Fallen Love Hazbin Hotel Char...

Por isekai_no_kami

16.7K 653 225

In the depths of Hell, an angel, forsaken and desperate for redemption, fell from the heavens, wreaking havoc... Más

Chapter 0
Unleashing Hell onto Hell
One Hell of a Team
Welcome To Hell Mother Fucker
Sleepover from Hell
Rosie's Emporium: Styling in Hell
One Hell Of A Day At LuLu World
One Hell of a day at... LooLoo Land???
Circus of Hell
Who The Hell Are You?
Hell's Best Moms
Hell's Best Dad
Update 2
Dads Of Hell and Heaven

Hell's Kitchen: making scrambled eggs

1.2K 49 16
Por isekai_no_kami

Bang Bang Bang

Razzle and Dazzle, with their usual flair, assist Charlie in hanging up a banner that reads, "Happy First Week, Sir Pentious and Y/N!"

Charlie beams with excitement, her enthusiasm infectious.

Charlie: "Absolutely perfect! I'm positively thrilled about Sir Pentious and Y/N staying at the hotel!"

Vaggie interjects, her skepticism evident in her tone.

Vaggie: "Um, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago, and Y/N is over there, pretending not to be hungover with Husk at the bar!"

As Y/N peeled themselves off the bar, a cocktail of adrenaline and regret surged through their veins.

Y/N: "Hey! I. 'm noy hungover, juat... appreciat.ing the anbiance."

Vaggie's incredulous stare pierced through the haze of alcohol.

Vaggie: "Are you guys still drunk!?"

Husk emerged from his sanctuary behind the bar, the personification of a hangover in motion.

Husk: "Deubj? Oh. , h  o.ney, thay ship sailed jiurs afo. Right   no. wM I'm ximforttsbky ctUising in thr 'I.'ve.  Kodt VOuny' t  errutoty. Vare to jiuN mr?"

With that, Husk loses his battle with gravity and retches violently onto the floor.

Y/N: "What he auid."

Y/N, spurred on by Husk's performance, follows suit and bends over the bar, joining in the symphony of retching. Angel Dust strolls in, his devilish grin widening as he observes the scene.

Angel Dust: "Ha! Y/N's vomit is a rainbow! This guy is gayer than a pride parade!"

Sir Pentious glides past them, accompanied by his egg minions, pushing a cumbersome cannon.

Sir Pentious: "Disgusting!"

Vaggie, clearly unnerved, demands answers.

Vaggie: "What the hell is that!?"

Sir Pentious, ever the mad inventor, proudly unveils his latest creation.

Sir Pentious: "Oh, hello there, purple female. This is my new invention, the 'Skin Flayer 11,000.' I'm really looking forward to using it on the other residents."

Charlie, incredulous, voices her concern.

Charlie: "What?! Why on earth would you—"

Sir Pentious cuts her off, his paranoia spiraling out of control.

Sir Pentious: "Everyone is being too nice. Obviously, it must be a ruse. I can sense they are plotting against me, but when? How!? I must be prepared!"

Y/N, brandishing a beer can, saunters toward Sir Pentious's machine and delivers a mocking tap.

Y/N: "Ha! This thing wouldn't flay a banna."

Sir Pentious glares daggers at Y/N, his temper simmering.

Sir Pentious: "Oh yeah, just you wait until it flays your skin, then we'll see who's laughing."

Y/N: "Id like to see you try."

Undeterred, Y/N leans against the wall by the entrance, cracking open their beer defiantly. Sir Pentious shoots them a death stare, but before any tension can escalate, the grand doors of the hotel swing open, revealing two intriguing women. One, clad in a crisp lab coat and holding a clipboard, exudes an air of professionalism, while the other, sporting a daring ensemble of a sleeveless black crop-top, turtleneck, and gray jean shorts, radiates confidence as she pushes a stack of giant crates into the lobby.

Sir Pentious: "Ah, the new parts for my machine have arrived."

Odette, the woman in the lab coat, steps forward gracefully.

Odette: "Please sign here."

Sir Pentious eagerly obliges, practically slithering toward the crates like a snake to its prey.

