~ᴱⁿᵉᵐʸˢ ᵗᵒ ᴸᵒᵛᵉʳˢ~ (Vox x Ala...


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~Enemys to lovers~ ■□■□■□ ♡Vox and Alastor Ship!♡ □■□■□■ 《Warning: includes 18+ themes and language!》 ■□■□■□ ... More

[0] Introduction
[1] Accident
[2] Beat
[3] Obsessed (💫)
[4] Dreams (⚠️)
[5] Flashbacks
[6] Plan
[8] Aftermath
[9] Self
[10] Sleep
[11] Time
[12] Normal
[13] Food
[14] Diner
[15] Mine
[16] Park
[17] Cabin
[18] Room
[19] Talk
[20] Fun (⚠️) (FULL)
[21] Morning
[22] Schedule
[23] Answer
[24] Reflect
[25] Clock
[26] Tell
[27] Us
[28] Accept
[29] Wake
[30] Stay away, It's like that ( Season 1 Finale)
S2 [0] Introduction
S2 [1] Found Origin
S2 [2] Alone Again
S2 [3] Time Again (⚠️)
S2 [4] Fallen again [Part 1]
S2 [5] Fallen Again [Part 2]
S2 [6] Your Friends are Calling Your Name (Incomplete)
A/N Tragedy

[7] Date

343 7 30

A/N Hopefully this is a 2000 word masterpiece please future me!

Anyway cya buttercups!


The day he said that thing about the dwal was boring like normal life boring so the day has turned to the next and Vx now wakes up at 6am for Al.

Vx opens his eyes slowly getting up in the cold room for his cpu to stay cool. He sits on his bed staring into the void processing his memory.Then, he gets up and walks to the closet thinking about the time.

What time it's it oh yea it's 6... what's the day... i don't care... the date.  Oh wait! The not date is today!

Vx gets off his normal suit throwing it to the ground. putting on a suit a bit more shiny than his usual ones for more unusual occasions.

He gets all his stuff on and walks to the window and stares at the window. He takes one big sigh before going and jumping and going through the wires. The wire is long. But it took only 3 minutes to get to the hotel.

3 minutes later...

He appears infront of the hotel still with everyone still asleep and goes his usual route of climing the wall. He climbs the wall with perfection careful with every step. He gets up after a minute and when he gets to the window he tries to go slowly in. He puts his foot out and steps on the floor with no noise. He gets his whole body in after doing it for 2 minutes and steps to Al bed standing infront of it. He looks at Al still sleeping not knowing hes there in the room. He gets into the bed to wake Al up. He pushed him a little and he opens his eyes.

He gets up pushing his body up from the bed and sees Vx next to him. Then he starts turning slowly to him with a blank stare. He gets a his staff and speaks to him with a annoyed face with his hands on the bed "This better not become a regular thing..." he says while getting up pushing himself off the bed.

He gets up and yawns stretching his arms and cracking his back while Vx watches a bit annoyed being inpatient. Al gets off his clothes taking off his shirt and it falling to the ground. Hes looks back at Vx seeing him look at him admiring his body.

"Can you please turn around!" Al says covering himself with a towel a bit embarrassed.
Vx turn around staring at his wall. He sits there criss crossed thinking about today and how it's going to go.

I think I'll take him to a dinner so we can learn about each other. Then i we cab go and do something special~

"Ok im done changing!" Al says turning his head at Vx smirking with his back at the closet wall.

"Okay!" Vx says turning around still criss crossed.

He looks at Al a bit blushed and his screen turning a bit pink Al not saying it.

Al wears a red sparkly suit that's more lighter than his original red. He wears pants that's have the Same aspects of his suit patterned in hearts.

Vx looks at it fascinated about how he looks like he could just kiss him already.

Al says a bit red aswell "Where do you want to go?"he says looking away putting his hands together a bit red yet excited.

"Let's... go to a dinner!" He says looking up at Al his eyes more open and a little pink.

