Reluctant Hearts

De duhstylesfr

10.5K 179 48

in which Harry and Evelia are forced to work together on a project despite their mutual hatred for one anothe... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

426 6 13
De duhstylesfr


The sun bathed the Saturday morning in a warm, golden glow when I emerged from Harry's bedroom bleary-eyed, hair in a tangled mess. Harry looked up from his coffee and phone and grinned.

"Well good morning, Medusa. I see you've perfected your snake hair look today," he quipped.

I gave him a withering look, unamused by his jesting so early. "It's too early for your commentary, Harry," I grumbled, shuffling to the coffee maker.

"Not a morning person I see," Harry continued to tease. "I thought true love's kiss was supposed to awaken Sleeping Beauty?"

"Keep it up and this 'Sleeping Beauty' will turn into the evil witch and curse you," I threatened over my shoulder, pouring a generous cup.

Harry held up his hands in mock surrender. "Point taken, I'll zip it now." But his eyes continued to twinkle with mirth over the rim of his mug.

Since it was a lovely day, we couldn't let it go to waste as Harry and I  drove out to a whimsical little bookshop cafe I had been wanting to visit. We browsed leisurely through the shelves of antique books, my eyes gleamed with anticipation as I ran my fingers along the spines of weathered classics. Harry followed me through the narrow aisles like a lost puppy.

We found ourselves drawn to a cozy nook by the window, sinking into the plush armchairs with our coffee and pastries.

Harry peeked over at my book selection, a collection of romantic poetry, and his eyes glinted mischievously. "Find one you want me to read to you?"

I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness but my heart secretly fluttered. I flipped through the pages before landing on one that made me smile. "Here, let's hear it," I said, handing him the open book.

Harry cleared his throat dramatically before launching into an exaggeratedly sultry recitation:

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate..."

His raspy voice wrapped around each syllable, carrying clear across the cafe. Other patrons couldn't help but glance over, drawn by the magnetic pull of Harry's delivery, and a few couldn't suppress the smiles that tugged at the corners of their lips.

Yet, amidst the stolen glances and shared amusement, Harry remained steadfast in his focus, his eyes locked onto mine. The world around us seemed to fade away,  his gaze held a depth that mirrored the verses he recited, and with each line, I found myself drawn further into the spell of his Shakespearean sonnet.

By the end, we were both laughing under the stares of onlookers. "Well, how was that?" Harry inquired, his eyes twinkling with a playful gleam as he punctuated the question with an exaggerated bow. The theatrical gesture was met with another bout of laughter, both from us.

"Simply brilliant," I declared. "You have missed your calling as a Shakespearean actor."

Harry's eyes twinkled. "All because of you, my muse." He lifted my hand and placed a smacking kiss on it. My cheeks burned but inside I was floating. Moments like these - playful, affectionate, comfortable - were everything.

"What would I do without you?" I asked fondly, pulling him in for a smooch.

"Suffer incessantly of course," Harry replied breezily, making me grin.

On nights we couldn't be together, Harry would FaceTime me from bed, his sleepy voice tinged with the weariness of the day, would murmur through the speakers, a comforting lullaby. He would recount the events of his day, until the night would catch up to us. One of us would inevitably doze off.

I'd awaken hours later, the soft glow of the screen casting a gentle illumination on my surroundings. Harry's gentle snores could be heard through the call, a feeling of contentment would wash over me.

We still had misunderstandings and bickered on occasion, but we were learning to communicate openly before things festered. The foundations we had built - trust, respect, compassion - ensured we could weather any storm.

Of course, our friends noticed the shift immediately. We endured good-natured teasing from Niall and knowing looks from Melissa. "Took you two long enough," was Niall's succinct reaction. A twinkle of amusement in his eyes. I shot him a playful glare, but the truth in his words hung in the air.

While Melissa, merely gave me a knowing look and a conspiratorial smile. She approached me, enveloping me in a warm hug. "I'm happy for you," she whispered, her words a gentle affirmation of what we all felt in the air.


In the midst of a seemingly endless lecture, my attention wavered. My pen danced across the pages of my notebook, creating a canvas for idle doodles. Harry leaned over to peek at my scribbles, he surveyed the little hearts adorned with our initials in them. The mischievous snort that followed brought my attention back to reality.

