Fated [Nyx Archeron x OC]

By par13ker

3K 109 13

(This is a sequel to another fic of mine called Betrayed. You don't have to read it to understand, but I high... More



185 5 4
By par13ker

Hewn City?

This place was nothing like Velaris. And when Eudora first stepped into the city masked by a mountaintop, she already missed the sky. The sun, the clouds, moon, stars, whatever celestial star she craved it. At least if she was able to look up, there'd be some form of physical escape.

Who knew that a city could thrive and work within the inner carvings of a mountain. She crossed streets and bridges, clearly lost as to where she was suppose to be looking for. She assumed there'd be a grand sign that says the High Lord would be here, fae discussing him, but instead all she got since stepping foot into the city was dirty looks, cat-calls, and someone asking if they can pay her for a blow-job.

She washed up before coming her but, the air itself felt like it packed on three layers of dirt across her exposed skin. Eudora dressed properly, a blue dress that stopped as her ankles, but she underestimated how much she'd stand out.

It's not as if she was scared, she was uncomfortable. She's hardly ran into fae who'd treat her with such disrespect. Along the mountain walls there were disturbing carvings of figures that she could hardly make out. The only source of light for the entire city was just that of faelights, not enough to lit the path.

"Excuse me?", Eudora stepped up to a vender who looked to be selling fruit. They had dull green skin and yellow eyes, but that's not what made Eudora heed her approach. It was the scowl that was permanetely plastered on their face. They looked over her with a interesting gaze, not even bothering look up past her breast.

So Eudora bent at her knees to match their face not accepting the inapporpriate stare. As for the fae that cat called her and asked for a blow-she let that wash over her, but three times is her limit.

"Hi..", she wore a fake smile, "I was wondering if you can point me towards the-."

"Take a left at the interesecting avenue and keep straight.", the vendor said. But Eudora was ready to protest as she didn't finish her question but they had pulled the curtains of their stand in, whipping her loose hair all about.

Eudora rolled her eyes and stood straight again. She brushed her hair back to his neat style and followed their directions. It was her only lead as to finding the castle and when she saw it, it was definiteley a contrast to the gloomy nature of the rest of the city. As she approached, some of the far on each side of her stared her down, whispering like they've never seen someone outside of their realm before.

The towering gates of the castle held an animalistic design. Curving into beasts attacking, their fangs out. Others were devouring each other while between the ridges vines twisted with moonflowers. Unpleasant, but an outlet to leaving this terrible city behind.

She thought about what Orestes and Silas were saying about the other realms of the Night Court and this was living up to what they were trying to warn her about. Why was this place such a drastic change from the beautiful city of Velaris. And why were the fae living within these mountains willing choosing to stay.

If it were up to Eudora, she's never chose to be blocked from the sky. At the head of the gates, Eudora could make out two guards stationed on either side. Finally some fae with sense and authority, she thought.

"Hello.", she says, "I have a scheduled meeting with the High Lord.", she says with hope in her voice that this will be different from the encounters she had with all the other fae within this city.

The guards were wearing gray and black armor. Fitting for the setting, but indifferent. Instead of giving her some form of hope for the people in the city, they glanced over her and then at each other.

One of them inclined their head and gestured for her to walk in. Of course Eudora's spine tingled as their stare followed her all the way into the grand doors of the castle. She kept her composure and dared to pull up the v-neck of her dress finding that every fae she's come across eyes lingered there.

When the doors finally slammed shut behind her, Eudora figured that be the end of the tormenting stares but, as she walked down the dimly lit hall, she figured out why the guards were dressed in that specific colored uniform.

They blended into the walls. And the discreet lingering eyes, made Eudora prefer the obvious gazes. At least then she can adjust her stance to avoid them. Now she doesn't have anything to do except continue her confident stride.

And thankfully there was a light at the end of the hall that as she got closer lead her into a throne room. Finally she wasn't looking at dark and gloomy walls, bu a beautiful room meant for royalty. Something she was used to. Polished ebony lined every corner and Eudora followed it with awe. She felt like she could breathe easier and the air was just a little more clean.

As she looked around and down at the floor, her reflection shown right back at her. Using the advantage of the unexpected mirror, Eudora fixed her hair and dress just a little bit wanting to brush off the gross feeling she had from walking across the city.

She assumed it's a city for those punished or doomed from Velaris. Which makes Silas's statement a little more understandable. Having a city for the sick prevents those from contaminating Velaris. Of course those who's committed crimes shouldn't have the same freedom as everyone else.

Columns erected from the floor with the same unique beast designs, mimicking the gates leading to the castle. They supported the high ceiling. It surprised her as the castle didn't look that large from the outside.

But, when Eudora looked up, something caught her attention besides the High Lord who was sitting on the throne. On each of her, making a path to the dais were fae.

