strange."

Shen Yu put down his chopsticks and continued. : "I am selling rice at Dawn Discovery Temple. Her cousin took out these semi-finished rice and filled a whole warehouse." "The strange thing

is that I didn't sense any power fluctuations in her body. Unless her power level is higher than mine...or she has no power at all." The

more Xi Yue listened, the brighter his eyes became. He looked at the safe button in his hand in disbelief: "Is it really the spiritual spring space?! I actually saw it. I didnt save the golden finger until I got to the novel! Its really a long time since Ive been alive!

(Superpower: What do you think I look like?)

(Zombie: Then do you think my novel has saved it?)


I remember Lin Muyan said that she was from c㹐, and c㹐 was a big rice grower before the doomsday. Logically speaking, after the doomsday comes and the base is established, they will go to the granary to look for food as soon as possible. The c㹐㱕 granary can supply at least one million People have been eating for ten years. But you see, there are only tens of thousands of survivors in the entire c㹐 base, and they still eat sweet potatoes and potatoes. It means that their granary has no harvest at all." "You mean Lin Shuyu

took it out. A granary and grain?! That means, this jade pendant has a lot of grain?! Oh my god!" Xi Yue quickly put the jade pendant on the table for fear of dropping it.

Xi Yue immediately thought that Huang Liang had heard about it in a dream. It seemed that he had a good life, and there were many survivors, which was different from the current ones. So in the previous life, there was no interference from Lin Shuyu, and they found food!

Shen Yu cleared the dining table and replied to her while washing the dishes: "That's my guess. I don't know if this jade pendant really has space, but Lin Shuyu cares about it very much." Xi Yue clicked on the hotel check-in

information . , and found that Lin Muyan was in the room and had not left the room.

"䶓䶓䶓, let's go find Lin Muyan! We'll know if your guess is right when the things are returned to you!"

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My apocalyptic management system...

My Doomsday Management System - Chapter 63 She is truly a heroine

After Xi Yue changed her clothes, she looked in the mirror for a long time and felt that her eyes were swollen.

"Chen Yu, are my eyes swollen and ugly?"

The girl has fair skin, bright red lips, slightly swollen almond-shaped eyes, and red nose tips and eye tails, but this does not make her beautiful any less, but makes her look even more beautiful. Poor and pitiful.

Looking at Shen Yu's focused eyes, Xi Yue felt a little hot on his face. He moistened his lips unnaturally and said, "That..." "Good-looking

, not ugly." Shen Yu's eyes were a little dark, and he looked at He looked at her and answered seriously.

"Then, let's leave quickly." Without saying a word, Xi Yue quickly rushed out of the door.


"Is there something wrong?" Lin Muyan was a little surprised when he saw Xi Yue and Shen Yu coming to see him.

Xi Yue took out the piece of safety buckle, "Does this look familiar to you?" "

This, isn't this Lin Shuyu's jade pendant? Why is it in your hands? Come in and tell me, the room is a bit messy, don't mind." Lin Muyan saw the safety buckle. , I have a lot of thoughts in my mind.

Could it be that Lin Shuyu came to the hotel again...

Xi Yue and Shen Yu sat down on the chairs in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and handed her the jade pendant: "Look carefully at this safety buckle. There is an inscription on the back. word."

Lin Muyan took the jade pendant and saw the word "Mu" on the back. His expression changed greatly: "This... but I have never seen this jade pendant." "

When Lin Shuyu was about five or six years old, his parents had a car accident. , Yiyi grew up in my house. My parents took pity on her because she lost her parents at a young age, and they were very kind to her. As long as I had something, they would buy her a copy. When I was a child, because they had the same thing, she wore it out. She would secretly transfer me. Once or twice, I couldn't bear it anymore and started to quarrel with her."

Lin Muyan touched the jade pendant in her hand as if remembering something: "Later, my parents found out about this, and my dad blamed me for being ignorant. I wouldn't let my sister do it. My mother also complained about me a little, but from then on I put labels on her and my things. We just wrote on the collars of clothes. Later, when my parents gave us separate gifts, they would also put our names on them. , I'm used to it..."

Xi Yue frowned and asked her own question: "Why do you want to buy the exact same thing? What you have, she also has, isn't it okay if the style or color is different?"

Lin Muyan shook her head and smiled. : "No, whatever I have, she wants it to be exactly the same, even if it's better than mine. Isn't that weird? I still haven't figured it out..." "I've seen it on her neck before

. This peace buckle has a deep seal. Because the quality and cultivation of this jade pendant show that it is expensive. It is not something that my family can afford, let alone that it was left to her by her parents. Their family has no conditions. It's not good."

"She was very nervous when she found me looking at her jade pendant. The back was hidden in her clothes and never exposed, so I only saw it once." Lin Muyan looked a little

weird: "My parents were there before the end. Yiyi said that I should take good care of her, and even said that she and I would share half of the family property from now on. I didnt expect that they would leave this to me... I never knew that there was such a jade pendant in Yans family. They actually kept it like this Engraving on the jade pendant?!"

"Let's just say, is it possible...it didn't look like this?"

Xi Yue has read countless books. Generally speaking, golden fingers like this in novels have an ordinary appearance before they see the light of day again.

"What do you mean? And where did you get this?"

"Have you read the novel? The kind of novel where you have a golden finger jade pendant's space after rebirth? We suspect that this jade pendant may have a space, and your cousin Jie may He is reborn, otherwise it would be possible to wear a book. He got this from Shuguang." Xi Yue pointed to Shen Yu, the background board next to him.

Lin Muyan's eyes widened when he heard Xi Yue's words.

"She never eats spicy food before, and can't tolerate any spicy food. She will be allergic to nut-based foods. After the apocalypse, she became fond of spicy food, and she didn't have any allergies after eating Yongsheng. I only think she has awakened her powers. These changes...her speech and behavior are also different from before. She is a different person now! Then everything makes sense!"

Xi Yue looked at Lin Muyan, his eyes lit up: "Wow! If she really wears a book , then you might be the heroine in the book!"

Lin Muyan smiled and waved her hands: "How can I be a heroine? I have been mediocre for more than 20 years. How can there be such a heroine? Don't make fun of me. Yes."

Xi Yue looked at her beautiful face and hot figure, then looked down at his own, speechless for a moment.




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Is this Versailles? Nuwa has always been interested in you when she tries to pinch people. Do you call this ordinary?

Doesn't your conscience hurt?

Lin Muyan took the safety buckle and turned it over and looked at it: "If this is a space, how do you open it?"

"How about you try dripping blood? It's written like this in novels, but it has probably been dripped with blood by Lin Shuyu. I wonder if it will be of any use to you."

Lin Muyan found the sewing kit provided by the hotel, used a needle to poke a drop of blood on her finger, and slowly dripped it on the jade pendant.

Xi Yue and Lin Muyan stared closely at the changes in the safety buckle. One second, two seconds, ten seconds...

After an hour passed, the blood beads still showed no change.

Xi Yue scratched his head, frowned and thought, "How about a few more drops? Isn't it enough?"

Lin Muyan thought it made sense, and poked twice more, squeezing out four or five drops of blood.

"Changed! It's absorbed!"

Xi Yue, who was staring at it closely, immediately noticed that when Lin Muyan squeezed out three drops of blood, the jade pendant began to absorb it!

After the jade pendant absorbed the blood on it, it emitted a dazzling light and disappeared.

