Am I Able To Feel? [An Undert...

By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

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I don't know how many of you man will know this but we made an Undertale story a long time ago. it was our th... More

Blue Light
Prologue: Starting Over
Chapter 1: The Underground
Chapter 2: Toriel's House
Chapter 3: Sans and Papyrus
Chapter 4: Battle, Dates And Training.
Chapter 5: Waterfall
Chapter 6: The Man Who Speaks In Hands
Chapter 7: Battle With Undyne
Chapter 8: The Mettaton Show
Chapter 9: Spider Dance
Chapter 10: Attack Of The Killer Robot
Chapter 11: Chara
Chapter 12: The End?
Chapter 13: Asriel Dreemurr
Chapter 14: The Cyborg With A Heart
Chapter 15: A Time Of Peace
Chapter 16: Lost Identity
Chapter 17: Return To The Underground
Chapter 18: The Amalgamate Fusion
Blue's Updated BIO
Chapter 19: A Normal Lifestyle
Chapter 20: A New Threat
Chapter 21: History Of The Wizard Council
Chapter 22: Bete Noire
Chapter 23: The Lightvale Family

Chapter 24: Her Choice

109 3 3
By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

Amber: Good luck on that, but now, it's time for you to wake up

Blue: You're right, will I see you again?

Amber: I doubt it

Amber disappears, and now I was on the floor, but also back in the real world....I had awoken.

Blue: Well that was interesting

Sans: It certainly was

Blue: Sans?

Sans: Heya kiddo, you're finally awake.

Flowey: Took you long enough! We need you now!

Blue: Yes, but I wasn't trying to cross the border

Flowey: God Damn it

Sans: Yeah, instead you seemed to have crossed Betty, because she is attacking once again.

Blue: And you're both here?

Flowey: What? You expect me to do something?

Sans: Yeah, don't worry. Gaster, Chara and Undyne are holding her off, with Frisk on the sidelines.

Blue: Then let's get going

Sans: You fit to fight?

Blue: What do you think?

Flowey: Exactly, now let's go

Sans: Hehe, you're always ready in my eyes. Come, I know a shortcut.

Blue: You take it, I'm going to get there my way

Sans: Suit yourself

3rd POV

A few minutes before Blue had regained his consciousness, Betty was causing havoc in town, but soon engaged in battle with Undyne, Chara and Gaster.

The Former Captain of the Royal Guard had trained hard recently, and she was definitely holding her own. But Betty was still levels above her, and Undyne had to work with Chara in this fight.

Gaster was there as well, and had rediscovered his powers behind the scenes. He was helped by his own sister, Gianna, and now he was as strong as Chara, maybe even stronger.

But Betty was still a powerhouse, and it was shown when she was fully enveloped in HATE. She began to send pink projectiles that would explode once they were close to the others.

The pink tentacles that were also present besides Betty, had made it hard for Undyne and Chara to get up close.

Undyne: Dammit, she just had to escape!

Chara: It's annoying, but we have to deal with her. Hey Frisk! Has Blue answered his phone yet?!

Frisk: N-No! Just keep holding her off, I'm sure Sans will find him!

Gaster: He probably has, so do stick to the ranged game, you're not going to hurt her by going in close.

Undyne: Oh yeah, just pelter her with spears that don't have an effect, why am I even here?

Gaster: Because you're the Head of the Police Force?

Undyne: Yeah, but this is out of my league!

Chara: Just focus, that idiot will come and take over for us anyways

Betty: Oh sure, let that machine fight for you. I'll just rip him apart like Asriel did and then kill the rest of you

Chara: Please, he beat you last time, he can do it again

Betty: I wouldn't be so sure of that. I have more to show him.....and he will not have a stupid flower save him!

Blue: I won't need him this time

Betty was alarmed by the voice of Blue, and she looks around for him, only to get blasted by a laser beam. Blue had arrived from the sky and landed on the ground safely, his arms return to normal just as Sans and Flowey appear from the side.

Flowey: Seriously, how do you do that?

Sans: What do you mean? Are you closing your eyes?

Flowey: I.....screw you!

Chara: Finally, what happened to you?