"Okay let's go now!" He says he says quick a bit more red knowing he going away with monitor for a not date.

"Okay i can't go in from the lobby or can we what time is it?" He says getting up from the bed pushing if from it adjusting his tie.

"It's 6:24 so we have 6 minutes!" Al says excited pointing at a grandfather clock. He quickly turn his excitement into professional.

"Okay what ever you say." Vx says ruling his eyes standing there.

"Okay let's go!" Al says pulling Vx wrist pulling him to the exit the whole way. Vx blushes a bit in this situation but he tries to stay professional.

"Okay so how do we get there?" Al says while they stand outside of the hotel in the day of hell. 

"It's okay i got a cab." He says looking down at a phone. Al looks at it seeing what technology has come to kinda nice he thinks.

They stand there next to each other at the front of the hotel and Vx starts up a conversation.

"Hey, so uhh... hows your radio business?" Vx says putting his foot to the side sliding a bit closer to him.

"Oh is going good nothing special!" Says putting his hand on his staff checking his nails putting them in different angles.

"Oh okay... mine going good aswell!" He says a bit sad but back up in joy looking down then up.

"What's the matter?" Al says looking at him instead of his nails caring for him.

"Oh its just that val keeps trying to mess with the business like turning off billboards and randomly pricing things" he says looking down when his hands together.

"Oh so your having problems i see..." Al trying to act smart looking at his nails again.

Then Vx messes up

"Yes dear i just..." he says realizing what he said. Then turning to Al while hes still looking at his nails.

"It's okay you can call me that honey." He says teasing him looking up at him with his head moving with his voice.

They both stand there blushing and where laughing at each other on what they said. Until the cab arrives coming in the pick up and Vx opens the door for Al a closed it behind him while he gets in.

"The dinner right?" The driver says looking in the mirror seeing then.

"Yes the dinner sir!" Al said before getting comfortable in his seat. He snuggles in the car and yawns putting his hands high in the air.

The car starts and goes out the pickup. Now Al has a little fun with Vx thinking of sneering to do.

"You didn't give me enough time till get full rest." He says looking at him with a smirk.

"Sorry i just wanted to get you out early." he says looking at the window looking at crime happen. Al wanted to get closer to Vx and puts his plan into place.

Al yawns and lands his head on Vx shoulder kinda laying down on him.

"What are you doing?" Vx says blushing looking out the window still going his hand in his leg tight.

"Oh im kinda tired so I'll just rest now." He says acting tired and smirking on his shoulder.

"Okay?" He says now a bit more pink staring out the window.

5 minutes later if both of them blushing on each other. The car stops at the dinner.

"Okay where here!" the driver says starting at some dude getting robbed.

"Oh okay!" They both say getting out and Vx opening the door for him again that he admires him.

They both enter the doorbell rings and they walk to the counter happy.

'Two seats for the both of us please!" Vx says putting his arm on Al's shoulder putting up a two on his other hand.

"Okay come this way!" The employee says walking them to their seat. They both sit down both facing each other. The employee says "here is your menu and I'll be back!" Handing them the menu and assisting another customer.

Vx took him to the old dinner the floor was checkered and the outside was neon. The seat they had was a front window seat so they could see the outside.

"I think I'll get the Sunday Pork Roast!" Vx says looking up at Al as he reads the menu carefully.

"I'll get it too since they don't have any raw meat!" Al says putting his hand on his head while it's tilted looking at him s but mad but not infront of Vx.

Soon the waitress comes to their table getting out a notepad.

"So what are you getting here?" The waitress says with a notepad and pen in hand.

"Oh I'll be getting a Sunday Pork Roast" Vx says looking at the waiter with his arm on the table with one on his cheek.

"Okay what about you!" The waiter says writing down notes.

I'll get the same thing he's having!" Al says outing his hand on his cheek with his arm in the table facing Vx.

Vx blushed a little looking away from him quickly.

"Are you going to get some drinks?" The waiter says looking up finishing notes.

