Restless mind, Empty heart [M...

By Rose_Romantica

256 0 0

Luna Reina is a twenty-three year old woman, who has had to deal with raising and taking care of her sister L... More



8 0 0
By Rose_Romantica

December 27th [10: 15 AM]

Shining and Ringo were working together with a small crew to start the small show special that Ren, Masato and Reina were going to be a part of. At exactly ten fifteen the cameras were rolling and the two males sat together as Reina sat a bit away from them on chairs that were a bit off of the ground. It was Ren that had started things off.

"Good morning everyone, Jinguji Ren here with my team mate.." Ren started off saying before he looked at Masato.

"Hijirikawa Masato." Masato said bowing his head

"And our little lady in idol training.." Ren said before looking at Reina

"Kato Reina." She said with a smile before she bowed her head

"The three of us have a special treat for all of you, from today till New years eve we will be doing a long live stream for everyone to enjoy. We will be having the members of QUARTET NIGHT and the rest of STARISH come on at different times as 'special guests' here." Ren explained

Reina nodded her head before she spoke up. "The three of us will be explaining what to expect on each day, which each day you will be gifted a song from the three of us be it a solo song or a song by the three of us."

"Starting with today, we will be starting off with explaining what will happen each day then progress into today's activities." Masato stated

"Starting with the explanation of days, let's start off today. Reina you were the one who planned everything so you have the floor." Ren said with a smile

"Thank you Jinguji senpai." Reina said with a smile before she got up and she got a white board that was on wheels which surprised the two males. "I personally made this so we can keep up with everything and keep track of what we've already done. So today..."

She pulled back a piece of Velcro from the board and showed what was hidden under it. 

|December 27th-Small show begins!

-Introductions of each person

-explaining the days activities

-Q&A for New Trainee

-Trio song

-Play games with special guests!|

Reina checked off the first bulletin before she placed her hands together. "Each day will be just like this explaining things in an easy way that no one will be able to get things confused."

Ren and Masato go up before Masato stood beside Reina as Ren stood on the other side of the board. "Was this what you were doing yesterday that took up most of your time?"

Reina smiled and let out a small hum. "Maybe Senpai." She said happily

She then revealed the other days 

|December 28ths-Ren's day!

-Small talk with the audience 

-Play games with special guest

-Solo song

-More Small talk with Audience|

|December 29th-Happy birthday Hijirikawa Masato!

-Small talk with the Audience

-Solo song

-Games with Special guest

-Birthday Celebration

-Games with QUARTET NIGHT and STARISH together|

|December 30th- Trio together!

-Talking about what had happened the 28th & 29th

-Taking Questions from viewers

-Trio Song together

-Trio plays three different games together|

|December 31st- Last day of Stream! Reina's solo day|

-Reina addresses recent achievements and family things

-Solo song time!

-Opens box from deceased god father

-Talks to viewers and answers any questions they may have

-Plays three different games with special guests!|

Once Reina gone through the entire board, the two males were uncomfortable with her not stating that the last day was also her birthday. But they figured since she hadn't ever celebrated her birthday she truly didn't see herself as 'worthy' enough to have one even though it wasn't the case at all. 

"Wow Reina, you really did well with this especially knowing just what will happen when." Ren said complimenting her

"Thank you senpai. I only hope that there won't be any unknown chaos that happens throughout these next few days." Reina said with a small smile on her face

"With it being so planned out, I don't see anything going wrong Reina." Masato spoke sincerely to her

"Let's have this be behind our chairs before we sit down once more." Ren stated as the two males wheeled the board behind the chairs so she didn't have to do everything

Once it was, she sat down in her chair as the two males sat down once more. "So next we have a questionnaire for the little lady. She's been training hard here for three months before she has started off working with us guys. Obviously we know next to nothing about her." Ren stated

"This segment is supposed to be able to not only help us two as her seniors to help figure out what type of person she is, but also help her fans see just what type of person she is overall." Masato stated

"I wish to place this out there, any of the questions the boys ask me I will not know until they ask me. this is all off the cuff stuff. So my answers and reactions to their questions are all genuine and true." Reina stated with her hands on her lap

"I'll go first Reina, I've been curious about you since all of us from STARISH were summoned to Shining's to end the dispute between you and that white haired woman that wanted the position that you are in. May I ask you why haven't you tried before you had to get out the situation you were in?" Ren asked curiously "You have a beautiful voice, let alone you have raw talent that people could be envious about."

