The White Wolf of China

By SelemenceTube

16.3K 504 68

(Kung Fu Panda X Garou Wolf Reader) some years after Tai Lung destroyed the valley a Wolf cub was left at the... More

Character Info
Garou Origins
The Dragon Warrior Ceremony
The Panda
Training days
The one About Tai Lung
Final Battle

Balance Shift

1.1K 49 3
By SelemenceTube

Garou Pov

We see the five and po eating dinner which po had prepared for them before po started making fun of Shifu with two bowls as ears and a noodle on his lip meanwhile Shifu and Garou were behind him as four of the five noticed and went silent

Po: "Ears. It's not working for you? I thought they were pretty good."

Monkey: he whispered "it's Shifu and Garou!"

Po: "yeah I know it's Shifu, what about Garou?" A paw went on his shoulder before he was spun around to be met with a snarling Garou "ooh! Masters! Uh..." Garou was about to send a devastating blow to him before Shifu spoke

Shifu: "Garou." The wolf stopped as his ear flicked and let the panda go "You think this is funny? Tai Lung has escaped and you're acting like children!

Po: "What?" He said with surprise

Shifu: "he's coming for the dragon scroll, and you are the only one who can stop him." Po dropped the two bowls he had on him as he laughed

Po: "And here I was saying you got no sense of humour. I'm gonna...stop Tai Lung." He paused and saw Garou's expression "What? You're serious? And I have to?" He stuttered a bit before continuing "Master Oogway will stop him, Like he did before."

Garou: I stepped forward "Oogway cannot. Not anymore." I looked down at Shifu who was holding the staff as the five gasped and I looked back at Po "our last hope is the Dragon Warrior."

Tigress: "The Panda?" Garou growled before shouting

Garou: "Yes the panda! If you continue to blatantly throw shade at me then you and me can gladly settle this!" I snarled before she stood up

Tigress: she ignored Garou and spoke to Shifu "Master, let us stop Tai Lung. This is what you've trained us for."

Shifu: "No! It is not you're destiny to defeat Tai Lung. It is his!" He pointed to Po who was standing behind Garou prior but ran away "Where'd he go?"

Garou: "Not far." I took off before coming outside seeing Po fleeing as I crouched and jumped landing in front of him before he reached the steps and swept his legs as I followed up by driving my hill down on his stomach forcing him into the ground "And where are you going?"

Shifu: he landed by Po as well "You cannot leave! A real warrior never quits."

Po: he spoke with a winded tone "Watch me." He forced himself up and tried to trick Shifu but only got sent back around the latter with the staff as he huffed "Come on. How am I supposed to beat Tai Lung? I can't even beat you to the stairs."

Shifu: "You will beat him because you are the Dragon Warrior." He pointed the staff at Po before jabbing him with it

Po: "Ow! You don't believe that." He got Jabbed with the staff once more "Oh! You never believed that. From the begging, you've tried to get rid of me." He tried to get passed Shifu but he was tripped into his back

Shifu: "Yes! I was. But now I ask you to trust in your master as I have come to trust in mine." He says while he has the staff pointed at Po

Po: he scooted back before sitting up "You're not my master." He hit the staff out of his face and sat up further "And I'm not the Dragon Warrior."

Garou: "Then why continue to stay?" I walked forward feeling furious "Why continue to make a fool out of Oogway and everyone here!? Why disrespect his decision! If you knew all this why stay!" I clenched my paws

Po: he looked up at Garou and scowled "Yeah, I stayed. I stayed because every time someone threw a brick at my head or said I smelled. It hurt, but it could never hurt more that it did every day of my life just being me." He said while standing "I stayed because I thought, if anyone could change me...could make me...not was you! The greater kung fu teacher in all of China!"

Shifu: his face softened before he shook it off "But I can change you! I can't turn you into the Dragon Warrior! And I will!" He hit the bottom of the staff on the ground as Po laughed mockingly

Po: "Come on. Tai Lung is on his way here right now. Even if it takes him a hundred years to get here, how are you...gonna change this into the Dragon Warrior?" He gestured to himself "huh!?" Shifu was silent "How? How! How?!"

