Prey On | COD reader x Ghost...

By Natirka

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The nightmares prey on us in the night's. They aren't so scary when you are next to me. I got bored, made a s... More



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By Natirka

--- 1 day after the incident ---

The car was quiet as he drove, the roads empty in this time of night. His mask was gone from his face as the car sped through the highway, the yellow lights illuminating his scarred face and making his blond hair look as if it was shining gold. The tired eyes were stuck on the road, not glancing away even for a moment as if that one second could cost him more then life.

The man had changed his mind. The nightmares of that Christmas day still haunted his dreams, It weight on his conscience and never let a single easy breath pass through his lungs.

He would never let the fate repeat itself. Ghost couldn't understand why had it only came to him after he had allowed you to go home all alone. He finished cleaning the graves of his family quicker then any other time, the weather at his hometown wasn't very merciful. The snow was blowing into his eyes and he wondered if there was any point in cleaning them at all. It was as if they were trying to send him away.

He had gotten a hang of your address and was now on his marry way to the place he thought you called home. He didn't know what he would find there but that question only pushed him further into paranoia. One he had no idea has filled your mind as well. Only the darkest of scenarios coming to mind.

For the first time he wished that the other man would have his eye on you, and cursed himself because that wasn't currently the case.

You were strong. Yes. But the feeling in his gut was stronger and so were his fears.

König had only given him a chance. Even if your feelings were the most important factor the man would oppose if he deemed Ghost unreliable or dangerous. He didn't really care for Königs opinion that much but having to be on bad terms with him when you have already opened your heart to both of them. Ghost knew it would be painful beyond what he thought possible and he wasn't risking losing you again.

The fact you obviously held more affection towards the giant man made him believe, that he would certainly regret it if he didn't appear beside you right this instant.

Perhaps his own paranoia filled the jealousy and worry that made him imagine the disgusting look you were able to give him.

He didn't want you to look at him that way.

He already broke down in front of you twice. Once from the pure terror of his nightmares. Your drunk form made him hope you wouldn't remember his cries, he couldn't help himself. Not when your arms looked so inviting and warm.

The second time was because of the damned blood loss. He would never admit it but he wasn't fully there when he fell to his knees before you. It was too embarrassing but he felt relief when he woke up in bed next to you.

He finally blinked. The image of your body cuddling up to him appeared in his mind, as you were trying to hold onto the only thing that kept you warm through the night.

The smell of your shampoo still fresh in the memory, causing him to press his foot further down the gas pedal.

He was going to see you. He would make sure to stay by your side from that point on. Even if it was just the past that drove him to worry for the uncertain future.

--- Current time ---

A sharp pain shot through from my head and down my body, my eyes shut right back as the light in the room irritated me even more.

I groaned as my headache only got worse, I tried to rub my eyes but was stopped by something. My hands were tied behind my back, making me wince as the rope burned into my flesh, leaving red bloody marks on my wrists.

The cold made me shiver, as it left my skin dry and more easily damaged.

I slowly got used to the brightness, my mind flashed with images of that dark room, reminding me how the needles dug into my skin. The people laughing all around me.

I took a few deep breaths. Calm. I needed to stay calm. I was gonna get out of this. I always did.

I will be fine. Now, I just needed to focus.

I finally opened my eyes.

Whoever brought me here will have hell to pay. And I would make sure of it.

---Ghost perspective---

The snow crunched under the tires as the car came to a halt. The driveway was covered in a perfect white blanket, untouched as the snow continued to fall. The heavy fall has covered all possible traces of your disappearance and continued to cover the fresh footprints he left with every step.

As the thoughts continued running through his mind he walked up to the door, he didn't see a car anywhere yet still rang the doorbell, hoping you would respond.

He knocked a couple more times, the image of you opening the door with surprise only to see him standing there slowly faded from his mind.

The door knob turned in his hand without much problem. It was open.

He slowly entered the building, now fully convinced something wasn't right.

