Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

435K 9.4K 909

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


3K 56 8
By tonysnarky


The sun beat down mercilessly on the Abu Dhabi circuit, casting long shadows across the bustling paddock. Excitement hung thick in the air as fans eagerly awaited the climax of the Formula 1 season. For Charles and Alexandra Leclerc, it was a moment of both anticipation and nerves as they prepared to face off against their fiercest rivals in a battle for the championship.

Arriving at the paddock in their sleek Porsche SUV, the Leclerc family made quite the entrance. Charles, at 33, exuded a quiet confidence, his years of experience evident in the way he carried himself. Alexandra, just as poised and determined, flashed a reassuring smile at her husband as they stepped out of the car.

Their three children, Archie, Louis, and Aurelie, tumbled out of the backseat, their excitement palpable as they took in the sights and sounds of the bustling paddock. As the family walked into the paddock, they were thankful for the respect they received, from both fans and paparazzi alike. 

Through the years, the Leclerc's had faced their fair share of media storms, and since the arrival of their children, they'd both become fiercely protective of their children during race weekends, begging those around them to give their children space and to be respectful. 

As they arrived at Charles' garage, Charles and Alexandra shared a tender kiss in front of the Ferrari entrance, a silent affirmation of their unwavering support for each other. The sapphire ring on Alexandra's finger caught the glow of the sunset, reflecting pretty shapes onto the ground by her daughter's feet.

"Are you ready for this, Amor?" Charles asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He glanced over at the Red Bull garage, where Max and the rest of Alexandra's team were likely waiting for her.

Alexandra's gaze followed his, her expression thoughtful as she considered the challenge that lay ahead. The season had been one of the closest in F1 history, with the top four drivers (Lexi, Charles, Lando, and Max) separated by only five points. The pressure was on, and every decision counted.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she replied, her voice steady despite the butterflies in her stomach. She reached for Charles's hand, drawing strength from his unwavering presence by her side.

As Carlos emerged from the Ferrari garage, a warm smile spread across his face at the sight of the Leclerc family. He greeted Alexandra with a friendly hug before turning his attention to little Aurelie, who was already bouncing with excitement.

"Ahí está el pequeño diablo!" Carlos exclaimed, scooping her up into the air with practiced ease. The young girl erupted into giggles, her mischievous glint shining brightly as she soaked up the attention.

The bond between the Leclercs and their Ferrari teammate was evident as Carlos greeted Louis and Archie with secret handshakes they had developed over time. Laughter filled the air as the group exchanged playful banter, their camaraderie a testament to the close-knit F1 community.

Nearby, a paparazzi snapped photos of the heartwarming scene, but Alexandra's initial tension melted away when she recognized Kym Illman among the crowd. She approached the seasoned photographer with a warm smile, her trust in him evident as he showed her the beautiful images he had captured.

"Thank you, Kym," Alexandra said sincerely, touched by his gesture. She knew that any photos of her children in Kym's hands would be handled with care and respect - since they'd been born, Kym had never once posted or sold any images of her children. Instead, he put them into little digital albums and sent them to Lexi and Charles, encouraging them to treasure these memories forever. 

Kym assured her that the photos would remain private, meant only for the Leclerc family to cherish. Alexandra breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the photographer's discretion.

"How are you both feeling?" Kym asked casually. "Big race."

As the conversation turned to the upcoming race, Charles couldn't resist teasing his wife about her nerves. "She's nervous," he told the photographer. "She knows when she loses to me again, she'll never live it down."

Alexandra rolled her eyes, but a playful grin tugged at the corners of her lips. "You wish, Charles," she retorted, sticking her tongue out at him in mock defiance. 

The playful banter continued among the group as they discussed their predictions for the upcoming race. Carlos, ever the loyal friend, declared his support for Lando, insisting that it was time for the McLaren driver to claim his first championship.

"You, supporting McLaren?" Charles teased, raising an eyebrow in mock surprise. "I never thought I'd see the day."

Carlos shrugged nonchalantly. "Hey, someone's got to shake things up around here," he replied with a grin. "Besides, you, Lexi, and Max have already hogged enough championships. It's Lando's turn now."

The group erupted into laughter at Carlos' bold proclamation, teasing him about his newfound allegiance to McLaren despite being teammates with the reigning champion at Ferrari. But Carlos remained unfazed, insisting that he was simply looking out for his friend.

Kym, always eager to stir the conversation, turned to Charles and asked if he would miss having Carlos as his teammate next season. Charles flashed a playful grin, feigning indifference.

"Miss him?" Charles echoed, pretending to ponder the question. "I can't wait for him to leave, to be honest. Maybe I'll finally get some peace and quiet around here."

Carlos rolled his eyes at his teammate's jest, accustomed to their playful banter by now. Alexandra chimed in, teasing her husband about his supposed emotional reaction to Carlos' departure.

"Charles cried for a week when he found out Carlos was leaving," Alexandra teased, earning a mock glare from her husband in return.

The conversation shifted to Max, who had announced his retirement from Formula 1. Alexandra couldn't resist poking fun at her longtime rival, suggesting that perhaps age was catching up with him.

"Max is getting old," Alexandra quipped with a mischievous grin. "I guess he just can't keep up with me anymore."