"No." They both say laughing after saying it in sync, nice.

"Okay your food will be here soon!" The waiter says putting the note on a rack then going to another customer.

Then they both face each other eye to eye.

"That lady was nice." Al says still in his position.

"Yea i know it's hard to find nice people these days" he says being nice because he's with Al while putting his hands out.

"Anyway i have a confe-" Al says nearly finding his sentence.

"Okay here's your food!" The waiter says placing down the plates. Vx looks at Al as he thanks the waiter as she leaves.

Vx stares at Al...

"What?" Al says before putting the pork in his mouth using a fork.

"What where you talking about?" Vx says putting pork also in his mouth.

"I said was that i have a confession!" Al says putting his fork in the place making a cling.

Vx nearly chocked his food and chews and puts his fork down a bit serious. He put his hands together and place them till his mouth raising an eyebrow "what confession then?"

Al says with no remorse "this is the best place you could of taken me this place is amazing!" He says putting his hands out.

"Okay!" Vx says thinking it was a love confession a bit mad.

Then they started eating their food taking about business. They have eaten most of their plate after a few minutes of talking.

"So was the project wor-" Vx nearly finishing his sentince.

The door bell ringed and they couldn't believe who they saw. They saw the whole gang of members from the hotel come in. Both of them ducked under the table while they check in and get seated.

"What are they doing here?" Al says a bit scared. But Vx has an idea.

"Do you think we can run out of here?" Vx says while they get up from the table and sit there nervous. Vx looks at his phone and calls a cab to go. The cab would arrive in 20 seconds.

Vx couldn't think what to do.

What if they see us... what if they see me shh him... what if he doesn't get there in time... no... i have to take him...

Vx stands up and grabs Al by the hand out of nowhere.

"Wha wooahh!" Al says while being taken by Vx.

Al turn red and his ears turn back and his eyes shorten as he takes him out of the dinner. They get out and they wait for a second for the cab still holding his hand. Vx opens the door for him and they go in closing it behind him.

They sit down and breathe heavily.

"Where to go?" The driver asks looking at the street.

Al passed him a note to some coordinates and he nods and drives away from the dinner.

Then they stop breathing so hard and they kinda just sit there a bit flushed while Al is red.

Al tries to defuse the situation "So what do we do now?" Al says looking down red with his hands on his legs.

"Well I'm sorry i had to pull you out of there with your hand dear!" Vx jokingly also moving his head with his words.

They both laugh the way to a cabin and Vx clutching the save for saying that. They drive into the woods and Vx is getting curious.

"Where are going?" Vx says looking at him while hes red.

"O-oh where going to my cabin!" He says looking down looking away from him smiling.

"Oh okay..." he says a but nervous not knowing he has a cabin. He looks out the window looking at the trees.

It was quiet the car was going into the forest and it stopped at a cabin in the forest a bit hidden in the forest.

"Thank you good sir!" Vx says tipping him.

"Have a good time!" He says driving if back to the city for another person.

They walk in the forest looking at the nature around the house it looks nice.  After a bit of walking they arrive at the cabin and they enter Vx opening the door for him for the third time,  that sly dog!

But something happens...

When their about to get inside Vx trips on a exposed nail. The nail pushed him into Al and Al falls with Vx. Al turns around mid air and they land on the ground. Al gets red with his ears back his eyes shortening flustered. He looks down to se Vx on his chest and they quickly get up. They kinda look away from each other both red.

They sit there until Vx comes in clutch again "So whats the house about?" He says still red.

"Oh its old but here the bed, table, lamp, and f-floor" he says flushed pointing at it trying to look away from Vx.

"Okay how about we sit down for a bit?" Vx says looking at him them both still red.

"Yes lets go and sit down!" He says looking up gets surprised then going to sit down.

"So what do you use this place for?" Vx says in the chair the table had. He does putting his hands out.

"Oh this place is like a thinking space for me to relax!" He says looking down still trying to not make contact with Vx face.

