The window of HOPE...

By juliejones-333

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I am just a girl... a helpless, worthless girl. I don't have any hope for tomorrow, or the day after that... More

The window of HOPE...
Chapter - 1
Chapter- 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter- 4
Chapter - 5
Author's Note
Chapter- 7
Chapter- 8
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20


113 38 16
By juliejones-333


            From the eyes of an outsider, it was just an ordinary day of the week, but for her, it felt as if her entire world has crashed down. She was currently sitting in a cab heading to Bellburn Town, after she had received the call yesterday; she had all but ran to the airport and had taken the first flight available to Pheepus, the nearby city from the town since her town doesn't have an airport. There was a sense of desperation around her, maybe that was the reason why the cab driver had immediately agreed for a six hour long journey from the city to Bellburn Town. Though her body was exhausted her mind was running a mile a minute...... It was obvious in her bloodshot black eyes as they flitted to the moving scenery outside the window that she was looking for something to hold on to because inside she was trembling with fear.......... fighting her dread. The way she struggled to breathe..... Her chest heaving up and down manifested that she was trying so hard to keep it under control. She was on edge, her nerves were getting the best of her...... she doubted, what if it was too late.....and a sudden deep pain emanated in her chest...... but then she calmed herself, recalled that that girl Juliet had said she was okay.

She had one more hour to kill before she reached her destination. She was dressed casually; Khaki coloured chinos and her lacy long-sleeved blouse with her closed toe white flats, and her curly honey blonde hair were pulled in a long loose ponytail. She didn't have any makeup on her face. She reached for her canvas tote that was resting on her side, only to take her phone out; she tried to distract herself for a while by mailing her boss her leave application, explaining the urgency, she checked out her other mails from work........but her attempt to pacify her overwrought mind failed. She thought of calling Juliet or may be her friends, and ask them how is her little niece......was she okay? But then dropped the idea when she realised that it was just five in the morning. She decided to talk to the driver, "How long will it be-""A little more than half an hour miss." He responded in a lazy voice. "Are you alright now miss, you didn't look well earlier" "Ahh.... Yes I am okay.....And thanks for the ride, I mean the journey has taken the entire must be tired-""Oh no worry miss it's my job, but you shouldn't take such late journey rides miss, it is not safe." "Yeah I know, but it's an emergency....... my niece, she was almost stabbed to death.....she's in hos-""My God, By any chance are you talking about Jennifer Williams" he again cut me off but this time there was a hint of horror in his voice. I panicked and closed my eyes, she shouldn't have been surprised after all, because in a town.... everybody knows everybody's business but she was. "Y-Yeah she is my niece, I am her Aunt but how do you know?" she stupidly asked. "My brother told me..... He lives in the town, works in the pharmacy shop......he visited her along with the town's other people, said that she doesn't look good" he answered. Chloe was beyond upset, hurt that at such a time her niece was all alone. She could no longer hide her pain and a weak lone tear escaped her eye. They didn't talk anymore; he understood that she needed space and some me-time to soothe herself.

      As the driver said, in exactly forty five minutes, they reached Bellburn Town, but she didn't realise, suddenly her side door was opened, and her startled black eyes met with the blue eyes of the driver, he announced "we are here miss." "She hastily grabbed her tote in one hand and her suitcase in other hand and got out of the cab. She paid him and then thanked him again for helping her, and he dismissed it saying 'that's what any man would had done' but she knew better.

      She hurriedly made her way to the town's 'Bed and Breakfast' but in her haste slipped over the wet grass and landed on her arse with 'Oomph!' She felt as if the air was knocked out of her, she was beyond tired from her journey and lack of sleep........ But now her entire body was sore and tender. Tears clung at the back of her eyes and desperation clouded her. "You look like you could use some help?" she heard a voice and instantly looked up, and there stood an old man in front of her dressed in white shirt and white pants. She gawked at him, he looked so different yet a part of the surroundings, there was something about him......... but she couldn't put her finger on it. He noticed her gawking and said amusedly "Here take my hand." With that he moved his hand in front of her upside down, when she didn't made any move instead looked on the ground, he sighed and bent down in front of her and said in a kind voice "Let it go child......I know it hurts to let it go but sometimes it hurts more to hold on." His words appeased her pain, her guilt and her sadness. She looked into his eyes, which were full of care and love and she nodded, "I-I will try....""That's all I ask for" he smiled warmly. He took her hand in his and pulled her up; she thought he was quite fit for his age. She was dusting her clothes for any dirt, when without looking at him she asked," Do you live here..... I mean in this town?" "I live there.........." He answered vaguely. But when he didn't say anymore, she sneaked a quick look in his direction and noticed him looking up at the sky..........and she herself looked up and came to an halt. It was nearly six in the morning, she saw that radiant orange gushed out of the sun and spread across the horizon and the clouds were streaked with the incessant rays of pink. It was vivid and captivating as it tempted her to stare and hope for better days........... It felt as if the Gods in heaven were telling her to trust in herself and look forward to the hope again and most importantly to have faith in them. She felt alive for the first time in the last twelve hours.

    "Beautiful isn't it?" she murmured and kept on seeking energy and positivity from the sky although when she didn't hear anything else apart from the chirping of the birds, she turned her head to look at him, except there was no one, she searched for him with her eyes.....turned back and forth, sideways........nope nothing, "Hey are you there....? Where are you....?" She shouted, but no one answered. She was bewildered, confused.......she again looked up at the sky, for a moment she thought she saw the man's face up there between the clouds.....But when she looked up again, nothing but now she felt okay......better, and knew she wasn't alone. There was someone up there, who will take care of them.

Hey there Guys..........

Sorry it took me so long to update this chapter, but now it's up! But Chloe Miller is finally here.....!!!

Soooooo Please Reeeaaaaadddddd.................

Vote and Commentttt!!!

I would love to know what you people think about the story......:))

you can always pm me anytime.


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