Spirit Friend (Date A Live x...

By undertalecharisk

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(Y/N) (L/N) is a normal highschool boy living his life peacefully in tengu city with his best friend itsuka s... More

Chapter 1 Encounter
Chapter 2 We Meet Again
Chapter 3 Hangout
Chapter 4 New Student, New Spirit & New Friend
Chapter 5 Another one
Chapter 6 Give Him Back!!
Chapter 7: Double? Triple? Date?!
Chapter 8: Day off.
Chapter 9 Changes
Chapter 10 2 VS 2
Chapter 11: Yamai sister
Chapter 12: Beach Time
Chapter 14: Aftermath
Chapter 15: Festival Of Chaos
Chapter 16: Rescue Missions

Chapter 13: Surprises!

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By undertalecharisk

Reine POV

I stand in front of the class, writing on the whiteboard while explaining.

Reine: So, if you take X and multiply it by Y, you get the altitude of S1. Then you take S1 and add M2, multiply it by M, and divide by W. That's how you get the value and speed of the satellite.

I finish writing and explaining how to do the calculation. I turn around to look at them and ask.

Reine: Any questions?

A few of them raise their hands, and I answer all of them. Just in time, the school bell rings, signaling the end of school. I pack my teaching materials and inform them that we will be discussing the answer in the next class. Then I head to the teacher's office to help Okamine-sensei deal with the necessary paperwork since it's almost time for the Tenou Festival. While making my way to the teacher's office, I hear a familiar voice just around the corner on the stairway.

Origami: What is it? Could it be that you can't hold yourself any longer and wish to take me right here and right now? I'm ready.

As always, Tobiichi Origami is straightforward and bold as usual. With this, I already know who's the person she's talking to even without having to look. As if to confirm my suspicion, I hear another voice replying to her, sounding flustered.

(Y/N): That's not what I want to talk about! Stop trying to take off your clothes!!

Unconsciously, I smile as an image of him looking flustered crosses my mind, and at the same time, my hand moves to caress the dream catcher that's hanging around my neck. The image disappears as quickly as it appears, as well as my smile, and my hand falls to my sides. I keep listening to their conversation.

Origami: I see. What a pity.

(Y/N): Anyway, I want to ask you something.

Origami: What is it?

(Y/N): Actually...

They're probably whispering, as their voices aren't as clear as before. I try to make out what they're saying, but the speaker rings out and masks their voices.

Speaker: To all students, Please gather in the gymnasium. I repeat, To all students, please gather in the gymnasium, Immediately.

By the time the speaker is done, both of them are already done whispering and now talking back normally.

Origami: I'm sorry, this is all I know.

(Y/N): It's fine. This is enough, thank you.

Then I can hear their footsteps going downstairs, probably heading to the gym. I continue my way to the teacher's office. While on the way, I couldn't help but try to figure out what they were talking about. Unfortunately, I'm unable to come to a solid conclusion as I reach my destination. I enter the room and am greeted by Okamine-sensei.

Okamine: Ah, Reine-san, Thank you for your hard work.

Reine: You too, Okamine-san.

I sit down at my desk and do the paperwork.

Time skip

I finish all the necessary paperwork and head home. I enter our shared home with (Y/N) and the girls, then I take off my shoes and place them on the rack.

Reine: I'm home.

(Y/N): Welcome back.

I hear (Y/N)'s voice coming from the kitchen, along with the smell of something delicious. As I make my way to my room, I peek inside the living room and see Tohka and Yoshino are watching TV, while the Yamai siblings are playing games on their phones. Meanwhile, (Y/N) is cooking in the kitchen. I reach my room, take a shower, change my attire, and head back to the living room just in time for dinner.

(Y/N): Ah, Reine-san, dinner's ready.

I nod at him before taking a seat beside Tohka. Then, (Y/N) serves me a cup of hot coffee.

(Y/N): Here's your coffee.

Reine: Thank you.

(Y/N): No problem.

(Y/N) takes a seat next to me, and we all eat together. As we eat, I notice Tohka, Yoshino, Kaguya, and Yuzuru engaged in conversation with (Y/N), their voices blending into a cheerful chorus. However, upon closer observation, I realize that (Y/N) seems to be zoning out, his gaze distant and his responses absent-minded.

