The World Tour Turnabout

By DreamersWriters

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Klavier invites Apollo to join him on a world tour to celebrate Daryan's release from prison! With them is Se... More

Chapter 1: Before Departure!
Chapter 2: Reunions and Reveals
Chapter 3: Time to Leave!
Chapter 4: Kon'nichiwa Japan!
Chapter 5: Crashing Concert
Chapter 7: Saluti Italy
Chapter 8: The Wrong Deductions to the Right Conclusions
Chapter 9: Hello Again, England!
Chapter 10: The Case is Closed!
Author's Note

Chapter 6: Undercover with the International Police

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By DreamersWriters

(I did get a physical copy of this game! I am not playing it yet, but I might soon. I don't know. Right now, I am still trying to finish Hades. After that, maybe. I need a new game that is different from what I normally play. I think. I don't know yet. Anyway, I would love to have the international police involved again somehow. Maybe for Miles Investigations 3. That would be cool. Enjoy!)

(Apollo's POV)

Airplane 3 of the International Police, Lounge

May 11th, 6:03 AM

I could hear Daryran's words echoing in my head as I thought about my actions recently. I know I didn't trust him as much, but I didn't think it was that bad. I also didn't mean to ruin the concert too. I hope it is going well. Ugh, I hate it when my ears pop. Wait, why are my ears popping? Come to think of it, when did it get so cold? I blinked a couple of times and yelled out in disbelief at the setting I was in! WHY AM I IN A PLANE AND FLYIND TO AN UNKNOWN LOCATION?!

"WHERE AM I?!" I shouted from my gut as everyone turned their attention me.

"Right now, in an airplane" a weird looking older British man answered with some snark in his voice, "But if you mean our destination, that's easy! We are heading to Milan, Italy!"

Wait, WHAT?! Why am I going to Italy?!

"Relax, brother" Yuta said in a calm voice as he rose from his meditating position, "Everything will be explained now that you are awake"

"Yuta, how am I supposed to relax when we are in a plane, flying away from Klavier, and going to another location? Wait, I don't have my passport!" I shouted as I slowly realized another detail, "I also don't have my stuff! How am I supposed to do anything?!"

"Don't worry!" Lucy chimed in a little too energetically, "We had our group get yer stuff and take it with us! Everythin' will be ok!"

Believe it or not, that does not make me feel any better! How do they know these things about us?!

"Have you really not put two and two together, Defense Attorney Justice?" the detective spoke with serious tone, "Do you really not know who we are and what we do? You should know us since we did have a hand in helping the chief prosecutor all those years ago"

All those years ago? Chief prosecutor? Wait a minute!

"You're the International police! What are oyu doing here?! And what do you want with us?!" I shouted as I finally caught onto his meaning!

"Finally! Took you awhile!" the detective spoke before realizing something else, "I should introduce myself at the very least. I am the great detective, Alfendi Layton. Though, please call me Al. You may call my brother, Fendi"

He has a brother? Where?

"Ah, that's why I sensed two souls in you" Yuta spoke as he stared at the detective, "Interesting notation, but when will we meet him?"

"Whenever that idiot believes his skills will be needed for this case" Al spoke annoyed before waving his hand, "Speaking of the case, let's get to it! We've got a lot of work to cover!"

He went to pick up a laptop and display something brewing in the world. It even displayed the concert where I really screwed things up.

"Thanks to the chaos we caused at the concert, we were able to ensure of Klavier's safety" Al spoke in a thoughtful tone as he examined the notes and groaned as he contemplated something, "Did any of you notice a camera present?"

"A camera? What does Klavier have to do with this?" I asked bewildered.

"That camera was found at the docks where I was spying on a former culprit. Now that I think about it, he wasn't present either. Where is he?" Al pondered.

I noticed my questions were not going to be answered any time soon, so I examined the camera closely. Huh. Did they not notice this?

"I saw these cameras all around the venue" I spoke in a thoughtful manner, "I know I saw it there. What do the cameras do?"

"I only got a photo. I didn't see what it could do" Al confessed, "But I am sure of this, they were trying to get rid of Klavier with it"

"Why him? Sure, he can be annoying, but he's not bad" I spoke confused on why anyone would want to hurt him of all people.

If anything, I was sure someone would, oh, I don't know, want to take out me or my brother. We did do a lot to ger rid of those who were hurting our home and even threatened the law itself. Who hates Klavier? He doesn't have a lot of enemies nor makes any. If anything, he befriends everyone! Oh, right that camera! It is definitely going to be hard to find that one since all the cameras practical look the same! Hang on, maybe I am wrong. I stared at the camera closely and noticed something odd about it. My bracelet was basically gripping my wrist tightly! Yeah, that camera isn't the same as the others.

"Hey, are you ok?" Alfendi asked as he tried to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah" I replied as I continued to stare at the camera and use my bracelet to see all the details I could from it.

Wait a second! A camera doesn't need that much charge, nor does it have a honing device!