As Odette and Clara make their way toward the exit, their footsteps echoing softly against the polished floor, they both cast lingering glances at Y/N, who remains nonchalantly leaned against the wall, savoring the taste of his beer. There's an unspoken tension in the air as their eyes meet.

Y/N returns their stare with a sense of intrigue, his curiosity piqued by their reaction. The sisters' disdainful looks leave him feeling a pang of confusion, like pieces of a puzzle he can't quite place falling into a jumbled mess.

A flicker of recognition dances in Y/N's eyes as he watches them depart, a nagging feeling of familiarity lingering in the back of his mind. Yet, despite his efforts to unravel the mystery, the girls' departure leaves him with more questions than answers.

Y/N, feeling a twinge of self-awareness, adjusts the collar of his jacket with a wry smile.

Y/N: "Huh, maybe my disguise isn't as foolproof as I thought. But Carmine, now that's very intriguing."

He watches Odette and Clara disappear through the hotel doors, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

Vaggie's eyes widen in disbelief.

Vaggie: "Carmine? As in Carmella Carmine!? You're buying parts from an overlord?"

Sir Pentious interjects with a hint of pride.

Sir Pentious: "Well, of course! She's the top weapons dealer in hell."

Vaggie's expression hardens with determination.

Vaggie: "Okay, well, that stops right now."

With a swift motion, Vaggie grabs the weapon crates and wrenches them away from Sir Pentious. She strides over to Y/N, snatching the beer from his grasp and pouring it onto the ground.

Sir Pentious and Y/N protest in unison.

Sir Pentious and Y/N: "Hey!"

Vaggie doesn't back down, her tone firm.

Vaggie: "You're supposed to be bettering yourself, so stop being such a damn alcoholic! And you absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome."

Sir Pentious turns to face the group, only to be met with a chorus of middle fingers. He then directs his attention to Y/N.

Y/N: "What?"

Confused, Y/N looks around at the group flipping off Sir Pentious. Wanting to fit in, he joins in the gesture.

Sir Pentious lets out a skeptical hum.

Sir Pentious: "Hmm, I have my doubts."

Vaggie persists, her voice unwavering.

Vaggie: "Well, it's true. You have to trust us."

Sir Pentious remains hesitant.

Charlie suggests a change of focus.

Charlie: "Why don't we focus on that for today's activities?"

Vaggie sets some ground rules.

Vaggie: "Not before we lay some ground rules. No more building weapons, no more plotting against other guests, and you need to get rid of these things."

She points at the egg boys.

Sir Pentious protests.

Sir Pentious: "What? Not my little egg boys! They do my evil bidding for me."

Vaggie stands her ground.

Vaggie: "Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?"

Sir Pentious sighs in resignation.

Sir Pentious: "Yes."

Vaggie lays down the law.

Vaggie: "Then no more eggs."

Sir Pentious reluctantly gives the order.

Sir Pentious: "Alright, eggies, you have to go. I can't keep you anymore!"

Egg Boys: "Okay, boss."

Sir Pentious's expression twists with determination.

Sir Pentious: "Do not resist, my loyal minions! This is the path we must tread!"

He lets out a dramatic cry, his anguish echoing through the room, while Charlie rushes to his side, offering words of comfort.

Y/N, initially amused by Sir Pentious's theatrics, bursts into laughter, but quickly stifles it as Charlie turns to him with a stern gaze.

Y/N: "Sorry."

An hour later, everyone gathers in the lounge, taking their seats on the plush couches arranged neatly around the room. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as Charlie and Vaggie stand confidently in front of a stage adorned with a sign that reads "Trusting 101."

Charlie smiles warmly, her demeanor inviting.

Charlie: "Hi, guys! Thanks for coming!"

Y/N interjects with a touch of sarcasm.

Y/N: "We had no choice in the matter."

Charlie continues, undeterred.

Charlie: "It's been brought to our attention that there may be a little tension in the hotel."

Sir Pentious lurks behind Y/N, brandishing a ray gun threateningly, while Y/N retaliates with a dagger at Sir Pentious's throat.

Vaggie steps in, determined to defuse the situation.

Vaggie: "Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here."

Vaggie swiftly steps in, disarming them both with practiced ease, much to their protest.

