Before Joy there was Hope

By Sora_Storytime

15.1K 400 173

Hopesong Pegasus is the newest member of the Smiling Critters gang. She is content with her life with her Smi... More

First Meeting
Why Can't we go Outside?
Don't be Afraid
The Cracks Hidden behind Blue Paint
The Calm before the Storm
The World Comes Crashing Down
Angel Sent from Above
Moment of Quiet
My Sunshine
Everything Stays
Freedom within Reach
Shot in the Dark
I Can't Lose You
Puppet with Strings
Crawl through the Dark
It's Beautiful
The Sun will be Rising Soon
Closure (Authors Note)
HOLY MOLEY (Authors Note)

Beginning of the End

459 15 1
By Sora_Storytime

(Y/n) had been a worker for the playcare for years, and never had they expected the very foundation of the factory to be from killing children and employees turning them into toys just to save a crumbling business. They thought they were just caring for the children, not leading them to their deaths. Now, here they were standing in what was once the prototypes containment area. It was messy with dried blood splattering the walls and debris cluttering the large room. There were piles of bloodied toys and some of them missing body parts left to rot in the piled. It was truly vile.

There were also some human remains such as bones and dried viscera. The trio cautiously entered the large room, making sure to avoid stepping on the rotting toy corpses left on the ground. Against the tall wall were some observation decks that looked like they were only holding on by a thread. (Y/n) cautiously took a step into the center of the room where the most blood seemed to be some of it was even fresh.

Suddenly, low lights came on, giving the room an eerie glow as a voice cooed in mock kindness. "So you finally managed to find me. Congratulations," the prototype slinked in the shadows, hiding its size and body only its metal hand visible. The prototype hummed quzically before letting out a distorted laugh. "And yet I only see three of you it would seem you left behind your one key to actually defeating me and going home. A shame, really," (Y/n) gritted their teeth, gripping the handles of their grabpack."we are ending this, now," they growled, and Dogday got into a stance to fight while Poppy held onto (Y/n).

The prototype wasn't even phased as it slowly left the shadows revealing itself into the light. The prototype towered over them, revealing its snake like amalgamation of a body with fused toys and human corpses used to make it. Huggy, Mommy, and Catnaps heads were close to the prototypes makeshift one where a PJ puggapiller was used as a neck and an upper human skeleton looked at them with red glowing eyes in the skulls empty sockets. Its metal and makeshift arm reached for the group as it shot out from the dark.

"I look forward to turning you three into body parts!" And with that, the trio fought for their lives, and freedom unaware that this was all just a game to the prototype.


Hopesong huffed and sneezed as she crawled through the dusty vents. She hated it, but it was the only way to get to the containment area without being seen. She realized why the prototype was so desperate to get rid of her its because she had the knowledge and power to end all of its plan and it couldn't afford that so it tried to keep her out of the picture. Now, it depends on her being too late.

Unlucky for it, she wasn't one to be late for anything. Hopesong paused when she heard fighting nearby and felt her heart drop. (Y/n), Poppy, and Dogday were already in the prototypes lair she quickly picked up the pace. She saw a vent cover and looked through it, seeing the inside of the containment area. (Y/n) was using the hands on their grabpack to slap and shoot flares at the prototypes face, Dogday was using a metal pipe from nearby to hit and cut into the prototype making it bleed, and Poppy was yelling out encouragements to the two.

Hopesong was impressed watching them, and it almost made her stay where she was if only so she didn't interrupt them, but that quickly faded away when the prototype shoved (Y/n) and Poppy away and then grabbed Dogday by the arm holding him up so he could look at him.

That was enough for Hopesong to start kicking at the stuck vent cover. If anyone was going to die, it was going to be the prototype and herself.


The prototype watched Dogday squirm and kick at him. It was amused by his futile attempts at getting free "Oh it was so easy to manipulate you," it cooed making Dogdag freeze "W-what...?" The prototype laughed seeing his bewildered look "I convinced you lock away your precious daughter and now you will die here knowing that you failed AGAIN" It grabbed the lower half of his body and was about to tear him in half. Dogday didn't pay attention to that. His ears were ringing he failed her. Now, he would never see her again.

A loud thunk hit the floor, making the prototype pause. Everyone looked at the now open vent, and Hopesong jumped out. She glared at the prototype and then blew her whistle. A tsunami of small toys left the vents and ran at the prototype climbing onto its body and started eating away at it. The prototype yelled in pain, dropping Dogday as it thrashed around, trying to get the small toys off.

(Y/n) rushed over to Dogday, helping him up. "Are you ok?" (Y/n) checked him over to see if he had any injuries. Dogday chuckled a bit. "I'm fine, angel." This seemed to relac (Y/n), and she kissed him on the head before turning to see Hopesong run over to them "Your lucky I can fit through vents!" Hopesong exclaimed, crossing her arms."Now the little ones can't stall him forever. Papa, Poppy start getting the electrical wires ready, (Y/n) keep it distracted, and Papa GIVE ME MY CANNON BACK" She grabbed the cannon that was still around Dogday trying to take it.

Dogday held onto it. "I'm NOT letting you get yourself killed-Poppy!?" Poppy unhooked the strap around Dogday, and Hopesong took back her cannon."She will be fine. We need to stop the prototype!" Dogday paused, looking at Poppy before looking at his daughter. His everything. "I better see you alive and standing when this is over." Hopesong smiled a bit, then hugged Dogday. "I love you, Papa." Dogday hugged her back."I love you more, my little pegasus," and what would be their final goodbyes. They parted ways.

Hopesong ran to the ladder leading up to the observational deck that would provide her with a good aim. Dogday and Poppy grab loose electrical wires and, with the help of the little ones, attached them to the prototype. (Y/n) continued shooting flares into the prototypes face. Hopesong plugged in the cannon, the green hand lighting up with electricity ready to be fired. She blew her whistle again, and the little ones jumped off the prototype and back into the safety of the vents.

Hopesong hesitated, pulling the lever knowing what would happen if she did, but she looked down at (Y/n), Poppy, and Dogday, a sad smile on her face. She was ready to finally see her aunts and uncles. "Hey! Overgrown worm!" The prototype wiped its head around facing Hopesong "I hope you enjoy hell!" Then she pulled the lever. The green hand flew in the air with unchecked electricity and once it made contact with the prototype electrical energy courses through its body and with the added on wires it becomes to much. The prototypes body started to be engulfed in explosions and flames. It screeched in agony its voice echoing around.

Hopesong didn't have time to watch as the electricity went up the wire and once it made contact with the metal cannon it exploded. The observational deck from the sudden force collapsed sending Hopesong falling into a pile of fire and metal before sending her into darkness once more.

The evil has been vanquished but there isn't much to celebrate when the light has been snuffed out.

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