"Oh so you just kinda just chill here to relax?" He says looking at Al kinda worried for him.

"Yes just for that!" He says looking at Vx both of them red and Al looks down at the ground

Ending the conversation Vx looks at his phone and sees its almost night time. He has a suprise for Al.

"Oh i have a confession!" Vx says with also no remorse.

"A confession!" Al says surpised with his eyes open looking at Vx eyes wide.

"Yea..." Vx says looking to up to the right putting his hand on the back of his head.

"Tell me..." he says looking at him.

"Oh i have a place we can go and we have to go now i shouldve told you!" He says putting his hand out.

Al smiles knowing this wasnt the end and grabs him on the wrist. Vx was a bit sad but thay didnt matter they needed to go. They got out of the cabin and Al closes it from behind.

They run to the road where they see another cab. He opens the door for Al, Vx again a smooth criminal. He closes the door again.

"Where do you want to go?" He says looking up at the mirror. He looks at them but their red faces where gone.

"33212!" He says quick looking at the time.

The driver nods and pushes on the pedal jolting them back.

"Whats that?" Al says a bit concerned looking at him.

"Oh it means a surprise at a special place, the code was the place the 12 at the ends means quick!" He says looking at his getting his hands close to Als.

"Okay i trust you!" Al says looking back down at the floor.

Vx looks at the window and thinks about the surprise.

Hopefully he likes it... but im excited he trusted me...

They arrive at a place where you can see the city but on a hill with one tree on top.

Vx grabs Als hand again getting him out of the car and the cab leaves. Al red again with his ears and eyes gets pulled to the top of the hill a picnic waiting for them.

Al sees a picnic

"Oh you~" Al says still red sitting down.

"Yep i got us a picnic!" Vx says sitting down with him.

"You didnt have to do this for me!" Al says looking at him red with his hands out.

"Anything for an old friend of mine!" Vx says looking at him.

Al blushes a bit and Vx opens the plates showing one side being food and the other being rotten flesh.

"You got me rotten flesh, my favorite!" Al says before eating some with the forks he also got.

Vx planned this he didnt sleep the last night he put a picnic there and left so they can have this moment.

They eat and talked more about buisness. The sky gets dark and they eat with the city still glowing. After eating vx gets up and pulls a radio out of his suit.

"You got a radio?" He says smiling lookong up at Vx.

"Yes i did!" He said smiling at Al from below.

Vx puts his hand out after Al finishes his meal and finishing a bottle of wine. Al doesnt see it until he moved his head to him and got surprised.

"You want to dance?" Vx says smiling at him.

"For old times..." Al sats getting up with Vx hand.

Vx turns on the radio and turns it to 100.9 a romance music radio with hits (not a real channel). And the music gets on and Vx is holding Als hand.

💕Music time!💕

(If you dont see it its A Night To Remember by laufy and beababoobee)
Music on video (play on YT or a music app like spodify)

💕let's get it started!💕

♡Swore I've seen you before♡

♡Watch you walk through the door♡

♡something in your eyes reminded me of somebody i used to know♡

♡you touch my back♡

♡i take your hand♡

♡something from your touch felt shockingly familiar♡

♡and id swore id seen you before♡

Al and Vx sing in sync "Oh i swore id seen you before!"

"Underneath the sheets!"

"You enchanted me!"

"And whisper sweet nothings in my ear!"

They started performing amazing dances both of them having a good time.

"I shiver beneath you!"

"All wrapped up in embers!"

"It was a night to remember..."

They stopped talking but still danced happily.

♡then i walk away♡

♡you asked me to stay♡

♡well, your thinkin of what could've been♡

♡But you've become someone I've seen before♡

They sing together again "I swore i've seen you before!"

"Underneath the sheets!"

"You enchanted me!"

"And whisper sweet nothings in my ears!"

They do amazing dance moves again this time more memorable.

"I shiver beneath you!"

"All wrapped up in embers!"

"It was a night, enchanin night!"