He snorted. "A little heartsick today, are we?" His tone infused with amusement.

Caught off guard, my head snapped up, cheeks ignited in flames as I instinctively covered the incriminating doodles with my hand.  "I have no idea what you're talking about," I retorted, adopting a haughty tone to conceal my embarrassment.

"Uh huh, sure," Harry whispered back, entirely unconvinced. "Just try to refrain from carving our initials in a tree next."

Aiming a sharp kick at his shin under the shared table. However, Harry, ever agile, effortlessly dodged it, a lopsided grin playing on his lips.

"Smooth move," he remarked, unfazed and undeterred, he continued to scrutinize my doodles with a mischievous twinkle. "You know, if you're going to doodle love notes, at least make them more discreet. What if the professor sees?"

My cheeks now matched the hue of the hearts on my notebook as I shot him a stern look. "I am paying attention, thank you very much."

Harry, undeterred by my feeble defense, leaned back in his chair, his grin widening. "Hearts and initials, the classic symptoms. I've diagnosed you with a severe case of Totally Hot Boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes, trying to suppress a smile. "Ah, you know what. You're right. I should break up with him."

Harry leaned in with an exaggerated gasp,"Well, as the doctor, I have to prescribe the only known cure – kisses. From the totally hot boyfriend, of course."

His playful tone and mischievous gaze made it impossible for me to keep a straight face. "Kisses as a cure? Is that a medical recommendation now?"

Harry nodded sagely, "Absolutely. Doctor's orders."

I couldn't deny the infectious charm of his banter, and with a playful smile, I leaned in to meet his lips. ​​As we pulled away, Harry grinned, his eyes sparkling. "See? Symptoms alleviated."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "You're a terrible doctor."

"But a fantastic kisser," he added with a wink.

He leaned in for another, his lips barely grazing mine, but before he could connect our lips, I deviously pulled away. "Maybe when you stop making fun of me."

He winked, "That's never going to happen. I have a reputation to uphold."


If we couldn't be anymore stuck to the hip, Harry and I spent the next days glued to each other's side, riding the high of this exciting new development. I noticed Harry looking for discreet opportunities to kiss me, his hand rarely leaving the small of my back, a touch so tender and deliberate that it sent shivers down my spine.

"I can't stop touching you. Is that okay?" he asked almost shyly when I caught him caressing my face for the third time as we studied together in the library. It started innocently, a casual brush of his fingers against mine as we shared a book or a playful tap on my shoulder to capture my attention.

In response, a soft smile played on my lips, and I nodded, a silent affirmation that resonated with unspoken consent. "More than okay," I assured him, my heart melting at this new tender, affectionate side of him reserved just for me.

That evening we found ourselves curled up on the couch at my apartment. I nestled comfortably between Harry's legs, the proximity creating a sense of closeness that was both comforting and electrifying. With a soothing touch, Harry's hands found their way to my scalp, gently massaging my head while we watched TV.

"You're going to put me to sleep if you keep doing that," I mumbled blissfully. Harry just chuckled, his fingers working their magic.

"Good, you could use more rest, love."

Our tranquility was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. In the dimly lit living room, I remained comfortably lodging between Harry's legs, the gentle touch of his hands on my scalp lingering. The television continued to play in the background, the volume low enough to allow for conversation.

As Melissa's eyes fell upon the scene, a mischievous smirk played on her lips—a knowing expression. "Thank god I have Niall or I would sleep on the highway tonight after watching you two."  The smirk on her face deepened, and it was evident that she relished the opportunity to playfully tease us.

I found myself burying my face in the crock of Harry's shoulder in attempts to hide the heat flush creeping up my cheeks. Harry just laughed, his arms found their way around me, pulling me even closer to him. I felt the warmth of his laughter vibrating through his chest as I remained shielding myself from the spotlight of attention.

"What can I say, she's irresistible," Harry said, punctuating it with a kiss on my temple. The sensation of his lips meeting the soft skin of my temple sent gentle tingles through me. Melissa faked a swoon, her hand gracefully moving to her forehead in an exaggerated display of being overcome by the romantic gesture. Harry's arm remained draped around me.