The group erupted into laughter once again, the lighthearted banter serving as a welcome distraction from the intensity of the championship battle looming ahead. With camaraderie like theirs, no matter the outcome on the track, they knew they would always have each other's backs.

As Andrea joined the group, a warm smile spread across his face as he greeted everyone. His presence served as a gentle reminder to Alexandra that she had a meeting to attend at the Red Bull garage.

"Oh, right! The meeting!" Alexandra exclaimed, a hint of panic creeping into her voice as she realized the time. She hastily bid farewell to the group, her mind already racing with thoughts of the upcoming session.

However, as she made to leave, Charles gently caught her arm, his touch reassuring. "Don't forget the kids," he reminded her softly, his eyes warm with understanding.

Alexandra's heart skipped a beat as she realized her oversight, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Of course, the kids," she murmured, her mind momentarily scattered.

But Charles' kiss on her forehead and his calming words helped to steady her nerves, a fond smile playing on her lips as she looked up at him. "Thanks, Amor," she said gratefully, leaning into his touch for a brief moment.

With a final goodbye to the group, Alexandra turned to gather her children, who were already buzzing with excitement. Charles followed closely behind, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the chaos of race day preparations.

As they reached the kids, Charles knelt down to their level, a playful glint in his eyes. "Now, you lot behave for Aunt Kelly, okay?" he said, his tone firm but affectionate.

Louis stuck out his tongue in response, earning a playful eye roll from his father. But Alexandra's gentle reprimand and Aurelie's taunt to her brother "Perdedor" caught them all by surprise, their laughter mingling with the joyful chaos of the moment.

The group looked to Carlos, amused by Aurelie's sudden Spanish accent. Carlos simply shrugged, his laughter echoing in the air. In that moment, amidst the hustle and bustle of the paddock, they were a family bound by love, laughter, and the shared excitement of the race ahead.

As Charles watched Alexandra disappear into the bustling paddock, a bittersweet smile graced his lips. He knew she had her hands full with their spirited children, but he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing as he watched them go.

"Aurelie's going to be trouble when she's older." Carlos' playful remark brought him back to the present, and Charles chuckled in agreement. 

"Jules is a menace," he admitted, a fond glint in his eyes as he thought of his youngest daughter's antics. While they named her Aurelie, she typically went by her middle name instead. Jules. 

With a rueful shake of his head, Charles couldn't help but marvel at the distinct personalities of each of his children. Archie, with his boundless energy and unwavering determination, was a constant reminder of Charles' own drive and ambition. The thought of his son following in his footsteps brought a swell of pride to his chest.

Louis, on the other hand, was the epitome of gentleness and creativity, his love for music a stark contrast to the roar of the F1 engines. Charles couldn't help but admire his son's quiet strength, knowing that Louis marched to the beat of his own drum, unswayed by the chaos of the racing world.

And then there was Aurelie – spirited, fearless, and endlessly determined. Charles couldn't suppress a chuckle as he thought of her latest escapades, her boldness a constant source of both amusement and exasperation. Despite her mischievous nature, there was no denying the fierce passion burning within her, a flame that matched her parents' own drive for success.

Lost in his thoughts, Charles couldn't help but recall a recent incident involving Aurelie and his beloved Ferrari. The memory brought a wistful smile to his lips, tinged with a hint of parental concern. He made a mental note to keep a closer eye on his adventurous daughter – after all, with Aurelie around, there was never a dull moment.

He'd only turned his back to her for a split second, and he'd found her in the front seat of his old Pista, her tiny little hands desperately trying to turn on the engine. Charles had gotten into a lot of trouble with Alexandra for that one. 

"That girl's going to give me a heart attack one day," Charles remarked, shaking his head with mock exasperation. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Y'know, Isa said Angelo told her he wants to be a driver one day too," Carlos spoke fondly of his son, who was now four years old. Charles raised an eyebrow. 

"Do you-,"

"Absolutely not." Carlos laughed. "That boy can do whatever he wants with his life, as long as it's not Formula One." he glanced at Charles. "You're lucky Louis doesn't want to be a driver. How are you and Ally gonna pick who to support when the kids get seats?"

"Easy," Charles replied. "I'm backing Jules, and Ally's backing Archie. We've already decided."

"But I thought Jules wanted to race for Red Bull, and Archie wanted to drive for Ferrari?" 

"I'd do anything for my little girl, Sainz. Even if it means supporting that shit excuse of a team."

As Alexandra and the children entered the bustling Red Bull garage, the atmosphere shifted with an air of familiarity and warmth. Louis darted straight toward Max, his face lighting up as he approached the towering figure of the Dutch driver. With a wide grin, Max tousled the young boy's hair affectionately, earning a giggle from Louis in return. 

"Hé, jongen."

Meanwhile, Aurelie made a beeline for Hugo, Max's son, who stood beside Kelly. The two children shared a special bond, their friendship forged through the camaraderie of their parents' racing careers. With a radiant smile, Aurelie enveloped Hugo in a tight hug, her infectious enthusiasm mirrored by the young boy's grin.

"My Mama is gonna beat your Papa." she taunted. 

"No! My Papa is the best!"

"The best at losing!"

Archie, ever eager and adventurous, sought out his uncle James with an enthusiastic shout. The seasoned engineer greeted his nephew with open arms, lifting him effortlessly into a bear hug. Archie laughed joyfully, reveling in the familiarity and affection that surrounded him in the Red Bull garage.