Shifu: "I don't know!" He shouted back while breathing heavily before he sighed "I don't know."

Po: he sighed and looked at Garou who had his back turned "that's what I thought." Shifu walked and Garou took off with a jump meanwhile unknown to Shifu and Po the five were trying to run off to fight Tai Lung as they ran through the village but before they could reach the end a figure stood on a rooftop

Garou: "And where are you all going?" They stopped and looked fearfully at him

Viper: "How did you..." Garou took the liberty of finishing her sentence

Garou: "Tigress was watching everything, I know her far to well to know she'd stand idly by when told what to do." I look at Tigress directly

Tigress: "I'm tired of this. You're blatant and constant targeting of me." She growls and clenches her paws "Ever since day one you've constantly chosen me as an outlet for you're own frustration, you constantly target me and think you have the right to reprimand me. We're going to stop Tai Lung and you're not stopping us. Garou."

Monkey: he stood with Tigress "I'm sorry, but she's right."

Viper: she followed suit "We will all have to get through you, Master." She hissed

Garou: "who said I was stopping you?" They all gasped slightly in shock and surprise

Crane: "Are you sure you're doing okay? You're not yourself." He says with surprise

Mantis: "Yeah, since when are you cool?" They all look at him "not the time? Okay, sorry."

Garou: "Oogway told me something, he said that "freedom is that right of all creatures", if I were to deny you freedom you'd still strive for it. I'm not here to stop you, but I am here to warn you."

Tigress: "Of what? Tai Lung? Perhaps you wouldn't be warning anyone if you had just accepted our Masters' offer." She says with a tone of hatred and resentment

Garou: "And you're right. But I can also say that if I did I wouldn't know what I do now. so listen or don't, Tai Lung is possibly stronger than you all combined, I won't chase him with you, it's not what I want to do or will do but make sure you don't do anything stupid."

Tigress: "You're letting us go? And won't tell Shifu?"

Garou: "I let you make you're own decisions, I still have something to do, so go, defeat Tai Lung or even if you buy time, just make sure you fought the way you were trained to." I looked at all of them

Tigress: "we will...Garou..." they ran passed him but she stopped in front of him and looked up "Why? Why now? Why not back then?"

Garou: "Back then I thought that anything I did would be used against me due to my decisions, but now I know that you're choices are yours to stand by and not to spend years trying to make up for." I put my paw on Tigress' shoulder "Now go, fight him."

Tigress: "You truly believe in us? In me?" Garou touched his head to hers as she gasped slightly

Garou: "Especially you." After a moment we pulled away and she nodded with a smile on er face before they ran and I didn't looked back 'Be safe...furious five.'


It was the next morning and Garou was searching the palace for Shifu and Po before he stood in place and his ears flicked picking up something far in the distance and Po's sweaty scent as he started to run in that direction making quick ground as he made it to the Pool of Sacred Tears where Shifu was training Po

Garou: "Master...?" I said in confusion while watching the Panda to sit ups on a tree branch while Shifu had a bowl of dumplings in his hand before the branch snapped and Po fell "What is going on here...?"

Shifu: "Training! Of course. Care to join us?" He looks at Garou who moves over to a boulder

Garou: "I'll trust you enough to watch." Shifu chuckled as he began training Po continuously and day in and day out

Garou watched and often joining in as Po attempted stealing soup but Garou fended him off and the days carried out with Po's training with the two masters as he began adapting to Shifu's attacks and movements and honing his own style and skills before on the final day Shifu and Po had their final session where Po would try and eat but shift would stop him as hey had a sparring match using their chopsticks to get the last dumpling until the dumpling was flung into a tree as they fought until it fell and po tried catching it but Shifu stopped him and kicked the dumpling off before po ran after it and he and Shifu continued to spar until po caught the dumpling

Garou: "Nice going! Dragon Warrior." I chuckled as Shifu allowed Po to eat the dumpling but he tossed it to Shifu and said his not hungry and then called him master as they bowed to each other and I smirked "Looks like there really are no mistakes, Master. Let just hope you were right about me."

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