Sir Pentious and Y/N in unison: "Hey, cut that out!"

Y/N retorts, pointing the finger at Sir Pentious.

Y/N: "He started it."

Charlie tries to steer the conversation back on track.

Charlie: "We think that this group could really benefit from..."

In unison, Charlie and Vaggie exclaim:

Charlie and Vaggie: "Trust exercises!"

Their synchronized enthusiasm is slightly derailed when Vaggie trips and falls, prompting Charlie to help her up with a sheepish smile.

Charlie: "Vaggie, we rehearsed this."

Y/N, bemused, remarks on their preparedness.

Y/N: "You guys rehearsed... this? That's sad."

Charlie sighs in resignation.

Charlie: "We're doing trust exercises."

Husk, ever the skeptic, questions the purpose of the gathering.

Husk: "So, what's with the whole... uh, this?"

He gestures at the stage.

Husk: "I'm not about to put on some show for these fucking chumps."

Angel Dust, always looking for an opportunity, chimes in with his usual flair.

Angel Dust: "Oh, I will, but it's cash up front. And I know that one can't afford me."

He points teasingly at Sir Pentious.

Sir Pentious recoils in horror.

Sir Pentious: "Gross! I'd never think of it, spider."

Angel Dust saunters over to Y/N, sitting on their lap and making suggestive gestures.

Angel Dust: "But for you, darling, I'd make an exception. A private show, just for you, on the house."

Y/N, clearly unimpressed, swiftly stands up, causing Angel Dust to tumble to the ground.

Vaggie attempts to regain control of the situation.

Vaggie: "Right, well, let's get started, Charlie?"

Charlie, however, suggests Vaggie take the lead.

Charlie: "Actually, I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one. I trust everyone, so maybe you know better about how to build it properly."

Vaggie, initially hesitant, is encouraged by Charlie's supportive gesture.

Vaggie: "What? Uh, I don't know if I'm qualified, uh—"

Charlie reassures her with a smile.

Charlie: "Oh, come on, it'll be easy. I'm sure you can handle this."

Feeling the pressure, Vaggie takes a deep breath and assumes a drill sergeant-style stance.

Vaggie: "All right!"

The directive from Vaggie triggers an automatic response in Y/N, causing him to snap to attention, responding instinctively to Vaggie's authoritative tone.

Vaggie marches in front of the group, addressing them with authority.

Vaggie: "So, we are starting with trust falls. Each of you will share something vulnerable about yourself with the group, then fall backward while the rest of the group catches you. Got it?"

Y/N responds with a crisp salute.

Y/N: "Yes, sir!" (Damn, I guess old habits die hard.)

Vaggie continues, seeking volunteers.

Vaggie: "Who wants to go first?"

An eager Charlie raises her hand excitedly.

Charlie: "Oooohh, oooh, me me me! Me! Me! Me!"

Vaggie: "All right, get on up here."

Charlie eagerly rushes up the stage, stumbling a bit on the way. Once up there, she delivers a heartfelt speech, tears glistening in her eyes.

Charlie: "I love you guys, like really, really love you."

With a brave smile, she turns and lets herself fall, barely caught by Vaggie and Y/N.

Vaggie: "Gotcha!"

Charlie breathes a sigh of relief.

Charlie: "That felt good!"

Y/N can't help but make a wry comment.

Y/N: "At least one of us is feeling good."

Charlie laughs and nods, then prompts Angel Dust to go next.

Charlie: "Angel, why don't you go next?"

Angel Dust, reluctantly, agrees.

Angel Dust: "Fine."

He walks up to the stage with little enthusiasm.

Vaggie lays down the rules firmly.

Vaggie: "This time, everyone needs to catch him, unless you want me to hurt you."

Y/N questions Vaggie's approach.

Y/N: "Why do you always resort to violence?"

Vaggie shoots him a pointed look.

Vaggie: "That's rich coming from you."

Their brief spat is interrupted by Angel Dust's quip.

Angel Dust: "Something about myself, huh? How about this? I love to suck—"

Husk cuts him off with a warning.

Husk: "I swear to fuck if you say dicks!"

Angel Dust clarifies with a smirk.

