Garou Origins

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Double quotation= ""Thinking""
Slanted text= Actions
Normal text= Talking
(For anyone wandering, Garou is two years older than the furious five and Po for time sake and for the story and how it will be playing out, also I might just put all the movies and the series in this once book)

3rd Pov

We see a quaint village resting a valley during the dead of night with beautiful stars covering the skies and lanterns keeping the village bright, we then come to a long staircase running all the way up a mountain to a large palace and n the doorstep of the palace an old silver furred wolf with a silver moustache puts a small cub on the ground wrapped in some type of clothing and a scroll placed in the folds of it as the cub coos the old wolf looks solemnly at him before the doors clink and the old wolf vanishes with great speed

Red panda: what in the world... an old red panda opened the door and laid his eyes on the cub before his face turned to a sour and bitter scowl never again...

Old Tortoise: from behind the old red panda a tortoise stands behind him ah, Shifu, it seems yet another innocent child has found its way to you...

Red panda: master! He jumps slightly and turns to the tortoise n-n-no! I could never! Not after...Tai Lung...

Old tortoise: one's experiences only mould them for the next generation...and it seems you are not done with you're teachings yet. He points at the cub who has begun waking up and making noise

Shifu: but what if...what if I mess up again, Master... he looks back to the tortoise who was now gone once more Master? He looks back to the baby and walked towards it finally seeing the white wolf cub with vibrant yellow eyes and he went to reach for it but glimpses of someone flash in his eyes making him hesitant as the cub began crying I won't make that mistake a second time. He quickly grabs the cub and it instantly quiets down

Far off from the palace the old wolf from earlier was standing up on a bamboo shoot while watching with a sad look on his face looking towards the palace where he left the cub

Old wolf: I'm sorry, Garou, but you will be better off here. He jumps into the night disappearing with great speed and agility

Back at the palace Shifu was smiling at the cub in his arms while the infant was reaching for his face and grabbed his moustache with both hands pulling it and giggling causing Shifu to smile

Shifu: what to name you... he moved the cub in his arms before feeling something hard and finding the scroll which he opened while holding the cub in his other arm as the scroll rolled open that's you're name, I think it suits you well.

Nearby the old tortoise from before was standing on his staff with a smile on his face as he nodded

Old tortoise: it seems everything has a reason for happening, even through tragedy fate always finds a way to steer us in the right direction. He laughs before disappearing in a breeze of peach petals and Shifu goes into the palace holding the cub in his arms

12 years later
Still 3rd Pov

Shifu: again! Garou starts attacking a wooden dummy multiple times again! Once more Garou attacks the dummy you're attacks have no emotion. How do you expect to become the dragon warrior if you can't even use you're power!

Garou: he smiles and turns to Shifu I don't want to be the dragon warrior. He chuckles as Shifu shakes his head

Shifu: you don't know that! You're still a child. He walks up to Garou you have the potential for greatness! I know you can be the dragon warrior!

Garou: I want to be something better than that he smiles tilting his head I want to be the strongest animal in the world! I want everyone to know me as the strongest king fu master ever!

Shifu: that's a fools dream! He says angrily when I trained, Tai Lung, all he wanted was to become the dragon warrior!

Garou: you always talk about him! He says growling slightly I'm not that guy and I don't want to be like him. He kicks the dummy breaking its head off

Shifu: we're done for today, Garou, we will resume you dragon warrior training tomorrow. He walks off while shaking his head and Garou just sighs

Garou: ""I don't want to be the dragon warrior..."" he walks off both him and Shifu's backs facing each other

(Sorry if it's short the next chapter will be longer)

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