Blue: I was unconscious

Frisk: Are you okay?

Blue: Of course, now if you don't mind me...I'm going to take over for all of you

Undyne: Good, this girl is a handful

Gaster: You know this fight will decide yours and her fate

Blue: I know, and I'm confident that I'll make the right set of moves.

Flowey: Alright, go kick her ass and that

Blue nods his head and walks forward, Betty had recovered from the attack and looked at the one person that can match her.

Betty:'re awake

Blue: Yes, I didn't really appreciate you putting me to sleep, I wasn't tired at all during our conversation

Betty: Well I was, so I had to put you down

Blue: And now I'll return the favour

(Not gonna lie, I uhh....can't bother do the timestamps so....imagine the fight with the theme playing in the way you want it to)

The Final Battle starts with Betty using her HATE tentacles to attack Blue, who remains calm and takes one step to the side each time a tentacle went for him.

As one went dangerously close to grabbing him, Blue turns his left hand into a Blade and slashes it and any oncoming attacks. He slashes another tentacle in a spinning motion, and as he returns to face the front, his right arm transforms into a cannon.

He shoots out a HI Bullet that squeezes through Betty's defense and connects with her stomach.

Not only did this disrupt Betty's attack, it made her slide back on her feet. While she didn't feel the pain it brought, she acknowledged the force it had.

Blue begins to fire more HI Bullets at Betty, but she uses her speed to easily avoid them before creating a pink spear. She leaps at Blue, ready to attack, so Blue jumps back.

He turns his left Blade into a gauntlet and as soon as his right foot lands on the ground, he does a little jump to the left and was going to catch Betty with a massive uppercut.

But Betty recognised this move from Blue, because he had used this on her before during their first encounter. Betty smirks and uses a HATE tentacle to wrap around Blue's ankle, the tentacle pulls Blue out of balance and Betty changes her spear to a pink hammer.

She swings it and connects with Blue, knocking him back. And Betty wasn't done as she sends pink projectiles that exploded once they were near Blue.

Frisk and Undyne had faces of worry while the others just looked in anticipation, not believing that Blue was hurt. And they were right as Blue jumps through the smoke cloud caused by the explosions with two shields.

He turns both the shields into blades and runs towards Betty, the HATE fueled girl was surprised but focuses on the fight.

She creates a pink scythe and sends a few projectiles at Blue, the friendly robot jumps and flips over any blasts while still running towards his main target. Betty gets ready and puts her scythe up when Blue swings his right blade.

Using the left blade together with the right, he breaks the blade lock between himself and Betty. He went to slash across Betty's face, but it turns out it was a feint, as Betty brings her weapon up to block what she thought was an attack.

Blue switches to her stomach with a stabbing motion instead. He pulls his right Blade out of Betty's body and switches it to a right gauntlet, nailing Betty in the face.

She stumbles backwards but managed to cut Blue's face as he was going to follow up with another attack.

Now it was Blue's turn to step back as he swaps his left blade for a normal hand and feels the cut. No blood was present, but the damage was there clearly, he looks back at Betty who just smirked.

Betty: So you can be hurt by my weapons

Blue: Yes, but that doesn't mean you are winning

Betty: I wouldn't be so sure

Blue goes back to two blades and starts clashing with Betty's Scythe. As the battle goes on, the others could see that the speed was definitely on Betty's side.

But the only reason why she isn't overwhelming Blue, was because of his battle IQ. This was added to Blue's capable speed, making it hard for Betty to hurt him or even catch him off guard.

Betty: It's like he has evolved as a fighter, I can't even trick him at all

Undyne: This is tight....

Sans: Yeah, but the kid will win in the end

Frisk: I know he will, he always wins

Chara: I mean...not always, but he should win this. He has more to show

Flowey: Yeah, you remember the time I won against him?

Gaster: Oh yes, but he would've beaten you without that defense of yours

Flowey: I already know....

Betty uses the blunt side of her scythe to hit Blue, making him slide back on his feet. She jumps in the air and goes for a powerful horizontal slash, Blue blocks it with his blades and then cuts her face.

