
By Trebor90

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This is the story of a boy that isn't exactly what he thinks he is. Not a vampire, not a werewolf - these ar... More

Coma's End
My Body
Beach Again
Dreams of Death
High School Begins
Lance Gordon
For the Team
Fall from on High
Pep Party
Hanging Out
Surf's Up
Lance, Again
School Dance
Disaster Hits
Dr. Richard Mos
The Secret of the Neurosynths
Jillian the Neurosynth
The Neurosynth Deal
Surprise Writing
The Blank Out
Adam and Eve
Brain Scans
Back To School
Party Again
Stressed Out
The Secret of Neurosyn
Dr. Gold
Life and Death


269 1 0
By Trebor90

I was so angry when I left Lance's party I could have killed someone. In fact, I was a bit surprised I didn't. I certainly knew how to. I had all those dreams at night where I would see myself being trained to kill for the Jihad.   It was possible I had already killed. Killing was easy, but I didn't do it. 

As I walked down the steps in the moonlight with Amanda in my arms I could hear a hush from the party crowd behind me. People were asking each other who I was, and who the girl was. Apparently neither one of us was known by the crowd. We were both new. I did not care. I was so happy that I saved Amanda from the rape, and I also realized it was so lucky I was there to save her. I almost didn't attend the party but might have instead been playing video games with Lenny. 

I wondered if a young woman that is drugged could even tell after she wakes up if she were raped. I had recently looked online about these drugs and some drugs partially wipe a girl's memory, and the whole football team could have fingered her private parts for laughs. Also Lance was probably smart enough to use a rubber so he wouldn't leave any physical evidence; it would be like nothing ever happened.  I also wondered how many of his virgin conquests were done this way. Maybe I should have kicked him in the balls and destroyed them. Something held me back. 

I knew I had done major damage at the house and to some of the football players, including Lance, but I did not care. The only thing I cared about was Amanda. I did not care what happened to me. 

Amanda weighed nothing, maybe 100 lbs at most. To me that was like carrying an apple. I could carry her all day, but I only needed to take her about five miles, anyway. I knew the way. I had looked at her address that Lenny gave me online. She only lived a few blocks from my house. 

Once I reached the bottom of Lance's walkway down from his house I started walking along the road, but decided it would be best if I mostly cut through people's yards to get to Amanda's house. I did not want to attract much attention. 

For the first time in my life I held Amanda in my arms. I gazed down at her sleeping form in the moonlight and was totally entranced by it. The moonlight gleamed off the blonde ringlets and curls of her hair as well as her eyelashes and eyebrows.  The sight was magical.  The moon also provided a warm glow to the softness and clarity of the skin of her face, her delicate hands, and her arms. I could feel her gentle breathing, in and out, and knew she was at peace totally unaware of what happened to her. I also noticed the silver neckless around her pretty neck and noticed it had charms on it that related to the sea. 

She smelled so good to me. There was a lovely fragrance that smelled like roses coming from her face, and her hair had a wonderful sea breeze scent. I bent down and felt her soft hair against my face. Amanda was the most beautiful girl in the World. 

Suddenly I found myself almost walking into a tree, which would have hurt Amanda, and I became angry with myself.   I was not paying attention. I was determined not to do that again. 

I so badly wanted to kiss Amanda, but felt that that would be a violation, so I didn't do it. Somehow I would get her permission to do that some day, I hoped. 

I quickly crossed through 10 or 15 house lots and across three streets. If cars were coming I waited. I did not want anyone to see me in their headlights and ask questions.Amanda wore a silver mini skirt, and her sandals were in my back pockets. I held her behind the shoulders with my left arm while her legs crossed over my right arm. Her head was resting on my chest with her beautiful hair flowing down around my left arm, streaming gently in the air as I moved along. I looked down at her beautiful legs that passed over my right arm, and I remembered them from the beach. She had slender thighs that made her legs look graceful and longer like a dancer, and her skin was soft against the forearm of my right arm. I could feel myself starting to get hard and felt angry at myself for doing so. Was I not much better than that animal, Lance? I looked away from her legs and concentrated on the task of getting her home. 

