Little Angel

By devilqueen67

348K 8.1K 732

''All it takes is one little angel and her father to turn my life upside down'' It began when a beautiful wom... More

Author note.
Chapter : 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Author notes
Chapter: 14
Auther Note
New Book!!


8K 177 22
By devilqueen67

Gabriel Armstrong.

I sat at the head of the long conference table, surrounded by my top executives and department heads. The room was buzzing with energy as they discussed the latest financial reports and marketing strategies. But as the presentation continued,I found my mind wondering.

I was trying my best to stay focused on what he was saying, but I kept losing my concentration, and my mind kept wondering about My Bellissima, no matter how much I tried not to.

As the presentation continued,my mind kept drifting to her. I wondered what she was doing at that moment and if she was thinking about me too.

She had my full attention; she had it since the moment I saw her. Her voice, her scent, and how soft her skin felt under my lips just made me carve her more and more, giving me this great desire to know how her lips would feel on mine.

I lick my lips and let out a sigh, thinking about her and feeling my pants tighten.

I got blue bolls wherever I was around her, and when I was not around her, my mind was wondering to the places which should be forbidden.

I look around, and everyone seems to be in deep discussion with the information; no one is paying any attention to me.

I am in a very important meeting for an upcoming production, and here I am thinking about how her moans will sound when I fuck her hard and fast.

I had never been more turned on than I was when I was with her.

I can't think of anything but her, her sweet smile, her soft voice, her beautiful blue-green eyes, and the way she blushes when I look into them.

"Mr. Armstrong?" A voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I raised my head and saw the board members are all looking at me and the man who was presenting his report wait for me to talk.

"Yes?" I said I was trying to keep the frustration out of my voice.

At first, they are surprised. I have never been the one to lose my concentration during work like that, but they hide it well enough.

"Do you have anything to say about the reports, Mr. Armstrong?" The man asked, and he kept his voice calm and professional, despising the surprising look on his face.

I look down at the reports in front of me and quickly skim over them when I notice one point.

"We need to change the advertising strategy; our market share has dropped 3% since we launched the new campaign." I was still looking over the report they had given me.

"Change the strategy?" One of them asked, confused.

"We spent millions of dollars on developing this campaign, and the results are not satisfying enough, so we need to find another way." I said calmly, but I am feeling anything but clam. I want more from this campaign than a drop in market share.

"Well, what do you suggest? The new product launch is only three weeks away, and it will be a major setback if we don't launch with the campaign." Another spoke up from the opposite side of the table.

"Then find the new strategy before the day the product is launched." I said it in a matter-of-fact tone.

"But Mr. Armstrong..."

"I didn't want to hear anything about this matter anymore; my decision is final; we will find another strategy in three weeks for advertising; I did not spend my money and time on this shit." I threw the report in the middle of the table and stood up from my seat. I put both of my hands on the table and lean forward.

"I pay you enough to motivate you to do your job on time. You could do better than this. Do your job, or I will find someone else to do it for me, so do it, or if you are unable to do as I told you, then don't show me your face again." With that, I stood up from my seat, and everyone in the room froze for a second.

I knew my words were harsh, but I had never been the type to sugarcoat things. They should know I want perfection in their work before they call me into the conference room for a meeting.

"Am I clear?" I ask and look around, daring them to question my authority. When my eyes zome on one of the old board members, he was giving me a look, which made me want to throw him out of the building, but I stopped myself and decided to deal with him later.

"Yes, sir." Everyone respond.

"Then this meeting is over; we will resume this next week." With that, everyone stood up from their seats and started walking out. My assistant came to stand by my side with the meeting notes in her hands.

The old man came near my side.

"You shouldn't be so greedy, son." He said his voice was low.

"It's not greed; it's progress, and you should address me properly. You work for me, not with me. So don't forget who is the boss here, and you better start working for this company instead of telling me what to do." I said that and walked out of the room with Emilya following behind me, ignoring him completely. I then walked toward my office.

"Miss. Gibson, make the report again and do it by yourself this time; I want it as soon as possible." I told her.