Tohka: (Y/N), today I learned something new.

Yoshino: I-i made new friends.

Kaguya: Kukuku, our classmates admire Yuzuru and me.

Yuzuru: Report: We dominate everyone in sports class.

Despite their efforts to engage him, (Y/N) remains lost in his thoughts, his attention seemingly elsewhere. Seeing no response from (Y/N), the girls stop talking. Concern flickers on their faces as they watch him.

Tohka: (Y/N)?

Tohka calls out to him with a gentle shake, successfully snapping him out of his trance. He turns to Tohka with a curious and apologetic face.

(Y/N): Sorry, I wasn't listening. What were you saying?

Yoshinon: Ara~ are you feeling unwell again?

Tohka: (Y/N)! Are you going to get sick again?!

Tohka says in worry while leaning close to (Y/N). Then Yoshino speaks shyly but with determination.

Yoshino: Um... if you're feeling hot, I can cool you down.

Yoshino then manifests a small piece of ice the size of her palm.

Kaguya: Kukuku, if you're sick, then you should stay in bed. Don't worry about a thing, I will nurse you back to health, my servant.

Yuzuru: Question: Should we call for assistance?

Their voices carry a hint of worry, causing a slight panic to ripple through the group. Sensing their concern, (Y/N) tries to calm them down but does little to ease them. I interject calmly, placing a reassuring hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Reine: Let me check on him, it might just be fatigue or stress.

With a nod of acknowledgment from the girls, I guide (Y/N) to a quieter corner of the room, away from prying eyes and curious whispers. Taking a moment to assess his condition, I inquire softly.

Reine: (Y/N), is everything alright? You seem a bit preoccupied. If something's bothering you, you can talk to me about it.

It's been a couple of weeks since the Yamai sisters decided to stay with (Y/N) to seduce him. Ever since returning here, (Y/N) occasionally zones out when no one talks to him, and I sometimes see him using his laptop late at night when he's alone.

(Y/N): I'm alright, Reine-san.

He smiles at me reassuringly.

(Y/N): I'm just a little tired from school.

Despite (Y/N)'s attempt to reassure me with his smile, a nagging sense of concern lingers in my mind. His occasional zoning out and late-night laptop sessions are starting to become a pattern, one that I can't help but notice. As much as I want to trust his words, the signs of something weighing on his mind are becoming more apparent.

Reine: If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, (Y/N).

Though he may brush off his concerns, I want him to know that I'm willing to listen whenever he's ready to open up. We return to the living room and continue our dinner.

Time skip

After dinner, (Y/N) is occupied with cleaning up the dishes. I take the opportunity to discreetly slip into his room. My intention isn't to invade his privacy but rather to understand what might be troubling him. I sit down at his desk and open his laptop. As I scroll through the files and folders, I come across various documents and applications, but nothing immediately stands out as concerning. However, my curiosity drives me to delve deeper, searching for any clues that might shed light on (Y/N)'s recent behavior. When I open his search history, I can't help but slightly raise my eyebrows.

Reine: Why would he...

I start thinking back and piece together the information I have. Then, like a puzzle, it all connects.

Reine: I see... If that's the case, then...

I close his laptop and clean up my traces of being here before going back to my room and working on something on my laptop.

Time skip


As I go about my usual weekend routine, doing chores around the house, I find myself lost in thought, the events of the past weighing heavily on my mind. Despite my attempts to push aside my worries, they persist, gnawing at the edges of my consciousness like an itch I can't scratch. Just as I finish up with the chores, I hear Reine's voice from behind.

Reine: (Y/N), are you busy?

I look at her curiously before thinking for a moment and reply.

(Y/N): No, not really. Why?

Reine nods and turns around without looking back at me.

Reine: Follow me.

Without waiting for my answer, Reine starts walking away. I follow closely behind her. She leads me to the basement, which I didn't know we had. Looking around, I'm amazed; it's quite a comfortable basement with gym equipment, a fighting ring, and much more.

(Y/N): Whoa, I didn't know we had such a cool basement. It feels like some sort of secret facility.