The floorboards creaked under his weight, no matter how new they looked they had their years, not allowing Ghost to hide his presence as skillful as he was at it. The only question was whether there was anyone to hide his presence from.

There was nothing wrong as he entered the house, no signs of struggle, no signs of any other person, an intruder or even a supposed friend. Nothing out of the ordinary has caught his eye as he walked through the several rooms, he paid attention to every single detail just as he did when working.

He was starting to think that maybe you just left the house and forgot to lock it.

That was until he walked down the hallway leading to the kitchen. The sight of the glimmering blade he had gifted to you. Unused. Discarded on the floor. That shot a sparkling feeling down his spine.

Something happened.

His guts turned upside down.

His fingers traced the sharp edge of the knife, no traces of blood. He gripped onto the handle and got his gun ready just in case. He walked through the house checking every single corner for intruders, but the only thing he has found was a slightly open window.

After pushing it back in place and twisting the handle something has caught Ghost's eyes. A small paper flyer flew off from the top of the drawer, landing on the floor under his boots.

It turned out to be an instruction for a camera app, that meant you had them installed, well enough that he didn't notice. But considering the amount of time you had spent in the military it wasn't much of a surprise.

Now, all he needed to do was find out whether he could access the cameras footage. He prayed that they were working and not put as a decoy.

After checking out the box, he learned that it was a typical SD memory card or app kind of cameras. Which made his life a lot easier.

He pulled out his tablet from the backpack, connecting the SD card, dreading of what he will find on the video.

Thankfully to him it wasn't coded it anyway. Not that he wouldn't be able to bypass the security, but it was less of a hassle and more saved time.

The cameras seemed to have a memory save for only a few days, he started off with the last one. Being able to see you doing just fine and well he quickly skipped through to the day that you were already gone.

He considered his options, there was no way to contact you and he didn't have any information regarding your family or friends. He needed someone who could know what happened to you, but there was no leads.

His fist hit the table making the wood chip slightly under the force. His usual composure crumbled down just for that moment only, as anger took over him, the helplessness was something that always made him remember that he was only human after all.

There was only one person who could have any knowledge about your private life. The only person other then Price who had managed to get their hands on your files.


He grabbed his phone, dialing the number and putting it on speaker as he continued collecting the footage from the cameras.

"What is it? I am a bit busy."

The voice on the other sound was gruff and heavy, clearly agitated by something, König wasn't in the best mood.

"I need information."

"From me? This isn't the best moment Ghost. Text me what you want and I will consider it later-"

"Y/N is gone."

That however didn't seem to surprise the man, but his reaction definitely made Ghost want to press more questions on the current situation.

"I know, she wasn't answering me since yesterday..."

"You knew?!"

Ghost had the urge to slam his fist into König's face, but he had held his anger in for now, saving it for when they meet.

"Where are you?"

König gritted through his teeth. The rage building within him was seeping through his voice, both of the mans walls were slowly crumbling down, letting their real emotions show even if covered by the masks.

"At her house. No signs of struggle, but there was a knife laying on the floor."

Ghost's eyes glued to the scene playing out on the monitor over and over again. Your frame walking down the corridor in a ready to attack position

The camera footage showed 2 people walking through the house and soon the moment when someone pressed chloroform to your mouth.

"I will send you the location. We will meet there. I will explain more then."

That was the only thing König said before he had hanged up. Soon enough the phone vibrated and a massage popped up.

A pin of a weird location, Ghost realized König knew much more. But how? Wasn't he in Austria? How could he know that something has happened to you?

He had abandoned those questions for later. Groaning a few curses at the confusing Polish street names.


The car door has flung shut with a slam, his eyes focused on the screen of his phone, not even paying any attention to the man walking his way.

"König! You better have a good god damn lead to drag me here out here!"

That seemed to catch his attention. Ghost's tone was different from his usual anger or jealousy, but it wasn't like he cared about him much. At this moment, and every other one, you, were the most important.