Angel Dust: "Popsicles, ya sicko! Get your mind out of the gutter."

He turns around and falls back hoping Y/N would catch him.

Angel Dust: "Catch me, my love."

Angel is caught, albeit reluctantly, by an annoyed Husk.

Angel Dust: "You're not my love?"

Husk drops Angel unceremoniously to the ground.

Angel Dust: "Alright, kitten, you're up."

An irritated Husk takes his turn, grumbling as he speaks.

Husk: "So, something about me... um, I hate my life and I hate all of you, except you, Y/N, you're a pretty cool cat."

Y/N gives him a thumbs up, appreciating the sentiment. Husk turns around and falls back, trusting the group to catch him.

Angel Dust can't resist a jab.

Angel Dust: "Well, aren't you an angry pussycat?"

Husk snaps back sharply.

Husk: "Shut it! Alright, your turn, kid."

Y/N waves off the invitation.

Y/N: "Nah, I'm good. You guys can catch someone else."

Angel Dust: "Come on, cutie, don't be a party pooper! Everyone's taking the plunge, even you! Let's do this!"

The collective chorus of encouragement swells around Y/N, urging him on.

Everybody: "YEAH!"

Charlie steps up to Y/N, gently clasping his hands and offering him a reassuring smile.

Charlie: "Please, Y/N, it would mean a lot to all of us to learn more about you. Do it for me?"

The group joins in, their plea resonating with sincerity.

Everybody: "PLEASE!"

Y/N sighs in resignation.

Y/N: "Fine, fine."

A wave of excitement ripples through the group.

Everybody: "YAY!"

As Y/N reluctantly ascends the stage, his mind races with uncertainty.

Y/N: (Okay, this should be easy. All I have to do is say something about myself and fall back, hoping these demons catch me. But what can I say? What should I say?)

His thoughts spiral as he stands frozen in place, grappling with his inner turmoil.

Charlie's voice breaks through his uncertainty, a beacon of support.

Charlie: "You've got this, Y/N. I believe in you."

She gives him an encouraging smile, urging him forward. With a deep breath, Y/N gathers his courage.

Y/N: "I... I want to go home."

Y/N turns around hesitantly, his trust in the group faltering.

Charlie: "We've got you, Y/N."

With Charlie's reassuring words echoing in his mind, Y/N falls back, his heart racing as he's caught by the waiting arms of the group.

Charlie: "See? I told you we've got you."

She flashes him another bright, warm smile.

Y/N: "Yeah... you did. Alright, your turn, scales."

With a nod, Sir Pentious slithers up onto the stage, ready to share his own vulnerable truth.Sir Pentious's unexpected declaration sends shockwaves through the group.

Sir Pentious: "I don't want to live without my minions. Nobody catch me."

He throws himself to the ground, and everyone freezes in disbelief as he hits the floor without anyone attempting to catch him.

Vaggie's eyes widen in incredulity.

Vaggie: "Why did no one catch him?!"

Husk shrugs indifferently.

Husk: "He told us not to catch him."

Y/N nods in agreement.

Y/N: "We were just trying to respect his choice."

Vaggie shoots them an angry glare, but before anyone can respond, Niffty rushes forward without hesitation.

Niffty: "Sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others."

Without a moment's hesitation, Niffty takes the plunge, and the group instinctively takes a step back. But just in the nick of time, Y/N catches her, his expression a mix of surprise and approval.

Y/N: "That's pretty hardcore, kid."

He gives her a smile of approval, which she returns with unbridled joy.

Niffty: "Yay! Again!"

She rushes back up and dives once more, only to be caught by Y/N again. This playful exchange continues for a while, bringing a moment of levity to the tense atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Charlie and Vaggie step aside to confer.

Charlie: "I don't know if this is really working the way we hoped. Maybe we should..."

Vaggie interrupts, her tone determined.

Vaggie: "Charlie, you have to trust me here. I've got this, okay? I'll figure something out."

As they discuss, Angel appears behind them, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

Angel Dust: "If you're in the market for some ideas, I've got just the thing for some 'trust' building."

Vaggie sighs wearily.

Vaggie: "What do you have in mind?"

