When There's Lightning (MHA O...

By NHMusic03AU

119 6 0

Some people say lightning never strikes twice. I beg to differ. My name is Hiroshi Raionari, and this is my s... More

Chapter 1: When There's Lightning
Danger! Spike Hazard
Determination - There's Thunder
First Day - A Roll of Thunder
Chapter 5: Palmed Coil Launch

Chapter 6 - Shock Horror

7 1 0
By NHMusic03AU

After the test had ended and the boys headed off to the change rooms, Hiroshi sidled up to Kaminari, having coughed up figurative fur balls. “Hey Kaminari, do you mind sparing me a couple of kilowatts? I'm running pretty low on overall energy levels after all that.” Hiroshi asked in between wheezing.

He had sat down to give himself a rest before he would eventually head back to the lockers to retrieve his things.

Kaminari looked like he was in the same state as Hiroshi, but he had clearly recuperated comparably considering Kaminari likely didn’t have a means to use his quirk all that much during the tests.

“Why am I always giving you power? Surely you can see I’m in the same state as you?” he replied, breathing heavily from the distance run.

“Because unlike you, I don't need to wait an hour before I can use my quirk again because of a brain shortage. Mine depends on gathering energy from various sources. That's why.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Sure, let's do this…” As Kaminari started channelling electricity through Hiroshi's arm.

Hiroshi barely glimpsed a side-eyed glare from Bakugo from the other side of the change rooms.

Once he finished, Hiroshi spoke once more. “However, we both can channel electricity - more or less - so I'm sure I'll need to power up one of your moves one day. Lightning Bros forever, remember?” His fist held out as he waited for a response.

With which Kaminari responded in kind with a fist bump, a zap of power momentarily coursing between them.

“You did pretty good in the apprehension test considering how your quirk works, though. I don’t recall when you had the means to use it, but you did better than a few in the class despite that.” Hiroshi offhandedly yet encouragingly praised. “Especially since the ones below you had a means to shine with their quirk accordingly.”

Kaminari seemed genuinely confident from those words. “Thanks man! I mean, you rocked that test, though. Makes me kinda jealous of how you aced them. Especially the ball throw!”

“I just assumed the physics would work, I mean, I wished the ball was metallic. That way, it would have conducted better and likely would have survived a larger current blast, but it did the job. I had no idea the long jump attempt was going to work, though. Pure fluke, as far as I’m aware.”

“Aw man! I wish my quirk was more focused like yours, especially with all the things you’ve been able to do with it…”

“Hey, don’t say that. You beat me well and truly in the AoE department. I can’t face multiple enemies at once as effectively as you would. I mean, you’re a one man army in the right context.”

“AoE? Is that like a physics term?”

Dumbfounded, again. “Bro! Area of Effect? Don’t you remember every video game we’ve ever played? You’d think after beating me in every game with that that you’d remember it.”

“Oh! My bad. I forget that’s what it’s called.”

“Anyway, your quirk works wonders in its own way. Mine just does it on a more concentrated level. Hey, maybe you can make that lightning sword at some point!”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that! I'll see you tomorrow then, Raibro.” As Kaminari went to leave the change rooms.

“Raibro?” Hiroshi asked, confused, yet somewhat understanding the term's origin.

“I don't know, I thought it was cool. Rai as in lightning, and because your last name starts with rai…” Kaminari said with enthusiasm into a slowed pulse of doubt.

“Sounds cool, man. I’ll see you tomorrow, Denbro!” As Hiroshi started to walk away towards the class to pick up his things.



At the end of the school day, Hiroshi collected his things from the classroom and his locker. With books tucked into his backpack and coil arm gauntlets slipped on and tightened, ready for anything. He then travelled over to the main entrance - where thankfully everyone else had been congregated out previously. “Thank Odin’s oversight, I saw everyone go this way earlier. This would have been a nightmare if I hadn’t.”

The arch into UA close in sight, the pathway to freedom and a homework-filled night, Hiroshi continued to stroll towards the exit.

Unfortunately for him, Bakugo was waiting around the main entrance courtyard, with no one seemingly in sight to realise what was about to happen.

