The Spanking ABC"S Volume 1.

By VixentheHuntress

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There are 26 letters in the alphabet we speak, 26 scenarios that we are gonna explore a few times each week... More

Episode 1: A is For Asking For Your Spanking. (Amari)
Episode 2: B Is For Buying Your Own Brush (Irena)
Episode 3: C is For Cornertime.
Episode 4: D is For Diaper Position
Episode 5: E is For Example
Episode 6: F is For Flogging (Fiona)
Episode 7: H is for Hard Hand Spanking
Episode 8: G is for Get over my knee. (Giana)
Episode 10: K is for Knickers
Episode 11: L is for Long Spanking
Episode 12: I is for I want( rather or would) a spanking.
Episode 13: M is for Maintenance Spanking
Chapter 14: N is for No Rubbing.

Episode 9: J Is for Journal

251 3 1
By VixentheHuntress

A/N: SLight note I skipped the little I cause I am having problems in coming up with an I word for the series, so please enjoy this J chapter instead, if you have any ideas for anything that could be an I chapter let me know. (Except for into position, cause that would be too similar to the latest chapter)

Jasmine knew that she was in big trouble, and she knew that there was nothing she could really do to fix this. All she needed to do was just make sure she got good grades, that stayed behaved, no back chatting, no not listening, just do what her mother and father had given her rules not to do. However, of all days, how did she manage to break every rule that they had given her. All because she wanted to act a fool, as her momma called it, in front of company. Her mother was not a fan of looking firm or strict in front of company, a fact that Jasmine knew more than anything in the world. Which was why she always used company coming over to be a bit more naughty than usual, making sure to ask for things when they were around cause her mom would always say yes. To talk back a bit more than she would because she knew that she would not get in trouble.

However, today she had gone a bit too far when her cousins had come over for a visit, and her behavior was quite bad even for her own standards. She had pressed her luck a bit too much, and the last thing she saw coming was her mom giving her five sharp pops right to to seat her pants making her hop up more from surprise than the pain. "Get your narrow ass to your room and don't come out, I will let your daddy deal with you when he gets back, and you can expect to add your first ass whoopin to your journal."

Jasmine, although quite embarrassed, knew not to press her luck any further. As she ignored the surprised looks of her cousins and quickly went upstairs to her colorful bedroom. Her hands rubbing the seat of her pants, her heart beating a thousand miles a mile as she stomp her feet a few times, grabbing a pillow in her hands before screaming into it. "Why did I do that!" She flopped down onto her bed and curled up into a small ball. "I am doomed..."

Now she had been threatened with an ass whoopin before, more than once. As far as she knew from her granny when she explained what it was, it was a very hard spanking with a belt. In her 12 and 3 quarters years of life, Jasmine had mostly faced her parents hands, a hairbrush, an old paddle that belonged to her dad's mom. However, she had never faced a belt before like other kids in the neighborhood. As for what her mom meant but her journal.

Jasmine eventually crawled out of her bed, and changed into her pajamas knowing that she would not be leaving her room for the rest of the day, and knowing that her dad would be back from work in an hour, at 8:15 on the dot. She reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a notebook that her momma had given her when she was seven years old. A notebook that she was supposed to write all of her spankings inside after she had gotten one, a way to help her remember the lesson. An idea that her mom had gotten from her own mother, a few times when her momma was in a mood to think of her youth, she would go and get the old notebook from her closet and read a few of them to Jasmine. It never failed to get them both laughing at some of the things her momma wrote inside.

The prompt that she was supposed to follow was simple.

She was to date the top of it, and add the time that it was.

She explained what she had done to get her punishment.

Explain as best as she could how it was done.

And afterwards she could write her feelings, and how she could avoid that in the future.

Her notebook was only a quarter of the way done, thanks to her very neat and small handwriting as well as how she used every inch of paper when she used any one of her many writing notebooks. Her's having a red cover, fitting for the color that her light brown bottom was probably gonna take by the time her punishment was done. As she sat on her bed, feeling a bit bad as she could hear the laughter coming from her cousins downstairs, probably as they kept playing the game they had been doing. Jasmine slipped on a pair of headphones before laying on her bed, her hands flipping to the first page she had written when she was eight. If she had not nothing to do for an hour, why not take a small trip down memory lane.

January 23, 2020, 2:03pm.

I think my bottom is broken.... Okay I know it is not broken, but it feels that way. Mommy told me that I have to start writing in this notebook starting today. I think it is to help me reflect, I like writing like she does, so maybe this will be fun. I got a spankin today, cause I was acting up at the store today. I wanted to get something else for breakfast, momma lets me have one sweet box of cereal, and one healthy box. I wanted both of them, and maybe... let's just say she was not happy on the way home. I was sent to my boring room, and she came a bit later. Mommy always calms down before she spanks. She gave me 5 spanks with her hand, or at least that is how many I remember before I started crying, there were lots more. I tried to get her to let me keep my panties on, but she said that Ariel (the princess on them) was not naughty but I was. I am supposed to say how I am to avoid getting it again, but that is not gonna happen. Because I am never gonna be spanked again, never, ever, EVER!

