See you soon

By emma_993

3.1K 153 444

Camille left Hogwarts before her 5th year came to an end, having to obliviate those whom she called friends s... More

Chapter 1.- See you soon
Chapter 2.- A new life
Chapter 3.- Retrouvaille
Chapter 4.- Saudade
Chapter 5.- Induratize
Chapter 6.- Champions
Chapter 7.- One day at a time
Chapter 8.- Wishes
Chapter 9.- The calm before...
Chapter 10- The storm
Chapter 11.- Could it be true?
Chapter 12.- Hope
Chapter 13.- Love's Burden
Chapter 14.- Secret Yearning
Chapter 15.- To Wait
Chapter 16.- Close enough
Chapter 17.- Eclipse
Chapter 18.- Late
Chapter 19.- La douleur exquise
Chapter 20.- Correspondence
Chapter 21.- Drowning
Chapter 22.- Regret
Chapter 23.- Puppet
Chapter 24.- Dog
Chapter 25.- Manipulator
Chapter 27.- Hollow
Chapter 28.- Alive

Chapter 26.- Fragile

70 4 19
By emma_993

A physical encounter was not a part of his plan... He supposed that after the incident, perhaps Sallow would go after him, which would have given room for the plan to advance swiftly. What he had not contemplated was Beaumont's own watchdog jumping at him. What was his name? He couldn't remember. He was not important, after all. Just another pawn to be moved.

V had seen him in her mind, too. He didn't pay enough regard into it, but... V couldn't avoid but notice the instances in which she would attempt to converse with him. How her breath caught in itself as his hand rested in the line of her waist, and soft music played in the background. How her violet eyes repeatedly searched for his but failed in the attempt.

As his face was being stroked, V felt no pain, nor did he attempt to fight back. Instead, his eyes remained open. He could not help but analyze the individual almost sitting in his chest. He stared at his smoky gray eyes. V had silvery gray ones. His tanned and even skin. V's complexion was rather pale and faded. How V's ashy silvered locks seemed insignificant in comparison to this figure's golden-brown ones...
Of course, it was of no matter what V looked like compared to him... He supposed it was only harmless curiosity. Nothing more.

Nothing more.

Not like it matters... It does- It does not matter at all.

After the events that had transpired at the first task, and the part he played in it, he was sure violet eyes would not be meeting him again. He had made his nature known. And now she knew that he was a rabid dog that would bite on command... That is who he is. What he is. And now she knows...

He supposed she had already surpassed her usefulness. And now, he was rid of her... For good.

The bones in his body ached as his bare hand came in contact with the freezing handle. Gone. The music room was dull and dreary. Deficient. Gone for good.

A sudden noise caught his attention.
The loudness of his thoughts had prevented him from noticing the contrasting tune coming from his usual spot.

And then he saw her...

The mirage of her figure occupied his usual spot. Yet, it was no figment of his mind.
You should not be here. Not after you have seen what I am capable of.
Her presence within reach. Here. Real.


Despite the amplitude of the bench, she perched on the edge of it: Leaving enough space for something- Someone else...

An enticing and slow strain floated from the key instrument. Without realizing, he had already walked a few paces towards her. He stumbled. The loud voice always reminding him of his servitude and obedience called for him. Yet, the words were muffled and quieted down by the ring of the notes.


The last few paces were left behind as he took seat beside her silhouette. Why?
She didn't utter a word. Instead, her fingers tentatively grazed a few notes that arranged into a soft melody. An invitation.

Stillness. He hesitated; both of his hands rested on his lap.

She repeated the notes slowly, carefully adding a few more. He gulped, his palm staggeringly reaching for the graver keys. As soon as his fingertips came in contact with the smooth yellowish keys, her melody swiftly built into something more. His reddened knuckles contrasted against his porcelain skin as he gave in to the melody.

The room was instantly filled with euphonious music. Two sets of hands dancing around one another, yet not once meeting. Every time he reached for a certain key, it seemed imminent for their fingers to collide with one another. They never did.

Her notes were joyous and varied, his were somber and repetitive. Yet, they suited one another. Fit with strange flawlessness. Fit together.


The tune reached a distinctive and bright harmony before coming to a halt.

Silence engulfed them. The sole audible sound was that of their breaths filling and leaving their lungs.
Until he spoke.