Why is he still here? School day finished at least 30 minutes ago. Weird.” Hiroshi thought to himself. “I don't know his home situation, so there's no point in wondering about it.

He treaded towards Bakugo, knowing that he tried to attack Midoriya in the apprehension test. Bakugo was a powder keg to Hiroshi’s knowledge. One wrong step and he could be his next target, so he walked in stride with confidence and ambition to attempt to make it off the school premises.

“Hey Furball! You and I have a score to settle. Don’t think your Coil Launch was worth more than every score. I got higher than you in that test!” Bakugo shouted at him.

“And how would I settle the score then, Powder Keg?”

“Powder Keg? POWDER KEG!? How dare you?” Flustered, red, and volatile, Bakugou lit up a mini firecracker with just his hands.

“Felt like a valid response. You insulted me, so I felt valid in pushing that button. Apologies if it felt personal. I just don’t have time for bullies.” It was inevitable Bakugo was going to blow a fuse, so Hiroshi felt it reasonable to get it over and done with.

Bakugo jumped towards Hiroshi, his right fist cocked back in anticipation to land a blow. “Then I’ll kill you!” As he punched at him with all his might.

Hiroshi dodged the attack to the right as he increased the muscle density in his legs until lion paws ripped out of his shoes. “I will by no means be your punching bag, Keg.” As he threw a jab of his own out at Bakugo.

Bakugo naturally dodged with his insane reflexes as he continued to try and land attacks against Hiroshi. Quite a few hit, but our thundercat wasn’t out of the fight just yet. As he leapt backward, his back now faced the exit.

Bakugo had clearly picked up on what he was doing as he burst forth with his explosions, now aggravated beyond belief. “Fight me, coward!”

Yet at the same time, Hiroshi had realised his mistake upon instigating a fight with him. Nitroglycerin. Volatile when placed under heat or shock. His lightning would be his only means to end the fight unless he could knock Bakugo out with a solid punch. However, he didn’t want to be kicked out of school on the first day. Nor did he want to think about the consequences his lightning would create.

However, Hiroshi’s fear was to be their downfall if he wasn’t careful, as despite his gauntlets, electricity sparked from his legs instead. It was inevitable indeed. “No! Not again!” As he continued to dodge, Bakugo leapt closer and closer, inch by inch.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!!!” He roared with all his power. Intimidation was never something he wanted in his playbook, but it was handy. Honourable? Who knows, but at least it would have garnered some attention from a teacher, he hoped.

Electricity continued to pump through and out his legs, as it continued to zap at the ground beneath him, but had started to consider finding purchase on the powder keg boy in front of him.

Bakugo kept trying to fight Hiroshi, his mind made up, purposefully ignoring the inevitable danger in front of him instead of his desire to win.

Then, as Bakugo had winded up another punch, his quirk active to blow… puffed out nothing. Even Hiroshi’s lightning had blinked into nonexistence. 

“HUH!?!” Bakugo shouted in disappointed surprise.

“Wait what?” Hiroshi replied with incompetent obliviousness to what had just happened. “Wait- Mr. Aizawa?”

Hiroshi looked over towards the main school building, the entrance ever so far from Bakugo and himself, and saw Mr. Aizawa. His black hair rushed and ragged, reaching for the sky, as his eyes glowed with a subtle red hue. An ever-present frown encapsulated his face, although consistent was not always noticeable compared with when he used his quirk.

“What do you think you two are doing? Disgracing us all by fighting on the first day.” He spat with disdain, then stood in wait for a response.

Hiroshi took a second to settle his mind, still in a mad rush from the adrenaline. He reflected back on the fight that had just occurred. “Thank you for interrupting us, I didn’t realise what might have happened until it was too late. However I’m deeply sorry for instigating such a fight on campus, and it won’t happen again. I promise.”

“You started the fight, and you're thankful I stopped it? I don’t care who started this. Detention for both of you.” Aizawa stated dismissively with spite, while Bakugo silently seethed as he glared at Hiroshi.

“I want the both of you to stay behind after tomorrow’s classes, so we can sort this out before I decide to expel the both of you!” He declared with indignation before Aizawa walked back inside.