"Of course, Mr. Armstrong, the report will be on your desk by this afternoon." She said that and sat down on her desk, and I went straight to my office.

I remove the suit buckle and lose my tie before sitting on my chair behind the desk, rolling my shirt sleeves up, and starting to look through the emails. The key word is try, but my mind is still full of Vivian thoughts. I close the monitor screen, rest my elbows on the desk, and run my hands through my hair.
I remember how peaceful they both look when I find them sleeping and holding each other.

At first, I was worried when I didn't find Daisy in her room, but I was not surprised to find her in Bellissima's room again, sleeping beside her.

I never thought I would ever feel jealous of someone in my life, let alone my own daughter. When I look at her holding Bellissima tightly and Vivian's hand around her, I wish it were me in her place. I could have given anything to be in her place at that moment.

But I am happy to see them like that. Not to sound like creep but I had watch them for thirsty minutes before I decided to wake them up.

She is really something—beautiful, innocent, kind, and caring.

I know I affect her too; it's clear from the way her body reacted to my touch, but I had to do something fast to make her mine. I mean, she is mine, but I had to find a way to let her know that too. I can't stop my body's reaction around her. It's become unbearable to control myself when I am with her, but it's impossible to stay away from her. I want her; no, I need her, and I will have her, no matter what.

I want to feel her soft lips on mine, to feel her body on mine.

A knock on the door breaks my imagination and makes me come back to earth.

I groaned and shook my head to clear the image of Bellissima's naked body out of my mind. When I felt my pants tighten again, I took few deep breaths to clam myself down a little before speaking.

"Yes, come in." I said it loud enough so the person could hear me.

Emilya walks inside, holding the tablet and a file in her hand, and stands in front of the table.

"Mr. Armstrong, you have a meeting with the head of Digital Architects, the IT group. You had tell me to contact them; they will be here in 15 minutes. Here are more details about them, sir." She gave me the file.

"Thank you, Miss Gibson." I said that and dismissed her, and she walked out of the office. Digital Architects is made by a group of a few teenagers, and they are very good at what they do. I want to invest in that because I know they are going to do big things in the future. All they need is a little help, and I will provide them with whatever they need.

Come on, Gabriel. Stop daydreaming about Bellissima and concentrate on your work.

With that thought, I opened the file and started reading it.


By the time I finished my work, it was 6 o'clock in the evening, and I was tired as hell and just wanted to go home.

I call for the driver and inform him to bring the car to the front of the building. Emilya had gone home after finishing her work an hour ago.

I walk out of the building and sit inside, and the driver starts the car. I sit back and close my eyes after telling him to take me home.

I miss my Bellissima. I sigh and rub my closed eyes before opening them.

I can't see her, but I can definitely ask for her wellbeing. With that thought, I take out my phone, unlock it, and am confronted by the picture of my Bellissima and my princess sleeping faces.

I took this picture this morning while they were sleeping and sat it on my phone's home screen. I know I shouldn't have clicked her pictures without her knowing, but I am a man in love, and you can't stop a man who is in love. People tend to forget what is right and wrong when they are fall for someone. That's what I learn when I myself fall for Vivian. I scroll through the phone book and press Marcus's number. I put the phone on my ear. 

"Good evening, Mr. Armstrong, Do you need something, sir?" He said.

"Yes, how's Bellissima?" I can't wait to hear his answer.

"She is fine, Mr. Armstrong." I sigh with relief and rub my eyes, glad to know she is fine.

"Did she get home safe?" I ask.

"Yes, Mr. Armstrong, but I want to talk to you about something that happened today." He said.

"Talk. I am listening." I said, and a frown took over my face.

"When Ms. Flammery was at the bakery to take her stuff from there, she met her manager, and there was an argument, and he came up pretty aggressive when he heard that Ms. Flammery was leaving the job." He informed me.

"Arguement? What happened, and why the fuck didn't you inform me immediately?" I ask, and the anger can be heard clearly in my voice. 

The thought of her getting hurt is something that I can't bear.