Betty jumps back and uses HATE Tendrils to hold Blue into place, she creates a pink sword and stabs Blue in the chest, missing his core. She pulls the sword back and alters the sword into a HATE blast that explodes and sends Blue flying backwards.

He recovers but gets jumped from all angles, as Betty brings out her pink scythe again and slashes all over his body. They were mostly smaller cuts, but Blue could not keep up with her, and was just taking damage.

Betty knocks Blue back to the ground, and she jumps in the air in the air once she sees that he was vulnerable. Her scythe blade was ready to tear him apart, but she was interrupted by a yellow pellet striking her in the face.

Betty was confused, but was attacked again by a red knife being thrown into her stomach. She looks down at it and takes it out, but then was blasted back by a Gaster Blaser. Blue looks up to see that the ones that stopped Betty were Frisk, Chara and Sans.

Frisk: Blue are you okay? Do you want some of us to tag in?

Blue: No [Gets Up] I'm fine, I'll finish the fight.

Chara: Are you sure? You're getting pieced up!

Sans: Actually, I trust him. He is holding back....again

Blue: You knew?

Sans: Yeah, so stop doing it

Blue:.....I'll think about it

Betty was up and clearly annoyed at the battle being interrupted, she walks over with nothing but HATE around her.

Blue: Betty, my offer is still there.

Betty: To change? Just drop it. Why are you even trying to stop me anymore? Your efforts will be in vain. You fail to realise, that for me...this is just the beginning. But for you...It's Game Over.

Blue: It's not Game Over until I'm dead

Betty: That can be arranged

Blue: You can try, but you'll find it hard to do that.

Betty: I'll make it look easy, just you wait.

Blue equips his jet wings and flies in the air, Betty fires large triangular projectiles and sends them at Blue. The projectiles were homing onto Blue, and when one got close to him, it exploded.

Blue managed to escape it but had to worry about the other ones, which also exploded when they were within a certain radius. Blue also took note that the explosive impacts seemed to change.

Blue: She can control the size of the explosives at will....I need to be careful

Blue kept up his manoeuvres until he had an idea, he flew higher in the air and Betty sends one last projectile at him. He immediately knew that this was going to be a big one, so he equips a Shield on his right hand and deflected the projectile back at Betty.

Her eyes widened and she didn't gave time to react as her own attack explodes near her.

Sans: Damn, clever move

Gaster: If he keeps the fight like this, he will win....but I'm not sure if he can destroy her

Sans: I'm not even sure that he wants to do that

Gaster: You believe he will try to seek redemption for her?

Frisk: He wouldn't be him if he didn't try

Blue dives down towards Betty, who had just recovered from her own attack, only to be tackled back to the ground by Blue. The two recover on their feet and went back to fighting, with Blue switching to duel gauntlets.

Betty takes out a pink axe, which was the one handed version, and starts to ram the blade part into Blue's guard. Blue waited out the assault, and once he finds the opening he needed, he takes it.

As Betty brings the Axe in the air, Blue shoots the right hand and nails Betty in the face. She gets stunned and now it was Blue's turn to be on the offensive. He begins to throw many fast and powerful punches that connect with every part of Betty.

She was taking the hits well due to her immense durability, but soon enough, she found herself feeling......pain.

Once she realised this, she creates a shockwave between herself and Blue using HATE. Blue equips his Jetwings and flies away once Betty decided to send projectiles at him again.

But this time Blue equips his new laser cannons and starts to blast Betty a few times. This disrupted her flow and allowed Blue to fly in, he switches to duel blades and begins to slash Betty all over her body.

Then he switches to duel gauntlets and begins to batter Betty's face in.

He delivers one final uppercut that sends Betty back, and he blasts her further back with a HI Bullet. Betty crashes to the ground, but still gets up.

Everyone could see that Betty wasn't looking too good, even if her injuries were slowly healing. Before she can say anything, she saw Blue vanish before her eyes and appear in the air.

Betty: W-What?

Blue: Oh right, I can reverse time in a strange way. The only thing that remains is your thoughts, take a look at yourself.

Betty realised that her injuries weren't there, meaning that Blue was right and he can reverse time in a unique way. But they soon appeared when Blue took advantage of Betty's confusion by raining hell on her with his laser cannons.