Reina tilted her head to the side. "I'm pretty sure I've already answered this because of Mikaze senpai asking me about that situation when I first met him and the rest of QUARTET NIGHT. But I will answer this once more. I had tried to get out of the position as Luna Kayla's maid for years ever since I was eighteen years old. I didn't want to live in that house anymore, I didn't want to deal with her or Luna Kiya's nonsense anymore. But Luna Kiya made it rather clear that I couldn't do anything because I was a 'worthless, useless ugly woman' Obviously I never believed most of that. The only reason I ended up leaving that nonsense to begin with was because I was able to be faster than both women as I left out with my things. I planned to leave that evening that I did."

"So you have tried before then?" Masato inquired

"Mhm, many times. But I hadn't been fast enough because I hadn't gathered my things beforehand and that was always my downfall for leaving. I had to plan things just right just to be able to do what I needed to get out of there."

"And it didn't occur to that woman that you're a grown adult and you can do whatever you want with your life?" Ren asked

Reina let out a sigh "That woman didn't see me as anything more than the tutor and maid of her little brat Kayla. She didn't care how old I was legally, to her I had a 'duty' to deal with her idiot brat."

"And your god father, how did he react to knowing what you told him?" Ren asked curiously

"Luna Wuu, when I was able to talk to him one on one about what was going on with his now ex-wife and the child she had. He was livid. He apologized to me and he took my side over theirs."

"It must have been a relief to you that he believed you." Masato asked

"It was, I held onto so much on my own that I ended up crying because he was finally listening to me."

"When did you learn to sing and write music?" Masato asked curiously

"Oh! That's an interesting question. I self taught myself how to sing with videos online and with different vocal applications online. I also learnt online how to read music sheets and how to use them to write melodies. Along with that I learnt how to play the piano which is one of three instruments that I know how to play."

Masato and Ren both knew she could play the piano so that information didn't come as a surprise to them. What did was knowing she knew how to play two other instruments.

"What else do you know how to play Reina?" Ren asked curiously

"The Clarinet and I know how to play the Viola." She said with a smile

"Do you have those instruments with you?" Ren asked

"Mhm! I do. They were supposed to be instruments that Kayla was supposed to learn how to play but she refused to learn any of them. She thought that learning how to play an instrument was below her standards as a lazy unintelligent freeloader." Reina said with a shrug

"You had mentioned to us before that the young girl that came into Shining industries with her mother, never even got pass elementary school, yet the girls mother let you go through school all the way to high school. How come?" Masato asked

"Oh boy...that is a rather loaded question. The best that I can say without making her look even more as a fool is that Luna Kayla was told and 'promised' by her equally lazy birth giver that as long as I was around that she didn't need to do anything. And that meant with schooling as well. The only reason I was allowed to go through the system of school was because that woman wanted me to do everything for that little girl and that also meant semester tests as well. But the school refused to allow it to happen. Even though that lady fought it-she was refused."

"So she didn't even go through school properly." Ren stated shaking his head

"Indeed, when I graduated high school I was fifth placed...which wasn't that bad. Had I not been constantly pushed to do things I didn't want to do for those two lazy girls I know I could have gotten higher up."

"We believe you Reina." Ren said with a smile

"Both of us know just how intelligent you are, especially with recent events." Masato said with a smile

Reina nodded her head with a sad smile. "Thanks."

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