When Xi Yue saw the jade pendant disappear, she suddenly raised her head to look at Lin Muyan. She wanted to say something, but was shocked and speechless.

I saw a red mole at the end of Lin Muyan's eye. The red mole dripping blood made her appearance even more delicate.

Good guy! Really good guy! As the heroine of Nuwa's work showing off her skills, she can even show off even more with the golden finger!

"The jade pendant is missing? What should I do?" Lin Muyan was a little at a loss.

Xi Yue looked at her with a strange expression, "There is a red mole on the end of your left eye. Why don't you try to say "Enter Space" silently in your mind?"

Lin Muyan touched the end of his eye, said "Enter Space" silently, and disappeared in the room instantly. inside.

A large living person disappeared in an instant before his eyes. Even though he was mentally prepared, Xi Yue was so frightened that he immediately grabbed Shen Yu, the tool man next to him.

When Shen Yu saw such a scene, his eyes darkened. When he entered the room, he surrounded it with his mental power. He didn't expect that the jade pendant could isolate his mental power and let people enter. Lin Shuyu didn't care that day. It seemed that Lin Shuyu was still too useless and had not really mastered this jade pendant.

At this time, Lin Shuyu, who was far away in Dawn, came to the room anxiously.

When she was eating breakfast just now, she felt something important leaving her, and she felt so tight that she couldn't breathe.

Since the mysterious man appeared the day before yesterday, Zhou Lijun gave her a polycrystalline core, hoping to help her restore her space as soon as possible, but she had no powers at all. In the past, the crystal cores were hidden in space and could be pretended, but now she didn't know how to pretend.

She always felt that the mysterious man was Lin Muyan's admirer, otherwise he wouldn't know so much about him and would come specifically to find her.

Why the hell doesn't Lin Muyan die? Why do you want to ruin her good life after leaving!

After Lin Shuyu finished cursing Lin Muyan every day, he sat on the bed and looked at the crystal core in a daze.

She really had to find a chance to leave... and wait until she got the jade pendant to find Zhou Lijun.

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My apocalyptic management system...

My apocalyptic management system - Chapter 64: Everyone is a wage earner

After a while, Lin Muyan appeared in the room with a glass of water, his eyes bright and incredible.

"The space is very, very big! There are a lot of rice in it. I don't know where Lin Shuyu got it. There are also polycrystalline cores and materials. There is a small spring inside, and I took a cup. Could this be Lin Shuyu?" Mutated water power."

Xi Yue took the cup from her hand and found that it was just a cup of ordinary water. After smelling it, there was no refreshing smell, and he silently asked the system in his heart.

[Low-grade spiritual spring water contains a certain amount of healing energy and has a weak marrow-cleansing and tendon-cleansing effect]

"It should be, it has a healing effect. Use a little marrow-cleansing and tendon-cleansing to do it."

"I saw that she squeezed out a few drops every day, and it turned out that she had saved it. So many..."

Upon hearing this, Xi Yue also felt that this girl wearing a book seemed a bit stingy.

(Lin Shu said: ¥$dkkd...)

"By the way, do you know about the C City base?" "

Of course I do. I am originally from C City. After the apocalypse, I originally planned to go to the C City base, but in the end I followed Lin Shuyu is running around. The people who moved here are the people from the C City Base." "

Then do you know the C City Granary?"

Lin Muyan immediately reacted: "The rice in the space is the food in the C City Granary?!"

Xi Yue nodded: "That's what we guessed. We can't be sure."

Lin Muyan thought for a moment and said with great certainty: "Your guess is correct. She and I have been together since the end of the world. It is impossible for her to have so much food." .Either she rushed to the granary on the day of doomsday and then returned home. Or it was the time she just arrived at Dawn Base and asked the temple to rescue the doctor, but she had no attack power and would not leave the temple to protect her. She was looking for the granary alone. If the temple knew about it, she would not have let her hold so much grain. So it can only be the granary in City C."

Lin Muyan looked at Xi Yue and hesitated, and said with a smile: "These The grain is too hot to hold in your hands, it should be where it should be. Could you please recommend me the base director?"

Xi Yue and her smiled at each other, and Shen Yu continued to do what he said without saying a word. Blockhead.

Coming down from upstairs, Shen Yuyu went to work at the front desk.

Xi Yue and Lin Muyan came to the office building opposite the hotel. After the mutated wheat and small rice asked her to do something yesterday, the superpowers inside all recognized her and greeted her one after another.

Xi Yue nodded with a smile and knocked on the door of Wang Li's office.

"Food from the granary in City C?! Give it to the base?!"

Wang Li said slowly after hearing their intention, thinking for a moment.

"Two weeks after the apocalypse, the base organized a convoy to search for grain in the granaries. We fought all the way into the granaries, only to find that all the granaries were empty." "

Even if the base has more than 300,000 people, the daily consumption is still huge. . Although everyone was frightened at the beginning, we still firmly believed that the end of the world would pass soon. Later, our food became less and less, and our people became more and more. In the end, only these 60,000 people were left. I know you "Good intentions, the base has passed the most critical period, and we can't collect so much food. If you are willing to sell some food to us at a low price, that will be enough." Lin Muyan and Xi Yue looked at each other, and she

smiled laugh.

"We got this batch of food by some strange combination of circumstances. It does not belong to me. If it hadn't been for this strange combination of circumstances, you would have been able to find this food." "I am

an ordinary person before and after the end of the world. I dont have any big ambitions. This batch of food means nothing to me. I hope I can give it to people who need it more."

Wang Li looked at her and said for a long time: "You little girl, you have no sense at all. Ordinary..."

The final result of the discussion was that Lin Muyan joined the base and got an iron rice bowl, becoming a part-time doctor in the base's mobile warehouse.

After Lin Muyan packed three rooms of food, he followed Xi Yue back to the hotel, preparing to come back to work tomorrow.

After leaving the office building, Xi Yue was a little surprised. Why did Lin Muyan always feel that she was ordinary? He wondered if she was being tricked, so he asked her directly: "Did people always tell you that you were ordinary?" "Ah?

No. Ah." Lin Muyan tilted his head and looked at her, a little surprised as to why Xi Yue would ask this.

"There must have been a lot of people who liked you since you were a kid, right?"

"Yeah... people have confessed to me since kindergarten. When I grew up, a lot of boys and girls liked me." "

Then how good are your grades in school?"

" My grades are so-so, but I don't care about that. Anyway, I ended up in a pretty good university."

Xi Yue was even more puzzled: "Then why do you think you are ordinary?"

Lin Muyan laughed out loud after hearing this: "Hahahaha, You said this."

"Because too many people feel a distance from me because of my appearance. If I say that I am an ordinary person, others will only think that I am in Versailles, which will shorten the distance." It turns out that you Did you know

you were in Versailles? ! ! !

Xi Yue looked at her in disbelief.

"Hahaha, in fact, apart from my appearance, I am indeed ordinary. I usually come from an ordinary family and study an ordinary job. And I don't want that kind of extraordinary life. I just want peace and stability."

Xi Yue heard this. She couldn't help but nod, these words entered her heart. She was also a salted fish, and she just wanted to lie down peacefully for the rest of her life.

As soon as they walked to the fountain, they met Qin Yu and Cheng Shangyun coming out from the back garden.

"Xi Yue! The husky and that bird are so smart! Ah...who is this?"