Reine smiles faintly at my remark, her expression tinged with a hint of sadness that I can't quite place. Without a word, she gestures for me to follow her further into the basement, her steps purposeful yet oddly hesitant. We stop in front of a door that looks ordinary enough. Before I can ask her about it, Reine opens the door and signals for me to enter the room. I step in with a little hesitation but choose to trust her. Inside, I see an average-sized room with a table in the middle and a small box on top of it. I turn to Reine, and she simply nods at me, indicating to open the box. I do, and my eyes widen in surprise at its contents.

(Y/N): This is...

I turn to Reine with wide eyes, seeking an answer or explanation.

Time skip

It's now the 8th of September, and a lot has happened since our school trip to Arubi Island. Kaguya and Yuzuru decided to live with me and the others, luckily Reine didn't mind. With a bit of help from Reine, they managed to enroll at Raizen High as transfer students. I'm not sure how she managed it, but I trust her. Although they're in different classes than me and Tohka, they occasionally come to my class to try to seduce me, which often leads to chaotic arguments with Tohka and Origami. I sigh at the memory, right now all the students are gathered inside the gymnasium. Ai, Mai, and Mii are on stage discussing the person who will be chosen to do most of the work for the Tenou Festival.

Ai: Then, without further ado, after much discussion and consideration, our committee member for this year's Tenou Festival is...

The drum beats for dramatic effect. At this moment, most students in the gymnasium, including me, pray with all their heart and might not to get chosen. Then the spotlight shines right in front of me, illuminating Shido.

Ai: Itsuka Shido!

As the spotlight shines on Shido, a collective gasp ripples through the gymnasium. My heart sinks at the realization that Shido has been chosen as the sacrificial committee member for the Tenou Festival. The weight of the responsibility seems to press down on his shoulders, evident in the way his expression shifts from surprise to resignation.

Shido: What? WHAT?!?!

Tonomachi: So this year's victim is Itsuka, huh?

(Y/N): Good luck, man.

I pat his shoulder before turning away from his gaze. Luckily, Tohka speaks up from behind me.

Tohka: (Y/N), what's the Tenou Festival?

(Y/N): The Tenou Festival is a joint festival held by the ten high schools in Tengu City.

When Tohka hears the word "festival," her eyes sparkle brightly.

Tohka: Does that mean there will be lots of food?

Tohka's eyes light up with excitement at the mention of food, her enthusiasm infectious even amid the tension surrounding Shido's selection.

(Y/N): Yeah, there will be plenty of food stalls, games, performances, and all sorts of fun activities. It's a big event in Tengu City.

Tohka's smile widens at the thought of eating all kinds of different things.

Tohka: That sounds amazing! I can't wait!

Her excitement is a welcome distraction from the weighty atmosphere in the gymnasium. As we chat about the upcoming festival, I see Shido sigh in defeat and slump down. Looking at him, I feel pity for him. I sigh and place my hand on his shoulder.

(Y/N): Cheer up, I'll help you when I can. Consider it payback for giving your best back then.

Shido: (Y/N)... Thank you.

I see him cheer up a bit, and a small smile forms on his lips. Tohka's cheerful voice cuts through the tension like a ray of sunshine, her enthusiasm contagious as always. She leans in closer to Shido, her eyes sparkling with determination.

Tohka: Shido, you don't have to worry! I'll help you too! We'll make this festival amazing together!

Her offer brings a genuine smile to Shido's face and brightens him up.

Time skip

Over the course of the week, Tohka, Kaguya, Yuzuru, and I help him out whenever we can. With our help, the preparations for the festival go smoothly, but...

(Y/N): Why the hell am I here on a Saturday?!

I turn and glare at Shido, who's sweating bullets. Shido raises his hands in defense.

Shido: C-calm down. You said you'd help me. Besides, Ai, Mai, and Mii can't come because they need to practice their performance.

I groan in annoyance before sighing. At this point, it doesn't feel worth helping him for keeping my secret. You better be glad I'm sticking with the bro code, Shido!

Tohka: (Y/N)! This place is so huge, and there are lots of paintings!

Thankfully, Tohka comes along for moral support. I chuckle and pat her head.

(Y/N): Yeah, there is.