Hiroshi hadn’t really thought about the effect this fight might have caused for the school, but he did consider the inevitability of his powers. There would have been only one outcome if Mr. Aizawa didn’t intervene. That was what frightened Hiroshi. Left him to feel ashamed of his actions, considering he might have caused an uproar in the community, even if he had inadvertently dealt the final blow.

Mr. Aizawa’s right. It wouldn’t have mattered who started the fight. You’d think I’d know by now I would have won the fight no matter what. Even if I didn’t want to.” Hiroshi felt resolved in this way, yet still felt guilty that he gave into fighting.

Bakugo swung towards Hisoshi, a stern and aggressive finger pointed toward his face. “This isn’t over yet, Furball!” he spat before he stomped his way out of the school grounds.

After Bakugou left the school grounds, Hengaku - whom he didn’t notice appearing previously - calmly walked down the steps towards Hiroshi. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” Hengaku remarked as he gave him a slight glance.

“Right.” Hiroshi conceded in defeat, despite the lack of an argument between them.

Hiroshi walked home that day. His thoughts about the day and his actions throughout it had been a static train station in his mind. Unwilling to bend, reinforced that he didn't have what it took to be a hero.

A hero does not kill. Does not murder. Does not abandon honour. Does not break the rules for a slight. I was wrong to think I could be like Mother.”


When he arrived home, Hiroshi kept to his room. Although he tried to hide his feelings on school matters, he at least maintained a facade so that his parents wouldn't worry.

Hiroshi tried to look comfortable as he ate his dinner, which consisted of various types of meat with stewed vegetables.

His mother, Brita Raionari, was the No. 23 lion hero, Savannah. It was evident by her mutant quirk type, which gave her distinct lion-like features.

Brita's lion-like face had scars embedded through her left eye and across the bridge of her nose as if the attack had twisted mid cut.

Her scarred eye had greyed out, but it still held a pale apricot orange.

Her intense sunset orange eyes (minus the left one) were slitted like that of an aggravated cat as she scrutinised Hiroshi from across the dinner table.

“Rai, I was informed by Mr. Aizawa that you're to be held back after school tomorrow due to an incident with a classmate today. What happened?” Brita stated, yet her question seemed much more like a demand.

“I… got into a fight and lost control again. Thankfully, Mr. Aizawa stepped in before anything permanent happened.” He responded, the fact that it happened at all, and his mother already knew about it, managed to rip his facade in two.

“Then why have you not consulted your teachers about your powers? They can help you. You might have gotten away with it today due to Aizawa's intervention, but such a convenience won't be there forever.” She implored him.

“Your father and I won't be able to protect you from the consequences of your powers if you don't learn to control them. Remember that, Thruma.”

Thruma. That's the middle name his mother and father agreed upon, for the sake of Hiroshi's Norse ancestry.

“I- Yes Mother…”

“Now, you better get some sleep tonight. Don't need you running yourself ragged overusing your quirk day-in and day-out.”

“Yeah…" Goodnight, Mum.” As Hiroshi dragged his feet in the direction of his room, knowing his mother was right in this regard.


“Yes Mum?”

“If you must disclose your prior incident, keep the number of those who know to a minimum. Villains gravitate toward that kind of information.”

“Of course, Mum.”

“Good. I’ll talk with your father tomorrow about teaching you how to control it better.”

“Thank you.” As Hiroshi finally was allowed to head to bed, to be ready for the chaos of the next day.

Hey guys,

Sorry it's been a bit. Hopefully, you enjoy the chapter. Hope to have chapter 7 out by next week or some time the week after.

Hiroshi apparently can't contain his lightning even with his gauntlets on! How will that impact his choices moving forward?

Despite Bakugo and Raionari's relatively even scores during the apprehension test, Raionari was declared in the lead. Was this after-school fight worth going to detention?

Will Hiroshi ever find a way to use his powers safely?

Next up is the Battle Trial arc, which will be covered over chapters 7 and 8. Phoenix Greenwood and I are likely going to summarise the other battles and stick to writing up our OC teams (spoilers) specifically.

See you in Chapter 7 - "Clothes Make the Pros"!

KNight Hydra out.

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