When Cheng Shangyun saw Xi Yue, he immediately ran forward to enjoy what he had seen today, and found that there was a beautiful woman standing next to Xi Yue!

Be good! He had never seen anyone like this before the apocalypse, let alone after the apocalypse!

"This is the base's superpower Cheng Shangyun, followed by Qin Yu. This is Lin Muyan, a guest of the hotel. She will go to work with you tomorrow." After Xi Yue introduced the two parties, Lin Muyan nodded at Cheng Shangyun and Qin

Yu nod.

"Work with us?! You just came back from Lao Wang?"

Cheng Shangyun was a little stunned. What kind of luck has the base director had recently? He even recruited beautiful women. He will be more motivated to work in the future!

"Yeah, what were you going to say just now? What happened to Xiaoha and Xiaofeijiu?"

Cheng Shangyun, who was deep in thought, immediately came back to his senses: "Oh, oh, yes! I'm telling you! Today we brought rice and wheat to stimulate the growth of plants. At that time, Xiaoha and Exiao... Xiaofeijiu were always playing with their special powers on the side. One always blocked our mouths with water balloons, and the other flew up to us and put the things on us into the space." "

I was at that time . I thought they were causing trouble, so I wanted to reason with them. But guess what?!" After Ru Yuan saw the

curiosity on Xi Yue's face, Cheng Shangyun cleared his throat and continued: "Our captain suddenly asked them if they wanted to talk to the mutants. We work like wheat and rice to get crystal nuclei, but they are really nodding! It turns out that they are trying to please us. One water ball feeds us water, and the other holds our things! Do you think they are smart or not?!" Xi Yue quickly asked:

" What then?"

"Then, our boss signed them. Now they are non-staff members of our team, and they will also be qualified in the future."

Xi Yue was shocked after hearing this and frowned.

Absolutely amazing!

These animals and plants all know that in order to work, they must make progress!

But I dont want to make progress, I just want to be salted fish, this wont work!

From now on, she will improve her abilities and stop taking chances!

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My apocalyptic management system...

My Apocalyptic Management System-Chapter 65 The Base I Want to Incorporate

After saying goodbye to Qin Yu and Cheng Shangyun, the two entered the hotel alone.

Lin Muyan waved her hand and left the room, while Xi Yue went to the front desk to find Shen Yu.

Shen Yu held the scarf she had knitted with a side in his hand and observed it over and over again, with a focused look on his face, as if he was studying something.

"What are you doing~ You want to learn to knit a scarf~"

Xi Yue lay on the table and looked at him, her eyes full of smiles.

When Shen Yu saw her coming, his expression softened a lot: "Did the base accept it?"

Xi Yue smiled and nodded, went in and sat down on the chair next to him: "From now on, Lin Muyan will go to work opposite. Base attendant, iron rice bowl~"

"Oops! I forgot to tell you that there is another mutated wheat plant and a silver-throated long-tailed tit in the back garden. The little fat chirp is particularly cute, round and round like a bird. Glutinous rice balls. When Wheat came, he had a fight with Xiaosadao. Now they are both working for the base, and they are also iron rice bowls. Xiaoha and Xiaofeijiu were also hired by Qin Yu as temporary workers. They still found their own jobs. , Hahahaha. The base director must be very happy to have so many capable employees all of a sudden."

Shen Yu listened to her gently and attentively, and said with a smile: "I don't have the support for their jobs."

Xi Yue was also happy after hearing this. : "No one's job is better than yours, hahahaha. And such an excellent employee like you doesn't need to be paid ~ I'm so lucky!" "Did you notice the base

's wall when you came here? That day you Later, Wang Li, the head of the base, came over and gave me a lot of crystal nuclei, which can be regarded as my protection money. Then I gave them this steel fence as a housewarming gift. I also rented some soil to the base, and there will be a steady stream of it in the future. The rent is paid~"

"So awesome, our boss is really business-savvy."

Shen Yu especially liked to see her smart little expression when she spoke, it was so cute.

Xi Yue gave him a proud look and continued: "Did you know? Wen Yi actually has a twin brother who looks exactly like him!"

Shen Yu raised his eyebrows: "His brother also came to the hotel? "

No, no! Before the end, his brother took advantage of his car accident and took his college notice to replace him in college!" "

The most important thing is! Wen Yi and Liang Ye have been together since high school. They are from the same university. ."

Hearing that the dog-skin plaster in his previous life had such a bloody story, Shen Yu couldn't help but become interested: "So did Liang Ye find out?" "

After going to college, Liang Ye felt that Wen 㹓 was a bit strange, but who would have thought that he My boyfriend was replaced by an identical person! He took over the identity of his brother, did not have a showdown with Liang Ye, and even brought a girl next door to go on a date with Liang Ye! Who can see this without saying anything! The most annoying thing Yes, after the apocalypse, they were rescued by the rescue team, and the neighbor sister pushed Liang Ye out of the car. If Liang Ye hadnt awakened her powers, we wouldnt be able to see her now. What do you think of these twins? How can brothers be so different..."

Xi Yue's tone changed from excitement to sadness as she thought of Shen Yu's previous life. Because of her younger brother Wen Hua's lies, Liang Ye may not understand until her death why her lover has become so strange, and Wen Hua also becomes crazy for Liang Ye.

Shen Yu saw Xi Yue sighing softly at the end as he spoke, seeming a little sad: "What's wrong?"

Xi Yue shook his head: "I just feel sorry for them, it's not easy..."

Suddenly, Xi Yue remembered something. You took out the blueberries and tomatoes from the warehouse and handed them to Shen Yu: "I planted ten seeds that day, and the blueberries and tomatoes grew. I don't know what the other eight are. I'll go to the back to collect the vegetables, and you will tell me if they are okay. Eat~"

After Shen Yu took it, she stood up and left.

After putting the things harvested in the backyard on the supermarket shelves, and playing with the little cuties for a while, Xi Yue went to play happily again.

Mo Xiaoyu and her brother were standing at the front desk. Seeing Xi Yueqian coming over, Mo Xiaoyu waved to her happily.

"Sister Xi Yue! My brother wanted to come over to thank you after waking up yesterday, but he couldn't find you." "

Hello, my name is Mo Feng. Thank you for saving my sister. I should have thanked you the day before yesterday, but My mental state was so bad that day, I'm sorry."

"It's Xiaoyu's good luck, no need to thank me."

Xi Yue still found it incredible to see Mo Feng again.

Why is it that little Mo Xiaoyu looks so cute and well-behaved, but her brother is actually a strong man with a heavy back and a waist height of 1.9 meters.

Mo Feng's skin was dark and shiny, in stark contrast to the tender Mo Xiaoyu beside him. No one would have discovered that these two people could be brothers and sisters.

Seeing that Xi Yue seemed to have noticed his skin color, Mo Feng smiled sheepishly and showed his big teeth: "The sun in our coastal areas is already very hot, but now that there are no plants, it is even worse..."

Mo Feng has not yet After saying that, he felt a burst of cold air coming from behind him, and turned his head to meet Shen Yu's gloomy gaze. The man who had been polite to him just now had a dark face now.

Mo Feng looked at him, then turned to look at Xi Yue, and instantly showed a knowing smile.

Ouch! He is a veteran. He used to be like this when Chen Yizi talked to strange men!

