Book 2! Reader x Baki charact...


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Once Y/n's mission in Egypt has been complete,she returns back to her boring old life.Shes missing her team i... Еще

New mission!
Mission starts!
It's him!
Retsu you're the best!
Me again!?
Karate expert!
Good at both
Just one more shot
Risky night♡
Plan B!
Hope we meet again someday..
And so the mission finally starts!
Love potion
Bad feeling
Ball disaster - Mission..complete?


188 10 7

Your eyes were slowly closing and giving up to your sleepiness but you still tried your best to stay away and not let your guard down.

It was currently 1am,the road outside was dark and making you even more sleepy.Cathy whined half the car ride, so much she couldn't anymore and dozed off out from the exhaustion.Her makeup especially her maskara had been ruined and if she knew about it she would have been having a tantrum but thankfully since she was asleep she hadn't noticed about it yet.

You rested your head on the vehicles window as you looked up at the stars.
Five of them were next to each other and shinning more than the rest of the stars among them.

Each one of them reminded you your loved ones that were waiting for you,you were worried about how you were going to communicate with them since you forgot to take your earpiece with you.

“If you want we'll have more private lessons together ”,said the star that reminded you of Baki.

“If you need help with your back let me know, I'll make it feel good ”,said the star that reminded you of Retsu.

“Whenever you need help to shower I'll be at your service ”,said the star that reminded you of Katsumi and then glowed as if it was winking at you.

“When you come back after successfully completing the mission,I'll make sure to take you out for a drink and give you a more comfortable suit to wear”,said the star that reminded you of Hanayama and made you smile.

"Gosh!,I'm so sleepy I'm imagining that stars talk to me!",you yawned as you stared at the beautiful stars glowing in the sky.You looked over at the last star,that reminded you of Yujiro.It didn't say anything,it just, glowed.You smiled as you knew that Yujiro wasn't going to be soft infront of “others”.

Even though Yujiro could be a jerk sometimes,you still hadn't forgot the words he said that night you spent together.

“I love you, I've fallen for you.The first moment I layed my eyes on you it was like you stole my heart that I hid for such a long time.You made me feel love like I've never felt it before ”,he once said and he seemed like he truly meant it.Like the other time he said that he said “Im going to kill him”,he wasn't lying.At that point one thing you knew about Yujiro was that he hated lies.

"I don't know how to feel about that guy..",you said to yourself and sighed.

Suddenly you felt the vehicle stop,you looked outside the window to see if you had arrived,and indeed you did.
The vehicle parked outside the gates of Carlos's big mansion,after one of the men scanned his card on the doorbells scanner,the gates opened and welcomed the van inside.

After the van entered the mansions garden,the gates closed behind it and it parked.The man driving the vehicle ordered the men accompanying him to get you and Cathy outside.

You gently pat Cathy's shoulder to wake her up,but before she could even open her eyes,the vans doors barged open and the men dragged the two of you outside with force.

Cathy screamed as her peaceful sleep had been interrupted,but then soon started crying and begging the man that was now painting a gun on her head so she would shut up.

You were slowly loosing your patience with the drama Cathy was creating,she was just so loud and overdramatic about the whole situation so much that you regretted bringing her with you instead of some other girl.

Like,the situation wasn't THAT bad.You only got kidnapped by some random guy to become his prostitutes what's the big deal?

Well for you it actually wasn't a problem because it was part of your plan,while for Cathy..It was a whole different story.Her thoughts were constantly on death and torchure,she was ready to piss herself as a normal person would at this kind of situation.

After the men managed to put down Cathy,they walked the two of you inside the big mansion.Cathy had no idea where the men were bringing her to, while you could recognize everything you saw in your path since this wasn't your first time in the mansion.

Finally after walking inside a hall that seemed to be a library,one of the men let go of you and walked forward to a large bookshelf.Just as you predicted,the man pressed a specific book that was obviously standing out from the others and the bookshelf automatically moved, revealing a secret elevator.

You weren't even surprised,you had seen that kind of secret door many times during your missions so it wasn't something impressive.

You got pushed inside the elevator and before you knew it,the elevator started going downwards instead of the opposite which was odd.The mansion was already massive and there was more underground?!