While they discuss Angel's idea, Y/N continues to play catch with Niffty in the background, silently pleading for the ordeal to end.

Y/N: (Please make it stop!)

In another part of town, an annoyed Alastor strolls down the street with the egg boys in tow. Before he can proceed further, he is halted by a demon who materializes out of thin air.

Zestial: "Hark, Alastor. How fare thee this day?"

Alastor acknowledges the greeting with a nod.

Alastor: "Greetings, Zestial!"

Zestial: "Ah, the weather does become this fine day."

Alastor glances up at the sky.

Alastor: "Indeed. Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon again."

Zestial: "If our luck does hold! I do revel in the screams. How art thou?"

Alastor and Zestial fall into step together, the egg boys trailing behind them. As they walk, demons around them scurry away in fear.

Zestial: "It has been ages since thou hast graced us with thy presence. Some have spun wild tales of you falling to... holy arms."

Alastor chuckles darkly.

Alastor: "Ahaha! Oh, I just took a well-earned sabbatical, nothing serious. Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes."

Zestial joins in the laughter.

Zestial: "There too hath been rumors of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. Tell me, how does the hero of hell fall into such folly?"

Alastor's smile widens, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Alastor: "That is for me to know. But please, do guess. I'd love to hear the theories."

Zestial considers the question thoughtfully.

Zestial: "'Twould be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Thou hast been naught but an enigma since thou manifested in this realm."

Alastor nods appreciatively.

Alastor: "Coming from someone as ancient as you, I take that as quite the compliment."

They continue walking until they reach an elevator, both stepping inside. Alastor swiftly blocks the Egg Boys from entering, commanding them to guard the door. With a ding, the elevator doors close, and the lift begins its ascent. Unbeknownst to everyone, Frank manages to slip in accidentally, trailing behind Alastor.

As the elevator reaches its destination, Alastor and Zestial step out and enter a room filled with other overlords. Frank follows closely behind, his presence unnoticed at first. The overlords take their seats, and a hushed anticipation fills the room as Carmilla strides forward, her two daughters in tow.

Carmilla: "Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new examination schedule. We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interests."

Carmilla turns to face Zestial, who gracefully takes a seat and summons a cup of tea.

Carmilla: "Zestial, so good to see you, my friend."

Zestial: "Enchanted as always, Carmilla."

A genuine but surprised expression fills her face. She then directs her attention to Alastor.

Carmilla: "Alastor?"

Alastor, with his characteristic charm, addresses the group.

Alastor: "Yes, yes, I know. I've been absent for some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering."

Carmilla responds with a nonchalant remark.

Carmilla: "Not really, but welcome back in any case."

Alastor gives her an annoyed glance, but Carmilla proceeds with her briefing.

Carmilla: "This year's extermination was brutal, far more so than in years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost. Now, I know it's not as bad as the 'Angelic Armageddon' or the 'Reapers Wrath,' but with the Angelic legions now returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we—"

The sudden entrance of Velvette, accompanied by her animated conversation, interrupts Carmilla's speech, capturing the attention of the entire room.

Velvette: "Yes, I have it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought. HaHaHA! Yes, I know they're all a joke. Thank you, Vee. See you soon. Kisses, darling."

Carmilla acknowledges her arrival.

Carmilla: "Nice of you to join us, Velvette. Will your colleague be joining?"

Velvette dismisses the idea with a wave of her hand.

Velvette: "No, they have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit. I'm here to represent!"

Carmilla continues with her agenda, but before she can proceed further, Velvette energetically interrupts once more, much to Carmilla's annoyance.

Carmilla: "Yes?"

Velvette: "On the subject of discussion–"

Velvette throws a decapitated head of an Exorcist into the room, causing a collective reaction of surprise and intrigue.

Odette: "Oh, shit."

Alastor: "Oh, tasty!"

Carmilla questions the origin of the head.

Carmilla: "Where did you get this?"

Velvette explains its discovery during extermination day, presenting it as a significant development.

Velvette: "We found it during extermination day. If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed."

She climbs onto the table, capturing everyone's attention as she begins to walk.

Velvette: "We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan."

Before Velvette can elaborate on her plan, Zestial deliberately sips his tea, drawing attention away from her.

