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639 37 0

Grabbing the new batch of bricks that Kookie had just shipped through to Zane, he slipped on some Black rubber gloves and dipped his hand in the large jar of Vaseline before scooping out a handful and slathering it on the second layer of wrapped cocaine and fentanyl.

Bopping his head to the loud bass of Mary J - Real Love Zane slid the fully coated bricks down the counter to Kareem and Kareem handed them down to Gio then Gio passed em along to Grease and Nas as they stuffed em in the hood of the 2008 grand prix Pontiac that they used as a stash car to move bricks around the city.

"Fit 'em all under the tires and bumper and stash 'em good.. ain't tryna cause no shit wit dem pigs." Zane urged, grabbing another pack of fentanyl and lathering it up.

King sat on the couch drinking a hi-c juice box and threw his arm over the back before twisting sides ways to look at Zane. "Ain't seen you layer bricks up in a hot minute. You looking like the old Zane and all that's telling me it's some shit going on that I ain't heard about."

Zane changed the rhythm, of his head movement and slowly bopped to the music. "You know. Can't trust some nigga's to do it for you so you gotta get up and do the shit ya self. Plus I got new nigga's that's gon help move product around not only our city but Kingston, Miami, Atlanta, and more 'cause that's where it's all going now. We worldwide baby, we fuckin worldwide!" Zane shouted as he danced to the music.

King furrowed his eyebrows. "I ain't tryna sound ungrateful or nothing but Zane.. How you get all these connects?" Zane chuckled. "Cause K our name hitting the streets hard now that Kookie supplying us with this new shit that everybody like!!"

Looking and seeing King still had a frown on his face Zane smacked his teeth. "C'mon yo what's ya problem? We starting fresh and clean I thought you would be the nigga that was the most happiest about all this shit. This shit is ours and we taking over the world with it."

After killing Jayvon his whole mindset changed on how he needed to go about his business. And once the new product Kookie was selling to him finally came in it was the start to something bigger and better to ring his name out in the streets. The dog in him was in full effect and he was done playing games with these niggas. And how he saw it was he was already wanted out in the streets so if he was gonna go big he might as well do it how he wanted to.

But King's mindset on all of this was the total opposite, he truthfully started to have thoughts about wanting to pull his way out of the streets now that he had a family who needed him. And he didnt want to leave without Zane being right with him so he was confused as to why Zane was building more of a harder way to the top knowing if they got caught life sentences would be placed on all of them and everything they once worked for would be burnt to the ground.

"Nah it's just I would've thought you would've told me all of this shit sooner so I could have an input on what and what not to do. You already know what comes with new money come with new fuckin problems and we already got niggas on our backs." Zane huffed at King's worries.

"Oh My fuckin— King Toughen the fuck up yo! 'cause you really starting to make me feel like I'm fuckin' up and I don't need that right now. We can't go back to the old fuckin ways is what you not understanding."

"We dropped Pablo now the nigga sending threats for his money back and shit, I don't got time for allat old bullshit cause I promise you any nigga that cross me now gone get sent back where he came from stiff and cold and I'm this close to caving that nigga chest in. If anything! I need to be knowing if you gon have my back on this shit or what? Cause regardless ima always do the same for you." Zane spat.

Sliding off the black gloves he finished up all the orders for the day and tossed them in the trash. King sighed and ran his hands down his face. "You my blood G you know I'm always riding behind you." Zane smiled as he shook his head in happiness at King's committal and dapped him up. "My nigga."

Quickly walking inside the Harlem Police Department, Jayvon's mom, Alicia, sighed as she stood in line, fidgeting with the cold gold letter 'K' on her brown Michael Kors purse. "Jesus please help find my baby," she muttered under her breath.

Not hearing from her son in two days was unusual. Jayvon always called his mom every day without fail. But by now, after tracking and constantly calling his phone with no response, Alicia knew something was terribly wrong. Especially after the last scary call she received from him when he got shot. She couldn't stand by without alerting the cops.