This dealt......great deals of damage, so much damage that it broke Betty's patience completely and caused her to lose her mind due to the pain.


Betty releases all of her HATE and Blue's eyes slightly widen at this. He quickly lands on the ground and changes to duel laser cannons and begins to charge them.

But instead of using the standard energy he used before, he went above and beyond....using the second level of power. Betty's HATE begins to react and travels towards Blue, so he releases the full force of his laser cannons.

The opposing attacks clash together as both Blue and Betty struggle to get the upper hand over the other. The others couldn't help but watch, even if the force was pushing most of them back slightly.

Behind Betty was some sort of manifestation of her original body, Agate Lightvale, and she was helping Betty with her attack. Only Blue could see this, and he noticed that the HATE was being amplified, causing him to be on the losing end.

The HATE was getting closer to Blue, and now he was really struggling, which Betty found amusing.

Betty: Hahaha...Ahahaha! Is that all you have to offer?!

But then, behind Blue was the spirit of Amber Lightvale, helping him. His blast felt amplified and he uses it to even the odds, even pushing Betty back. The HATE filled girl started to struggle this time, distraught could be seen on Agate's face.

But it wasn't just Amber helping out Blue......It was also the eldest brother, Copper Lightvale.

Amber was on Blue's right, with Copper on the left. And together, they begin to overwhelm the HATE. But before it could reach Betty, the force between the two blasts went on for too long, and it began to react.

Blue's POV

I was so close to finishing off Betty, because I understood the type of threat she was. But the clash between our blasts caused a light to shine throughout the area, and I found myself once more in a space that wasn't the world.

[End Battle Music]

It was....dark now, but I could see myself clearly....and a familiar girl in front of me.

Blue: Agate Lightvale.....

Agate: Blue Light.......


Agate......You dummy!

Blue: Say what now?

Agate: W-Why?! Why did you have to ruin everything?!

Blue: Is she.....crying?

Agate: I was so close! So close to getting rid of them!

Blue: Why?

Agate: Because they're dangerous!

Blue: Right now, you're the danger.

Agate: I-!

Blue: Don't try to defend yourself, what you were trying to do was genocide of another race. I have already stopped one person from doing that, I can stop another

Agate: Why? W-Why do you fight for them?

Blue: Because they have showed me kindness, and while some of them took a while due to....disagreements, everything ended with friendship

Agate: They tried to kill you, for your nonexistent soul....and you're fine with it?

Blue: Of course, it's true that when a monster soul absorbs a human soul, they are dangerous. But that's just high potential to me, and did any of the past monsters try this?

Agate: I-!

Blue: Don't lie to me

Agate:....No....they didn't, but it would've been dangerous if we didn't attack them-!

Blue: It was dangerous and stupid for the humans to even attack the monsters.

Agate: They are a threat!

Blue: They were your allies!

Agate lightly gasps and keeps quiet, either because I raised my voice, or because I was right with my points. I won't lie, I was surprised that I can even sound that loud, it was all new to me.....maybe because I'm growing.

Blue: You betrayed those you possibly called friends, over assumptions. You are a Faker

Agate: F-Faker?

Blue: You think you're a good person, but you're an awful person who would cut ties with anyone close to you....even your own family!

Agate: Y-You don't understand-!

Blue: Yet I know more than you, Agate. You killed your own Brother and Sister.....because you let HATE consume you...

Agate:'s too late to realise that I made a mistake, and it's too late to say sorry. You're right, Blue Light, I am a Faker.....and I just want to say sorry to you....

Blue: You don't need to say sorry to me, because I can't feel. You need to say sorry to those that were hurt badly by your actions

Agate: What's the point? I'm already dead!

Blue: So you'll get the chance to say what you want, I'm sure they will forgive you..

Agate: How do you know?

Blue: Just a feeling

Agate: But you can't even-!

Blue: Goodbye, Agate Lightvale......

Agate:....Thank you, Blue Light

I start to walk away from Agate, and this started my exit from this white Void. My eyes close, and when they reopen, I saw that I was on the ground with Frisk and Chara standing over me.

Frisk: You're awake!

Chara: We thought you were done for, well not really

Blue: What happened?