"I had it under control, boss; I had make sure he stayed 5 feet away from her." He said he better have done as he said, or I would have done something that he wouldn't like.

"That is not the point; if he was acting aggressive and trying to touch her or even come near her, then you should have informed me." I almost yell at him but control myself, but my voice is hard enough to let him know that I am very angry.

Why can't people just do as I told them?

"But boss..."

"Enough, Marcus. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Get me information about this manager and make sure to tell me things like that next time." I growled down the phone.

"Okay, boss," he replied. I took a few deep breaths before starting to speak again.

"Look, Marcus, that woman is important for me, very important, and I give you this job to make sure she is safe and out of danger all the time, because I trust you enough with her safety, so don't make me question my own judgement and do your job properly." I told him he needed to know how important his job is. I am not joking when it comes to her safety.

"Of course, boss, I promise you I will protect her with my life," he informed.

"Good, that's what I want to hear. Now get me the information about him." I said that and hung up the phone.

"Fucker." I mumbled under my breath, when I thought of that manager. I close my eyes once again. I remember the night when I met Bellissima in that alley; she had a bruise on her wrist. That day, she was also coming from the bakery where she works.

If he had anything to do with it, then I swear I will fucking make him regret touching her.

The car stopped in front of my house, and I stepped out. The people who are on guard duty greeted me, and I just nodded my head and walked inside, where a maid was waiting.

"Good evening, Mr. Armstrong." I nodded again and walked upstairs to my room. I change into something comfortable—which is just a maroon long-sleeve t-shirt and black pants—and sit on the bed, looking at the photo on my phone again, and I can't stop the smile that spreads over my face.

I never thought I had the heart to love someone, let alone that I deserved to be loved. Thought, I always believed in love; looking at my parents while grown up was enough to make me believe in it, but I never thought I would fall for someone and my life would not be mine anymore, but then Daisy was born and my everything became her. 

Everything I do, I do for her. I tried my best to fill her life with all the happiness in the world. I loved her and my family to the point where I thought there was no place left in my heart for someone else, but then she came into my life, My Bellissima, and proved me wrong. 

In the short time I knew her, she had become a huge part of my life. My parents gave me this life, and my sister gave me strength to live it. When My daughter gave me a reason to live it, and now Bellissima gives me a reason to love that life.

My heart had become a place of love, respect, and admiration for the four beautiful women in my life. My mom, sister, daughter, and now Vivian.

The day I met her, I knew that she was a special woman. I felt something for her, but never in my wildest dreams that I thought I would fall for her in this short time. And the most wonderful thing in all of this is how my own daughter played cupid for me.

I look at my phone again and touch the screen with my fingers—my two most precious girls.

I won't let anyone come near them, not as long as I'm alive. I thought and closed the phone screen.

It's not fair to keep the photo and not let her know about it, but the gentle and peaceful look on her face was making me happy.

I stand up and walk outside to see what my princess is doing. She will probably be with Grace.

When I reach her room, she is sitting on her bed playing with her toy, and Grace is sitting on the floor in front of her.

I step inside, and she looks up and runs toward me. I bend down and pick her up.

"Daddy!" She yelled in joy, put her arms around my neck, and hugged me tightly.

"Hey, princess." I stroked her head, and Grace stood up when she saw me.

"Good evening, Mr. Armstrong." I nodded my head, greeting her, and she walked out of the room.

"Did you have fun in school today?" I sit on the bed with her on my lap.

"Yes, Daddy." I said it happily.

"That's good; what did you do?" I ask.

"We did coloring and painting, and the teacher taught us counting, and we have to sing a song." She informs me, and a smile spreads over my face.

"Sounds like you had a fun day, princess." I said that and sat her on the bed.

We play until dinner time, and Grace comes to inform us that dinner is ready. 

Daisy held my hand, and we started walking to the dinner table while she was telling me every single thing she did today.

We reach the dinner table, and we sit beside each other. The maid serves our dinner and walks out.

