Unknown. She-devil

By Gregory_dancing

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Isabella is a seventeen-year-old girl who likes passion and challenges. During the day, an innocent high scho... More



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By Gregory_dancing

I sat on the bed making sure for the last time I'm ready.

I took a shower and did my evening makeup. Not too strong, I didn't wanna make too good impression on Hermes in the end.

I wore a classic black mini with a long sleeve because it got cooler. As extra, black high heels and gold jewelry. I curled my hair into delicate curls.

I looked elegant and chic, but I tried not to tempt fate too much. I corrected red lipstick on my lips and got up taking a small black bag from the dresser. I used my favorite perfume and left the room.

I was heading towards the main hall, where was a dinner for everyone, but I turned into another corridor, where the eldest brother Moretti was waiting for me in a separate room.

It looked basically like a box, completely separated by walls and doors from the rest of the dining room. There were five such boxes, but I didn't see anyone use them yesterday during meals.

A few people greeted me along the way, and I forgot that no one knows what happened today. Everyone was smiling happy to go to eat in the company of others. But not me I thought and sighed quietly.

It won't be so bad, after all, it's just dinner
I comforted myself and headed for the first box. I saw that Hermes was already waiting in the aisle. He looked at me with his eyes when, and I noticed he also had one eye drawn.

-You look beautiful Isabelle - he said, extending his hand to me.

I pulled out mine towards him and felt him lay a gentle kiss on the back.

-Thank you - I said and raised an eyebrow - Let me guess, you fall down the stairs? - I asked and heard Hermes laugh.

-Of course - he nodded, letting me through to enter the box first - From very angry stairs - he followed me and closed the door from the inside.

-Don't worry, he won't come here - I muttered pointing to the lock - I took care of it - I put my purse on a round table and sat on one of two chairs.

- Let me not risk - he said quietly and turned to me - What wine will you drink? - he asked, and I shook my head.

- Water, please - I said - Alcohol has already failed me today - I licked my chapped lips.

-I had a great time - he smiled mockingly and spilled water into glasses for both of us.

-I noticed - I nodded and put my leg on my knee - I hope you'll be satisfied with your reward - I murmured calmly and took a sip of water - After all, something like this won't happen again.

-Ahh you women - he squattled dissatisfied - You're already planning a future that you don't know - he shook his head - Meanwhile, I would rather enjoy what is now - he leaned over with his elbows on the table and splained his hands together.

-And what's actually happening now, hmm? - I asked playing with the glass.

-Now? I'm at dinner with probably the prettiest and smartest woman on this yacht - he said with a smile.

-Don't forget my mother - I reminded him politely.

-Ahh yes, of course, Evelyn - corrected with a nod - As for the beauty I would argue. Forgive me for talking so badly about her, the first day I had the honor to meet you - he said and snorted - I should first make sure who I'm talking to.

-You should - I nodded to him - But it doesn't change the fact of what you think about her. You're lucky I don't have great relationship with my mother. Otherwise, you would most likely have already lost your job - I smiled softly.

- And yet I'm still here - he laughed quietly - I think I should thank you - he nodded slightly in the mute "thank you".

There was a short silence during which I took a closer look at him. He was perfectly shaved and his hair was slightly hold back. He was wearing a dark navy blue suit perfectly suited to his figure. He wore a gold watch on his left hand. The cufflinks were also in the same color.

-You said I'm smart - I said breaking the silence - And yet I ended up in this situation as our dinner together. Not very smart. That's not how it was supposed to go - I frowned slightly - How did you know you would win?

-It's simple - Hermes shrugged and leaned back on the chair - I didn't - he said and laughed softly - To be honest I was prepared for failure. But as you see, my little brother fell out of practice - spread his hands - And I benefit from it - I looked at him.

-You knew he would be upset - I said the obvious - Didn't you prefer to withdraw? It's a pity to have such a nice face - I said with a sweet smile and smacked shaking my head.

- And to lose such a chance as dinner with you? - he laughed quietly - Never in my life - he said and we heard a quiet knock on the interior door, leading as I guessed to the kitchen - Come in - said Hermes and the waiter brought two plates with our food, putting them on the table opposite us.

- What do you expect from me Hermes? - I asked when the waiter left our box.

-I'd like to convince you that I have more to offer you than Thomas - he said, re-entwining his hands on the table.