As Alexandra watched her children interact with their extended racing family, a sense of gratitude washed over her. Despite the challenges and uncertainties of their high-speed lifestyle, moments like these reminded her of the rich tapestry of connections and relationships that defined their world. With a contented smile, she joined the embrace of her Red Bull family, cherishing the bonds that transcended the racetrack.

Silently, Alexandra wandered over to the corner of the garage, where Max, Kelly, James and Christian had grouped together, the kids stood around them. Christian smiled at Alexandra warmly. "Hey, Ally." he greeted. "Are you nervous?"

"I wish people would stop asking me that." she sighed with a soft smile. Beside her, Max reached out to embrace his teammate in a hug. 

As Alexandra  Max, a bittersweet wave of emotions washed over her. These were more than just colleagues or racing partners—they were family. For over a decade, they had shared triumphs and setbacks, laughter and tears, forging bonds that ran deeper than the circuits they raced on.

In that moment of quiet shared between Alexandra and Max, the weight of their shared journey hung palpably in the air. Ten years of relentless competition, of pushing each other to their limits, and of standing shoulder to shoulder in the face of every challenge had brought them to this poignant moment. Now, as Max prepared to bid farewell to the track, it marked the end of an era for them both.

Red Bull Racing had been their home, their sanctuary, their crucible of dreams. It was where they had grown, where they had flourished, and where they had become champions. And now, with Max's impending retirement, it felt like the closing of a chapter—one filled with memories, triumphs, and a bond that transcended the checkered flag.

As Alexandra glanced around the garage, she saw the faces of their teammates, their mechanics, and their supporters, all gathered to witness this poignant moment. The collective silence spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the profound impact Max had made on the team and on her own life.

With a heavy heart but a grateful spirit, Alexandra squeezed Max's hand, silently conveying her appreciation for their journey together. They may be parting ways on the track, but their friendship would endure, a testament to the enduring spirit of camaraderie that defined their shared passion for racing.

"Are you guys ready to grab some ice cream?" Kelly asked the kids. 

As Alexandra watched Kelly lead the kids away, her heart swelled with gratitude. Kelly had been an unwavering source of support and friendship, not just during the highs and lows of their racing careers but also in the everyday moments that made life rich and meaningful. The simple act of taking the kids for ice cream was a testament to Kelly's generosity of spirit and her genuine affection for their family.

"Thank you, Kel. I really-,"

"It's no trouble, Al. I promise." Kelly smiled.

As James teased Louis about saving some ice cream for him, a ripple of laughter echoed through the garage. Louis, with his gentle demeanor and kind heart, had a way of melting even the toughest of hearts. "Sure, Uncle James. I'll bring you your favorite." 

With a final wave to her kids and a grateful nod to Kelly, Alexandra turned her attention to the upcoming session. As the cars roared to life on the track, she felt a familiar thrill course through her veins, a reminder of the passion and dedication that had brought them all to this moment. 

With a heavy heart yet a determined spirit, Max stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over the assembled members of the Red Bull Racing garage. His voice, steady and unwavering, cut through the air, commanding attention and respect.

"Thank you," he began, his tone infused with genuine gratitude. "Thank you for everything—for the long hours, the tireless dedication, the unwavering support. For fourteen incredible years, we've been through it all together. We've celebrated victories and weathered setbacks, but through it all, we've remained a family."

His words resonated deeply with everyone present, each member of the team nodding in agreement, their eyes reflecting a shared sense of camaraderie and pride.

"I want to thank each and every one of you," Max continued, his voice tinged with emotion. "For believing in me, for pushing me to be my best, for standing by me through thick and thin. You're not just my colleagues—you're my brothers and sisters, my extended family. And I am eternally grateful for the privilege of working alongside you."

A ripple of applause echoed through the garage, a collective expression of appreciation and respect for the man who had led them through countless battles on the track.

Max's tone softened, a hint of humor creeping into his words. "Now, as we head into the final race of the season, I make you a promise. I will give it everything I've got, leaving nothing on the table in pursuit of one more championship. But," he added with a playful grin, "if fate has other plans and the title eludes me, I'll gladly pass the torch to my teammate - even if we all know I'm the better driver."

Laughter filled the air, a moment of levity amid the bittersweet farewell. Max's infectious energy lifted the spirits of those around him, infusing the garage with a renewed sense of determination and purpose.

As he concluded his speech, Max raised a clenched fist in a final salute, his eyes shining with determination. "Let's make this weekend one to remember," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "For Red Bull Racing, for our fans, and for each other. Together, we'll write the final chapter of my career. Let's do this!"

As Max finished his speech, Alexandra's emotions burst forth, and tears streamed down her cheeks. James chuckled at his sister's sudden vulnerability but quickly ceased when she playfully smacked his arm. Sobbing, Alexandra embraced Max once more. 

"Don't do it." she pleaded. "Don't retire."

Max chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "You'll have to find someone else to pick on, Lexi. Maybe Lando's up for the challenge," he teased, referring to their fellow competitor. "Or, you could always join me in retirement. You know, Seb's arranging that holiday-,"

Rolling her eyes, Alexandra rejected the idea, adamant that she wasn't ready to hang up her racing gloves just yet. "I'm not retiring anytime soon, Max. You'll have to drag me off the track kicking and screaming," she declared, determination flashing in her eyes.