(What place could this elevator be bringing me to?),you sighed waiting for the worst as you probably expected the place to be some dungeon prison.

The elevators door opened after of what seemed one minute going underground,there was a long dark hallway infront of you,so you assumed it was what you were expecting.No matter what it was,you would be calm in the inside but in the outside you had to pretend that you were scared, otherwise you would seem suspicious.

The men leaded you through the dark hallway,and on the very left was a door.One of them opened it revealing
dazzling orange and yellow lights,an old fashioned bar full of people, specifically of what seemed mostly men and a few entertainers dressed up in pretty, though revealing belly dancing costumes.They all seemed to be having a great time but the smiles the women had on their faces didn't foul you.

(So they kidnapped more girls huh?It wasn't only me and the three girls from Hanayama's place..),you looked around as you examined the place.

You turned around to see the men completely gone,they had all run torwards the entertainers like hungry babies.Gross.

Since now you were free to walk around,you decided to explore the place and find out what the heck was going on.

As you walked around you noticed eyes on you,it was obviously because your costume didn't suit the theme of the other girls costumes and probably because you were new.This made you wonder..,how long have those girls been captive here?

Suddenly the lights went off, everything was pitch dark.Moments later the lights of the stage that was in the center of the bar light open revealing a group of dancers in a still stance.There was a girl in the middle that stood out from the rest of the eight dancers that circled her.
Her eyes were closed and she was crouching down as the rest of the dancers hid her from the crowd.

[I recommend to listen to Chammak Challo for this scene!]

Once the music started, the girl in the middle rose up and the dancers around her scattered around the stage ,four dancers were on her left and the rest of the four dancers were on her right.

The girl in the middle flapped her eyelashes and smiled playfully making the crowd under the stage cheer and praise her.As she held her arms above her head,she clapped twice causing the light finally shower her and reveal her dazzling costume and beautiful golden,short,curled hair held up in two ponytails including the jewellery on her slim arms,belly and ankles.Her figure was as small as a child's,she didn't have any curves on her and was quite skinny,but she still managed to steal the crouds hearts with her delicate figure.

Whith confidence, she started moving her hips undulating in time with the rhythm of the music while the other dancers copied her movements staying synchronized with her.
She gracefully moved her arms ,her movements slowly getting more intricate as she followed them with her eyes,and both her legs and arms moving in and out of each other.

She spinned around herself,her costumes jewels shinning like a disco ball,the croud of men going more crazy for her as she looked down at them for a split second and winked.

Running back at her backstage dancers the girl turned around and the dancers behind her who had now crouched down behind her on all levels, started moving their arms in a way the main preformer seemed to have several arms.They scattered around her once again,the girl moved torwards the croud and crouched down to touch a man's face,her delicate slim fingers rose up his chin to look at her.She continued her way to the end of the stage where the more “high status” men were sitting at,she made the rest of the way crawling to them while specifically looking at a man that looked like the most special.

The man looked at her smirking as she touched his face and smiled at him while moving her feet infront of him as if she was seducing him.

The man blew her a kiss as she ran back to the rest of the dancers and turned around to move her bottom while having both her arms on the back of her head.When she turned around to face the crowd again her eyes finally met yours,you could clearly see a surprised expression on her face.

As soon as she stopped dancing,the crowd turned around to look at what made her stop preforming.

There was a bunny girl among the crowd,the rest of the people gathered around her made way and the lights fell on her exposing her being “out of the theme ”.

The man the main preformer previously interacted with looked furious as the girl stopped preforming and turned around too.His eyes widened as he saw you,his eyes fixed on your costume as he couldn't see your face because of your mask.

The main preformer had a feeling she had seen you again from somewhere,but couldn't quite tell from your covered face.She smiled and made a gesture for you to come up the stage.

You looked at her nervously after trying to be reassured if she was pointing out at you.After she nodded,she turned back to the rest of the dancers and signaled them to get you up on stage.

The dancers did as they were ordered and no matter how much you protested,they managed to pull you up on the stage.

The leader of the performers grabbed your hand and spinned you around,then pulled you close to her face.Your eyes met once again,she focused but still couldn't tell who you were as the two of you spinned around.