"To remember..."

They listened to the rest dancing happily...

💕i did it!💕

They laughed after making up jokes and stuff while drinking wine. It was getting late so Vx called a cab to the hotel. They wait there and where talking laughing and giggling. Once it arrive Vx opens the door for him the fifth time you sly dog! He goes into the cab and closes the door behind him.

"Where you doing" he says looking at the sky.

"The hotel up there!" Vx says with a bit of impatience. He shugs it off and droves away from the picnic. They sit in the car while Vx looks out the window. Al thinks of what he did when he went on his shoulder, and wants to do it again

He gets close to Vx whose looking out the window and he feels Al on his shoulder.
Vx and Al turn red but Vx turns pink as he thinks of something stupid. Al lays on his shoulder and Vx puts his hand around Al and uses his hands to pet all on the head.

Al sits there next to Vx cuddling him while he pets Al in the cab going back to the hotel. They dont talk and they are blushing hard and they are overthinking until they get to the hotel which was the longest 10 minutes.

They step out of the car Vx opening the door for him the sixth time you god dam handsome tv. They blush as Vx climbs the wall and Al goes through the lobby where there was no one in sight. He walks down the hallway as Vx undresses in the closet. Hes nearly naked as Al walkes into the room quickly turning back blushing. They didnt say anything until now

"So how was the time with me?" Vx says putting on a tshirt and shortcuts trying to be comfortable.

"Y-yea it was good" he says looking back then turning away blushing.

"Okay I'm done dressing up!" Vx says going to the bed sitting down on the sheets.

"Okay now you have to turn around!" Al says while takes off his shirt. Vx takes a look at his body without a shot before looking away blushing Al not knowing. He looks away until Al says to stop.

"Okay you can look now!" He says.

Vx turns around to see Al in nothing except boxers. He blushes a but and asks "So you're going to sleep like that?" He says looking at him up and down.

"Sure what ever feels comfortable." He says blushing a bit.

They both go into the bed one nearly unclothed and Vx gets up to turn off the lights. He pushes himself off the bed and walks to turn it off. Once he pushes the button he gets back onto the bed with Al.

"Was it a good deal?" Vx says turning around looking at him whose back is exposed.

"Sure." He says turning to him.

They both blush and Al does the unthinkable.

Al gets close up to Vx and kisses him. The feeling of the electric feeling again.   He does it right on the lips before saying "goodnight." Then turning the other way blushing.

He sits there and thinks hard about what he did...

Why did i do that?? No why did i... no i... it was the wine... i know its the wine... i know i shouldnt have drinkeb a whole bottlen of wine... wait why is there jesuses juice wine in hell??? Off topixlc why did i... i know deep down its not the wine... it was me...

Vx also had some things to say also in his mind thinking what he just did...

Why did he do that? No... he must like me... or it's the wine... i want to believe it's the wine... i know deep down its not the wine... we never got farther away... we got closer to each other... good...

They both go to sleep blushing red. Al gets crazy after that because of the wine. He knows its not the wine andnhe does the unthinkable again...

He goes close to Vx and cuddling with him... Vx sits there blushing not looking behind him. Al cuddles him and thinks hes sleeping because he can turn off.

Vx is going crazy in his mind a obsession. Al is cuddling with him thinking hes asleep until they both sleep. The night is warm from their bodies together. They lay there in Als bed. When they sleep Al is still cuddling him. When they wake up Al has to figure out what to say to him and why he was.cuddling him... but that time Al doesnt care as long as hes with Vx...

His last words in his head was...

"A Night To Remember~"


>Questions here<

A/N this is the longest chapter I've written of 4000 words.

I can't stop talking about his It's 4000 words.  I hope you liked this and stay tuned for Chapter 8.

Id say this chapter is a 4000 word master piece thanks past me!

4099 to be exact!

Anyway It's late and theirs school tomorrow.

Cya Buttercups!


■March 6 (midnight), 2024■
Polished: March 6, 2024

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