I feed her and make sure she eats all the vegetables, which is the hardest part, but when you are a parent, you have to make sure your child is healthy, and only after that do I eat my dinner.

After dinner, we go back to her room again because she wants to play more and it's not her bedtime yet. I had some work to do, but I will do it afterward.

"Daddy?" She asked while cuddling close to me. We are on her bed. My back is leaning on the bedrest, and she was sitting between my legs while I was reading her a story from a storybook.

"Yes, Princess?" I look down toward her and smile at her.

"Will Vivi live with us now?" She asked innocently while her big eyes looked into my eyes with so much hope in them.

"Yes, princess, she will live with us from tomorrow." A big smile took over her face.

"Can we go meet her right now?" She asked with a hopeful expression on her face.

"No princess, not today; what if she was busy.?" But the truth is, I want to see her too.

"But daddy, I miss her, please, and she tells me that I can come to meet her whenever I want." She begs with those big eyes; she always uses them when she wants something from me.

"Really, and when did she say that?" I ask because I know I am going to give into the temptation either way.

"She tells me this when we meet for the first time, and she takes me to her bakery." I smile at my daughter because, because of her, I met her in the first place. 

"Okay, princess, let's go." I said,I'm happy that I can see my Bellissima again, even though I just saw her this morning.

She jumps up and starts clapping in excitement.

"Yay, I miss Vivi; let's go." She started running outside.

"Come on, daddy, faster." I heard her voice yelling for me to come faster.

I shake my head and take her jacket from her closet and my coat from my room before walking behind her toward the door. I help her sit in the car and make sure she wears her jecket and seatbelt before taking the driver seat and starting to drive.

"Daddy, can we also take ice cream?" She said it's not good for her to eat ice cream in this weather, but I will let her have it this one time.

"Of course, princess, but you will not eat so much or you can get sick, okey."

I drive to the nearest ice cream shop, and we buy two ice cream tubes from there; one is chocolate, and the other is mango flavor.

Chocolate for me and her, mango for Bellissima—apparently Daisy had asked her which flavor she liked, and she had told her she liked mango flavor. So what my girls like is what I am going to buy.

We reach the apartment. I pick up my princess and step outside the car.

Daisy was holding ice cream in polybage because she wanted to give them Bellissima personally.

I knock on her door, but no one is open, so I knock again, and this time I can hear foot steps from inside. I become excited to see her but get disappointed as soon as the door opens because it is not Bellissima but her friend who lives with her.

"Oh, it's you." She said it and smiled teasingly. I just nodded my head.

"Hey there, little one." She looked at Daisy, who was smiling on her face and trying to look inside the apartment.

"Hello, where is Vivi?" Malody I think that her name, her smile became wide and mischievous; she turned around and sighed for us to follow her. 

"V, come out; your future husband and daughter came to meet you." I laugh out loud but cover it with a cough.

I like her for what she just said.

I heard something fall from somewhere inside before I heard footsteps running toward the living room where we are standing.

The apartment was a decent size, and it was cozy in here. The living room is small but cozy and gives off a homily feeling with the couch in the middle facing the TV screen and one love seat beside the couch.

A big bookshelf is on the wall in the right corner of the room, and it's full of books. I'm surprised that it's not falling apart because of the amount of books on the shelf. The kitchen is attached to the living room; it is small but neat and clean.

Vivian came running in the living room but stopped when she saw us. She glared at her friend.

While she was killing her friend with her eyes, I drank her in. Her brown silky hair is tied in a massy bun, and she is wearing a pink t-shirt with some cute cartoon on it and light blue shorts, leaving her smooth lags bear for my eyes.

She is looking cute, beautiful, and sexy at the same time.

Daisy twisted in my arms and wanted to stand on her feet.

"Daddy, let me down, please." I do as she asks.

She ran to Bellissima, put her arms around her legs, hugged her, and hugged her back.

"Vivi." She called out, put her hands up for her to pick her up, and Bellissima picked her up.

"Hii, little Angel, what are you doing here?." She smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I miss you, and look, I brought you ice cream." She gave her the ice cream with a proud face.