Suddenly I came across a tiny park with a couple of benches and a few beds of flowers, and decided to stop there a moment and sit down with Amanda still in my arms and across my lap. I held her close to me and felt her power over me. I had never felt like this before. Amanda was indeed the most beautiful girl in the World. I would do anything for her. I just gazed at her face, her hair and her silky blouse that revealed impressions of her small breasts. I gazed at her small waist with the silver belt, and her gorgeous sleek legs. I began to feel hard again, and angry at myself for that.  I wanted this moment to last forever. I bent down and placed my left cheek on top of her head and smelled her wonderful scent. I knew I only had about two more miles to go and was not in a hurry. I rested not because I was tired but because I wanted to be with her. 

 Suddenly Amanda started to squirm around and stretch a bit and make some sounds. I guess I had been sitting there a while in the park.  Probably too long. She was starting to wake up. Her eyes opened and suddenly went wide. She suddenly stiffened and rolled off of me onto the ground and looked up at me. 

 "WHAAAA!, WHAAA," was all she said and looked at me terrified. She got up suddenly and looked at me and bent over in fear and started to cry, and take deep breaths. She seemed like she was about to run and backed away to a safe distance. Her breathing got even more rapid and I thought she was going to bend over into a ball.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING!" she looked directly at me half crying and full of terror.  She bent over further pulling her arms around her knees and breathing hard. 


"I, erhh, ahhh, erhh", was all I could say. I was almost ready to cry myself. I could not talk. 

"I Gotta Go", she said. 

"No, no, erhaa, please wait", was all I could say. 


 "I.....  I....  I ..... saved ....jou.", was all I could say. 

 I could not bear to look at her in the eyes. I was terrified of her and what she might think of me. 

"I gotta get out of here", she said again and looked around but only backed away. She did not leave.

"Please.....Please don't leave", I said meekly, still not looking at her. 

" taking you home" 

If she were to leave me like this right now I think I would have killed myself. 

"Why am I here? How did I get here?", she asked. 

"I am taking you home. Your almost home now", I said. 

"Home is near here?", she asked. 

"Yes, only a couple more miles, I think" 

"Did a car drop me here? How am I here?  How did I get here?" 

"I carried you here. I was taking you home. I don't have a car and don't drive." 

"How can you carry me here? That's weird. Let me call my parents. Oh wait! I don't have my bag! My phone is gone!" 

 "Oh, you had a bag with a phone? I am so very very sorry. I did not know. After I take you home I will get it for you" 

 "No. My parents will get it for me" 


 "My feet are killing me on these stones. Darn, I lost my shoes too!" 

 "No. I did remember to bring those. " 

 I reached into my back pockets and produced the sandals.Amanda took them and put them on.  I watched her doing it.  God she was so gorgeous. 

"How do you mean you saved me", she finally said while doing the straps of her sandals. 

 "You were going to be raped. I stopped it. They drugged you and I took you away from them" 

 She got real silent and just stared at me and put her hand over her mouth. She started to shake a bit. 


"Lance and the football team.  I will tell you later.  I think they may work together to rape some girls" 

"I came with Tom.  I don't really know Lance", she said. 

"I don't know Tom. You were already starting to being sexually assaulted, but I saved you in time.  I think you are okay". 

She just looked at me - and me at her. Time passed.She walked closer to me. 

"I've seen you before. Your the fat...", she said 

"Fat kid on the bus", I interrupted. 

"I'm sorry. I did not mean it that way", she said in a low voice. "Why were they trying to rape me?" 

"They wanted to take away your virginity without you even knowing it. Its a long stupid story. I saw it happening and stopped it. I will tell you about it after you are home" 

"How did you do that? I mean how did you save me?", she asked. 

"It was easy, and I am glad you are safe. Those kids won't hurt you. Nobody will'. 

"Why did you do this for me?", she asked softly.  Tears welled in my eyes and I got a bit choked up. 

"Because I just had to, thats all."She just stood there for a while looking at me. I could not bear to look her in the eyes. I was afraid to see her face. 