Max, always the playful provocateur, pointed out a few strands of gray hair peeking through Alexandra's locks, much to her chagrin. "Looks like you're starting to catch up with me in the age department, Ally," he teased, a mischievous grin on his face.

Trying to hide her embarrassment, Alexandra brushed off Max's comment with a laugh. "I'll dye them before the next race. Can't let anyone think I'm getting old," she quipped, a playful glint in her eye.

"I think it's a bit late for that. You look like you could pass for fifty."

"Say it again and watch me run you off the track."

Their banter quickly escalated into playful bickering, reminiscent of their early days on the racing circuit. Despite the competitive edge, there was an underlying warmth and affection between them, forged through years of friendship and shared experiences.

Observing the scene with amusement, Christian turned to GP, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Some things never change, no matter how many years pass," he remarked, his tone fond and nostalgic. Despite the passage of time and the countless races they had competed in, the camaraderie and competitive spirit between Max and Alexandra remained as strong as ever.


FP1 and FP2 unfolded smoothly, with both Alexandra and Charles expressing satisfaction with their cars' performance. The atmosphere in the paddock buzzed with anticipation as the final race of the season drew near. It was palpable that the competition would be fierce, with all eyes glued to the championship contenders.

During what should have been a relaxed practice session, Alexandra and Charles found themselves engaging in playful battles on the track, much to the delight of the crowd. Spectators cheered as they witnessed the Leclercs' friendly rivalry, a testament to their competitive nature.

In the commentary booth, Bernie and Jenson shared a hearty laugh as they discussed the Leclercs' dynamic. "Well, well, Bernie, looks like the Leclercs are keeping us on our toes once again. They're always up for a bit of friendly competition," Jenson remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Bernie nodded in agreement, her eyes following the Leclercs' maneuvers on the track. "Yep, those two always make me laugh. Reminds me of the good old days."

Jenson chuckled, casting a glance at the gathering of former F1 drivers and team principals in the paddock. "Hey, have you seen who's made an appearance? We've got a mini-reunion of ex-F1 drivers and team principals over there. Seems like they couldn't resist the chance to witness Max's final race in person."

Bernie's gaze followed Jenson's, a nostalgic smile tugging at her lips. "Ah, yes, I see them now. It's like a trip down memory lane. Who've we got?"

Jenson nodded, his expression reflecting a mix of admiration and nostalgia. "The camaraderie among these legends is truly something special. We've got Sebastian Vettel, Fernando Alonso, Mick Schumacher, Kimi Raikkonen, Daniel Ricciardo, Lewis Hamilton, Valtteri Bottas, and more. Even ex-Red Bull and Ferrari team members are here, not to mention older team principals like Franz Tost and Toto Wolff. Oh, and look! Ted, Martin, and Crofty are all here too!"

Bernie chuckled, shaking her head in amazement. "It's a star-studded affair, indeed. And with the championship race so close, it's bound to be an unforgettable finale."

As the practice session continued, the excitement in the paddock reached a fever pitch, fueled by the presence of F1 legends past and present. The stage was set for a thrilling showdown in Abu Dhabi, and everyone present was eager to witness history in the making.


On race day, anticipation crackled in the air as the final showdown of the season loomed large. Alexandra sat in her car, the engine humming beneath her, her focus laser-sharp as she awaited the start of the formation lap. With the roar of the crowd echoing around her, she took a series of deep breaths, centering herself for the battle ahead.

Through the crackle of the radio, she heard her brother's voice, a comforting presence in the midst of the chaos. His calm reassurances washed over her like a soothing balm, grounding her in the moment. She smiled beneath her helmet, grateful for his unwavering support.

"Thanks, James," she replied, her voice steady despite the nerves that fluttered in her stomach. "I've got this."

Her brother's chuckle filtered through the radio, his teasing banter lightening the mood. "Better not let us down, Lex," he quipped, his tone playful yet encouraging. "All your friends are watching, you know. It'd be a real shame if you ended up in the gravel."

Alexandra rolled her eyes behind her visor, her lips curling into a smirk. "Oh, don't worry," she retorted, her voice laced with mock indignation. "I'll try not to embarrass myself too much out there. Can't make you look bad in front of everyone, can I?"

James laughed, the sound echoing through the radio. "I hope Charles' engineer is giving him the same pep talk," he shot back, his teasing tone earning a chuckle from his sister.

"Trust me," Alexandra replied, her grin widening. "Charles will already be panicking about it."

With one last exchange of lighthearted banter, the tension of the moment momentarily lifted. Alexandra felt a surge of determination coursing through her veins as she prepared to tackle the challenge ahead. She was ready to give it her all, fueled by the unwavering support of her family and the knowledge that she had the talent and tenacity to seize victory.

As the formation lap unfolded, the tension in the air was palpable, every heartbeat synchronized with the pulsing rhythm of the engines. Christian's voice chimed in over the radio, a soothing presence amidst the adrenaline-fueled chaos.

"Enjoy yourself out there, Ally Cat," he said, his words carrying a weight of significance that sent a shiver down Alexandra's spine. There was a cryptic edge to his tone, a hint of finality that lingered in the air like an unspoken truth. "And remember. You've done us proud."