-Why you think I would want anything from one of you - I raised an eyebrow.

- Please - Hermes laughed quietly - Rich husband, sports car, huge house with garden. Isn't that what every woman wants? - he asked, and I snorted.

-What they teach young gangsters - I shook my head in disbelief - You would be surprised, but not everyone needs those to be happy - I murmured.

-So what you need, Isabelle, to be happy? I'm sure I can make it happen- he said, and I bit my lower lip.

-I... - I started, but I broke off not sure if I knew the answer. I cleared my throat- I certainly don't need a rich husband for this - I frowned staring at the glass - I care about my career myself.

- Like me - he nodded - Just think, you and I could seal cooperation of our families - he said, and I looked at him - We would rule the city with the best contracts with people from all over the world.

-So you need me for that? - I asked raising an eyebrow- With wife by your side you would become more respected by your father's side - I guessed, but he laughed.

-With or without a wife, I'm already respected where I need it. But what a life would be nicer with such a beautiful woman by your side - he said grabbing my hand - The official connection of our families, who been working together for years, would be just the cherry on the cake - he let go of my hand - But let's not think about it now, food will cool down - he said, and I had confusion in my head - Let's enjoy what's happening now.

I nodded slightly and after a while we started eating.

The rest of the dinner was looser because we talked about what he's doing for life. He also asked about the club where I work and how much I had left to finish my schooling.

I felt that the questions had a hidden agenda, but I tried not to think about it.

When the time came to an end, I decided to ask a question that had been bothering me so much for several hours.

-Since we're done - I started - One more issue. Promised favor - I said swallowing more heavy. I was ready for what I was about to hear - What is your wish, Hermes?

-Ohh Isabelle - laughed briefly - Say what you like, but I'm a gentleman. I wouldn't dare ask you to sleep with me - he said getting up, and I followed him - Besides, Thomas would most likely have killed me before returning to the mainland.

He came closer to me and shoved my hair on one shoulder. He leaned over me, grabbing my chin with his fingers and brought his lips closer to mine, placing a fluffy short kiss on them.

-I'll wait for you to come to me yourself - he whispered, and his lips were a millimeter from mine.

He moved away and it dawned on me that I had my eyes closed. I opened them seeing him open the door and wait for me to leave first.

-Wait - I frowned - Are you giving up the favor? Just like that?

-Of course not - he smiled - I keep it for later.

I left the room and turned to look at him.

-You surprise me, Hermes - I said with a slight smile.

-At your service - he bowed - Anyway, if you'd like it, we can drink champagne in my room - raised an eyebrow with a smile of a bully. It looked funny combined with his mature face.

-Thank you, but no - I laughed quietly and shook my head - Thank you for dinner. It was better than I thought - I said honestly.

I said goodbye and went to my room.

A huge relief flooded my body. The evening ended pleasantly. Thomas didn't invade or bother us even once, and on top of that I had a short high school kiss with his brother. I was hoping he wouldn't tell him because I wasn't going to.

Anyway, I wouldn't count it as something passionate and noteworthy scenes of jealousy. Besides, I made it clear to Thomas that there would be nothing between us. Clear conscience I thought with a smile and walked through the corridors towards the room.

I was thinking about going to the bar to spend time with girls before returning. I'll think about it when I cool down in the room I thought sighing because it was only nine. Despite this, today's events made me feel very tired.

I was about to go up the stairs when I heard a familiar voice.

-Come to my office, we'll discuss the most important issues - the voice came from the side, from behind the wall.

I hid behind a small pole that probably served as a radiator on this ship, but I wasn't sure. After all, I don't know how to build ships I thought with irony.

-It's okay, Panther told me to tell you that the time is coming - Panther? - We can't wait any longer. One of the Moretti begins to suspect something. They start sniffing too much - muttered the other man.

-Calm down, he'll get it as I promised - it was Luke's voice - I'm scoping at the Perch office tonight, maybe I'll find something more.

I heard the voices go towards me, so I pressed closer to the pole, hoping they wouldn't notice me. I held my breath as they passed right next to me. Luke! I was right, it was him. He was walking next to... wait a moment.

This is the man who talked to me before pool yesterday! What was his name... Nathaniel? I wasn't sure.

They passed me in silence, then dispersed, one went upstairs towards the guest rooms and the other down where I came from. Perfect timing Bells I breathed and already knew I had to talk to my mother today. I felt that these two should not be on this ship.