Not a lot, but more than she preferred. When she asked for meeting, Eudora thought that meant a private meeting.

Nonetheless, Eudora kept her front. Kept her goal in mind as she stepped forth and finally reached the base of the dais. Unlike the other High Lords, Rhysand has been the only one she's never met when she was young. She's never seen his face or even been told what he looks like.

So when she saw those violet eyes, Eudora was confused as to where she's seen them before. They were unique, but not the one pair she's seen. Nonetheless, everything else about the High Lord spoke true to the Night Court.

His tanned skin complimented the black hair and attire. The crown on top of his head reflected his status. He sat with his legs crossed and elbow leaning against one of the arms of the throne.

He looked down at her from his place not saying a word. He didn't even try to look welcoming.

But that didn't stop her from keeping her kind and respectful tone. Being in a place like this would dampen anyone's mood. Why he didn't request to meet in Velaris beats her. Like all the other High Lords, she figured they get on speaking terms and she'd finally be able to ask.

For now Eudora clear her throat, her voice echoing off the walls.

"High Lord.", Eudora inclined her head in respect. She reached out her hand in hopes to shake his hand but, as soon as she dared to take her chance on one of the steps, she watched as one of his eyebrows slowly raised.

Eudora may be friendly and open to everyone, but she's also not an idiot. She can read social cues and get when things aren't going her way. Playing it off she cleared her throat and nodded stepped back down and moving some of the hair from her face.

She didn't linger to long on his quick denial and replayed the script in her head. Most of it was just a repeat of what she'd wrote in her letter, but that didn't make it any less convincing.

When the High Lord said nothing, Eudora figured it was him giving her the floor to begin. "First of all, I want to say thank you for even paying mind to my request to speak with you, I can only assume you're busy."

"Oh yea?.", he deep voice masked with indifference. He spread his legs and leaned forward to rest his elbows in his thighs, "And what makes you think so."

Eudora smile softly, "Well I figured that's why you missed the initial meeting in which I discussed this with all the other High Lords."

The High Lord neither confirmed or denied. But his lack of response in the first place was already a flag that whipped in the wind with indication his absence was by choice. Just as her uncle had a stated. No matter, Eudora had no trouble bringing the meeting to him.

"Anyways, let me introduce myself I'm-."

"I know who you are.", the black crown on top of his head tilted at his movement. He crossed his legs and gone was the intimidation. Eudora saw nothing but disinterest written on his structured face.

Eudora waited till he finished. And let the silence carry his words far enough before she continued, "As I was saying....", she hummed, "My name is Eudora Damaris, Daughter of the-."

"Cauldron's Keeper."

A slew of gasps came from the fae on each side of her. Eudora ignored them and took a deep breath to not cut her ties short by getting upset over his disrespect.

"Yes.", she smiled, "Well, i'll keep this short i gather you have a lot on your plate already. And of course i'll try not to sound repetitive to my letter."

She paused waiting for him to say anything. But... silence. This wasn't going to be like her other meetings and as much as Eudora was trying to push off her aunt and cousin's statement to form her own judgement it was holding true.

"I've been working with the other High Lords to input a youth female training camp. This is to help young females grow their confidence and self-defense skills." , she was straight in her tone. Even as she heard snicker and snarky comments come from those around her.

Rhysand stared at her as if Eudora hadn't said anything. The air in the room wasn't just thick from the loads of people in it, there was tension filling the gaps. Eudora didn't know why as she didn't think her request was that bizarre but apparently to the High Lord, there was more to discuss.

"And what makes you think, this little project is helpful for my lands."

Eudora bit her tongue at him calling it 'little' but she continued to keep her smile and respectful voice. She wasn't afraid. Her heart was steady and mind clear.

"As I just mentioned... ", she said showing her teeth, "It's for self-defense purposes. Being a child already is a vulnerable stage in a fae's life, and not every young fae is fortunate enough to have a figure that not only isn't around to protect them but willing to. I've been working with young girls in an orphanage and they love it. It's a chance for them to feel confident in themselves."

Eudora dug into her bag and held out a paper. In a similar way she did at the meeting, she blew on it and it fluttered over gently settling at the High Lords feet.

"When discussed with the other High Lords... there concern was the training schedule and how it differs from the males who train for war. Before you i've a written regimen of what they do."

The High Lord didn't even bother to pick up the paper, instead look down at it and merely skim only the front of a double sided script.

Eudora waited patiently however, looking at him and only him as the rest of the fae murmuring nonsense held no weight to the decision.

It was no more than a few seconds later when Rhysand sat back up again and crossed his legs, "While i see the vision, I don't think it's something i wish to have on my grounds. The values within my court has already progressed enough so that females feel safe."