"Thank you. For everything." Alexandra's response was equally cryptic, her voice steady as she acknowledged his words with a quiet determination. There was a sense of introspection in her tone, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of the moment. "Let's do this." 

As she settled back into her position on the grid, Alexandra's gaze swept across the track, taking in the sea of colors and the throngs of spectators who had gathered to witness the climax of the season. Each pulse of the lights felt like a heartbeat, a steady cadence that echoed the rhythm of her racing career.

Nine years in Formula 1. 

Three world championships to her name. 

A legacy forged in the crucible of competition, defined by resilience and unwavering determination. Alexandra Leclerc, wife of Charles Leclerc, and mother of three beautiful children, stood poised on the precipice of history.

With each breath, she reaffirmed her identity as a fighter, a competitor, a survivor. In that fleeting moment before the lights extinguished and the race began in earnest, Alexandra drew strength from the depths of her soul, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with unwavering resolve.

The moment hung suspended in time, a fleeting instant of anticipation that seemed to stretch into eternity. Alexandra's heartbeat thundered in her chest, the rhythm of the engines echoing the pulse of her racing spirit.

Then, in a burst of intensity, the lights descended, casting the track into a kaleidoscope of color. 




A deep breath filled Alexandra's lungs as she braced herself for the onslaught of speed and adrenaline.

It's lights out, and away we go. 

With a surge of power, Alexandra unleashed the full force of her determination, the roar of her engine drowning out the cacophony of cheers and engines around her.

In that electrifying moment, she was no longer Alexandra Leclerc, the seasoned veteran with a legacy to defend. She was a force of nature, a symphony of speed and skill hurtling toward the horizon with unwavering purpose.

As the race commenced, Alexandra surged forward with a burst of speed, her car slicing through the air like a sleek arrow aimed at the heart of victory. The cacophony of engines and the blur of colors melded into a symphony of motion as she hurtled down the straightaway, her focus laser-sharp and unwavering.

In the first few laps, Alexandra danced on the edge of control, her car responding to her every command with precision and grace. She weaved through the pack with calculated precision, her instincts honed by years of experience guiding her through the labyrinth of asphalt.

Ahead, the battle between Charles and Lando unfolded with breathtaking intensity, the two drivers locked in a fierce duel for supremacy. Alexandra's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the drama unfold, the roar of engines and the screech of tires echoing in her ears.

As Charles and Lando traded blows, Max seized the opportunity to slip past them both, his car a blur of blue as he surged into the lead. Alexandra gritted her teeth as she fought to keep pace, her eyes locked on the cars ahead as she searched for an opening to make her move.

"I told you Max would get ahead of them in the first few laps." Her brother's teasing voice filled the radio. "You owe me £10."

With each passing lap, the tension on the track mounted, the air crackling with anticipation as the drivers jockeyed for position. Alexandra pushed herself to the limit, her determination unyielding as she refused to let the leaders out of her sight.

Despite her best efforts, Alexandra found herself locked in a fierce battle for fourth, her rivals nipping at her heels with relentless determination. She fought tooth and nail to maintain her position, her car dancing on the edge of control as she pushed herself to the limit.

As the laps ticked by, Alexandra's focus remained unbroken, her resolve unwavering in the face of adversity. With every twist and turn of the track, she pushed herself to the brink, her eyes locked on the prize that lay just beyond her grasp.

In the crucible of competition, Alexandra's true essence shone brightly, her spirit undaunted by the challenges that lay before her. As the race progressed, Alexandra continued to push herself to the limit, her determination unyielding as she navigated the twists and turns of the Abu Dhabi circuit with precision and finesse. Lap after lap, she carved her way through the field, her focus unwavering as she set her sights on the podium.

Approaching lap 15, Alexandra decided to pit, her team executing a flawless pit stop that saw her back on track in record time. As she rejoined the race, she found herself locked in a fierce battle with Lando, the two drivers trading blows as they fought for position.

With her fresh set of tires and a renewed sense of determination, Alexandra launched a blistering assault on the track, her car darting through the corners with unmatched agility. Lap after lap, she closed the gap to Lando, her eyes locked on the prize that lay just ahead.

As the laps ticked by, Alexandra's relentless pursuit paid off, her calculated strategy allowing her to undercut Lando and emerge ahead of him after the pit stops. With a clear track ahead, she set her sights on the leaders, Charles and Max, determined to chase them down and challenge for the win.

As the race approached the halfway mark, Alexandra settled into a rhythm, her focus sharpening as she dialed in her pace and prepared to make her move. With each passing lap, she closed the gap to the cars ahead, her determination driving her forward with unwavering resolve.

By lap 25, Alexandra had firmly established herself in third place, her sights set firmly on the podium as she chased down the leaders. With Charles and Max just ahead of her, she knew that the battle was far from over, but she was ready to fight tooth and nail for every inch of asphalt as she pursued her dreams of victory.

As laps 25 to 38 unfolded, the intensity of the battle between Alexandra and Max reached its peak, the two drivers locked in a ferocious duel for second place. With Charles maintaining a comfortable lead at the front of the pack, all eyes were on the titanic struggle unfolding behind him.

As the laps ticked by, Alexandra and Max pushed their cars to the limit, trading positions with each passing corner as they jostled for supremacy. James, ever the mischievous sibling, couldn't resist needling his sister over the team radio, suggesting that perhaps Charles was proving himself to be the superior driver.