Zestial: "If it be true that you and your colleagues desire war with such meager proof, you are far more foolish than I thought."

Velvette scoffs at his skepticism.

Velvette: "Meager proof? It's a dead fucking exorcist! I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive. Are you going blind, old man?"

Zestial maintains his calm demeanor.

Zestial: "We know not how it perished. Perhaps it was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without certainty, might they purge all of Hell for daring another uprising?"

The room falls into murmurs as everyone contemplates the weight of Zestial's cautionary words. Zestial's words carry a weight of experience and history as he addresses Velvette's dismissive attitude.

Zestial: "I expecteth thee not to comprehend, forsooth, since thou and the Vees were not e'en in Hell when Lucifer didst mount the first rebellion against Heaven. At that time, we had double the demons and double the Overlords, yea, so dire was the conflict that Hell was nigh destroyed had it not been for God and Lucifer striking a pact. Hell would have been eradicated! And let us not forget The Reaper. He single-handedly brought Hell to its knees. What wouldst thou do then if Heaven were to send another fallen angel like unto him?"

Velvette, undeterred, responds with her characteristic confidence.

Velvette: "Please, you guys lost that war because you were weak, that simple. And The Reaper, HA! I could eat him for breakfast!"

Zestial's tone turns more serious as he rebukes Velvette's arrogance.

Zestial: "Ye fools indeed! Thou hast not beheld the horrors of war as we have. What knowest thou?"

Velvette, sensing Carmilla's discomfort, attempts to provoke Zestial further.

Velvette: "Oh, I get it. So grandpa is too pussy to fight. So I guess there's no point, right? Oh, what's the matter, fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab for–"

Carmilla: 🎶You better show some respect

Check your behaviour

No one speaks to Zestial that way

Did you expect us to sit back and take your

Insolent brazen display?🎶

Velvette: 🎶Haha, you've got it twisted

I'm not the one who needs a new attitude

Maybe you missed it

But I'm that hashtag bitch

And I will do nothing less than what I please (woo)

I'm the backbone of the Vees

Mad that I'm actin' respectless

Well it's 'cause no one could respect this

Sorry group attendin'

Since when are overlords too scared to fight?

You're long past trendin'

Sorry babe but I ain't swiping right

You lost your relevance🎶

Zestial: 🎶We can't act without more intelligence🎶

Velvette: 🎶Ugh, no wonder I'm so respectless

I could eat you lot for breakfast🎶

Carmilla: 🎶You and the Vees are inane and uninformed

Smug wannabes, who don't heed when you've been warned🎶

Velvette: 🎶Oops! Did I strike a nerve?

'Cause when I brought out the angel's head

Couldn't help but observe

That your wrinkled face was turning red

And why are you avoidin' war?

That's what the guns you sell are for

Thanks to my being respectless

On thing I'm starting to suspect is

You know why this angel's headless

Do you have a disclosure?🎶

Carmilla: 🎶This meeting's over!🎶

Alastor: "That was a productive meeting."

Velvette: "Humph, fine. Safe travels back to the nursing home, fuckers. Kiss my ass!"

Velvette leaves, laughing and flipping everyone off, leaving a tense atmosphere in her wake.

Zeezi: "What the hell? We literally just got here."

The rest of the overlords depart, and Carmilla, her daughters, and Zestial move into another room. Intrigued, Alastor commands Frank to follow suit.

As the scene shifts back to our main group, they find themselves in an unexpected location: a dimly lit BDSM dungeon. The air is thick with the scent of leather and anticipation, while various contraptions and implements of pleasure and pain adorn the walls.

Vaggie's frustration mounts as she tries to comprehend their surroundings.

Vaggie: "Angel! What the actual fuck!?"

Y/N: "So, this is Hell's armory? Interesting."

Angel Dust: "No activity requires more trust than BDSM, baby. No bond stronger than those formed through bondage. That's their motto."

Charlie, struggling to find the right words, attempts to address the situation delicately.

Charlie: "Angel, love the enthusiasm but, umm, uh... Hmm..."

Vaggie: "What makes you think anyone would be into this?!"