The three of us are inside the meeting room at Rindouji, the all-girl private school that's this year's meeting place. While Tohka looks around, I talk to Shido about the preparations for the festival.

Shido: That's all that's left to do. Thanks to you and the others.

(Y/N): No problem.

Shido: By the way, (Y/N), I've been meaning to ask you, what's that?

(A/C) = Accessory Choice.

Shido points at the (A/C) that I'm wearing.

(Y/N): Ah, this? It's a... surprise gift.


(Y/N): This is...

I turn to Reine with wide eyes, holding an (A/C) in my hand, feeling very confused. Reine just smiles at me.

Reine: It's a surprise gift from me.

Flashback End

Shido: Surprise gift?

I nod my head, and then the door opens as the representative from Rindouji High enters.

Tohka: She's pretty.

I nod my head, agreeing with Tohka. Judging by the whispers from students of other schools, I'm sure they share the same opinion. Some even ask to take pictures of her.

Shido: What—

I turn to Shido as he whispers loudly and gasp in shock.

(Y/N): Shido... I know she's pretty, but she's not THAT pretty for you to be shocked.

Shido: No, that's not it.

I just shrug at him, not really believing his words. She steps to the front and smiles.

Miku: Hello everyone, we are pleased to have you all here.

She speaks with a very pleasant voice, almost addictive to the ear. She lowers her head as she greets the other students.

Miku: I'm the head of the Tenou Festival committee for Rindouji All-Girl Private Academy, Izayoi Miku.

Tohka: (Y/N)! Her voice is melodic! How does she do that?

I chuckle and shrug.

(Y/N): Who knows. Probably her talent.

After that, the meeting goes smoothly without any problems. As soon as it ends, Shido leaves, claiming he has a stomach ache. Tohka and I are packing our stuff to leave when Miku approaches us. As she comes closer, I notice her eyes narrow with barely concealed disgust as she looks at me.

Miku: I finally found you, you disgusting rat.

Her tone of voice and expression catch me off guard, and Tohka too.

(Y/N): Uh... I think you have the wrong person.

Miku scoffs before glaring at me with hate.

Miku: How dare you speak to me, vermin! Don't think for a second that I would mistake someone else for you, Contestant #13.

When she says that, my eyes widen in shock as a certain memory rushes into my mind, reminding me of a certain event.

(Y/N): How did you—

Before I can finish my sentence, the other students who are still in the room with us start staring at her in shock and talking loudly amongst themselves. Miku then turns around and says something I can't hear for some reason. Then everyone else except Tohka, me, and Miku leaves. Miku turns back to me with the same hateful expression, but Tohka steps in front of me and speaks to Miku with a cold tone.

Tohka: What do you think you're doing? You can't just talk to (Y/N) like that! Apologize.

When she notices Tohka, her expression does a 180-degree change.

Miku: Ara~ What's a cute girl like you doing here?

Tohka's expression shifts from anger to confusion, clearly taken aback by Miku's sudden change in demeanor. She glances back at me, her eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.

Tohka: Huh?

I have the same reaction as her, confused by the sudden change in Miku as well.

Miku: Don't be so tense, darling. Can't you see how much I adore you?

Tohka's confusion deepens, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she takes a step back from Miku's advances.

Tohka: W-What are you talking about?

Miku closes the distance between them, reaching out to gently caress Tohka's cheek with her hand. Sensing Tohka's discomfort, I grab her shoulder and pull her toward me before wrapping my arm around her protectively. Then I stare sharply at Miku as she does the same as soon as our eyes meet.

Miku: You!

(Y/N): Hands off.

Miku grits her teeth and glares at me even harder before saying something, and everything turns black.

Tohka POV

Shido immediately leaves after the meeting, saying he has a stomach ache. I'm a little worried about him, but I get to spend time with (Y/N) alone. Oh well. As we pack our stuff and prepare to head home, I smell a strong perfume. I turn around and see Miku walking toward us. She stops in front of (Y/N), but her face isn't smiling at all. Does she also have a stomach ache?

Miku: I finally found you, you disgusting rat.

I can't help but be shocked at her tone and expression. She's completely different from earlier. Why did she call him that? Why is she mad at him? I don't get it.