When Alicia reached the counter, she bit her cheek nervously and rushed up. "My— my son, he's missing. It's been about two to three days since I've last heard from him, and I need y'all to do something," she blurted out.

"Okay, ma'am, calm down and repeat that for me slowly. You said your son is missing, and you haven't heard from him since when?" the officer behind the counter asked calmly.

"Three days! I haven't seen or talked to my baby in three days," Alicia said, her voice cracking and tears welling up in her eyes. "Okay, and what's his name and age, ma'am?"

"Jayvon Benette Pierre, and he's 26." Alicia informed.

"And could you elaborate on what he was wearing the last time you saw him? Or what he looks like, ma'am?"

"I honestly don't remember what he was wearing, so I can't say. But here's a picture of him." Alicia pulled out her phone and showed a photo of Jayvon to the officer, who promptly took a picture.

"Okay, ma'am, I'll have this put into investigation, and we will try everything we can to help you, alright?" Alicia nodded as she wiped her tears. "And may I get your name, ma'am?"

"Alicia Everson," the officer noted everything down and nodded. "Again, I'm so sorry you are
going through this, Alicia, and we are going to do everything we can to help find your son."

Alicia sighed and shook her head. "Ya'll got records of failing my people! So I'm gonna need y'all to move fucking quick cause I can't and refuse to lose this one!! Hell, for all I know, my baby somewhere dead right now!" Alicia wiped her face and stormed out of the department before heading back to her car and letting all her anger and tears flow out onto the stirring wheel.

"She Just called me up, momma," Sierra said to her mom through the Facetime call as she got up from the wooden chair and followed her nurse for her first prenatal appointment.

"So I'm gonna have you sit up here really quick and draw some blood just to make sure everything is all good with that. Is that okay?" The nurse spoke, starting the conversation as she prepared the equipment.

Sierra politely smiled and nodded. "Yes, that's fine, ma'am," she said, holding out her left arm the nurse wrapped the blue elastic ribbon around her arm.

"Is this your first time going through all of this?" The nurse asked, noticing the worried look on Sierra's face and wanting to offer reassurance and support.

"It is... It's just, how long are those needles?" Sierra asked.

"1 inch! And if you'd like, I can put some numbing spray on your hand if that makes you less tense?" the nurse offered, recognizing Sierra's unease.

Sierra quickly nodded in agreement, grateful for the suggestion. Setting her phone up in between her lap so her mom could see, Sierra bit her bottom lip as the sharp, precise butterfly needle entered her left hand, drawing blood into the tall oval tube.

"And may I ask, is she getting an ultrasound done today too or no?" Her mom asked, curious about Sierra's appointment, eager to stay informed about her daughter's pregnancy journey.

"Although it's not required right now, if she wants one, I can definitely do that after," the nurse replied, offering flexibility and accommodating Sierra's preferences. "Yes, I would like to get one done," Sierra said.

The nurse smiled and nodded as she finished drawing blood and bandaged Sierra's hand. Watching as the nurse walked out of the room, Sierra sighed and looked into the phone, feeling grateful for her mom's virtual presence and support during this momentous occasion.

"I can't believe my baby has a little peanut in there! I'm just too excited," her mom exclaimed, expressing her joy and anticipation as a grandmother.

"I can tell, momma! You got me looking like am I the one pregnant or you? Cause you doing all this jumping and twisting more than me!" Sierra joked, lightening the mood.

"What was Zane's reaction when you told him? Was he happy?" Sierra's mom inquired.

Sierra sighed and shook her head. "No, I haven't told him yet. I was, but I don't know how to go about it, so I'm just going through the motions alone right now, momma," she confessed, her voice tinging with uncertainty.

"Sierra, you better tell that man he finna be a father. No matter how he takes it, you need to let him know," her mom encouraged firmly.

