Training days

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Po Pov

After my totally awesome talk with THE master Garou I could help but a failure and left the living place or whatever it's called finding myself by a peach tree where I picked some peaches and began eating them

Oogway: I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom po turned around with a guilty look on his face which was stuffed with peaches not knowing Oogway would show up as he dropped the peaches in his arms

Po: is that what this is? I'm so sorry. I thought it was a regular peach tree. He said with his mouth full of peaches

Oogway: I understand, you eat when you are upset. He said while walking up to Po

Po: upset? I'm not upset. What makes you think I'm upset? He says nervously clearly lying as Oogway stares at him

Oogway: So why are you upset? He says smiling softly as Po stares for a beat and sighs soon after

Po: I probably Ickes more today than anyone in the history of Kung Fu. He turned to the Cliff In the history of china. In the history of sucking! He says with a hint of frustration

Oogway: probably.

Po: and the five! Man, you should've seen them! They totally hate me. And Master Garou! He just thinks I'm a total idiot!

Oogway: totally.

Po: how is Shifu ever going to turn ME into the dragon warrior? He says while jiggling his stomach before stopping it and sighing I mean, I'm not like the five. I've got no claws, no wings, no venom. Even Mantis has those...thingies. He says while making pray mantis claws with his paws and sighs Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles. He moves and sits on the edge of the ledge

Oogway: quit, don't quit. Noodles, don't noodles. He looks at Po as the latter looks over his shoulder you are to concerned with hat was and what will be. There's a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, But today is a gift. He whispers that is why it is called the present. He turns and walks before tapping his staff on the peach tree and a peach drops into Po's hand leaving him speechless

Garou Pov

I woke up and left my room before hearing the Gongs rant for everyone to wake and the five popped out of their room to greet Shifu who was looking at Garou specifically before the five spoke

The Five: good morning, Master.

Shifu: he broke his stare from Garou before calling Panda! Panda! He moved to the doors and pushed them open wake up! He saw an empty room and instantly smiled and chuckled he's quit.

Garou: I let out a heavy sigh I expected as much. But I'm not sure why I had hoped for a different outcome. We left the living quarter and walked up to the training grounds with me walking beside Shifu

Viper: what do we do now, with the gone? With the panda gone? She asks in a concerned way while the rest of the five follows

Shifu: all we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed. He looks back and Tigress and then at Garou narrowing his eyes

Garou: ""I bet he hates me even more for turning down the title...since this panda incident he's been way more hostile."" I roll my eyes as Shifu opens the doors and to our surprise Po was doing the splits on two beams

Shifu: what are you doing here!? He said surprised and annoyed all in one

Po: Hi! Uh...good morning, Master! He put his fist in his hand to greet before facing forward again I thought I'd warm up a little. He started stretching but let out groans and seemed to try to loosen his foot. He was clearly stuck.

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