Their attention shifts to Husk, who seems quite content receiving a massage while emitting cat-like purrs.

Husk: "Ya know, I... I don't hate this."

Suddenly, Y/N and Niffty emerge in full gimp outfits.

Y/N: "Charlie, look what I found! A suit of Hell's armor!"

Charlie's expression shifts to one of disbelief.

Charlie: "Y/N, Niffty, what are you two wearing?!"

Niffty: "I'm ready to punish some bad boys!"

Husk, reconsidering, decides to make a swift exit.

Husk: "Yeah, never mind, I'm out."

Y/N removes his gimp mask, revealing his face.

Y/N: "Man, I don't know how you expect to fight in this armor. You can't even see through the mask, this armor isn't flexible or protective, and most of your weapons here wouldn't even kill."

Charlie, flustered, tries to regain her composure.

Charlie: "Can you please take it off? Also, I hope you aren't naked underneath."

Charlie, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment, instinctively covers her eyes, attempting to shield herself from Y/N. Despite her efforts to resist temptation, her curiosity gets the better of her, and she can't help but steal a small peek through her fingers.

Vaggie, exasperated, expresses her dismay.

Vaggie: "Ugh, I can't fucking believe I let you drag us here, Angel. This is disgusting!"

Charlie attempts to diffuse the tension.

Charlie: "It's no big deal, Vaggie. You know, maybe I can just help, uh–"

Vaggie, firm in her resolve, interrupts.

Vaggie: "No, I told you you could trust me. And I'm not going to let you down. I just need to teach them the way I was taught."

Y/N's eyes light up with a mischievous glint as he surveys the array of implements in the BDSM dungeon. With a playful grin, he grabs hold of a whip, testing its weight and flexibility with a few experimental swings.

Y/N: "Now this! This I like!"

He twirls the whip expertly, the leather strands cutting through the air with a satisfying swish. The potential for mischief and mayhem dances in his mind as he imagines the possibilities with such a weapon in hand.

Y/N: "I can do some real damage with this weapon, Charlie. Can I take it?"

A couple of minutes later, the group finds themselves standing atop a destroyed building, overlooking a chaotic battlefield.

Charlie: "This is how you learned to trust people!?"

Y/N: "This is how I learned."

Vaggie assumes her drill sergeant mode, a determined glint in her eyes.

Vaggie: "There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades in arms. Buckle up, buttercups, because today you boys become men!"

Her smile takes on a sinister edge as she picks up Sir Pentious.

Sir Pentious: "Wait, wait! I can't fight without my minions–"

Before he can finish, Vaggie hurls him onto the battlefield.

Sir Pentious: "AHHH!"

Vaggie: "You are going to survive together!"

Her attention then shifts to Angel, who tries to protest as she lifts him up.

Vaggie: "And you are going to make this hotel work!"

Angel Dust: "D-don't you even think about it–"

With a forceful toss, Angel is sent plummeting off the building, his screams echoing in the air. Meanwhile, Husk slowly steps away in the background, clearly wanting no part in this.

Vaggie then turns to face Y/N, determination etched on her features as she moves to grab him.

Y/N: "Touch me, and you lose your hands."

With a daring leap, Y/N lands amidst the swirling smoke, his laughter echoing around him as he emerges from the haze. As the fog dissipates, revealing the grim reality of the battlefield, Y/N spots Sir Pentious and Angel Dust taking cover behind a nearby car.

Undeterred by the danger surrounding them, Y/N strides confidently toward his companions, his eyes glinting with determination and a hint of mischief.

Y/N takes charge amidst the chaos of battle, issuing orders with authority and determination.

Y/N: "Alright, men, if you want to survive, follow my command! Spider, you flank their guard, and Snake, you provide cover fire while I lead the charge! Alright, go!"

With a swift motion, Y/N rushes into the fray, his new whip crackling with anticipation. Sir Pentious, trembling with fear, rolls up in terror, while Angel Dust attempts to flank their adversaries.

With a devilish grin, Y/N charges into the heart of the fray, his eyes gleaming with excitement and his whip crackling with anticipation. Meanwhile, Sir Pentious trembles in terror, and Angel Dust darts around, attempting to outmaneuver their adversaries.