"Maybe I need to move to Ferrari to support the better Leclerc."

"Maybe you need to shut up before I throw you out of a window." she snapped back jokingly. 

Alexandra's response was swift and fiery, her voice crackling over the radio as she vehemently defended her skills behind the wheel. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she focused all her energy on the task at hand, determined to prove her worth on the track.

With Max refusing to yield an inch, Alexandra dug deep, summoning every ounce of her talent and experience to mount a daring overtaking maneuver. With nerves of steel, she executed the move flawlessly, slipping past Max and seizing control of second place.

"Ha! Get GP to tell him that I won the bet!" 

"You've not won yet Ally." James reminded her.

But Max was not one to back down easily, and as the two drivers battled wheel-to-wheel, their cars danced on the edge of control, each refusing to concede an inch of ground. Lap after lap, they pushed each other to the limit, their duel escalating to a fever pitch as they closed in on Charles' Ferrari.

With the gap to Charles shrinking with each passing moment, Alexandra and Max traded blows relentlessly, their determination driving them to the brink of exhaustion. As they reached the front of the grid, mere seconds separated them from Charles, setting the stage for a thrilling showdown in the closing stages of the race.

As Lando closed in on Max, the battle for second place intensified, creating a tantalizing opportunity for Alexandra to narrow the gap to Charles. With a surge of adrenaline, she seized the moment, unleashing the full power of her car as she set her sights on her husband's Ferrari.

In that electrifying moment, the air crackled with tension, the deafening roar of the engines drowned out by the thunderous cheers of the crowd. Spectators leaned forward in their seats, their eyes fixed on the unfolding drama as the two Leclercs engaged in a thrilling battle on the track.

Lap 50 arrived, marking the pinnacle of their duel. With every twist and turn, Charles and Alexandra showcased their unparalleled skill and determination, each maneuver executed with precision and finesse. The tension was palpable as they jostled for position, their cars mere inches apart as they navigated the circuit.

As the battle raged on, taunts and encouragement flew over the team radios, the friendly banter between husband and wife adding an extra layer of excitement to the race. In the Ferrari and Red Bull garages, team members held their breath, their hearts racing as they watched the Leclercs go head to head.

Husband and wife, best friends, and now fierce competitors, Charles and Alexandra pushed each other to the limit, their rivalry fueling their determination to succeed. With every passing moment, they etched their names into the annals of F1 history, their duel destined to be remembered as one of the greatest battles ever witnessed on the track.

As the tension reached its peak on lap 51, the cameras panned to the thrilling duel between Charles and Alexandra Leclerc. In the commentary box, Bernie and Jenson were beside themselves with excitement, their voices rising above the roar of the engines.

"Would you look at that!" Bernie exclaimed. "It's the Leclercs going wheel to wheel, husband and wife, battling it out for supremacy on the track!"

Jenson nodded enthusiastically. "Incredible! This is what F1 is all about. The Leclercs are putting on a show for the ages!"

Meanwhile, as Lando and Max closed in on the married couple, the retired F1 legends in the paddock erupted into cheers. Lewis Hamilton and his fellow drivers, now spectators, were on their feet, their voices blending with the roar of the crowd as they cheered for the Leclercs.

Amid the excitement, the cameras captured a heartwarming scene. Little Louis Leclerc sat atop his uncle Lewis' shoulders, his eyes wide with terror as he watched his parents battle for glory - a little set of noise-canceling headphones sitting on his head. 

 Beside them, Sebastian Vettel lifted Aurelie into the air, a proud smile on his face as the little girl screamed for her father to win, while Archie stood tall beside Pascale Leclerc, the matriarch of the family, her emotions running high as she cheered for her son and daughter-in-law.

As the tension mounted, the entire paddock held its breath, legends of old and new united in their anticipation as one of the closest battles in F1 history unfolded before their eyes. It was a moment destined for the history books, a testament to the indomitable spirit and fierce determination of the Leclercs as they wrote their names into the annals of motorsport greatness.

As Charles and Alexandra navigated each corner of the track, their minds drifted back to the early days of their relationship, a decade ago. It had been love at first sight when Charles caught sight of the beautiful actress at a gala, her radiant smile captivating him instantly. From that moment on, they had been inseparable, forging a bond that would withstand the trials and tribulations of life.

Together, they had weathered dark and terrible times. Alexandra had endured the trauma of her assault by Jackson Morgan, while Charles grappled with his own mental health struggles. Through it all, they had stood by each other's side, offering unwavering support and unwavering love.

As their careers in Formula 1 blossomed, they celebrated each other's victories and comforted each other in defeat. Alexandra had cheered Charles on as he clinched his first championship, and then his second and third, her unwavering belief in him serving as a source of strength. In turn, Charles had been her rock, standing by her side as she conquered the challenges of the track and emerged victorious time and time again.

Their love had blossomed into a family, with three beautiful and spirited children who filled their lives with joy and laughter. Together, they were the epitome of a modern-day power couple, their bond strengthened by the trials they had faced together.

Despite the tough times, both physically and mentally, they had emerged stronger than ever, their love for each other serving as a guiding light through the darkest of days. As they raced around the track, the thrill of competition and the joy of being together filled them with an electrifying sense of happiness.