"Why are you here?" V asked, not turning his gaze towards her.

Why? Why!

"Why would I not be?" She breathed with calmness.

You know why. He opened and closed his lips slightly, but words had escaped him.
Because you are useless. The voice demanding to be heard.

"Do you wish for me to leave?" She asked gently.

Yes. Yes. He should say yes and see her walk away. But his mind suddenly went blank. Silent.

"I tried to harm someone that you know." His knee almost grazed hers as he finally turned to look at her. At her deeply violet eyes.
The distance between them was finite. Yet, infinite.

"Yet... You did not harm someone else even when you had the opportunity to." She did not hesitate to respond. Her violet eyes slowly roamed his face... Was she able to notice the dullness under his eyes? Or the way the color of his skin faded into cold paleness? "You look as good as new" Her lips curved into an unfeigned smile. "I'm glad."

Something irked inside of him. He sharply looked away, tearing his eyes from hers.

Why are you glad? Why are you here? What do you want from me? Why?

He remained wordless in the never-ending stillness of the moment, until the soft ring of her voice echoed in the room once more.

"Is it truly important for you? To win?" She stood in a swift motion, her slightly overgrown bangs swayed in front of her eyes.

To obey. I am only doing what I am told. "It is." Words he could barely utter. Lies he could never admit.

Her steps resounded against his ears "Then I have an idea..."

Perhaps she could still be useful. Just for a little longer.


"What do you want me to look like for the ball, Little V?" O's height suddenly elongated, her features slightly fuller. "Tell me what is it that you wish to see" Her eyes pierced through him "And I will make it happen." Her smile sharp and greedy. In moments she had already played with the texture of her hair, the color of her eyes, and the proportions of her body in a way that filled him with unease.

"That won't be necessary." V's frigid tone rang across the enclosed room.

She curled her eyebrow in surprise, as she returned to her original form. Almond shaped eyes narrowed towards him "Is that so?" Her tongue played against her cheek as she tilted her head. "Who is your entertainment? I thought you found those activities pointless." O's tone was mocking, testing how far she could get.

"It is no entertainment. I do not even know her name..." He was not lying. "Just some useful asset." His tone made clear that those were to be his last words on the matter.

"I see..." O's gaze ran up and down his stance as she walked towards him. Wondering. "You hurt me, Dear." She pouted slightly "I was looking forward to hanging in your arm." She leaned to his side, trying to wrap herself in his arm, but V pulled away instinctively, Avoiding the contact.

"I suppose that makes my time slightly more manageable" She walked away again. "I will be going to America for a few days..." She clicked her tongue "N has received our reports. He is sure that as soon as Sallow regains his memories, he will be driven away from Beaumont. Which will make him the perfect target."

V nodded. Sallow and Beaumont's bond has only strengthened with time. However, if her betrayal is uncovered... It is of the highest probabilities that he would not want anything more to do with her. Yet, it is clear that Beaumont has no intention of releasing her spell. So, further measurements are to take place.

"N will be there making some negotiations." She started fidgeting with one of the ornate pins in her hair. "He is set on this mission's success." O's sharp exhale seemed uncharacteristic of her otherwise playful and annoying nature "More than he's ever been... He believes he's found some rare creature that could help this mission, with some modifications it could be the key in releasing Sallow's mind from her magic. Though it might not be pretty." Her chin rested in her hand while she stared blankly into the window past him.

"And he has asked me to join him there."

It seemed more as a conversation with herself than one with V. He barely recognized her tone and unreadable face.

"Up to some fun, are you O?"

She snapped out of her mind at L's never pleasant voice; The playful nature returning to her features "Of course." Her long lashes fluttered as winked towards him.

"Anything for N"


"It is like gliding on air!" She twirled around the music room's wooden floor. There was no music. The only sound was the almost pleasant humming of a melody coming from her lips. As he firmly denied the subtle enjoyment her lingering voice brought into the air.

"Just a simple triple meter!" He knew what a triple meter was, with his fingers on the keys: Not this... disaster. "One, two, three" She continued dancing by herself while he uselessly attempted to emulate the foot work.