Xi Yue followed Mo Feng and looked at Shen Yu behind him. At this time, Shen Yu returned to his usual appearance, and saw Xi Yue looking at him with a smile.

Mo Feng turned sideways, put his hand on the reception desk and said to the two of them: "This is really nice of you. That blind box is so cheap! I called my girlfriend here too and prepared to buy more things to take with me. Base." After saying that, he glanced at Shen Yu.

You heard it, I have a girlfriend...

"Can you still eat the seafood in your coastal areas?" Xi Yue was a little curious. If mutated animals can be eaten, then the seafood should also be edible.

"The sea is different from the land. The key point is that the sea water is not clean. Even if the fish and shrimps in it have not turned into zombies, no one dares to eat it. We at the seaside rely on the ocean for a living. When the apocalypse comes, we will not be able to eat it. No matter how much food we have, we can't go to Haiji, and our life is very difficult." Speaking of this, Mo Feng sighed.

"Then haven't you thought about moving?"

"Why haven't you thought about it? But where will so many people move to... It's not easy for all bases. Who would accept so many ordinary people?" "

Actually, except for me, Thank you, but I also wanted to ask, if your abilities are upgraded and the safe zone is expanded, can our base be moved here too?"

Mo Feng waited for Xi Yue's answer with some anxiety.

"Of course, it's okay, but there's only one space base here..."

"It's my fault! I have asked Base Manager Wang before, if we can come over, we can merge it into the space base. Thank you, thank you very much. !"

Mo Feng got the answer he wanted, and left with Mo Xiaoyu satisfied.

Xi Yue looked at the time and saw that it was past twelve o'clock. It was time to start cooking!

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My apocalyptic management system...

My Doomsday Management System-Chapter 66 Xi Yues Past 1

Maybe it's because most of the superpowers have been mobilized by Wang Li to work, or maybe it's because the restaurant's popularity has dropped. Today at noon, the two restaurants didn't have the usual long queues at the door. When Xi Yue and Shen Yu I actually caught the last available seat.

Xi Yue ordered three dishes and one soup, yam and pork ribs soup, stir-fried pork with green peppers, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and bean curd vegetables, all home-cooked dishes.

After the dishes were served, Shen Yu was a little stunned when he saw yam pork ribs soup and bean curd green vegetables.

Is it a coincidence?

Xi Yue knew why he was stunned, because yam pork rib soup and bean curd green vegetables were two dishes that Lao Shen often made, and they were also two dishes that Shen Yu would often order when eating out later.

Shen Yu has not been a picky eater since he was a child, but Xi Yue found that he still preferred Shen's taste and liked light dishes. He also likes desserts. After moving out to live in college, he would order a small cake for himself from time to time.

Mr. Xi is a very well-behaved and lovely person~

"Drink the soup first."

Xi Yue filled a bowl of soup and handed it to him.

Shen Yu took the pork rib soup and looked at Xi Yue with some confusion.

"Look at what I'm doing, drink soup first and then eat."

Xi Yue knew what Shen Yu was thinking. She was not a good at hiding. Sooner or later he would find out, so everyone should understand it tacitly~ ... Nine o'clock

in the evening

, Shen Yu returned to her room from work on time. When he entered the room, he found a box from a Western restaurant on the dining table. He walked over and opened it, revealing a piece of tiramisu inside.

Shen Yu looked at Xi Yue's closed door, raised the corners of his lips slightly, sat down and finished the cake.

Because he had not rested for the past two days and got up too early in the morning, Shen Yu felt a little drowsy after taking a shower, so after using his supernatural powers to control the moisture in his hair, he lay on the bed and fell asleep.


"Dagui, how is it? Is the baby ready?"

"No, Mom, why did you come here? Are you playing mahjong again! Xiuli is dying!" "

Why are you shouting, if you don't look at it ? For the sake of my eldest grandson, I don't even want to come!"

"Mom, why are you..."

Before he could finish speaking, the baby's cry came from the delivery room.

"Oh, it's here! My eldest grandson is out! I've already thought of a name at home. He's called Xi Ronggui. He's rich and prosperous. Hahahahaha. It's really the blessing of our ancestors." As soon as Shen Yu opened his eyes, he found that he was

out of luck. Now in a strange place, the supernatural power in the body seems to have disappeared. Standing next to them was a handsome man who was a little anxious and a thin woman who had arrived slowly. They were talking as if no one was watching, and they didn't seem to notice that there was someone standing next to them.

Shen Yu had no interest in accompanying them to wait for the baby to come out. He was about to leave when he heard the woman's excited words and caught something with his ears. He immediately stopped in his tracks and glanced at the delivery room.

Xi, Xi, Xi or Xi Yue's Xi...

Shen Yu walked closer and observed their appearance, as if he wanted to discover something, but they had nothing in common with Xi Yue.

Did you think too much?

At this time, the door to the delivery room opened, and the doctor and nurse came out.

The thin woman immediately rushed up and said: "Where is the child? Let me see the child!"

The nurse behind her handed the swaddling clothes in her arms to the woman: "The child weighs five pounds and seven taels, and is a very beautiful baby. The mother is still here There will be stitches inside, and it will come out later."

The woman looked at the baby in her arms with a distressed look on her face: "Ouch! Why is it only five pounds and seven taels! This damn Wang Xiuli must be starving my grandson!"




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"Ah? This is a beautiful little baby girl, not a baby boy."

The nurse frowned. This is a family that values ​​boys over girls...

The woman raised her head in disbelief, with a worried look on her face, looking a little bit worried. distortion. m.

"Impossible?! We looked for someone before us, and it's our grandson!" As he said this, he took off the baby's blanket.

After seeing clearly that the child was indeed a baby girl, the woman thrust the child into her son's hand, glanced at him, and turned away.

The doctor and nurse were not surprised when they saw this scene, leaving the man holding the child to wait for his wife, shook his head and left.

Shen Yu walked beside the man and looked at the girl in his arms.

The child had thick fetal hair, no eyebrows, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was red, and there were a lot of dirty things stuck to his face.

If this child is Xi Yue, Shen Yu can still praise her as the cutest baby without conscience. But no matter how he looked at it, this little baby didn't look like the beautiful Xi Yue...

How about raising him again?

The door to the delivery room opened again, and the nurse came out pushing the bed.

The woman on the hospital bed looked misty-eyed and a little embarrassed, but she could still tell that she was a very beautiful person.

Shen Yu looked at the woman's pale face and realized that she really matched up with Xi Yue.

He approached the baby again and his frown relaxed.

Xi Yue seemed to be getting cuter and cuter the more he looked at her...

Shen Yu felt that she would appear here, most likely because Xi Yue also saw her faults.

In fact, he didn't want Xi Yue to know about his past, because his past was not good, and he didn't even dare to face it himself.

But thinking of all her actions during the day, Shen Yu felt that this was good. She was not afraid of herself, but was even closer to him.

Thinking that she had been by his side through all the hardships he had gone through, Shen Yu felt a little sore.

When the man saw that the woman had woken up, he did not care about her. He complained as soon as he opened his mouth: "Why is she a girl? My mother was so angry that she left immediately..." The woman who had

just woken up looked a little dazed. When she heard the man's words, she was instantly angry. Sober up: "What do you mean by your mother?! She won't take care of me during my confinement period? Isn't she a woman? She looks down on girls so much? What's your attitude now? Wasn't this the case when you stalked me?! "

When the man saw the woman getting angry, he didn't dare to complain anymore. He just muttered: "No, no... don't be angry. After all, she is my mother... It was not easy for her to raise me by herself..." The woman

Hearing his words, he became even more angry: "Xi Zhiqiang! It's not easy for her. Will it be easy for me if I give you a child?! I feel terribly uncomfortable, and you are telling me this now?! This is the end of the day! Divorce!"