Miku: How dare you speak to me, vermin! Don't think for a second that I would mistake someone else for you, Contestant #13.

(Y/N): How did you—

I turn to (Y/N) and see his face. I don't know what's going on or why she's mad at him, but she's crossing the line. I'm about to step up, but she suddenly turns her back and says something.

Miku: <Leave>

Suddenly, I feel something trying to invade my mind, but it quickly disappears. What was that? I shake it off and step in front of (Y/N), ready to protect him. I won't let her say another thing to (Y/N). No one's here, if I use my angel on her, no one will know.

Tohka: What do you think you're doing? You can't just talk to (Y/N) like that! Apologize.

I get ready to summon my <Sandalphon>, but her expression changes completely, catching me by surprise. Even her tone changes again.

Miku: Ara~ What's a cute girl like you doing here?

I glance back at (Y/N), confused, my eyebrows furrowing in disbelief. Is she acting?

Tohka: Huh?

Miku takes a step closer to me. She's too close.

Miku: Don't be so tense, darling. Can't you see how much I adore you?

I can feel my cheeks heat up, flushing with embarrassment as I take a step back from Miku.

Tohka: W-What are you talking about?

Miku closes the distance between us, reaching out to gently caress my cheek with her hand. Sensing my discomfort, (Y/N) grabs my shoulder and pulls me toward him, wrapping his arm around me protectively. Instantly, my face heats up so much I feel lightheaded. I snuggle close to his chest, then I hear Miku say something.

Miku: <Let her go>

Suddenly, I no longer feel (Y/N)'s arm around me. I look up at his face to see his expression growing distant and vacant. His eyes are completely empty, void of emotion.

Tohka: (Y/N)?

Miku: Disgusting rat. How dare you lay that filthy hand on my cute pet.

Hearing her words causes my eyes to narrow sharply, anger flaring up inside me as I step protectively in front of (Y/N).

Tohka: Enough.

Miku: Scary~ I'll play with you later. First...

Miku stops smiling and turns to (Y/N) and does it again.

Miku: <Kneel>

Tohka: What?

(Y/N) then kneels down on the floor in front of her. I can't help but stare at him in confusion and shock. Why did he listen to her? Does he like her? Miku steps forward and looks down at (Y/N) while I'm still in shock.

Miku: How fitting of you. <Tell me, why did you sing that song in the competition>?

Without lifting his head, (Y/N) replies back in an empty tone.

(Y/N): Because... that was the only song that came to mind at the time.

Miku: HUH?!

Miku's expression twists into one of disbelief, her eyes widening in shock at (Y/N)'s response.

Miku: That's it? You sang that song because it was the first thing that came to mind?

Her tone is laced with disbelief, her frustration evident as she struggles to comprehend (Y/N)'s seemingly simple explanation. I watch the exchange, my heart heavy with worry and confusion for (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yes, that song helped me a lot.

Miku: Help...you? <Explain>

(Y/N): I used to have trouble sleeping and always had nightmares. When I was searching for a way to help me, I stumbled upon that song. When I hear it, the sounds calm me down. I especially like the singer's voice. Unfortunately, the singer is no longer in the industry, but even now, I still continue to support her by listening to her song. I wish that one day, I will be able to hear her sing again.

I listen to (Y/N)'s explanation while he's still kneeling on the ground in front of Miku. Ah! I don't know what's going on, but something is definitely wrong with (Y/N), and I'm sure it's because of her.

Tohka: Miku—

Suddenly, she bolts out of the room without saying anything, but I manage to catch a glance of her face. Now, I'm really confused. One moment she's kind, another she's being mean, and now... shocked? No, disbelief? I don't get it. I quickly shake my head and turn to (Y/N) to see him stand up, looking confused.

Tohka: (Y/N)... are you okay?

(Y/N): Hmm? What do you mean? I'm fine.

I can see his eyes and face are no longer empty. He's back! I hug him tightly.

Tohka: You're back!

I snuggle close while hugging him tightly like... a mama bear? Yeah, that's what Kaguya said. As I continue to hug him, suddenly I feel him tapping my arm repeatedly.

Tohka: Hmm?