With the ball less than a week away, he was... Inadequate, to say the least.
She had insisted that in order to restore his image, receive support and win. He should take an adequate partner to the ball. Someone from the school he had tried to 'sabotage'. Someone well liked and known. It did not surprise him that she could not come up with another suggestion other than herself. Especially after finding out, he could, in fact, not dance.
But she couldn't fool him, she had motives of her own. She wanted to be close to him. To Louis. That was the name of the one she wished to be nearby. Alas, Louis was Beaumont's partner. Therefore, V would have to suffice.

Not like it matters. It does not matter at all.

In any event, she has dedicated extensive hours of her time into making sure he is prepared for said event. Though she is one to get easily distracted.
At first, she explained the theory of all. The steps, partners, music, manners; All incredibly dull.

In the days that followed, she attempted to reach for his shoulder to begin their rehearsal, but he instinctively moved out of her reach.
He recoiled away from her touch—not only hers, but from any possible contact.
He wasn't sure she had noticed how even a phantom of a touch could make him flinch or quiver. Or just how much he despised it. But from that moment on, she had limited herself to practicing with the invisible air and nothing more.

And he hated every moment of it.

"You also must keep your eyes in your partner at all times." Her coal black hair swayed as she spun, sending waves of her Lillie's perfume into the air.

Absolutely not. He certainly could not look her in the eye for more than two minutes. Only because you are... Breathtaking-ly vexing. Maddening.

"One, two, three. One, two three" her words filled the air again and again. Exasperating. Maddening.

Done. I am done. His whole body urged him to leave at once. To run away. Yet before he could make a swift escape, make up any lie, her agitating voice rung once more.

"What is it that you will be wearing?" She eased herself into the precise space in front of him.

"My uniform" He glanced into her eyes quickly before turning towards the window.

"In that case, I shall wear red." She grinned.

"You ought to wear whatever you wish." His frigid tone feeling almost foreign.

"What is your favorite color?" She took three paces towards him. She was now at arms length. Still, he refused to look back at her.

Favorite color... To have a favorite color, a favorite anything, would mean that he enjoyed such thing. And he could not think of a thing that could bring him even a brief instant of enjoyment. Nothing at all.

"I don't have one" He replied.

"Huh? What-" A pace closer.

"I have told you. I do not have one." He tried to take a step backwards, but he found himself stiff and unable to move.

"There must be one. One that you have found yourself slightly admiring, even for a brief moment... One that has made you feel something, even momentarily." Her words flung with the air and floated over him.

Something. Even for a brief moment.

A single word fell from his lips, escaping, tearing from the deepest part of him, and his mind quietened once more.


His icy eyes finally found hers, while the frown in his features softened.

Unease crawled through his body, and he barely said word for the rest of the lecture. He just wished for this to end.

All of it.


One dance, just one dance and then I am out of here. Just one brief moment of holding my own breath, and I'll be rid of her. Just one.

He was out of breath. The silks, the tulle, the heels, the snow, the ear-splitting chattering, this stupid high neck uniform. Everything was immense and asphyxiating. There were people everywhere. Every muscle in his body urged him to leave.

Until he saw her. Her silhouette leaned against the stone wall, besides another masculine figure. She wore a fine tulle and silk gown, adorned with embellished embroidery. She wore violet, in the same shade that her eyes glowed in. Her long hair lifted away from her face, revealing the delicate lines of her jaw and neck.
She conversed with Sallow with such ease and naturality. V wondered if Sallow was also subject to hear it all about her endless inquiries. If she, too, asked him what his favorite color was, who he was and if he knew how to dance. She probably did.

Her lips moved, But Sallow's mind seemed elsewhere, along with his eyes. V followed his eyeline and found himself witnessing some kind of intimate moment between Beaumont and Louis.
Ugh, disgusting.
Sallow's face was, as expected, painted with sorrow and heartache. But hers... V stared for longer than he had intended. Still, he could not seem to decipher what she was thinking.

As if feeling the weight of his gaze, she turned to look at him. The corner of her lips curled into a small and gentle smile. Before she walked his way, she uttered some last words to Sallow, who did not even turn to look back at her. He was still lost into his own thoughts.

The regal hue of violet danced around her figure like a mirage.

"Ready?" She asked, tilting her head as usual.

V looked away, towards the Great hall's entrance. His mouth had gone abnormally dry. He nodded; his breath contained while he extended his arm for her to take. Just one dance. It's just one dance.

She lifted her own gloved hand and almost let it fall on top of his—nearly, yet she kept it lifted just above, almost touching him. As if she knew that this small, seemingly insignificant gesture could bring him the slightest comfort.