Man He immediately begged for mercy: "We won't leave, we won't leave! Why don't you apologize if I'm wrong? I'll never say it again."

Shen Yu frowned as he watched the two people quarreling, and covered little Xi Yue's ears with his hands, fearing that they would touch Xi Yue's ears. Yue woke up.

After staying in the hospital for three days, Shen Yu followed the young couple out of the hospital and came to a very old community.

Their house is in this old community. It is a small house of about 40 square meters. It is dark and damp, and the lights need to be turned on during the day.

Wang Xiuli was lying on the bed prepared by the man: "What is the name of the child? Have you thought about it?"

Xi Zhiqiang scratched his hair: "My mother and I are only thinking about the son's name. I haven't thought about the girl's name yet."

Wang Xiuli stared closely. She looked at him and sighed one last time: "Call her Xi Yue. It'll be more festive."

Xi Yue was named randomly by her mother.

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My apocalyptic management system...

My Doomsday Management System-Chapter 67 Xi Yues Past 2

"She's crying again! Look at it!" Wang Xiuli yelled at Xi Zhiqiang while lying on the bed.

"Pull it." Xi Zhiqiang quickly put Xi Yue on the bed and let Wang Xiuli change her diaper.

"Can't you fucking change her?! I have no one to take care of me during confinement, and I have to take care of the baby! What can you do?!" "

I am a grown man, how can I come to change diapers! You Let's do it first, I'll go out to buy food."

Xi Zhiqiang left Wang Xiuli with a broken face and went out by himself.

Scenes like this happened many times every day. Eventually, little Xi Yue got her household registration a month later and lost her mother.

Shen Yu followed Xi Zhiqiang, who was holding the child, to the village in the suburbs. There were many people coming and going in the village, and it looked very lively.

Xi Zhiqiang greeted people along the way and came to the door of a self-built three-story building with his child in his arms.

"Mom! I'm back!"

"Dagui! Why are you back holding the baby?" Zhong Aihua, a thin woman, heard her son's voice and ran out.

"Let's go in and talk."

Xi Zhiqiang looked at the neighbors standing at the door watching the excitement and hurried in.

"What?! Are you divorced?!" Zhong Aihua knocked over the water glass in her hand in surprise.

"Mom, please keep your voice down!"

"I didn't let you marry Wang Xiuli at first. She was as skinny as skin and bones. She couldn't give birth to a son at first glance. You insisted on marrying her. Now that she's done, the child has just been born. You Just divorced and brought the child back! How can you get married with a baby in the future? You are going to piss me off!"

Zhong Aihua patted Xi Zhiqiang a few times while wiping away her tears.

"Mom! Stop fighting!"

"I'm with our company's grandson. She is willing to marry me."

Zhong Aihua stopped crying after listening to her son's words: "Really? You just got divorced and you married someone else." We hooked up? What about the child? The girl is also willing? She's not a serious girl, right?" "

Really, really, that girl is the only child in our city, and she likes my good looks. The child...the child, I promise her not to Come here..."

Xi Zhiqiang said while quietly looking at his mother.

"Don't raise me here? What do you mean?! I raised you with great difficulty and gave you up, and I want to raise a daughter for you?! Don't even think about it!"

Zhong Aihua immediately refused after hearing this.

"Mom! Listen to me, my little grandson with her big ass will definitely be able to have a son! And her family is from the city, and she is the only daughter. If you don't help me, my son may not be able to meet such a good person in the future!" "Mom

, Just help your son, I will give you living expenses every month. Next year, next year I will definitely bring you a grandson back! You can just wait and enjoy the blessings in the future."

Zhong Aihua hesitated again and again, and finally left Xi Yue .

Although the old lady favors boys over girls, she is a clean person and doesn't care about raising little Xi Yue, but she is not hungry either.

"Xiaoyue, are you okay?!"

"Here you go, grandma."

Little Xiyue stood on the stool in the bathroom and washed her hands, responding to Zhong Ai Hua with a milky voice.

The little girl is about three or four years old, with soft short hair and a small chirp on top of her head. Her big black and translucent eyes with thick and curled eyelashes look very cute when she blinks in the mirror.

This city is developing very fast. In the past two years, many migrant workers have come to the village to rent houses. Zhong Aihua also rented out the two floors of her house, and her life was pretty good. Recently, she took over the job of knitting scarves. She was given 1 yuan for knitting one piece, so she could earn 10 yuan a day.

After Xiao Xiyue washed her hands, she sat on the bench at the door and rolled the loose thread into a ball with her little hands, while Zhong Aihua made an appointment with her friend's house and started playing mahjong.

After a while, a little head popped out of the door and called Xi Yue softly.

Xi Yue raised his head and saw An An, the granddaughter next door, and immediately smiled.

The woman next door is named Ma Xiuying, and she has never gotten along with Zhong Aihua. When the two were young, they had a heated argument over the right to use a piece of land near their door. From then on, they would poke each other's sore spots every time they saw each other for decades.

Zhong Aihua has always prevented Xiao Xi Yue from playing with the granddaughter An An next door, but Xi Yue has no friends at all. The children in the village either disliked her for being too young and refused to play with her, or they said she was an unwanted child and would not play with her. Only An An liked to play with her.

Ma Xiuying, who lives next door, doesn't let her granddaughter An An play with Xi Yue, but An An likes Xi Yue. She felt that Xi Yue was prettier than her doll. She especially liked such a beautiful sister, so she tried every means to play with Xi Yue.

Xi Yue looked at Zhong Aihua who was concentrating on playing mahjong in the room, told her that he was out to play, and then ran away.

The two picked flowers and played house until evening before getting ready to go back. When they were near their house, An An smelled the smell of chicken stew coming from her house and took a deep breath.

"My grandma will definitely roast chicken and stew mushrooms. It's so delicious. Xiaoyue, have you ever eaten chicken stewed with mushrooms?"

Xi Yue followed her and took a deep breath and shook his head: "I ate chicken during the Chinese New Year. , there are no mushrooms."

"The chicken stewed with mushrooms is very, very delicious. Wait for me at the door, I must let you try it!" After An An said this, he slipped into the house.

After a while, she secretly ran out holding a small bowl: "Try it quickly, I just ate a piece, it's very delicious!"

Xiao Xiyue looked at the mimeograph on An An's mouth, covered her mouth and smiled, and then After eating a piece of chicken: "It's so delicious! Your grandma is so amazing."

An An nodded happily, and the two of them ate one piece at a time.

Shen Yu was a little confused. He knew that Xi Yue didn't like chicken stewed with mushrooms. He could eat chicken and mushrooms, but if they were cooked together, she wouldn't touch them. Why was he so happy eating them now? Tianlai Novel Network

Shen Yu watched Xi Yue eating chicken, with mimeographed marks on his face like a little cat, so cute.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he saw a woman with short hair appearing behind the child. The woman looked at the two children with a stern face, and he began to feel uneasy.