I moved slowly down so as not to meet Nathaniel on the way. I went to the room where the dinner was taking place hoping to meet my mother.

I looked around and saw her talking to none other than this fake sucker. I took a deeper sigh and decided to calmly plan what to do.

Fortunately for me, Jeremy with Jasper and Thomas also sat in the room. I frowned because I was sure Thomas would be waiting at Hermes' room, sure I would be there too. Maybe Jeremy forced him to be with him all the time? I was thinking.

Focus Bells, you'll get it out later

I approached them quickly and sat next to Jasper.

-Hello boys - I said with a smile and twisted so as to be back to my mother and man.

-Bella? You look wonderful! - Jasper said - I thought you were at dinner with Hermes - he said tentatively and looked at his brother.

-Yes, yes, I was, but it's finished- I waved my hand - I have a case for you.

-You want me to kill my own brother? I'm very happy to do it - murmured Thomas seriously watching me closely.

-Ignore Thomas, Isabelle. He has a worse mood today - said Jeremy, and I sighed.

- Please focus, I need your help - I said quieter and straightened up in the chair - Do you see the man my mother is talking to? - I asked.

I was prepared for the three to look at him like one person. They surprised me when they quickly looked at him without moving their heads. Jeremy even at this time poured water into a glass to reduce the risk of someone noticing it.

-What about him? - asked Jeremy suddenly more focused, and I bit my lower lip.

-Who is he? - I asked looking at Jeremy, but Thomas answered me.

-Friend of one of Evelyn's shareholders. They run together a large car parts company. Jeremy also has a contract with them. We buy from them, among other things, our cars - he said smoothly, and I frowned.

-Car parts? Hmm, it doesn't make sense - I muttered to myself.

-What's going on Isabelle? Did this guy do anything to you? - asked Jeremy, and I looked at him, detached from my own thoughts.

-The fact that your son is aggressive doesn't mean everyone is, Jeremy - I said wanting to joke, but I don't think I did. Jeremy clearly restrained, but I waved my hand again - I'm sorry, wrong time for jokes. I need your help - I looked at all three - I need to pull him away from my mother so I can talk to her about him. I will go up to them and say that you must discuss something with him. Please chat him up - I said looking at them pleadingly.

- Can't you just wait for them to stop talking? - asked Jasper, and I shook my head.

-I'm afraid the longer they talk, the more trouble my mother has - I pulled my eyebrows slightly.

-Since when you care about your mother's business? - snorted Thomas.

-Thomas - Jeremy scolded him, then looked at me - Do what you have to do, but be careful. If what you're saying is true, I want to know everything right after Evelyn - he murmured, and I nodded.

-Of course - I said getting up and turned towards my mother.

I approached the two of them slightly swaying my hips. A little attention will always come in handy on the part of a man, who needs to be distracted I thought overlapping a man from behind.

-Sorry to bother you. Hi mom - I nodded at her - Nice to see you, Nathaniel - I said smiling softly.

-Isabelle, don't you see I'm talking... - my mother began, but Nathan interrupted her.

-It's okay, good evening Isabelle - he grabbed my hand kissing her back - We were just talking about you - he said mirroring me with a smile.

-Ah really? - I asked surprised - I guess I have to save you from my mother's complaining - I joked, giggling sweetly. Nathaniel also laughed softly. I felt the Stranger's gaze on me - Jeremy would love to talk to you. He said it can not wait and that I should let my mother rest for today. To spend some time with her like a mother with daughter - I finished looking at her with a slight smile.

I was hoping she wouldn't protest. Fortunately, she turned out to be quite tactful because she looked at Nathan and nodded at him gently.

-We'll return to our conversation another time Nathaniel. I won't hold you anymore when Jeremy's waiting for you - she said as usual with seriousness and said goodbye to him.

-Of course - he muttered clearly reluctantly and looked at me - I hope we can still talk today - he said with a smile and walked towards Moretti's table.

My mom looked at me.

-What are you up to this time, Isabelle? Jeremy doesn't discuss business issues in the canteen - she murmured watching Nathaniel sit at their table - And certainly not with the youngest of his sons - she looked at me again.

- You surprise me sometimes - I shook my head with a smile, but in a moment I was serious - We have to talk mom.


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