As the music reached its climax,the girl pulled you next to her and posed at the crowd,she signaled you to do the same too.

You did,and when the music ended,the crowd cheered and praised even after the dancers fleed backstage.

The main preformer grabbed your wrist to prevent you from following the rest of the dancers backstage,she wanted you by her side to receive more praising.

"Look at the crowd and smile,you have to get used to it",the girl whispered only enough for you to hear as she waived at the crowd that was now throwing rose petals on the stage.

You did as she said and smiled at the crowd as at the same time you blew kisses at them.

You felt a piercing gaze on you amongst the crowd,you looked around to see who it was.You suddenly made eye contact with someone you wish you never saw again.His eyes were fixed on yours as he obvserved both you and your body.

You felt discusted,you wanted to slap the man.Your rage only increased after remembering how he treated his mistresses back then.You had to make sure Carlos payed for what he had done.

Before the eye contact could continue further,the girl next to you noticed how you were eying the man and grabbed your arm leading you backstage.

The girl let go of you and walked torwards her vanity to put some powder on her cheeks to refresh her make up.She turned around to face you again with a smile.

" might be?",the girl rose up from her chair and started making circles around you playfully.

"I'm uhh..",you followed her movements and backed away as she came close to your face.

"Have we met before?",she asked as she observed your mask and touched it as if she wanted to remove it.

"I don't think so..",you backed away and turned around securing your mask on your face.

"You seem upset and confused..I felt like that when I was first brought to this place but I got used to it.Do you drink beer?We could have a little chat as we drink and I'll answer all your questions",she said playfully before walking away to the bar without waiting for your response.You ran after her and after turning around to see you following behind her,the girl smiled and leaded you to an empty couch area after she grabbed two beers for the two of you.

. . .

"So,what do you want to know?I'm sure you're wondering why you have been brought to this place",the girl said and took a sip from her beer.

"Why are you doing this?I know you're forced to be all seducive and nice around those people.Be honest with me",you said with a serious tone as if you were confronting the girl.

The girl frowned at your words,she took another sip from her drink and harshly placed the mug on the wooden counter.

"I think you know our purpose of being here.We have to act all cute and friendly to those old perverts to survive.You see all those girls?",the girl turned to look at the entertainers at the distance that kept company to the guests.

"They are all trying to get that man's heart.,the one you were glaring at earlier.He is the only way we get out of this underground place.The better you are at this job, seducing and being obedient,the more chances you have to be chosen by him at the ceremony happening in two days.We get ranked every day,and I'm at the very top",the girl said proudly flipping her left ponytail back.

"So if you're choosen by him then what? You'll stay under his mercy for the rest of your life? You'll be his slave forever against your will JUST to survive?", you comforted the girl and she frowned at you from your harsh words.

"I'm not doing this just to survive!,she scoffed.Im planning to ESCAPE.Me and my sister are going to get out together and escape from this place after we get to the surface of the mansion.My sister has strength and I have the looks to seduce easily.We make a perfect team and our escape will be successful",she slammed her hand violently on the counter making her drink spill a bit.

After realizing she had been carried away from just your questions,she calmed down and put the fake smile on her face again.

"You seem to know everything dont you?How long have you been here?I came three days ago but I haven't seen you around.Perhaps you're new and trying to impress everyone by dressing in a different way huh?You think you can take victory from me? ANSWER ME!",the girl that was as small as a child yelled.

"Sister, you're getting out of your role",you heard someone speak behind the girl and you looked up to see a tall woman carrying a long stack of beers in mugs with just one hand!That looked heavy but she seemed to carry it with such an ease.

The girl that was yelling at you previously, immediately turned around to the familiar voice.Her expression changed from a fuming one to an exited one,as if she were a child that just saw a doll.

"SISTER!!!",she jumped on the woman ignoring the fact that she could spill the stack of beers any moment.

You looked at the two of them confused, especially the girl you were chatting earlier.Her voice had changed completely from a seducive one to a completely childish one.That sweet voice made you recognize her immediately.

"Annie,who is this?",the woman holding the beers spoke and her sister stopped clinging on her arm.