"Is it delicious? Xiaoyue." An An asked Xi Yue, holding an empty small bowl in her hand.

"It's delicious, especially fragrant!" Xi Yue squinted her eyes, as if she was still savoring the taste.

"This is all chicken! Can't it be delicious?!"

Ma Xiuying suddenly appeared, pulled her granddaughter An An away, twisted Xi Yue's ears and dragged her to the next door, and started yelling.

"I know, there is no good person next door to you! The old one is shameless and likes to rob other people's land, and the young one is following the same example and grabbing other people's meat! Is your family going to starve to death? Let the young one run away." My family is eating and drinking all the time?! Zhong Aihua, if you cant raise a child, dont do it! The whole family is stinky and shameless!

Zhong Aihua was in a bad mood because three families beat her in the mahjong game in the afternoon.㳔To the extreme.

At this time, she heard Ma Xiuying yelling at her door again, and she immediately rushed out.

Seeing Xi Yue's ears being twisted by Ma Xiuying, and the oil marks on her face, Zhong Aihua's face became terrifyingly gloomy...

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My apocalyptic management system...

My Doomsday Management System-Chapter 68 Xi Yues Past 3

"Yo! Who are you trying to scare with a straight face?! Look at your granddaughter, you ordered my An An to steal chicken for her to eat! The old ones rob, the young ones steal, the upper beam is crooked and the lower beam is crooked! No wonder your son and daughter-in-law are getting divorced. With an old shrew like you, who dares to come?! You tell people every day how nice your eldest grandson is, right? Damn! From now on, you will be a thief!" The more

Zhong Aihua listened, the angrier she became. She couldn't bear it anymore, so she opened it with her hand. He grabbed Ma Xiuying's hand and pulled Xi Yue back.

"You're going to die! You dare to hit me!"

Xi Yue saw her grandma save her and touched her red and swollen ears, holding back her mouth and wanting to cry.

"Shut up, don't cry! Did you eat her chicken?!"

Zhong Aihua's eyes were red and she pulled Xiao Xi Yue's collar and asked.

Little Xi Yue was frightened by the grandma in front of her. Tears rolled in her eyes and she did not dare to shed them.

Ma Xiuying next to her seemed to think it was not enough, and fanned the flames: "Not only that! Your granddaughter said that my cooking was delicious and very fragrant! You, nothing in this life can compare to me. The man died early, and the son didn't even come back to see me." You!"

Zhong Aihua looked at the expressions of the surrounding villagers and tenants who were watching the excitement. She was so stimulated that she pinched open little Xi Yue's mouth and then dug at her young throat.

"Okay! Then I'll give it back to you! I want to see how delicious it is!"

Little Xi Yue was in pain and scared, crying and struggling, but Zhong Aihua didn't care at all and just held her down tightly.

Shen Yu frantically wanted to stop Zhong Aihua, but he passed through her body again and again, unable to touch anyone at all.

In the end, Xiao Xiyue vomited a puddle of chicken and mushrooms mixed with blood, and Zhong Aihua let her go.

"Come! It's back to you! Try it and see how delicious it is! I want to see if you can eat it?! Do you want me to bring you a bowl to put it in?"

Ma Xiuying seemed to be fascinated. Her fierceness shocked her: "It's a sin to be your granddaughter! What a bad luck!" She glanced at Xi Yue who was lying on the ground coughing and left.

"What else are you looking at?! It's time to go away!" Zhong Aihua shouted at the people watching at the door and closed the courtyard door.

Little Xi Yue lay on the floor coughing and crying. Zhong Aihua didn't care about her at all and walked into the house.

Shen Yu squatted next to little Xi Yue and looked at her little face that was red due to coughing, the corners of her mouth were still bloodshot, and her eyes were a little sore.

Although he has experienced many hardships, half of them were carefully taken care of by Lao Shen. He never thought that Xi Yue, who was so smiling and optimistic, would have such an experience.

After Xi Yue finished coughing, he lay quietly on the ground. At night, Zhong Aihua, who had lost his breath, carried her into the house.

From then on, An An, the neighbor next door, never came to see Xi Yue again, and Xi Yue also became silent and didn't like to talk.

When Xi Yue just turned five years old, Zhong Aihua threw her into the village primary school.

On the first day of school, the teacher asked everyone to introduce themselves. The children all said their names and who their mothers were. Lun㳔Xiao Xiyue, she didnt know what to say.

Except for the first year after getting married, Xi Zhiqiang came back to celebrate the New Year, and spent the next four years at his wife's house. Apart from a few brief meetings with him and occasional phone calls, Xi Yue actually had no impression of this father at all.

As for her mother, she had never seen her once. Grandma said that her mother had married a long time ago and had a younger sister who did not remember her.

"I know! Her parents don't want her anymore, she's a drag!" A little boy shouted immediately when he saw Xi Yue.

The children around immediately burst into laughter.

Children's malice is always so direct. They don't know what's right or wrong, and they don't feel whether they have caused harm to others. They only feel that they are happy. Amidst laughter and the teacher's stop

, Xi Yue lowered her head and sat back silently.

Shen Yu gently stroked her head and looked at these "innocent" children with dark eyes.

After school, the entrance to the village primary school was very lively, with parents everywhere coming to pick up their children.

Xi Yue looked at the child being held by her parents with some envy, and finally walked home with her head lowered. Zhong Aihua had said early in the morning that she would not come to pick her up.

After entering the third grade, Xi Yue still has no friends and goes to and from school alone every day.

The student who was studying Little Fatty said in his class that his father saw him and wrote in his diary that he wanted a toy and bought it for him on the first day. The students were hesitant but wanted to try it.

After a few days, many students got the toys my mother bought, and they all praised how useful writing a diary was. Xi Yue on the side looked at the textbook with twinkling eyes.

After school that day, Xi Yue returned home and took out a new notebook and started writing, painting each stroke very carefully.

Seeing how serious she was, Shen Yu leaned over to her a little funny, and saw what was written in the notebook: I don't want toys, I want my father.

Just as Xi Yue was writing, she heard Zhong Aihua calling her to eat.

Yaotian's Zhong Aihua was in a particularly good mood and even took a few sips of wine.

"Xiao Yue, your dad brought your stepmother and younger brother back to celebrate the New Year this year. You have to take good care of your younger brother, you know?" After

hearing this, Xi Yue's eyes immediately lit up. Writing a diary is really useful!

Shen Yu on the side noticed that Xi Yue's eyes changed, but his brows furrowed.

From then on, Xi Yue would write a diary every day after school. She wanted to fill a diary and give it to her father to let him know that she missed him very much.

The days passed quickly, and before Xi Yue could fill up his diary, the Spring Festival was coming.

Xi Yue, who is on winter vacation, learns to knit scarves from Zhong Aihua every day. Zhong Aihua wants to teach her so that she can earn two jobs in the future.

"Mom! We're back!"

Zhong Aihua heard the voice and immediately put down her knitting and rushed out.

"Ouch! My eldest grandson! Xiaohong must be freezing! Come in, come in!"

Xiao Xiyue stood at the door. Next to his father stood his strange aunt and brother. Grandma was very enthusiastic about them. This was also the case for Xi Yue. It was the first time I saw grandma so enthusiastic.

"Xiao Yue! Why are you standing here! Make some tea! You can't see at all!"

Seeing the thin and small Xi Yue stepping on the bench and raising the hot water bottle to pour water, Shen Yu was always afraid that she would burn him, but he There was nothing to do but stare.