"Apollo" Yuta spoke softly as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "What do you see?"

I finally closed my eyes to stop using my gift and relaxed. I placed a hand on my face to calm myself down. Right, that power of mine can sometimes give me a headache if I don't take a break in between using it like that. Well, regardless, I better tell them what I found out.

"I know the difference between those cameras" I spoke in a serious tone, "Could you make the image of the camera bigger by chance? I can explain the differences I've noticed with it"

Alfendi was genuinely surprised as Lucy seemed eager to do that. The image was expanded before us as I nodded my head in satisfaction. Just like I thought! I pointed out the immense charge the camera had first.

"Ok, so normal cameras do not have that much power in them" I stated as Alfendi was oddly quiet and then I gestured to the honing device, "And that's definitely not on a camera. I don't know who made this, but these are not items normally on a camera. This was clearly made to get rid of someone or at least do something that is not related to what a camera needs to do"

There was silence as I waited for someone to say anything. If I am wrong, then please correct me. If not, then please say something!

"Well, looks like my dad was right about you defense attorneys" Alfendi spoke with a smirk, "You always find the finer points better than us detective at times!"

I breathed a sigh of relief before Lucy cheered loudly.

"So, what do you want us to do?" Yuta asked as I turned to him with a surprised expression, "Do you honestly believe we are going to turn them away when there is a case that could harm our friends. I know you want to help just as much as I do"

Of course, my brother knows so me so well. I couldn't help but grin as I nodded my head.

I did turn to Alfendi and Lucy to ask, "Well, if you want to have us, then sure. I haven't really be the best of a friend at the moment, so I don't know if you want that. I have caused a few problems here and there too. But if you want my help, I will gladly give it"

Daryran's words were still ringing in my head, but if they need help to make sure Klavier is safe, I will not hesitate to give it. I do hope they won't see me as someone who is getting in their way or just trouble.

"Sure thing!" Lucy shouted excitedly as she grabbed my hand to shake, "We can use all the help! After all, it is just the prof and me! Any help is good help!"

I wasn't so sure, but Yuta placed a hand on my shoulder and grinned at me.

"I believe they need our help" he spoke softly and in a knowing tone, "And didn't your teachers and our father claim that we should always help those in need. I believe we should do it"

I strongly dislike the fact that he used dad, but he's also not wrong. If they need our help and we know we can do something about it, we should do it.

"Alright" I spoke with a smile on my face, "I'll help you, but if you think I am not helping you enough, please let me go"

With that, Lucy jumped to embrace me with Alfendi holding a grin as Yuta only shook his head at me. Could you blame me? I don't want to be a hinderance to them! Anyway, I know where our next destination is, and I am sure Klavier and Seb are already there. Oh, Daryran too. I just hope they're doing ok.

(Klavier's POV)

Grand Hotel in Japan, Grand Guest Room

May 11th, 10:03 AM

Well, this is not how I thought the night would turn out. At least we were able to finish the concert in the end, but I am still worried about Apollo and Yuta. Both were in a huffy mood when they stormed off. I know for a fact that Apollo wouldn't have done anything without a good reason. I wished I could talk with him about what was happening. To my surprise, I found their belongings gone and nothing to explain their departure.

"Where do they go?" I wondered aloud as Seb was standing at my side in confusion as well.

"I don't know either" he replied just as confused as he tried to make sense of it, "Apollo would not have left without a good reason. I don't understand this either"

We both knew that, but why would he leave? I wish I could've done something to speak with him again.

"Good riddance if you ask me" Daryran spoke in a harsh tone before we turned our attention to him, "He nearly cost us the concert and even cause some trouble. I say goodbye! He has caused us enough trouble!"

I wanted to smack some sense into him, but Seb pulled my arm back to prevent me from doing such a thing. Seb slowly walked in front of me with a tense expression.

"I think there is more to it than that" Seb spoke in a quiet voice before speaking louder, "I think he had to return home for something important. Also, Apollo wasn't near the lights to turn it off when he ran on stage. I think he was up to something else"

Sebastian was correct. By the time the lights went off, Apollo was in the center of the stage. The lights are on the other side of the backstage. Sebastian had a point, but I would need to see the area to confirm this, but I do agree with Seb. Apollo doesn't do anything without a good reason. I wonder what is really happening.

"I need to make a phone call" I spoke as I noticed my phone had a bunch of messages.

Seb simply nodded his head as I stepped into my room. I had a ton of phone calls and messages from everyone! I better answer with a group call first. Well, I better start with my boss, meine dame, and the others at that agency too.

"Hallo!" I greeted to them with a charming smile before I heard a loud barrage of voices shouting at me.

The loudest was Fraulien Cykes who seemed to push little magician and her boss out of the video call to face me.

"What happened? And do not pretend you do not understand me! I can speak German, French, and Italian! What happened?!" she demanded, "Where is Apollo!? What is happening?!"