January 24 2020, 6:16pm.

Okay... so I couldn't keep my vow to myself, cause I got in trouble again today. Today by daddy, cause as he said I put myself in danger. I wanted to go see my friend, and I broke his rules to look both ways before crossing the street. He had told me this before but today was really bad, I remember seeing the car and than hearing breaks. Mommy says I was lucky, that Mr. Jason didn't hit me with his truck. My daddy held me for a really, really, long time. Than he took me upstairs and sat me on his lap. I don't like when daddy says he is disappointed in me, it hurts more than the spankin. He gave me a really hard one with a wooden spoon today, now I am sure I am never gonna sit again. At least he let me keep my pink panties up this time. I think he went a bit easy today, he held me for a long time after the spanking too. I am not gonna write what to do to avoid another spanking, cause I am gonna make sure to look both ways now and forever, until the day I die. I don't wanna worry him ever again.

Jasmine rolled her eyes for a moment as she did keep that promise she made, no matter how much her friends questioned why she did it. She slipped to the next page, this one having been split into three separate entries, one of them she remembered like it happened yesterday. It was the first spanking she had gotten from her mom's mom. That was the only time in her life she had ever felt a switch before.

March 23, 2020 8:12.

We just got back from Grandma's June's house, my butt really really hurts still. Mommy is gonna come and rub something on it before I go to sleep. It is the weekend so I get to stay up until 9:45 tonight. Maybe 10 o'clock! I got a really bad spankin today, well it wasn't a spanking, Grandma June called it a switching. Mommy and daddy went to have alone time today, probably a lot of kissing and hugging. So I got to stay with grandma, and I was really naughty. She told me three times not to play with my soccer ball near her windows. She is still really good at soccer so she was gonna show me some things when she finished cleaning up. I didn't mean to break a window.... But I do know I am never gonna break a window again at grandma's house. She made sure to cheek me all over to see if I cut myself, but I was okay. I didn't know why she went and picked those sticks off her willow tree. I quickly learned why once she took down my pants. She let me keep my favorite panties up, I really like my purple and blue panties. She gave me 12 licks as she calls them, on my bottom and even my thighs too. It hurt a lot, and she held me a lot afterwards. We didn't play much soccer afterwards, it started raining but we did watch movies.

I love grandma... but I don't like switches that much.

Jasmine flipped to the next few pages of her journal coming onto one from when she had turned 11, and had gotten her first paddling from her daddy. Her handwriting changed a bit, a bit neat and cursive. She had convinced her momma to teach her how to do it cause it looks so cool when she wrote in it.

April 14, 2022 10:45pm.

Happy freaking birthday to me! I am sorry, I am mad at myself more than anyone else, cause what should have been a great day turned so sour, so quickly, and it is all my fault. That stupid song, it's my party and I will cry if I want to, was wrong. That does not work with parents like mine, I was a brat all day, and my daddy had enough of it. When everyone went home today, he brought out one more present for me. An old paddle that I think belonged to his mom, and dang it it hurts like heck! He made me bend over my bed, two pillows under my tummy. He gave me 12 of the best as he called it, and it might as well have felt like a hundred of them. My butt is still red I think, he didn't even let me keep my panties on like usual. However, I doubt they would have done anything to help me at that moment. So here I am, a well spanked girl, who now has to earn her birthday presents back, so happy birthday to me.

Jasmine kept reading those entries in this journal, each one reminding her of her small misdeeds and she even found herself laughing a bit at some of her younger years. As she flipped to the last page, she looked up to see her daddy was just entering her room. He was still in his work clothes, and he had his belt in his right hand. "Let's get this over with Jazzy."

Mar 5 2024, 9:23pm.

I can now confirm that the belt beats the paddle. I am currently lying on my stomach right now when I am writing this, my rear end feeling like I have been sitting on a fire. My dad was not playing around this time, he was just upset at a lot of things that I had done today. HE said that I knew better than to do what I did. The disrespect I showed not only my mom but my auntie as well. So I had to admit I had this one coming. Each lick he gave felt like hell, it didn't sting but burned. I think I got more than 10, I stopped counting after six. He was proud that I didn't try to block or did too much squirming, so that is something. I think I am also past the age of him or my mom ever letting me keep my panties up, but in my defense as I tried to point out. Are my simple panties really gonna protect me from that stupid belt??? He didn't care, and he just left a minute ago. He did what he always does, rubs my back and makes sure I am okay, I always am. My first whoopin was officially the worst spanking of my life, so never earning that again, that is a promise. I am gonna bring this entry to end, my mom is gonna be up soon, so I can apologize to her, and I think she is gonna rub something onto my butt. Hope I never have to write in this journal again for a while. Note to self if we read this one day, stop pressing your dang luck!

A/N: Thank you all for reading this early morning issue, and again if you have ideas for the an I chapter by all means let me know, I am gonna try and have one more chapter of this up tonight, as well as one for the oether version of that one. So I will see you all sooner rather than later.

Until next time.

Stay safe,

Stay behaved,

Or you might be spanked,

Bye Bye

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