I look up to see his face slowly turning blue.

(Y/N): Too... tight.

I quickly release (Y/N), stepping back with a sheepish grin. (Y/N) collapses, falling limp in my arms. Panic rushes through me as I struggle to hold him up.

Tohka: (Y/N)!!

Time Skip


(Y/N): So you're saying that I listen to her and even kneel in front of her? I don't remember doing any of that.

I think to myself. After waking up, Tohka explain to me what happened. It's safe to assume that Miku is also a spirit and that her ability is related to sound and mind control of some sort. But....

(Y/N): Why would she do that?

Tohka: I don't know. She even look a little afraid.

I sigh as I unable to come to any solid conclusion with just these information. I decide to ignore it for now and focus on cooking dinner for everyone.

Time Skip

Right now, I'm at school managing the preparations that need to be done for the Tenou Festival. Everything went smoothly, but there's only one problem.

(Y/N): Where the hell is he?! Shido!!

That bastard said he has something important to do and disappeared, leaving me to do his work! I sigh annoyingly and decide to go grab a drink. I leave the gymnasium and head to the cafeteria. On my way there, I see something absolutely eye-bulging.

???: Um... Shido said there was something he had to do. I was told to go to Tengu Square with everyone in his place.

Ai: That bastard!

Mai: He ran away!

Mii: That's so lame!

I watch everything from the sidelines with a dumbfounded expression. Who is she? And why does she look so much like Shido?!

Ai: By the way, who are you?

Shiori: I'm uh... Shido's cousin... Uh... Shidomi... NO! I mean, uh, Shiori Itsuka.

Shiori? Shido's cousin? I don't remember Shido saying he has a cousin. I would know if his cousin enrolled here... Wait, no way. It's not what I'm thinking, right?

Shiori: Well, excuse me~

Shiori immediately walks away from them. She's... I can't believe I'm thinking about this, but she's cute! God, please! She better not be who I think she is! I shake my head and chase after her. After running after her for a little bit, I reach Tengu Square. Tengu Square is a large convention center located in the middle of Tengu City. It's packed with people preparing for the Tenou Festival. I look around trying to spot Shiori among the sea of people. Luckily, I manage to catch a glimpse of Shiori's distinct hair accessory bobbing through the crowd and follow her discreetly. I move through the bustling crowd, dodging vendors selling festival trinkets and excited students discussing their plans. As I approach her, I gather my courage and call out.

(Y/N): Hey!

Shiori glances back, her eyes widening momentarily before she turns to face me and waits. I manage to catch up, and with a deep breath, I reach out to grab her shoulder.

(Y/N): Shiori, right? Can we talk?

Shiori: I can't, I'm busy right now.

She tries to leave, but I hold her wrist and pull her close, forcing her to make eye contact.

Shiori: Ah- Hey!

(Y/N): ...Shido?

She flinches and sweats nervously before looking away.

Shiori: W-what are you talking about? I'm Shiori, Itsuka Shido is my cousin.

Shiori's attempt to maintain the act was admirable, but there were telltale signs that betrayed her. The way her eyes darted away, the subtle change in her posture—it was all too familiar to me, but...

(Y/N): Hmm, alright then. Sorry, I thought you were him.

Shiori lets out a relieved sigh.

Shiori: It's alright. Then I'll...

Before Shiori can finish her sentence, my hand goes underneath her skirt and I feel it, which causes her, or should I say him, to yelp. I pull back and smile menacingly at him.

(Y/N): Let's have another 'talk,' Shido~

I crack my knuckles and flick my wrist to warm up.


As Shido heard (Y/N) crack his knuckles, he closed his eyes and tried to cover himself as much as possible. He braced himself for whatever was coming next. But instead of a punch or a scolding, Shido heard (Y/N) sigh. Opening his eyes, he found (Y/N) looking at him with a curious and disappointed look.

(Y/N): So? You wanna tell me why you did... this?

(Y/N) look at him up and down as if analyzing him. Feeling very embarrassed, Shido pulled down his skirt to block his view.

Shiori: Well... you're not gonna hit me?

(Y/N): Usually, I would, but... I know you well enough to know you're not crazy enough to do this without a good reason. So, I want to know the reason first.