Well, she was demanding. I wonder how Apollo handles her?

"Well, it appears a number of things occurred at the opening act, but the rest of the concert was fine" I answered as I took a seat on my bed and slowly explained everything that had happened.

It was a lot to process, but just as Seb and I thought, Apollo and Nahyuta wouldn't have done anything without a reason. Herr Wright and Edgeworth agreed with us on that. However, what I said next startled them.

"They just left?" Trucy asked in disbelief with a sadden tone as she slumped against the couch.

"Ok, that doesn't sound like Apollo!" Athena shouted with Ema chiding, "And you let my boyfriend leave too!? You know, a prince and the love of my life! If you don't find him, fop, I will never work on any case with you again!"

"Hang on" Herr Wright spoke calmly as he appeared to be thinking about something, "I think I know someone who can tell us if they're ok"

"WHO?!" Ema and Athena shouted as they were preoccupied with him which meant meine dame can now speak with me.

"Are you ok?" Franziska asked softly, a rarity in her tone since we do compete so much, "I know that this cannot be easy for you to handle either. Apollo is your best friend"

She was sharp and doesn't hold anything back. She is correct though. I do worry about my friends, but I didn't expect this. If this is because of Daryran, that is rather shallow. I don't believe that to be the case though. Apollo is willing to work with others. I don't know what to think anymore.

"Well, if they're anything like my fool of a brother and Phoenix Wright then we will have nothing to fear" she answered simply, "For you see, those two did have a hand in their teachings. As much as it pains me to even admit, their teachers did teach them well. I don't have any fear for them, but I do fear for the foolhardily fool who foolish believed he could fool our fools. Do you understand, mein herr"

Just like that, I felt relieved. How does she have a wonderful way with words and know exactly what to even say to a musician?

"I've already booked a flight to Milan, Italy to be there for your concert" she spoke in a serious tone, "Do not tell me otherwise, Klavier Gavin. I will be there, and no one will be able to stop me!"

"As if I was ever going to suggest such a thing!" I replied with hands up and a chuckle of my own.

It is truly a wonder how we work well together and can handle everything that comes our way. I must confess; besides Seb, it would be grateful to have her here. Ah, I forgot about Daryran. Why is that? He is my friend, and yet, I feel as if he is up to something. I don't wish to exclude him, but perhaps this is an issue of him being in jail and almost framing me for the crime as well as trying to harm my other friends in the process. Well, he has changed, but I wonder how much though?

"So, do you want me to pick you up?" I asked her as we didn't pay attention to the others who were still waiting for Herr Wright to speak on the matter.

"It would be best if you didn't come" she spoke as she sighed, "I do not like this anymore than you do, but you have a concert to perform. It would be best to not let anyone know that I am coming to help. If anything, that could only cause everyone to worry. Keep my arrival a secret for now, even from Sebastian"

Well, she is in charge and calling the shots. I shall respect her decision for now. She understands too, I believe. She knows something is happening and wants to make sure everyone is safe before doing anything reckless.

"Hey! Klavier!" little magician spoke loudly to gain my attention, "My daddy wants to talk with you!"

"Ah, so sorry, Herr Wright" I spoke as I focused on him next, "What is it?"

Herr Wright only sighed before holding a smile with his phone in his hand. He made a call to someone about them, but I wonder who that could be?

"I just spoke with a friend of mine. He informed me that Apollo and Nahyuta are both safe. However, we may not hear from them for a while" he spoke in a calm tone, but I was even more suspicious about this.

If they're safe, why couldn't we know about their locations? Unless something else is happening to them. I glanced to Franny who seemed to understand along with Herr Edgeworth. Well, if they know what is happening, then I suppose I truly have no reason to worry.

"Alright" I spoke without the weightlifting from my shoulders, "I shall trust you, but as soon as you hear from them, do let us know"

That was all I spoke as everyone seemed to agree. I have a feeling that both Herr Wright and Edgeworth are about to do damage control with Athena and Ema. On one hand, I wished I could be there. On the other hand, thank gods I am not there. With that, we ended the call and went our separate ways. I exited my room to see a concerned Sebastian and an interested Drayan.

"Ah, it was nothing" I informed them, "We are still on for Italy! We should get packing!"

Daryran let out a hearty cheer before turning to his room to pack with Sebastian following me to my room. Once I made sure Daryran wasn't going to listen in on us before closing the door.

I turned to Sebastian and whispered, "Apollo and his brother are fine, but they are up to something. For now, we should keep up with the tour and pretend everything is fine. If we do hear from either of them, then we will act. Ok?"

Sebastian was relieved to the point where I thought he would collapse, but he caught himself.

"Thank goodness! I would feel awful if something happened to them! Ok, I can do that, Klavier!" Sebastian answered with a nod of his head as he left my room to pack.

I sighed as well. It was a relief to know that Apollo and his brother didn't leave because they were having a bad time or disliked us. Well, whenever they are, I am sure they can handle it! 

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