Sans: Crazy things

Frisk: You had that clash with Betty, and it caused an explosion.

Chara: And then you both fell the floor unconscious. Then you woke up a minute later than her

Blue: She is up?

Sans: Yeah, so decide what you want to do

Blue: Hmm

I get up and look at my defeated enemy, she was on her knees and seemed to accept that she was beaten. I walk over to her, and she noticed that I was me who was in front of her.

She looks up at me and I could see the defeat in her eyes.

Betty: won

Blue: I don't know, have I? You seemed to have accepted defeat.

Betty: I....I realised I can't beat matter how hard I try.....3 fights, and I'm always on the losing end. How are you this powerful? A soulless machine like you?

Blue: I don't need a soul to be strong, that's how I was made

Betty:.....What am I? Something made to be hated?

Blue: Perhaps, you do use the power of HATE.

Betty: Looks like it. I never asked to be made. I didn't ask to be this way, but it's what I am. And here we are trying to fulfill our purpose despite our doubts......

Blue: You're right.....and that's why....I'm you

Betty: What....what do you mean?

Blue: You said it yourself, we are trying to fulfill our purpose despite our doubts. But I chose to ignore mine, even if I don't know what it is.

Betty: I....I guess you are right

Blue: And so you can do the same. You can change like me, do your own thing

Betty: No....When I was made, I was told that I can't trust human, monsters are dangerous. That a civilisation where the two races live together, is just a time bomb waiting to go off. That we're doing good by speeding up the process.

Blue: You were told this, but do you believe it?

Betty: I know everyone's past, so I used their mistakes to justify what I did...but I'm not even sure that....what I'm doing is right or not.

Blue: You have let this HATE take control of you, it has clouded your judgement, and Agate Lightvale.

Betty: Maybe so, but I can't change. I was made to destroy the peace

Blue:.....For all I know, I could've been created to kill everyone. We will never know until we find my creator....but will I do it? No, I won't just commit genocide like that, because it's wrong. So if you think that what you're doing is might be thinking straight

Betty: I.....I can't just change like that

Blue: Yes you can

Betty: What makes you think I can change?

Blue: Because I'll be with you

Betty: [Blushes] S-Shut up!

Blue: I'm serious, I'll be there with you. I'll help you like I helped everyone else

Betty: W....Why?!

Blue: Because I want to? I'm a good person

Betty: That shouldn't matter! I tried to kill you!

Blue: You are not the first. So Betty, you can change if you want, find new meaning in your life. Or you can keep fighting for a cause that you are conflicted the end, it's your choice.

Betty: Would.....would you be willing to

Blue: Of course, and I'm sure the others can leave all of this in the past. Right?

Sans: Yeah, I trust the kid and his decisions. He makes the right ones.

Frisk: You're welcome in our community, Betty!

Undyne: Yeah, but first you've got to clean everything up and apologise to everyone!

Chara: Do that, and you're okay in our books. I was literally like you, but changed because of this idiot, so don't be embarrassed.

Gaster: I'm still sceptical, so I'll be keeping a close eye on you


Blue: Flowey......

Flowey: Oh God Damn it, yes! Yes I will.....accept her and that. Don't really care for her though.

Betty: They.....they don't hate me?

Blue: Hate is a strong word, but we don't see that here.

Betty: I.....

Blue: You don't need to think anymore, take my hand....and change your life for the better

Betty: Okay, I-I will...

Blue offer his hand, and for the first time since her creation, Betty makes a choice that wasn't what her creator wanted. She takes Blue's hand and he lifts her up, a small smile was present on her face.....

And now she can experience life in another way.

And that's it for the Overground Arc!

Arc 2 is over, and Arc 3 will....uhhh, I don't know when it's going to release.


Adam: Don't look at me, you decide the dates

Blue: B-But I don't know when I should release it!

Adam:.....Yeah you do have a busy schedule, June? July?

Blue: But that feels so long

Adam: So? You got other shit to do! Like your other stories! And enjoying your ACTUAL! LIFE!

Blue:.....I have one?

Adam: Okay, that's it! We're ending this! Bye everyone and we will let you know when this story will come back  another time!

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