When Xi Yue put the tea on the table, Zhong Aihua looked at his grandson Xi Chengze and couldn't bear to move his eyes away.

"Xiao Yue, this is your brother Xiao Gui. You have to take good care of him these two days, you know?"

Before Xi Yue could answer, Xi Zhiqiang saw that Sun Hong's face was a little bad and immediately interrupted: "Mom, why are you still calling me Xiaogui! His first name is Chengze, and his nickname is Xiaoze. His grandfather got it."

Zhong Aihua curled her lips when she heard this, but didn't say anything at all, and just went to the kitchen to serve the food.

The whole family was talking to each other, and the meal was lively. Xi Yue was the only one sitting aside, like an outsider.

Seeing her fat brother sitting in the middle being coaxed by her father and praised by her grandma, Xi Yue looked a little sad. Her father seemed to have never noticed her since he entered the house.

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My apocalyptic management system...

My Doomsday Management System-Chapter 69 Xi Yues Past 4

After dinner, Sun Hong accompanied Zhong Ai to wash the dishes, and Xi Chengze also ran to watch the fun.

Seeing that only his father was sitting in the room, Xi Yue immediately ran into the room, took out the diary he had written, and walked slowly to Xi Zhiqiang's side.

Xi Zhiqiang picked his teeth and saw that the eldest daughter whom he was not very familiar with seemed to be looking for him: "It's Xiaoyue, is there anything you want?"

Xi Yue didn't speak, but handed him the book with some anxiety.

Xi Zhiqiang met her expectant eyes and was about to open the book when a shocking cry came from the kitchen. He immediately dropped the book and rushed in.

After a while, Xi Zhiqiang came out and sat on a chair with Xi Chengze, who was crying and sobbing.

Xi Yue stood there and looked at his crying brother curiously.

Xi Zhiqiang explained to her with a smile: "No, I accidentally fell down just now."

Xi Chengze hugged his father's neck, glanced at Xi Yue, and then glanced at the notebook on the table.

Following his son's eyes, he saw that it was the notebook that Xi Yue had given him just now: "This is my sister's notebook. My sister is already in elementary school, and Ozawa will have one in the future." "

I don't have a sister! She is not my sister! "Xi Chengze began to cry again when he heard his father's words, and the sound made his eardrums hurt.

"Okay, okay, no sister, stop shouting!"

"I want to read!" After receiving Xi Zhiqiang's answer, Xi Chengze stopped howling and leaned over to get the notebook.

Xi Yue felt a little uncomfortable when she heard her father's words. When she saw Xi Chengze taking his diary, she immediately wanted to stop him.

Xi Yue and Xi Chengze each held the two ends of the notebook, refusing to let anyone go. Xi Chengze started crying again.

"Okay! If your brother wants to see it, let him see it. He doesn't know him anyway. You are the sister, so you have to let him!" After Xi Zhiqiang said this, he took the book and stuffed it into Xi Chengze's arms.

Xi Chengze took the notebook and looked at Xi Yue proudly, then tore up the thin diary with all his strength.

While tearing it apart, he shouted: "You won't let me see it! I won't let you see it either!"

Xi Zhiqiang was a little embarrassed when his son was so domineering, so he picked him up and dropped him, "My brother is still young, I didn't mean to do it." Sorry.

Xi Yue lowered her eyes and picked up the paper from the ground. She didn't say a word, but tears flowed down her cheeks.

Shen Yu clenched his fists tightly, and when he saw little Xi Yue crying silently, his heart also throbbed with pain.

After Xi Yue picked up the scraps of paper, he washed his face in the bathroom and stared blankly at himself in the mirror.

When she regained her composure and was about to walk to the living room, she heard the conversation between Zhong Aicheng and Xi Zhiqiang.

"Where's Xiaoyue? You damn girl didn't help clean up, where did she go?!"

"Just now, Xiaoze accidentally tore up her notebook, so she might be a little unhappy."

Zhong Aishun became angry when he heard this: "Xiaoze She's so young, what's wrong with her tearing up her book? I'm looking for her, and I just told her to take good care of her brother, and she still dares to lose her temper!"

Xi Zhiqiang quickly comforted her: "Mom, it's not for those who celebrate the New Year, just let her go. Look. Xiaohong bought you something, she is filial to you!"

"You shouldn't have kept her in the first place, her mother didn't care about her. I really get angry just looking at her, and she doesn't like to talk at home every day. I dont understand anything.

Okay, okay, its my child after all, so theres no reason to let others raise it. Anyway, Ill give her something to eat, and I wont have to worry about her when she grows up.

Xi Yue stood in the shadows . , I dont know what you are thinking, the small figure is full of loneliness.

Since then, Xi Yue has never been near Xi Zhiqiang again, and has become more and more silent, like an invisible person.

Xi Yue's hair has not grown since she was a child. Zhong Aishun was impatient to tie her hair up and would cut it short as soon as it grew long.

Even though Xi Yue has always had a boy's hair, she is still famous for her good looks.

In the first grade, some students in the class entered adolescence and began to show signs of puppy love.

There are always some boys who will try their best to bully girls in order to attract their attention.

Xi Yue had her hair pulled by a man more than once. Her hair was short and it would cause burning pain when it was pulled off.

Xi Yue didn't tell the teacher or Zhong Aishun. She knew it was useless. They would not stand up for her and might blame herself in turn.

Because of Xi Yue's ability to swallow her anger and the fact that she had no friends, the boyfriend couldn't attract her attention, so he became more aggressive. ŴŴŴ.

From tearing her homework books and soiling her clothes to saying some vicious words in front of her, such as she is unwanted, a wild child, and so on.

If Shen Yu could meet them, these people who bullied Xi Yue would have been tortured to death by him countless times, but this was just a past relationship, and he could only grit his teeth and watch, unable to do anything.

When Xi Yue was about to graduate, their village was demolished.

News of the demolition had spread long ago, so in the past few years Xi Zhiqiang and his wife and children often came back to talk to each other. Zhong Aishun was so happy that he told everyone how filial his son and grandson were.

Their family received tens of thousands of demolition funds and a house in the city.

Zhong Aicheng gave her son the house and money, and left a little savings on hand, so she moved Xi Yue into the small house of 40 㱒 that Xi Zhiqiang used to live in.

The small house was dark and cramped, but Xi Yue was very happy. She finally left elementary school and got rid of the classmates who bullied her.

But when she entered junior high school with full expectations, she found that everything was different from what she thought.

"Look what she's wearing..."

"Help! Why are there rose-red short-sleeves? How old are these!"

"Oh my god, how do you cut this hair?

" Her shoes are actually Adyvans hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

so so much laughter."Stay away from her, she won't cut her hair because she has lice on her head."

"She feels dirty, yue..."

Because She doesn't care about Zhong Sheng. She bought Xi Yue's clothes when she went to the market, two pieces for ten yuan, and a pair of eleven shoes. In her opinion, girls can just wear whatever they want. After dressing up so well, they are not cheap to outsiders. As for why Xi Yue had to cut her hair short, it was not because long hair was a waste of shampoo, and besides, the water bill in the city was so expensive.

Children in the city are generally only children. They are the darlings of their elders and wear the most elaborate clothes.