For Charles and Alexandra Leclerc, life was a beautiful journey, filled with love, laughter, and the shared passion for the sport they loved. And as they raced towards the finish line, wheel to wheel, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their love and unwavering in their commitment to each other.

But, as the adrenaline of the race coursed through their veins, they couldn't shake the sobering reality that their racing careers couldn't last forever. Despite their unwavering passion for the sport, they were acutely aware of the passage of time and the toll it was taking on their bodies.

Over the past decade, they had dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to their racing careers, pushing their bodies to the limit in pursuit of victory. But now, as they approached their mid-thirties, they could feel the inevitable effects of age creeping in. 

Charles grappled with chronic pain in his knee, a nagging reminder of the physical toll that years of high-speed racing had taken on his body. Meanwhile, Alexandra noticed her eyesight beginning to deteriorate, a subtle yet undeniable sign that the years of intense focus and concentration were beginning to catch up with her.

These were small, seemingly insignificant changes that might go unnoticed in their everyday lives, but in the high-stakes world of Formula 1, even the slightest impairment could have serious consequences. As parents to three vibrant children, Charles and Alexandra had to consider not only their own well-being but also the impact their decisions would have on their family's future.

They knew that they couldn't continue to push themselves indefinitely, risking their long-term health and well-being for the sake of their racing careers. The time had come to make some difficult decisions about their future, weighing their love for the sport against their responsibilities as parents and the realities of aging in a profession that demanded peak physical and mental performance.

Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, one thing was certain: whatever path they chose to take, Charles and Alexandra would face it together, drawing strength from their enduring love and unwavering commitment to each other and their family.

As the tension reached its peak on the final laps, the atmosphere at the circuit became electric. Max Verstappen and Lando Norris had closed the gap, intensifying the battle at the front of the pack. With just two laps to go, the trio of Charles, Lexi, and Lando found themselves locked in a thrilling duel, their cars inches apart as they navigated the twists and turns of the track.

As they hurtled down the straight, side by side, the roar of the crowd reached a deafening crescendo. Max, desperate to join the fray, attempted to make his move, but found himself blocked by Charles, who was fiercely protecting his position.

With the weight of her entire career bearing down on her, Lexi took a deep breath, steeling herself for the final push. In a moment of quiet determination, she whispered to herself, "One last time," a silent vow to give it her all in what could potentially be her final race.

Meanwhile, in the cockpit of his Ferrari, Charles stole a glance at his wife's car, a fond smile gracing his lips. Unaware that his radio was still on, he murmured softly, "Un'ultima volta" —  in Italian. The words hung in the air, sending shockwaves through the crowd and the commentary box alike.

"Did Charles just-."

"One last time? Surely not-,"

"Oh my God!"

As the spectators and commentators alike scrambled to decipher the meaning behind Charles' cryptic message, speculation ran rampant. Were the Leclercs hinting at retirement? Was this truly their final race together? The uncertainty only added to the intensity of the moment, as the world held its breath, waiting to see how the thrilling finale would unfold.

As the race entered its final moments, the tension on the track reached fever pitch. Lando Norris, leading the championship standings, was locked in a fierce battle with Charles Leclerc, each maneuvering their cars with precision and determination. But in a daring move, Max Verstappen seized a fleeting opportunity, surging ahead and pushing his car through the fray with sheer force and determination.

With Max now ahead of Lando, Lexi and Charles found themselves locked in a heart-stopping duel, their cars racing neck and neck as they approached the final few corners of the circuit. The intensity of the battle was palpable, each driver pushing themselves to the limit in pursuit of victory.

For Lexi and Charles, the stakes had never been higher. Both drivers were fighting tooth and nail for first position, their determination shining through with every twist and turn of the track. Every maneuver was executed with precision, every decision calculated to gain the slightest advantage.

As they navigated the final corners, the roar of the engines mingled with the cheers of the crowd, creating a symphony of sound that echoed throughout the circuit. Side by side, Lexi and Charles raced towards the finish line, their cars mere inches apart as they pushed themselves to the absolute limit.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the world holding its breath as the two champions battled for supremacy. Each corner, each straightaway, brought them closer to the culmination of a lifetime of dedication and sacrifice.

As they crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause, their cheers echoing across the circuit. And as the dust settled and the adrenaline faded, one truth remained undeniable — Alexandra and Charles Leclerc had once again proven themselves to be true legends of the sport, their names forever etched in the annals of Formula 1 history.


As the national anthems reverberated through the air, Lexi stood atop the podium, her heart swelling with pride as the familiar strains of the British anthem filled the arena. Beside her, Charles and Max stood, their expressions a mix of admiration and respect as they watched their friend and rival receive the accolades she so rightfully deserved.

For Alexandra, this moment was the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and unwavering determination. From the early days of her racing career to this triumphant victory, she had faced countless challenges and overcome every obstacle in her path. Now, as she stood before the cheering crowd, she knew that all the sacrifices had been worth it.

Below the podium, the Red Bull and Ferrari teams were engulfed in a sea of jubilation, their cheers mingling with the roar of the crowd as they celebrated their respective drivers' achievements. The Leclerc and Verstappen families stood proudly among them, their faces alight with joy and pride as they watched their loved ones bask in the glory of victory.