(Y/N) crossed his arms and leaned against the wall before shooting a look to Shido to explain. As I thought about what to do, I heard Kotori's voice in my earpiece.

Kotori: Shido, tell him that you're coming out of the closet.

Shiori: What?!

I yelled at her through my earpiece in a shocked tone.

Shiori: I, uh... I'm...

(Y/N): You are...

Kotori: Hurry! You need to go after Miku.

Shiori: Actually, I'm... coming out of...


Reine: Why don't we ask for his help?

Reine spoke up, suggesting to ask for (Y/N)'s help. Kotori raised her eyebrow at her while licking her lollipop.

Kotori: What do you mean?

Reine: (Y/N) has more experience in raising spirits' affection for him, and he's smart. He might be able to help Shin make Miku fall for him.

Kotori: No, I already made it clear that I don't want him to get more involved in this.

Reine: He doesn't need to get involved, Commander.

Kotori thought for a second before she sighed and decided to trust Reine. Reine nodded her head and talked to Shido.

Reine: Shin, repeat after me.

Tengu Square

Shido listened to Reine's words and nodded his head. He took a deep breath before replying to him.

Shiori: The truth is, there's this girl I like, but she doesn't like men very much. So I decided to wear... this to try and get close to her.

(Y/N): I see... Are you stupid?

Shido's response caught Shido off guard because of how blunt his tone was. (Y/N) sighed tiredly.

(Y/N): Listen, what do you think will happen if you get close to her while being Shiori and then she finds out that you're actually male? Do you think she will be happy? Or that she will accept you?

Shiori: N-no.

(Y/N): Exactly. It will only make her hatred for men far worse than before. She might not even trust any girls after that, afraid that they might be a guy in disguise.

Shido winced at (Y/N)'s words, the weight of his actions sinking in deeper with each passing moment. (Y/N)'s stern yet caring demeanor was a stark contrast to Shido's own impulsiveness. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for his ill-conceived plan.

Shiori: I-I didn't think about that...

(Y/N) placed a reassuring hand on Shido's shoulder, his expression softening slightly.

(Y/N): You need to approach her as yourself, Shido. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and starting off with a lie is a surefire way to destroy any chance you have with her.

He let out a tired sigh, knowing that won't work.

Shiori: That's the problem. I can't even approach her without disguising myself?

(Y/N): It's that bad, huh?

Shido nodded his head.

Shiori: Yeah, it's that bad. Trust me, I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't that bad.

(Y/N): Damn, just how bad did you fall for her?

Shiori: ...Pretty bad... I guess?

Shido said while dying on the inside for saying that. Then he received a command from Reine through the earpiece to ask (Y/N).

Shiori: What do you think I should do, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hmm... I think first you need to be able to approach her to be able to do anything.

Shiori: True.

(Y/N): By the way, who's the girl that got you so smitten that you're disguising yourself as a girl?

Shiori hesitated for a second, unsure of whether to tell him or not. After a bit, Shido told (Y/N).

Shiori: It's Miku.

(Y/N): Miku? The one that we met back at Rindouji? THAT Miku?

Shido nodded his head. (Y/N) stared at him with a bewildered look as if he saw something beyond common sense.

(Y/N): I didn't know you're a masochist.

Shido's face flushed a deep shade of red, his eyes widening in shock at (Y/N)'s blunt comment.

Shiori: What?! No! It's not like that!

His denial came out hurriedly, his hands waving in front of him as if trying to physically push away the implication. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly at Shido's flustered reaction.

(Y/N): Relax, I'm just teasing you. But Miku, huh? That's unexpected.

Shido let out a relieved sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. He should've known (Y/N) was just messing with him.

Shiori: Yeah, it's complicated with her. She's... unique.

(Y/N) chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning back against the nearest wall.

(Y/N): Well, I think I might be able to help you.

Shiori: Really?

(Y/N) nodded his head. Shido's eyes sparkled with hope, and for a moment, he forgot he was in his Shiori disguise. His excitement bubbled over, and he unintentionally adopted a cute, girlish gesture and winked at (Y/N).