"Young love is just so beautiful. You kids have fun," she teased before heading to her room.

Alone again, Harry nuzzled into my neck, his warm breath fanning over my skin. "For the record, I'm entirely serious about you being irresistible." As his lips brushed against my skin, the world outside seemed to fade away.

His lips found the sensitive spot below my ear that never failed to make me shiver. I instinctively tilted my head to give him better access, tangling my hands in those luscious curls I loved so much.

"Harry," I breathed out as he kissed a trail down to my collar bone, nipping gently. The sound of his name carried the weight of a plea and a sigh.

"Hmm?" he responded, focused on showering me in affection. In the midst of his affectionate gestures, I couldn't help but feel a desire for a more direct connection—a meeting of gazes that would bridge the gap between us.  I tugged his hair lightly so he would meet my gaze. As our eyes met, the room seemed to hold its breath

"Pretty, such a pretty boy." As the words hung in the air, a soft smile played on his lips.

He pulled back from my lips, a breath of laughter escaped his lips. "Pretty, huh?" he remarked, his tone carrying a playful inflection.  In response, I nodded, biting my lip, my heart dancing at the sight of him. A moment of gentle teasing transformed as Harry's words took on a more earnest tone. "Well then, you look beautiful." A tender kiss on my nose followed, a delicate gesture that spoke volumes about the genuine appreciation he held for me.

"You are beautiful," he affirmed, his words a declaration that reverberated in the quiet space between us. Harry's lips connected with mine once more.

We spent that night trading lazy, lingering kisses until our lips were left swollen and hearts entwined in the unspoken language of desire. When it got late, Harry insisted on walking me to my room like a true gentleman.

"I think I can manage to find my way to my bedroom." The words, laced with a touch of humor, were met with a gentle chuckle from Harry. Despite the late hour, the air was filled with a sense of ease, as if time itself had slowed down to accommodate the quiet moments we shared.

Harry, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, delivered a teasing remark. "I've been told you're shit at navigation." He stated with a raised brow, the words carrying a lightness that hinted at our now shared inside joke.

Before I could formulate a response, in a swift motion, Harry lifted me off the couch. A surprised squeak escaped my lips, and in the blink of an eye, I found myself suspended in the air, my instinctive response being to cling to Harry's shoulders for stability.

Laughter, infectious and unrestrained, filled the room as Harry chuckled at my startled reaction. A soundtrack I could listen to forever. Gradually, he set me down, but not without his hand finding its way to the small of my back. The touch was both gentle and guiding, a silent invitation to follow him and with Harry leading the way, we ventured down the short hallway. Harry's laughter, though subdued, continued to echo in the quiet hallway.

We paused in the doorway as I fiddled shyly with our intertwined hands. In the quiet pause, I took a moment to gather my thoughts. With sincerity in my voice, I looked up at Harry, our gazes meeting in the warm glow of the ambient lighting. "Thank you for just...being you," I told him earnestly.

Harry's face lit up with a radiant beam, dimples denting his cheeks. "Anything for my stunning girlfriend." As he spoke, his arms encircled me, drawing me close in a tender embrace. Our gazes met, and in the quietude of the moment, we melted into a slow, tender kiss goodnight. The kiss lingered, an embrace of tenderness that seemed to stretch time, unwilling to part ways. "Goodnight, my girl."

As I laid in bed that night, a soft smile adorned my face, reflecting on how perfectly everything had fallen into place. It was all still new and fragile, but whenever my thoughts turned to Harry, my heart swelled with indescribable fullness– on the brink of bursting. 

The boy who had once been a constant thorn in my side was now one of the greatest blessings in my life. We were writing our own story, turning the tides of misunderstanding into a once-in-a-lifetime love.

In the stillness of the night, I couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful irony of our journey—how two hearts, once reluctant, had found solace and love in each other's company.


a/n: hehe see what i did there, full circle moment

so so sad that reluctant hearts series is over :(

i do have a collection of harry styles one shot that will be updated as i write new ones

of course, i'd love to talk to u guys so pls dont hesitate to message me on here or my tumblr (@/ duhstyles )

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