Xi Yue was out of tune with them. Even if there were one or two people who were willing to make friends with Xi Yue, as soon as they started chatting about celebrity gossip, comics, novels, and branded clothes, Xi Yue couldn't understand or get involved. Even if Xi Yue is willing to learn this knowledge for them, he still can't keep up with their pace.

As time passed, they stopped interacting with Xi Yue, and Xi Yue gradually gave up on making friends.

After thinking about the fact that he still couldn't make friends, Xi Yue told himself not to force it.

At least they just ignored her and didn't bully her like the children in the village, which was pretty good.

After that, Xi Yue still had the short hair cut by her grandma, wore local clothes bought at the market, and spent the three years of junior high school...

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My apocalyptic management system...

My Doomsday Management System-Chapter 70 Xi Yues Past 5

After Xi Yue entered high school, Zhong Aisheng's health began to deteriorate. She often suffered from minor ailments and had no time to go to the market to buy things.

So Xi Yue finally got rid of the tacky cartoon clothes and put on the refreshing solid-color clothes he bought, although the price was still very cheap.

Life in high school is pretty good, and her classmates are all very friendly. Seeing that she is young, everyone will take more care of her.

Xi Yue also has a few more friends who he can talk to, but they are just friends who can talk, but they don't have heart-to-heart friends.

On this day, she went to the stationery store near the school to buy stationery on the recommendation of her classmates, but she met an unexpected person.

"You...are you Xi Yue?!"

The proprietress of the stationery store is very beautiful. If you look closely, she looks 40-50% similar to Xi Yue.

Seeing Xi Yue's confused expression, Wang Xiuli felt a little uncomfortable: "I'm my mother!"

Xi Yue's impression of her mother was still from when she was very young. She had received her mother's toys and occasionally called her once or twice.

But then there were fewer and fewer phone calls, and she never received any gifts. She had the impression that she had never seen her mother before.

Grandma often told her that her mother was a bad woman and that she would not want her after she had a little sister, and would not even give her living expenses. She once wanted to find her mother, but she didn't know where her mother was, and sometimes she wondered if her mother really didn't want her.

"Are they still mean to you?" Wang Xiuli held Xi Yue's hand, choking with sobs.

Xi Yue looked at her crying and felt nothing in his heart. He just said lightly: "There is no shortage of food and clothing for me to study." Perhaps feeling

Xi Yue's indifference, Wang Xiuli was a little embarrassed: "That's it, that's it. . Are you studying in the first high school now? Leave your contact information. Your sister also wants to take the first high school. I dont know how happy I would be to know that I have such a powerful sister." Xi Yue looked at her steadily and said softly: "

No need. , just pretend you haven't seen her before."

Xi Yue left, leaving Wang Xiuli stunned.

In the past, she might still long for family affection, but now she has long since looked away. There are some things that cannot be forced, and she doesn't want them anymore.

Xi Yue left the stationery store and wandered around aimlessly, and finally walked to the river to enjoy the breeze.

As the sun sets in the west, the sky and the river are illuminated red by the setting sun, making it very beautiful.

"Xi Yue..."

Shen Yu looked at the girl's face illuminated by the afterglow and called her softly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't. I just stood next to her, blowing the river breeze with her, and watching the sunset on the horizon.

After passing the college entrance examination, Xi Yue was admitted to the best university in the local area. Zhong Aishun was very proud and felt that she had made him look good. She called acquaintances at home to brag about it every day.

In fact, Xi Yue always wanted to go to another city to take the university entrance examination, and the further away from here, the harder it would be.

But looking at Zhong Aishun's aging face and thinning body, Xi Yue still chose to stay.

Although Zhong Aisheng never gave her any bad looks since she was a child, and she never really felt bad for her. She was admitted to college all the way, and the school paid all the tuition and textbook fees, and Zhong Aicheng never held her back once. Even if it is cheap and unsightly clothes, I will buy her new ones every day.

Two days after Xi Yue started her college studies, she received a call from Xi Zhiqiang and asked her to go to the hospital quickly. Grandma was dying.

When Xi Yue rushed to the hospital, Sun Hong and Xi Chengze stood at the door of the ward and nodded when they saw her coming, as a greeting.

Shen Yu entered the ward directly and heard the old Zhong Aicheng and Xi Zhiqiang explaining what was behind him.




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"Mom still has 30,000 yuan in her hand. Give these... to Xiaoyue... If it's not enough for her to go to school, you can make up for it... After she graduates, find her a home with her in-laws, and she will be settled... "m.

"The small house I live in is for Xiaogui. Xiaoze doesn't listen at all... I don't like it..."

Xi Zhiqiang held her hand, with tears in his eyes, choked and said, and then went to the door to check it. Everyone called in.

Zhong Aicheng glanced at everyone, and finally left amid cries.

Xi Zhiqiang used the millions of demolition money to open several stores and borrowed several houses. With the increase in housing prices, he made a lot of money and lived a very good life, so he loves Shen. The funeral was very grand.

After the funeral, Xi Zhiqiang stopped Xi Yue who was about to go back to school: "This is the passbook your grandma left for you. There is 30,000 yuan in it. I will add another 100,000 yuan to it, which will be used as your tuition and living expenses." "

And the house you live in, your grandma also left it to you. Follow me to check in on the weekend. You go back to class first. I will call you later." Xi Yue was a little dazed. She didn't think about her

grandma at all. He would actually leave the house to her.

Shen Yu was also a little surprised that Xi Zhiqiang didn't want this house.

No matter what Xi Zhiqiang thought, in the end Xi Yue got the house book with his name on it and a bankbook worth 130,000 yuan.

When she went to college, she came into contact with online novels. While she was addicted to reading novels, she also began to try to write novels on Vegetable.com. Unexpectedly, the response was not bad.

Relying on the royalties from the novel and the money left by his grandmother, Xi Yue completely renovated the dark and dilapidated cabin.

In the second semester, she quit the dormitory and moved into an old house that was renovated and renovated.

When she doesn't have classes, she writes novels at home or learns to draw from videos.

Perhaps because of her talent in painting, after she studied for a while, someone actually took a fancy to her paintings and was willing to pay her to help her draw illustrations.

As the savings in his hand gradually increased, Xi Yue also began to learn to dress himself up, not for others, but just to make himself happy.

Xi Yue's appearance was already exquisite and cute, but she became even more outstanding when she dressed up. People in the school gradually noticed this usually taciturn girl, and they began to pursue her more and more.

But there were many pursuits, but few could really confess to her. Because Xi Yue was always elusive, no one could be found after class, and they couldn't find any opportunities even if they tried to block people.

As soon as Xi Yue ran out of the classroom that day, she was blocked by a man holding a handful of roses at the entrance of the stairs.

The man was wearing luxury clothes, the roses in his hands were fragrant, and he showed a smile that he thought was handsome.

"Xi Yue, I like you, can you give me a chance? I will definitely make you the happiest woman in the world!"

Shen Yu and Xi Yue were speechless when they looked at this man.

Isn't this the man Xi Yue met yesterday when he went to the cafeteria?

They are all dressed in the same style, holding the same bangs in their hands, but the heroines confessing to them are different.

Xi Yue recalled the speech of the heroine yesterday, then rubbed his arms with goosebumps and said, "I'm sorry, I like light dishes." Then he passed him and went downstairs.

The man who stayed behind looked confused. Yesterday, he also said this. What does it mean? He doesnt like heavy-flavored dishes either

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