Shiori: Thank you~

(Y/N) stayed silent while looking at him with a poker face. On the inside, (Y/N) was having an internal battle. One side was telling him to take Shiori; the other was telling him it's not right. (Y/N) sighed and looked up at the sky.

(Y/N): What an unfortunate life. Why must you be so cruel, God?

(Y/N) began to ponder on the fictional existence of Shiori. An image flashed through his mind: him, Shiori, and the others in a park, playing, laughing, and having fun together.

Shiori: (Y/N)!

(Y/N) snapped out of his imagination when Shido called him.

(Y/N): Oh, sorry. Anyway, take those off and let's go find Miku.

Shido hesitated for a moment before walking away to change his clothes. On his way to change, Shido heard Kotori's voice coming from his earpiece.

Kotori: Shido, let's play it safe. First, go meet up with Miku as Shiori, then follow (Y/N)'s plan as Shido. Just in case his plan fails, we can still use Shiori as a backup plan.

Shiori: Understood.

Shido went inside hall 1 to find Miku, but she had headed to the central stage. Shido followed her and caught up to her, introducing himself as Shiori. They talked and got along well.

(A/N): Basically, he did the same thing as in canon.

After parting with Miku, Shido took off his disguise and met up with (Y/N).

(Y/N): Took you long enough.

Shido: Sorry.

Then both of them went to find Miku. As Shido and (Y/N) entered the hall, they could hear the faint echo of Miku's voice, her sweet tone filling the air. They spotted Miku standing there, surrounded by an aura of grace and elegance. Miku's gaze lingered on Shido with a mixture of disdain and suspicion, her eyes narrowing sharply as he approached. However, as her gaze shifted to (Y/N), there was a noticeable reduction in the intensity of her disgust, though it was still palpable. (Y/N) stepped forward in front of Shido.

Miku: You...

They locked eyes, each one emanating a different kind of intensity. One glared with disdain, while the other was icy cold.

(Y/N): This place is off-limits.

Miku scoffed dismissively.

Miku: As if I need a disgusting rat like you to tell me that.

(Y/N) frowned deeply, his eyes piercing.

(Y/N): Don't call me that.

A smirk curled Miku's lips, clearly reveling in the discomfort and tension she was causing.

Miku: And what are you going to do about it?

(Y/N) clenched his fists, struggling to keep his anger in check. He took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure despite her provocations. As she took a step closer, he glared at her, the tension palpable.

Miku: Count yourself lucky that I even allow you to breathe the same air as me.

She took a deliberate step back, fanning her face as if trying to dispel an unpleasant scent.

Miku: Ugh, just being near you is nauseating.

Her amusement at seeing (Y/N) angered was palpable as she flashed a sharp, mocking smile.

Miku: But don't worry, out of the goodness of my heart, I'll refrain from calling you names.

Miku's words left both (Y/N) and Shido stunned, the audacity of her cruelty catching them off guard.

Miku: Because from now on, you'll be my pet, existing solely to entertain and serve me.

Shido's eyes widened in shock, shifting between Miku's triumphant smirk and (Y/N)'s stunned expression. The weight of Miku's words hung heavily in the tense air.

Miku: Just imagine, you crawling to me when I call, barking and wagging your tail like a good little pet.

Her tone grew even more malicious as she continued, targeting (Y/N)'s vulnerabilities.

Miku: Oh, and let's not forget about Tohka. I'll make sure she joins in the fun. You can watch as I turn her into my cute little servant, maybe I'll even let her hold the leash when you two go for walks.

(Y/N) looked at Miku with wide eyes, not because of shock but because the rage was refusing to leave his eyes until Miku paid for it. Without a second thought, (Y/N) lunged toward Miku and took her by surprise. He swung his arm at her, almost hitting her, but Miku remained calm as her smirk grew wider, knowing he couldn't hurt her as she's a spirit. Just as (Y/N)'s fist was about to hit her, he got punched first and stumbled back a bit. Both Miku and (Y/N) turned to see Shido with his fist up. Shido had just punched (Y/N).

(Y/N): Shido... you.

(A/N): One surprise after another. Truly surprising, isn't it? tell me what you think about it. Care to guess the next surprise, my dear readers?

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