I just want a good way to die.

By Nulho1

58.1K 3.5K 1K

Green eyes that no longer had the will to live, could only see the plain, mossy, and damp walls of the dungeo... More



1.2K 105 24
By Nulho1

Cale walked into the banquet with the bomb bracelet on his wrist.

Cale saw Marquis Stan who seemed to be talking to Calvin.

But when he saw the bracelet on Cale's wrist, the Marquis smiled his sly smile.

- I want to blow him up, human.

The black dragon really wanted to kill the Marquis right now.  But he held back because Cale would be in trouble if he did that.

'You'll get that time, don't worry.'

Cale thought about that and wondered if Venion wanted to see it too.

'Well, I'll ask Neo.'

Neo knows more about Venion.  It would be bad if Venion grew depressed from seeing the Marquis in the situation he had been in.

Remembering bad memories is not good for those who are depressed.

Venion's status bar may drop further if that happens.

Cale didn't think much about it as he boarded the carriage to go to the banquet hall.

The Marquis will not be at the banquet because Calvin will be the representative of the Stan household.

- Human, I will open that bracelet now.

Cale nodded and opened the bracelet on his wrist as if it was natural.

The black dragon took the bracelet.

- I will go with the strong Choi Han.  Be careful, weak human!

With that, the black Dragon left Cale to help Choi Han with the other bombs.




Venion looked towards the place where the banquet was being held.

'It was a bit of a shame that I couldn't see Cale's silver shield.'

The silver shield had a beautiful light as if it were a divine power.

"Venion nim, I bought you your favorite crepe."

Neo gives Venion's crepe.

Venion accepted it as if it was natural and wanted to take a bite of the crepe.


Someone ran quickly in front of Venion who was sitting on a street chair.


Venion saw his crepe fall because of the speed at which the person was running.

Venion knew who could run that fast.

'That must be Choi Han.'

Venion sighed internally.


Neo looked at Venion's status bar which was decreasing due to his falling crepe.

"Venion nim, you can take mine! Don't think too much about it! It's just a crepe!"

Neo smiled trying to cheer up Venion.

However, Venion just ignored Neo and looked towards the banquet venue.

Everyone here would panic after the mountain behind the palace exploded.

"Venion nim! Look at me! Don't ignore me!"

Neo held Venion's face making Venion look at his face.


Venion could see Neo's annoyed eyes because he ignored him.

“Venion nim, I don't understand why you're so interested in that Cale Henituse, but I'm the one who loves you! So pay attention to me!”

Neo's face turned red when he admitted that.  Since meeting Cale, Venion has continued to focus on Cale!


Venion moved his hand to hold Neo's face too.

"Cale Henituse is the life of this world, if I am hated by him, I feel like I was thrown away by this world."


Neo didn't understand what Venion was trying to convey.

"But Neo, it's the same if you no longer need me to keep going."

Venion pressed his forehead against Neo.

"I'm just comfortable knowing that the life of this world, doesn't hate me, but the reason I'm still alive in this world, is you, Neo."

Neo's eyes were red when he heard that from Venion's own mouth.

"If it weren't for you to stop me from jumping off the clock building, to stop my crazy stunts, I wouldn't be here, Neo."

Venion let go of Neo's face and got up.

"Let's go."

Venion still didn't seem to care even though he had just said something that could make Neo cry for 3 days and 3 nights because he was happy.

Neo smiled and returned to his usual self.

"Where should we go?"

Neo held Venion to stop him from walking towards the mountain behind the palace.

"You really know my intentions. It's not interesting."

Venion sighed being dragged by Neo away from the mountain behind the palace.

"I won't let you create unnecessary drama, Venion nim."

Neo smiled and pulled Venion's hand to walk together.


"What's wrong, Venion nim?"

Neo looked at Venion when Venion stopped and looked at one shop.

A shop that sells wigs.

"You don't let me dye my hair, but wigs are different, aren't they?"

Venion looks like he wants to try it.

Neo smiled and nodded.

"Let's see what color suits you."

Neo pulled Venion into the shop.

They looked at wigs there and tried several wigs there, but none of them really suited Venion.

Venion saw hair that was a similar color to his current hair.

However, it has a brown highlight similar to Neo's hair.  Venion wore it on his head.

"How about this, Neo?"

Neo turned around to see Venion who was wearing a wig that was a combination of his hair and Venion's hair.


Neo held his heart area as if he was having a heart attack.

"You're so cute, Venion nim... My heart can't hold it in."

Venion sighed seeing Neo overreacting about the wig.

"Well, let's buy this one then."

Because Neo likes him, Venion doesn't really care about his appearance.

"Okay, Venion nim!"

Neo smiled and paid for the wig.



Venion wore the wig and looked good in it.

Venion looks handsome with short hair.



Even though it was quite far from the mountain from behind the palace, the explosion was really strong.

Neo hugged Venion who almost flew away due to the strong wind due to the impact of the bomb explosion.

Prank!  Crash!

Many glass windows were broken due to flying rock fragments as well as due to the strong sound of the explosion.

It was a truly chaotic situation.

But not for long...


There was another strong sound.

However, everyone who was close to the banquet could see a silver light that seemed to protect everyone.

"Wow, that's really strong. I wonder how we survived that before."