"I don't know sister!But this girl wants to ruin our plan!",the girl pouted as she glared at you like you were some criminal.

"Did you even let her speak?",the woman sighed as she placed the stack of beers on the counter.

She was as tall as a model,her skin had a darker complexion than her sisters who was as white as snow.They were completely different from each other.The younger sister had short curly hair,while the big one had long hair separated into two braids that reached her ankles.Were they even related?

As the woman placed down the stack of beers that almost reached the ceiling,your eyes fixed on her body.The girl was very curvy,had a slim waist and abs.But oh Lord were her breasts BIG!

"YOUR BOOBS!",your jaw dropped and the woman seemed embarrassed."No!I didn't mean it like that!It's just that!"-

"Don't worry,I get that a lot",the woman laughed as she placed both hands on her waist."Im Yuko, little Annie here is my little sister.She might seem fisty at first look but she is actually very sweet.She has just been changing lately at this stressing environment".

"I'm so sorry for being rude!I-I just thought you had the same plan as me and my sister a-and I got nervous!"

"Wait!,you told her about our plan?!You idiot!,it's supposed to be a secret!",the older sister scolded her.

"I'm so sorry!I can't help it!,I'm not good at hiding secrets!",Annie apologized bowing over and over to her older sister.

"It's fine, don't worry.Im not a threat", you reassured the girl and she seemed relieved."I actually have a little secret too",you whispered at them and they both raised an eyebrow.

You put a finger on your mouth signaling them to stay quiet and afterwards you removed your mask finally revealing your face.

"I knew it!,I was sure we had met again!You are the girl I helped back at the place I worked! Lollipops!", Annie said in exitment as she clapped."Do you remember her,sister?"

"Hmm..,now that you're mentioning it yeah..,I do remember you.I came when I saw you in trouble with those thugs.Whay are you doing here?", Yuko tilted her head waiting for your response.

"Yeah how did you end up here!",Annie asked full of curiosity.

"I actually didn't end up here by accident,I came here because I have a mission",you whispered as quietly as possible.

"A MISSION?!",Annie jumped in exitment but her sister quickly covered her mouth.

"Annie be quiet!What mission?,what are you here for?"

"Hanayama, the owner of your workplace and I with some other guys are a team and we have this mission where I have to get the diamonds Carlos has stolen.I didn't know that he actually kidnapped girls and brought them to this place!,we had no idea!"

"Are you going to save us!",Annie looked at you with pleady eyes and so did her sister.

"Look,I don't know..I'm going to try my best though.How many girls are being captive here?"

"Hmm.., according to my calculation if we add you in we are about 799 or so?"

"WHAT!We are actually 800 because there was another girl shipped here with me!Oh God how am I going to get you all out!",you facepalmed yourself as you tried to think.

Yuko->"We'll do anything to help you out now that we know your purpose of being here! You're our only hope to get out.Just give us orders and we'll help".

"Arlight",you sighed."First of all, I want you to keep this secret between the three of us".

"You mean four",you head someone speak behind Yuko and Annie and all of you flinched.

"Cathy!What are you doing here!",you sighed in relief it wasn't someone else.

"I was fixing my make up at the bathroom,why didn't you tell me it was RUINED!Anyway,I heard your whole conversation and I want to help too..,I want to get out of this place".

"Okay!,so what I need the three of you to do for now,is to keep this a secret.Tonight I'll have to go to the surface, meaning that I have to find a way into the upper part of the mansion.I have to do some invastigating to find where the diamonds are located.Do you think you have seen any vents around here?"

"Oh yeah!,there is one backstage!",Annie said excitedly."We haven't tried going up there since the gap to get in is so small,even for someone like me who has the body of a child",Annie grumped.

"It's arlight!,I will make it work, trust me!I have my ways",you looked down at your chest at the ultimate source of power but none of the girls noticed.

"Thank you for your help girls!Do you think you could distract the guards from finding out I'm missing from the rest of the girls?"

"Leave it to us!,well make sure that nobody notices!",Cathy said proudly flipping her hair.

"Arlight!,so it's settled! Tonight,

"I'm going to investigate!"

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