Sierra nodded and ran her hands down her face before quickly straightening herself up as she heard the door open. "Ok, so I got everything with me and I wanted to do one last test. All you have to do is pee in this cup and give it back to me, but you can do that before you leave, hun."

Leaning back on the tall, long brown bed, Sierra lifted her shirt up halfway and watched as the nurse set up the ultrasound scan. Feeling the cold gel squirt out onto her stomach and turning her head to see the black and white screen, Sierra squinted her eyes as she tried to see the baby.

The nurse chuckled softly. "You won't be able to fully see your baby because you are only 8 weeks, but if you look closer right here, you see that little bean? That's the baby! This is its head and the little body," she explained, guiding Sierra through the ultrasound image offering insight and reassurance.

Sierra brightly smiled and fanned herself as she stopped a tear from falling. "Aw baby it's okay!" her mom spoke through the phone, her voice filled with tenderness and excitement, sharing in Sierra's emotional moment from afar.

"Can I get some pictures printed?" Sierra asked,

"Of course, hun." Doing as told and printing out the photos of her ultrasound, they continued to talk about everything Sierra would or might experience during her pregnancy journey as a new mom and gave in on some helpful tips.

Pulling his white Chevrolet lowrider onto the sidewalk, parked alongside Zane's gated house, Kato let out a deep breath as he turned his car off. Glancing up in his rearview mirror, he checked his surroundings to ensure it was safe and that no one followed him there.

Turning his head towards His homie, Jah, he let out a deep breath of air. "You sure this the address of the nigga that killed my brother, Jah?"

Jah slowly shook his head as he softly rubbed the forty-cal that sat on his leg and got a good look to memorize the house. "Yeah. This that bitch ass nigga shit. And we gone get em real good fah what he did to my nigga Que."

Kato studied the house, mentally preparing for what needed to be done. Spotting the discreet camera nestled within the all-black main driveway gate, Kato shook his head and chuckled. "He a cautious nigga ima give him that. But I promise you on everything I love he ain't prepared for this shit he finna get hit with."

Kato sighed and rested his hand on the key before starting up the ignition. "But this shit way too easy to run up in his shit right now plus 12 sitting right behind us on that left corner and another car right there too many witnesses. Trust we gon move on em soon just not tonight. I just got out of prison, and I've got a daughter to think about. I can't risk getting caught up in anything right now." After one last glance at the house, Kato licked his gold grills and swiftly drove off.

Watching from his rearview mirror, Zane removed his hand from his Glock tucked into his pants belt and sucked His bottom lip As he had an urge to pop any and everyone that was in the low rider. He had followed the white lowrider, coincidentally taking the same route home. Observing it stop by his house and only his, Zane decided to stay back and watch.

Realizing these weren't lost individuals but had a specific destination in mind, Zane grew suspicious. He knew it wasn't a coincidence they stopped at his house out of the entire neighborhood. Someone was either looking for him or had found out where he lived and was keeping tabs on him for next time.

Parking his BMW in the garage, Zane shut off the engine and headed inside his dark lit house. Feeling his stress weigh off his shoulders as he made his way to the bedroom where Sierra laid asleep.

Quietly placing his Glock on the dresser, he kissed Sierra on the forehead before Changing into more comfortable clothes, he climbed into bed, causing Sierra to wake up. "Zane?" Sierra groaned.

"It's okay, ma. It's me. Go back to sleep," Zane reassured, wrapping Sierra in his arms. "It's late, baby. You've been coming in late for a while now. You need to start coming in at a reasonable time, Zane," Sierra advised.

Zane kissed her cheek and soothingly rubbed her back. "I know, and I'm sorry, ma. This is the last time, I promise." Sierra nodded, still half-asleep, unable to fully express herself and fell back asleep.

But Zane's mind was still consumed by someone in the white lowrider outside his gate, potentially keeping tabs on him. He knew he had to find out who it was and handle them before they moved on anyone close to him.

NI- 💌

Excuse any errors rn ❤️

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