"Thank you so much, sweetie." She smiled at her and kissed her cheek again.

"You are welcome, Vivi." She smiled happily and hugged her again.

I watch them talking, and my heart fills with warmth from looking at them like that. She looked up, feeling my eyes on her, I guess, and walked toward me while blushing covered her cheeks and neck.

"Hii." She said when she stands in front of me, close enough for me to hear her sift voice but not close enough for me to touch her, which I don't like, so I step close toward her, erasing the distance between us, and carry her face with my hand before kissing her forehead while Daisy is still in her arms. 

"Hii." I said and pulled back, but my hand was still on her cheek, my thumb is rubbing her cheekbone, and my eyes were looking deep into her. 

I hear clicking sounds and look to my right, where her friend is standing—I forget that she was still in the room—with her phone in her hands, clicking our pictures, I think.

"You guys are adorable together; I can't help but take the picture." She said to turn her phone screen so the screen faces us. We can see the photo; she just clicked.

In the photo, I was kissing Bellissima's forehead while her eyes were close and she was holding Daisy in her arms, and she swiped the screen. In the other photo, we were looking into each other's eyes while my hand was on her face. We are looking like a family.

A family.

The words echo inside my mind.

"I am going to my parents house, which you guys enjoy." She said, and I can see Bellissima's face has become red as tomato, and the way her cheeks are warm and hot under my hand as she walks out of the house, I didn't even notice she was already ready to go out.

Bellissima steps back and makes Daisy sit on the couch before turning back to me.

"Sorry for what she said about you being my..." She trailed off, and her cheeks became even darker than before.

"Your what?..future husband?" I tease her making her looking away, embarrassed. I laugh under my breath.

"She is crazy and said whatever came into her mind." She said she was still not looking into my eyes. 

I hold her chin between my fingers and make her look into my eyes.

"Don't worry about it. Bellissima." I thought what her friend said was not far from the truth, and I am happy to hear that because it's going to happen in the near future.

I look at her lips and can't wait to feel them on mine.

"Daddy, Vivi came here; let's eat ice cream." Daisy's voice breaks the bubble we are in. She steps back and sits beside Daisy.

"You want ice-cream ha?" She said and start tickling her laughter fill the whole living room and I smile looking at them.

My own small family.

She stood up and walked into the kitchen. I sat beside Daisy after removing my coat and set it one the other couch.

"Gabriel, which ice cream flavor do you want?" Vivian asks from the kitchen.

"Chocolat will be fine, Bellissima." I said, and she came back with a tray in her hands with ice cream in three small bowls—two were chocolate flavors, one was mango—and sat on the other side of Daisy. 

She fed Daisy her ice cream, and I fed myself while I could feel her eyes on me. I was trying my best to hide my smile while she was checking me out. 

Not to sound cocay but I am a good looking man and attract lots of women, but it never makes me feel anything special. At the end of the day, it's just a pretty face, and they don't know me from inside, but it makes me feel proud that she found me attractive, so she can look all she wants; I am all hers.

"Vivi, can we watch a movie?" Daisy asked while taking the bowl from her hands and feeding herself.

"Of course, sweetheart. What do you want to watch?" She asked her with a gentle smile.

"Frozen!!" She said it loudly and clapped her hand in joy, and excitement took over her whole face.

She watched Frozen so many times with me that I can recite the movie by heart.

I am telling you I know the whole song, 'Let It Go.' By heart because she makes me sing it with her every time it's played in a movie.

"Of course." She picked up the remote control from the table in front of the couch and played the movie while Daisy claimed on my lap and sat there while Bellissima sat beside me. 

The movie starts, and Daisy has full concentration on the TV while my eyes drift to the Bellissima side and look at her.

When the song comes, Daisy starts to sing with the character and tells me to sing too. Vivian tries to control her laugh, when she saw us but fails terribly, soon enough she join us and starts singing with us too.

By the time the movie had finished, Bellissima had fallen asleep on my shoulder and Daisy on my lap.

