The Panda

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Garou Pov

As the servants carried the panda into the temple me and Shifu ran up the steps and I opened the door letting him in before entering myself finding the panda messing with the artefacts on the columns as Shifu stood by the water area in the temple

Shifu: have you finished sight seeing? The Panda then idiotically speaking to the urn containing the souls of five thousand warriors

Panda: I should have come seen you first! He leaned closer to it

Shifu: my patience is wearing thin. He said annoyedly as Garou stepped up where Shifu was and was standing beside Shifu

Panda: well, I mean, it's not like you were going anywhere. He said making Garou prince his snout with his paw in embarrassment

Shifu: would you turn around? The panda then turned to see Shifu and Garou

Panda: hey how's it going. He looked back at the urn now, how do you get 5,000...Master Shifu! Master Garou!? He knocked the urn off the pedestal as it shattered on the ground and Garou's mouth hung open while someone...broke that. But I'm gonna fix it. Do you have some...glue? He pushed the pieces together and then knocked the pedestal over as Garou shook his head

Shifu: so you're the legendary dragon warrior? Hmm? He said sarcastically

Panda: I guess so. He said confusedly as Garou crossed his arms and growled slightly

Garou: you're dead wrong! The panda flinched and stepped back you are not the dragon warrior. You will never be the dragons warrior until... i point up at the dragon stature holding the scroll in its mouth have learned the secret of the dragon scroll.

Panda:, how does this work? Do you have a ladder or a trampoline, or? Shifu chuckled

Shifu: you think it's that easy? That I'm just gonna hand you the secret to limitless power? He said with a tone of anger

Panda: no, I... he was cut off by Garou speaking up

Garou: one must first master the highest level of kung fu. And that is clearly impossible if that someone is you. Shifu walked up to the panda

Panda: someone like me? He said worriedly while Shifu circled him

Shifu: yes, look at you! This fat butt! He hit the panda on his butt these flabby arms! He did the same on his arms

Panda: those are sensitive in the flabby parts. Shifu hit him with the stick again while Garou watched with a serious expression

Shifu: and his ridiculous belly. The panda held his stomach protectively ad utter disregard for personal hygiene. He said in disgust

Panda: now wait a minute, that's uncalled for. Before he could say another word Shifu cut him off

Shifu: don't stand that close I can smell you're breath. He took a step to the side

Panda: listen, Oogway said that I was... he pointed at Shifu making Garou growl as he moves extremely fast and stood between the panda and Shifu as he gripped the panda's finger and raising his pinkie finger

Garou: watch who you're pointing at, panda. I say with an air of menace and the malice is almost palpable

Panda: the Wuxi Finger hold. Not the Wuxi Finger Hold! He tried moving back but Garou already had a hold on him as Shifu chuckled

Shifu: oh, you know this hold? He stood on the side watching Garou hood the pandas finger

Panda: he nodded and kept his eyes on Garou's paw Developed by master Wuxi in the third dynasty. He nodded yes!

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