The room was filled with whispers as they walked together. The heavy stares of the crowd nudged his mind with unease.

Even as she positioned herself in front of him to begin their dance, he could not find it in him to look at her. Instead, his gray eyes remained fixed on the polished iced floor, avoiding the sea of judging eyes that bore into him. She had spent hours attempting to teach him some simple steps that now blurred into his mind.
I just want this to be over with. This was a mistake.

"One, two, three" She murmured. Her tone strangely reassuring.

The timbre of the string's instruments filled the air, each note blending seamlessly with the next. His back tensed and straightened as the tempo caught to his feet.
One, two, three. It was as if he could hear her voice inside his own mind. One, two, three.

At the change of partner, he held his breath once again. His master's target. Beaumont. The reason he was in this wretched place stood upon him. Something irked inside of him. Perhaps his eagerness to serve N, his desire to be out of this revolting place, or his dismay towards her. None of it mattered as her face showed no expression; Her eyes looked dull and lifeless. Like she was not even there.
What are you hiding?
Another change of partner, Beaumont and Sallow were upon each other. Sallow's friend who looked at him with such disdain and disgust was now in front of him.

His own partner now smiling to Louis. How strange it was that when she was in front of V, he could not bring himself to look her in the eye. Yet, as soon as she went away, he couldn't keep his gaze from following her.
Not like it matters. It does not matter at all.
But Louis' eyes did not even brush over her figure. Not even slightly. His angered gaze followed each and every move between Sallow and Beaumont. His jaw line seemed sharp as a knife as he clenched his teeth. Impatient to return to his original partner.

They looked elegant and graceful, twirling in apparent harmony... But before the change of partner took place, Louis carelessly spun his partner, leaving her stumbling for balance. He did not look back to see if she was alright... He was only interested in reuniting with Beaumont.

V acted without thinking... In an instant, he reached for her, his arm surrounding on her waist, steadying her.

Their hands met with one another, his eyes finally aligned with hers, and the room suddenly stopped spinning. A hush engulfed his mind, quietening the outside world with it. He released the breath he had been holding for what felt like an eternity. And all he saw was the color violet.

Violet like a lavender field, he could smell it if he tried. Violet like the rarest of amethyst, he could see its glow if he attempted to. Violet like the sunset, it almost made him lose his breath. Maddening.

As his fingers brushed against the curve of her waist, a strange feeling of serenity and warmth enveloped him—an unexpected embrace. It was disconcerting, the degree of comfort he found under her touch. A sense of unfamiliar fragility brewed in his chest.
And despite his attempts, he could not resist it.


. . .

In the cold night, the music flew away with the wind. Their steps echoed in the dark as he accompanied her near the dungeons.
The night was over...

"Does that mean they are getting married?" He asked after she explained the absurd and ridiculous value of the gift Louis had gifted Beaumont. There was barely anyone left in the ball anymore. And he did not know how they had walked all the way to the viaduct bridge.

"I would not be surprised." She leaned into the stone rail, setting the candle holder down. "They call it destiny."

"Is that disappointing... for you?" He did not mean to ask. But the words flew from his throat like a bird flying into freedom.

"No... He is gentle, kind, and warm like a candle fire." He could see the flame mirrored into her doe eyes, while her fingers danced over the warmth of the fire. "We grew up together... My mother and his, were the closest of friends." Despite V's reluctance to hear how much she loved and admired Louis, he could not bring himself to interrupt her and leave. So, he stood there, quiet. "I guess we are very similar—name, family, status... And I thought he was the only person who could make me happy. Either that, or he was the only eligible person that I knew well enough, and who I believed could give me even a glimpse of happiness." The candle fire fluttered with the pass of the wind, casting a glow over her features "That it was my fate." She breathed.

But her eyes found him once more, allowing V to catch a glimpse of his own reflection in them. "But... I now think that we are capable of deciding our own fate."

It's finally over... He swallowed, opening and closing his lips... attempting to find something to say. Any lie, any truth that would make her run away and never come back...

He was sure of few things...
You cannot decide your own fate... We have one role and one alone.
I am a dog meant to obey.
I cannot be your friend.
You are insufferable.
I find that the time spent with you is utterly unbearable.

And I want to see you again tomorrow.

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