"Thank you," she said softly.  "I mean for saving me."

"Nobody was going to stop me."  We made eye contact.

"How did I get here?

"Like I said, I carried you here". I looked at her again and she looked puzzled. 

 "Can you walk me home, then? What is your name?, she asked. 

"I am Cole Hammond. I live near you. Here, follow me I will show you the way. We only have about two miles to walk. Go this way" I pointed towards a home off of the park. "Its shorter not to walk on the roads". 

We walked side by side. I was six foot two and she was about five foot one, but her sandals had heels that probably brought her up to about five foot two. I could hear her sandals clicking on the ground.We walked through about eight houses and then she wanted to stop. 

"My feet are killing me. I really can't walk much in these sandals. I am picking up stones between my feet and my soles, and think I need to rest my feet. They may even be bleeding.  Can we stop for a little bit?", she asked. 

"Here, Amanda. Let me carry you. Its easy for me", I said. 

 She turned to look at me. 

"How did you know my name was Amanda? I never told you my name.", she said. 

Suddenly, I got worried. I did not want her to think I was stalking her or anything. 

"Oh, I asked a friend about you once after I saw you on the bus and he gave me your name". 


I picked her up in my arms as before but this time she put her arms around my neck. 

 "Is this Ok?", she asked. 

"Yes, its perfect", said I and I had a big smile on my face. 

 For the longest time I just carried her and smelled her hair and glanced from time to time at her beautiful legs.  I was so happy.

"How can you carry me like this?", she finally said. "Don't you get tired?" 

"No, not at all." 

"Why?", she asked. 

"Well, you don't weigh much, and other than that I don't know why. Its just the way it is" 

"But your so heavy already, and now you add my weight.. How come your not huffing and puffing. My dad huffs and puffs when he moves stuff from the car to our boat or to the beach, and so do I". 

"I am not heavy. Its a disguise. I hate it." I said. 

"What do you mean?" 

 I was quiet and continued to carry her for a while. We entered another house lot. I decided to walk over to their trash cans. 

"Here I will show you. I am done with this. I don't care what my parents say", I said and carefully placed Amanda on the ground next to me. I pulled my hockey jersey off over my head and threw it in the trash. The jersey and the fake padding that was built into it was now gone. What remained was a snug fitting green tank top. 

 Amanda just stared at me. I looked at her eyes as I followed them looking down at my small waist with its firm six pack, my chest muscles and my various muscle groups that moved beneath the skin of my whole chest and arms. I could see her swallowing. She did not say anything. 

"I will now carry you", I said and pulled her back into my arms. This time I could feel her trembling. I was trembling too. For the first time I could really feel her body against my skin now that the padding was gone. It felt wonderful.She put her arms around my neck and buried her head into my neck. She did not speak a word. I could smell the scent of her hair and her rose perfume. We were almost to her house now. I did not want this time with her to end.Finally she said softly, "Why do your parents want you to look fat?" 

 I said softly back to her, "I don't really know. I hate it. I'm not going to do it anymore. I don't care. Nobody is going to make me." 

As I approached Amanda's house I noticed there were some flashing lights from a police car and her home was wide open with all the outside lights on. I stepped onto her lawn and put Amanda down. There was a bunch of people there. Amanda ran up to a man and woman who hugged her repeatably. I presumed they were her parents. 

 The police came up to me."Are you Cole Hammond?, they asked. 

 "Yes sir" 

 "We would like to have a word with you" 


 "Were you involved in a fight at the Gordon residence?" 

 "Yes sir" 


 "I needed to rescue Amanda. She was starting to be raped. I could not let that happen." 

 "It appears that you greatly injured a number of people there. Do you think that was necessary?" 

I did not say anything.Amanda was looking over at me and I was looking at her. Amanda's parents were looking back and forth between us."I am afraid we need to take you to the station for more detailed questioning and a deposition.  Please come along with us" 


Three large policemen took me by the arms and pushed me towards a car. A police woman followed behind. The police woman then got in a separate car while the men got in their car. Two of them flanked both sides of me in the back seat. For the first time in my life that I could remember I started to feel scared. 

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