Surrounding them were Lexi and Charles' old friends and former teammates, their presence a testament to the bonds forged over years of racing together. From retired legends to seasoned veterans, each one had played a part in shaping Lexi and Charles' journey to greatness.

And then there were the children — the next generation of racing prodigies — Hugo, Penelope, and the Leclercs' own Archie, Louis, and Aurelie. With wide eyes and beaming smiles, they looked on in awe as their parents stood atop the podium, their hearts bursting with pride at the sight of their heroes.

As the champagne flowed and the celebration reached its peak, Christian Horner stood off to the side, a proud smile on his face as he watched the Leclercs revel in their victory. The air was electric with excitement, the energy of the crowd palpable as they cheered on the triumphant racers.

Amidst the chaos, Charles took aim with his champagne bottle, dousing Lexi in a shower of bubbly before pulling her close for a jubilant kiss. The crowd erupted into cheers, their voices mingling with the sound of clinking glasses and laughter.

But as the celebration began to wind down, a moment of quiet settled over the podium. Lexi turned to Charles, her eyes searching his for reassurance. "Are you sure about this?" she asked, her voice soft with uncertainty.

Charles met her gaze with unwavering determination, his expression resolute. "It's time, amor," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the lingering echoes of the crowd.

With a shared nod, the Leclercs turned to the FIA representative standing nearby, signaling their readiness to address the crowd. Max and Christian exchanged a knowing glance, their smiles widening as they watched the couple prepare to make their announcement.

As Max and Christian slipped away to join their friends under the podium, Lexi and Charles stood together, hand in hand, facing the expectant crowd below. With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, someone handed Lexi the microphone, but she choked up, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions coursing through her.

Seeing his wife's struggle, Charles gently took the microphone from her trembling hand, his eyes filled with love and determination. "There's something important that we want to share with all of you," he began, his voice carrying through the air with a quiet strength.

As Lexi and Charles stood hand in hand, their hearts heavy with the weight of their decision, they exchanged a glance filled with unspoken understanding. They knew that this moment would change everything.

Lexi stepped forward first, her voice trembling with emotion as she addressed the crowd. "To our beloved teams at Ferrari and Red Bull," she began, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, "we cannot express our gratitude enough. You have been our family, our guiding light, and our greatest supporters. For the past ten years, you've supported us, both on the race track and off of it."

Tears streamed down Lexi's cheeks as she spoke, the weight of her words heavy upon her soul. She glanced at Charles, finding solace in the warmth of his gaze.

"And to Red Bull," Lexi continued, her voice filled with gratitude, "You took a chance on me when others wouldn't. You believed in me, supported me, and gave me the opportunity to prove myself on the world stage. For that, I will be forever grateful. Red Bull has become my backbone...My home over the past decade."

The crowd erupted into applause, their cheers mingling with the sound of their racing hearts as they celebrated the bond between driver and team.

Charles stepped forward, his voice trembling with emotion as he addressed the crowd. "To the passionate fans of Ferrari, the Tifosi," he began, his voice thick with emotion, "and to the dedicated supporters of Red Bull, thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

His words were met with a thunderous applause, but Charles's eyes remained fixed on the horizon, his thoughts drifting to the memories of his time with Ferrari.

"Ferrari," he continued, his voice filled with reverence, "You have been my dream, my aspiration, and my greatest love. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of driving for this legendary team, letting me drive that beautiful red car, and for allowing me to honor the legacies of my father and Jules Bianchi."

The crowd fell silent, the weight of Charles's words hanging heavy in the air. He took a deep breath, his chest tight with emotion, before turning to face Lexi once more.

"And now," Charles said, his voice trembling with emotion, "There is something we need to share with all of you."

Lexi nodded, her hand tightening around Charles's as she prepared to address the crowd. "Halfway through this season," she began, her voice steady but filled with emotion, "Charles and I made a decision. We spent months talking about it, unsure if we were making the right move. If we were doing the right thing, both for us and for our children."

She paused, the weight of her words hanging heavy upon her soul. "We agreed that if one of us were to win the championship this year," she continued, her voice trembling with emotion, "we would both retire from Formula 1."

The crowd gasped in disbelief, the significance of their announcement rippling through the paddock like a shockwave. Lexi glanced at Charles, finding strength in the warmth of his gaze.

"And today," she said, her voice quivering with emotion, "We stand before you to announce that we have reached that moment."

The crowd fell silent, the weight of their words hanging heavy in the air. Hand in hand, Lexi and Charles stood united, their hearts filled with gratitude for the journey they had shared.

"So, as my beautiful wife wins her fourth championship," Charles said, his voice filled with emotion.

"We announce our retirement from Formula 1, effective immediately."


Authors Note

And there it is...

Thank you so much for joining me through this journey. 

If you're not finished with me yet, I've just posted the beginning of my next work "Skin and Bones" which is a Charles Leclerc enemies-to-lovers fic. If you're heading over there to read it, don't be afraid to comment (I love having a good laugh with them) 

You can find it here:

I've loved reading all of your messages and comments over the last 8 months, and THANK YOU to everyone who's loved reading this book as much as I've loved writing it. You're all incredible, and I honestly can't thank you enough for the love and support you've given me. 

 There's still a bonus chapter to come, so keep an eye out!! 

Lot's of love x

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