You. Not him or Ghost. YOU. Your safety. Your feelings. Your body and soul.

He hid his phone in his pocket and pointed towards a building in the distance. An old abandoned silo could be seen close by.


Ghost groaned as he looked at the far away structure.

That's when König made his way towards the trunk, opening it and holding it up with his hand. Ghost smiled under his mask at the sight, not expecting that turn of events.

This man was utterly insane. The exact words that went through Ghost's head as he saw the amount ammunition and weaponry in his car.

"You aren't planing on just going there are you...?"

The question came out husky and unsure, mostly worried of what König was truly capable of.

But it wasn't like he didn't plan to help.

Whoever placed their greasy hands on you would surely have a little surprise ready.


The ropes were tight. I had to give them that. But they weren't tight enough. Not for someone who can dislocate their wrist at least.

It was painful. Sure. But it gave me an upper hand and that alone,brought me step closer to freedom. I needed a plan, I didn't know how many people there were, or if they were armed or not. I certainly wasn't.

I looked around the room, it looked like a basement, the lack of natural sun solidify that option. Was it a house?

I came closer to the door, that's when the distinct smell hit me.

A farm.

Wait... What?

Why the fuck would they bring me here out of all places?

Far enough from the city? Were they scared of being followed? Then why didn't they get rid of me already?

They need information?

I guessed the reason wasn't important right now.

I tried the handle of the door, it creaked, the hinges haven't been oiled in a long time. The whole place was eerie, not a single sound to be heard.

I walked quietly out of the conveniently not locked room, trying to avoid all the loud planks on the floor. It almost seemed like the whole entire place was empty, not a single soul to be seen.

A heavy yet confident stride, a person was walking my way.

I hid behind a wall in the hallway, waiting whether they would pass me by. The sound of their footsteps only got closer, each step shook my mind with adrenaline for confrontation.

I managed to find an old plank, I knew it wouldn't give me much but it woul at least add me some time.

After all. Any weapon is better then none.

The man came around the corner and I crashed the wood into his head with all my might.

"You little shit-!"

He recovered much faster then I anticipated so, I punched him square in the jaw and turned to run.

His hand reached out in my direction before his pain could even kick in, grabbing me by my arm and tugging back towards the room I was being held in.

I forced my body to twist his way, dragging my leg across the floor and kicking his side, making both of us fall onto the floor. I groaned as his full weight landed on me, he pressed me to the floor by the shoulders but I wasn't about to waste any time either.

I brought my hands towards his neck from under his arms, his grip loosened for a moment, only to release completely when I sent my knee in between his legs. I pushed him onto his back, sitting on top of his chest, not letting him breath any air as I started punching his face, letting my knuckles turn crimson.

But it turned out to not be the only person there. Another man saw us and yelled at me, walking towards with something that awfully reminded an axe.

I scurried up and ran down the corridor, the adrenaline making my legs speed up as the pain in my body disappeared temporarily.

I could hear my heart beating in my head, the blood rushing through my veins, pushing me further. My muscles working by memory.

I ran into a room with no way out but my eyes stopped on the shining metal, the similar feeling ran through my body and I reached to grab it as the footsteps got louder.

Someone was running here, to me. I needed to do something.

I grabbed the gun and as the door opened I turned around and pulled the trigger. It was instinct. The years have thought me a single thing, lack of hesitance is something that assures your survival.

Never expecting it to turn against me.

I watched in horror as the person before me fell to the floor, the shotgun completely massacred their face. You would think all the blood and gore, all the nightmares and reality I have seen on the battlefield would make me partially immune to this.

I took a step back, tripping over my own feet and landing on the floor. I could feel the air leaving my lungs, the adrenaline was keeping me from going insane.

I tried to keep calm, not believing in the image in front of me. Deep down knowing it is the truth I will need to accept someday.

But nothing could prepare me for this.

Word count: 2747

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