I put my arm around her and held her close and stay like that for sometime enjoying the moment but I had to go know.

"Wake up, Bellissima." I said it softly, and I felt her move.

"Wha...what happen?" She asked tiredly.

"Nothing; the movie had finished, Bellissima." She nodded, yawned, and rubbed her eyes, still sleepy.

I kiss the side of her head, and she sits straight when she realizes her head is resting on my shoulder. 

"Sorry." She is cute; by now, she should be aware of how much power she has over me.

"Don't be." I replied and gave her a small smile.

Her eyes fell on Daisy, who was sleeping on my lap peacefully.

"She fell asleep." I look down.

"Yeah, she fell asleep even before you." I said that and stood up.

"You should sleep now; it's late; we had kept you awake long enough." She shook her head and stood up too.

"No, it's fine; it was fun. You can stay if you want; you can take my room. I will sleep in Moly." As much as I wanted to stay, I couldn't.

"No, it's okay. Daisy has school tomorrow, and I also had to work, and beside you, you will also be moving in with us in manson." I said I was happy that from tomorrow she will be living under the same roof as me, and I can see her whenever I want.

"Okay, I will walk you to the door." She said that, and we started walking toward the front door. 

"I will see you tomorrow." I said, and she nodded and came close and kissed Daisy's head. 

"I will see you both tomorrow. Good night." She said, and I bent down.

"Well, no goodbye kiss for me." I tease her; our faces are close enough that we can feel each other breathe. I remember the day we met for the first time. I teased her back then too in the same way, but she surprised me this time by kissing me on my cheek, and my cheek heated up under her touch.

"Good night, Gabriel." She whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek again.

She was blushing; her eyes were looking everywhere, but me and her soft lips were still tingling my skin.

"Goodnight, Bellissima." Before kissing her forehead one last time, turn around and walk outside toward the car before she can see my red face.

Came on Gabriel doesn't act like a schoolboy who's got a crush; and just notice by her for the first time. I scolded myself. But the smile doesn't go away no matter what I tell myself.

I had called the driver when the movie ended because I didn't want to drive while Daisy was sleeping.

The driver opened the door for me, and I laid Daisy on the seat so she could be more comfortable and rest her head on my lap. The drive was quiet and peaceful.

When we reach the mansion, I carry her upstairs toward her room and change her clothes into her nightwear.

"Daddy." She called me out softly, still sleeping.

"It's okay, princess, go back to sleep." I stroked her hair, and she fell back to sleep peacefully. I walk out to go to my room at the end of the corridor.

I took off my shirt, changed into pajamas, and climbed into bed. My cheek is still tingling from where her lips touched mine, and I couldn't help but smile, remembering her beautiful red face.

Tomorrow can't come fast enough. With that thought,.

I close my eye and fall asleep with her still in my mind, and my dream fills with a blue-green eyes beauty.



(Before we end this chapter I like to ask you about your option.
I just noticed that the chapters are keep getting longer and longer as a update more. So tell me do you like them long or I should try to wrote them little shorter in future.)

They are getting closer day by day. What do you think about it?

What do you think about there love story so far?

But the bigger question here is: how will she react when she finds out about Gabriel's identity in the Mafia world?

Gabriel: Just let me have a few more peaceful chapters.

Auther: Oh, you are here too. But the book will become boring if I do that, don't you think?

Gabriel: I will tell her myself; just don't mass it up.

Author: Okay, then I will let you have a few more peaceful chapters...

Gabriel: but?

Author: But you have to say the magic words.

Gabriel: I love you? *confused face*

Author: Eawww, I don't go for taken, man, say please.

Gabriel: Oh, come on.

*Waiting patiently*

Gabriel: Okay, you win, please.

Author: Sense you ask so nicely, I will let you have a few more peaceful chapters.

Now get out of here before I can change my mind.

*Gabriel laft.*

This is it for today, guys.

I hope you like this chapter because I had fun  writing it.

Please vote and comment if you like it.

I hope you all are having a nice day. Stay safe and healthy.

Until next time.


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