"And... forgive me High Lord.", Eudora couldn't help but let out a short laugh. She held up a hand and gestured to those around them, "But, i don't see how that's possible since the only thing i've heard from you're own people, who are all male in this thrown room, has done nothing but laugh at my appeal.", Eudora did her best to keep her condescending tone to a minimum but he had the audacity to say something that shallow.

Eudora isn't a fool. Even in the Dawn Court there is some animosity towards females. She's not trying to ban sexism. Just start from the bottom. If young males can see that females their age are to given rights to train than they will view them differently.

"Are you here to appease my people or me?", his tone shifted to something dark. Something Eudora found disgusting.

"Both." she shrugged. "If you allow me to continue I can provide statements from the other High-."

"I've heard enough."

Those three words struck her heart. Eudora scrunched her eyebrows at that. The first strike of anger bubbling beneath her skin. She tightened her jaw as the High Lord dared to flick a hand of dismissal.

But she also has to remember where she's at. This isn't her land. And Eudora is smart enough to not do anything hostile in a place she's foreign in. In Velaris maybe she'd snap back but for now she kept her cool.

Calmed the storm that was start to brew within her and hummed, "I understand. Thank you for your time."

Eudora turned at her heal. Only barely seeing the paper that sat at the High Lord's feet move and drift through the air and back into her bag at her command.

But she was only halfway on her trek when Eudora thought about it. The Night Court wasn't just ran by him.

And as soon as the thought came to mind, she turned back around and approached the same spot in which she just argued with the High Lord.

"Is there someone else I can talk to?", she said softly.

The question clearly threw the High Lord off his axis. But nothing good came from that, at her tone, he narrowed his purple eyes. The room grew just a little heavier.

"Someone else? I'm curious in who you believe would hear your childish dreams."

"Oh I don't know.", Eudora pursed her lips as if she was thinking but the answer was already on her lips. If he wished to play with her, dare call her dreams childish, that's fine. They were only childish to him because of his childish views on gender specificity.

"Maybe someone who... and here me out, has a better perspective of the issue at hand.", she said slowly.

"I do not wish to bring the High Lady into a dead ended decision."

"Why not?", Eudora asked.

"I'll let you think of that in your way out, this meeting is over."

Eudora nodded, "Of course.... I apologize for my behavior.", she bowed and as she spun she looked to those fae on each side of her. This entire time she felt bothered by the additional guest during something she thought would be private.

But since they were here, might as well take advantage of it. "I mean I'm not  surprised.", she said taking a step backwards, "Considering your view on female rights to begin with, it's no shock that the High Lady's opinion holds no weight. I bet that title is just something to flaunt your pretty mate."

A wave of power quickly spewed from the High Lord to Eudora and though she was shocked at first for his quick physical response she simply waved a hand and the wind carried it over her head.

"I mean think about it.", Eudora looks at the fae. "Doesn't the power of the land hum in the High Lords bones. Unless there's some new power in unaware of its impossible to split that connection with what? A once mortal being?"

Eudora held up a hand blocking the next strike. And the once invisible power froze and physically solidified creating a glass wall before her. The High Lord behind the glass pane was a little blurry. And she couldn't have that. Eudora pressed a fingertip to it and disrupting the tense air, it hit the polished floor and shattered into millions of pieces.

She didn't flinch. Nor did the High Lord. Yet only one of the two held a condescending smile.

"But don't get me wrong, those are only my thoughts.", she placed a hand over her heart. The energy pumping through her was the main reason for her rapid heart beat. Most would fear this. Call her insane for even daring to speak to the most powerful high lord as such.

But the fae in the room, including the one before her has no idea that Eudora has hardly been told about this place. She's only taken what she's gathered from her yearly visits to Velaris.

"You speak of the High Lady th-."

"See you're not hearing me.", Eudora interrupted. Just as he'd done to her earlier, "I don't wish to speak of the High Lady. I'd like to speak with her. And if it's as claim that she holds just as much power and ruling over the land as you, then I do not see the problem with me speaking to her as well."

"She's busy."

"Figured.", Eudora said stiffly through a smile. "I'll wait."

The High Lord took a deep breath and she knew that no matter what happened after this that she was in deep shit. But her stubborn nature would not allow her to walk out with nothing to return home to.

Barachiel bring me the most obnoxious angelic chair you can find in the after life.

Eudora this is not a good idea

Thankfully, Eudora knew that the only one who'd be able to stop her this second was her mother. And Sage was far from in the known of where she stood. When Eudora said nothing back to her guardian angel, she heard his sigh echo in her head.

Suddenly a throne just a tad bit bigger than the one the High Lord sat in appeared behind Eudora. She hummed and tilted her head back to be witness of the bright white throne.

And in the most obnoxious way she could, Eudora backed up and sat down, crossing her legs and leaning back on her own throne.

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