Neo sighed releasing his hug, allowing Venion to straighten his body.

"Why ask the obvious?"

Venison let out a short sigh.

It was all thanks to Cale Henituse using the power of his silver shield.

"Well, he really is something, isn't he? Is he still human?"

Neo sighed feeling defeated by Cale again.

'Why are you comparing yourself to the main character?'

Venion took off his wig which was now dusty.

Venion never had the thought of comparing anyone else to the main character at all.

"Why do you care so much about that? People like him will always get needed or even get unnecessary attention that didn't need it."


Neo was confused by Venion's thoughts.

"Compared to Cale Henituse, we are nothing more than a speck of dust attached to a jewel. So stop comparing yourself to him."

Neo whose name only appears 2 or 3 times in the novel, and Venion whose only role is to torture the black dragon, and be tortured by the black dragon.

They are both just characters who appear at the beginning of the book and then are forgotten after the reader is satisfied with what happened to them.

Venion is destined to be hated wherever he goes.

Neo, who doesn't know how he's doing after the Plaza Terror incident...

Venion was sure that no one would search Neo's whereabouts for that.

Even Venion didn't care whether Neo lived or died before.

Their characters were simply not suited to staying close to the beautiful gems of that world.

Neo was still confused by Venion's rambling words.

Venion smiled slightly seeing that.

"Let's go. He won't be looking for us in the end. I'm bored of being in the capital too long."

Neo looked at the status bar above Venion's head decreasing.

'Venion nim, your thoughts are so random that your dog sometimes doesn't understand you...'

Neo sighed internally and held Venion's hand.

"Okay. If that's what you want, Venion nim. I'll always be by your side no matter what happens."

Neo smiled brightly following Venion's steps.

Venion smiled as he held Neo's hand a little tighter.


They're a perfect couple, aren't they?  Characters who hardly help the plot in any way.

Even if they disappeared, no one would care about it.




"Where are those two bastards?"

Cale asked Choi Han seeing that Venion and Neo were not at the villa.

"I saw them leaving the capital the day you went to the palace, Cale nim."

Choi Han answered honestly.  After he manages Redika and his group, although Redika ultimately manages to escape, he sees Neo and Venion leaving the capital.

Cale felt like he had a headache.

'I'm sure Neo can take care of Venion.'

In the end, Cale thought it was just a waste of time to understand the mind of a crazy person.

But to leave without leaving a letter or something...

'Are they Ron or what?  Ron even said goodbye before leaving.'

Cale sighed and got back into his carriage.  He had to go to the Ubarr territory to get the power of the sounds of wind before Toonka got it.




On the coast of the Ubarr region.

The view there is quite nice if there wasn't a big whirlpool there that could kill someone if someone got caught in it.

'Cale will also be here in a few days.'

Venion thought that as he simply submerged his feet in the shallow seawater.

'Well, I'll just be here for a day and then leave.'

So it was impossible for him and Neo to meet Cale again by chance.



Venion looked to the side after hearing a loud sound.

The blue-haired man is fighting with 3 mermaids.  And the blue-haired man looked like he was on the losing side.

But mermaid poison...

'Neo wouldn't know what antidote for mermaid poison, would he?'

In the end, Venion couldn't stop his habit of always thinking about how to commit suicide without Neo being able to save him.

Neo is also going around looking for coconuts.

'I'm stupid.'

Well, he's always been stupid.  Who was the fool who didn't know that Cale was the one who took the black dragon?

Well, it was Venion, who else.

The mermaid who was fighting with a wounded stomach, wanted to attack the blue-haired man with her hands covered in poison.

And the blue-haired man also stumbled and wouldn't have time to dodge the attack.

Venion walks toward the middle of them, as his wig flies away due to the strong wind.



The blue-haired man looked at the blonde hair standing in front of him without hesitation even when he was facing the creature with the deadliest poison in the world.


The coconut that Neo was carrying fell to the ground seeing Venion who was deliberately in the middle of the battle.

Neo immediately created a magic shield several layers in front of Venion to protect him from the attack.


The mermaid's attack clashed with the magic shield Neo made.


But the poison from the mermaid's hand splashed on Venion's face.

"Venion nim!"

Venion wiped the poison on his face with his finger and casually licked the super deadly poison before Neo could stop him.


Venion immediately fainted after licking a bit of the poison.  However, thanks to him swallowing quite a lot of poison, Venion didn't die immediately.


The blue-haired man who saw Venion faint immediately became worried.  From behind, the man couldn't see Venion who was deliberately licking the poison.

Neo's face immediately turned pale seeing that.  He doesn't know the antidote to mermaid poison...





To be continued.

Kim Seung Jong: .......

Depressed Venion: .......

Naru Cale: Hahaha! You two get the bad one this time!

Ellen: Well, at least he didn't die.

Leon: Ellen, can you give some insurance to your mouth?

Ghost Basen: You guys should go see some psychiatrist. At least I'm normal here.

Ciel: I don't think so. You're willing to lose your body to Bern. Is that normal to you?

Ghost Basen: ....... Do I need to look psychiatrist too? Is there a ghost psychiatrist?

Preggo Cale: Well, the one who needs it the most is Depressed Venion here.

Leon: ......... (All of us need it actually...)

Okay, hope you enjoy this chapter!

See ya!

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