Y/N: "Alright, time to put this new toy to the test!"

Drawing his whip with lightning speed, Y/N lashes out, snagging a demon by the neck and yanking it towards him with a ferocious command.

Y/N: "Get over here!"

The demon's head is torn from its body in a gruesome display of strength, sending a shiver down the spines of their foes. Dodging incoming attacks, Y/N ducks behind a nearby car, using his leg to push it forward with a mighty shove, pinning two demons against the wall in a crushing blow.

Bounding atop the car with the agility of a predator, Y/N dispatches the trapped demons with lethal precision, a wild grin on his face as he twists heads and delivers bone-crunching kicks.

Meanwhile, Angel Dust unleashes a barrage of gunfire, his weapons blazing as he dances between enemies, a whirlwind of chaos and destruction.

Angel Dust: "I've got your back, babe!"

But danger lurks closer than they realize, as a demon attempts to sneak up on Angel Dust from behind. With a quick flick of his whip, Y/N snags the demon by the neck, effortlessly ripping out its spine with a chilling laugh.

Y/N: "And I have this guy's back! Hahaha!"

Hearing Sir Pentious's desperate cries for help, Y/N swiftly turns around, only to find the hapless demon being pursued by a knife-wielding imp. With a resigned sigh, Y/N moves to intervene, but his path is unexpectedly obstructed by Niffty, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Y/N: "What are you doing here?"

Niffty: "I want to get in on the action!"

Y/N: "Works for me.''

Y/N grins, lifting Niffty up by the head with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Y/N: "Tactical Niffty inbound!"

With a powerful thrust, he propels her through the air, and she lands atop the imp with deadly precision, unleashing a barrage of vicious stabs.

The battlefield becomes a frenzied symphony of chaos and violence as Y/N and Niffty cut through demons with lethal efficiency, Sir Pentious scurries frantically to escape his relentless pursuers, and Angel Dust valiantly holds off waves of attackers.

After what seems like an eternity, the battle finally draws to a close, with Y/N carrying a wounded Angel Dust and an unconscious Sir Pentious on his shoulders, while Niffty perches triumphantly atop his head.

Y/N: "That was quite fun! What's next?"

Barely able to speak, Angel Dust weakly points towards Vaggie, his expression a mix of pain and accusation.

Angel Dust: "I blame you for this, you crazy witch. You'll be receiving my medical bills."

With his final words uttered in jest, Angel Dust succumbs to unconsciousness, leaving a somber atmosphere in his wake. Charlie passes by, her gaze meeting Y/N's with a mixture of sadness and determination.

Charlie: "Let's go home, guys."

Y/N: "But why?!"

With a disappointed pout, Y/N reluctantly carries his companions down from the battlefield

In Carmilla's dimly lit office, Zestial offers his support as she drowns her sorrows in a bottle of alcohol.

Zestial: "Carmilla, what troubles thou? Losing thy composure is unlike thee."

Carmilla lets out a heavy sigh.

Carmilla: "It's nothing, Zestial. Truly."

Zestial presses on, sensing her distress.

Zestial: "The felld angel ...twas by thy hand was it not?"

Carmilla's expression darkens, her gaze falling to the floor.

Clara, her daughter, interjects gently.

Clara: "Mom, maybe he should know."

Carmilla's tone grows more resolute.

Carmilla: "No one needs to know what I did. I won't discuss it."

Zestial, ever the loyal friend, persists in his attempts to console her.

Zestial: "Old friend, what troubles thee? I beseech thee, share thy burden. If thou hast slain the angel, why not reveal thy power?"

Carmilla's eyes meet his, filled with a mixture of pain and uncertainty.

Carmilla: "If only it were that simple, old friend. But I made a promise long ago, one I cannot break. Hell must never know."

Zestial's expression softens with understanding.

Zestial: "I promise thy secret is safe with me. I merely seek to aid thee."

Carmilla hesitates for a moment before relenting, her trust in him evident.

Zestial: "Hath we not endured enough that thou couldst trust me?"

Carmilla: "You're right. But what I'm about to tell you stays within these walls."

Zestial nods solemnly, a gesture of his unwavering loyalty.

Carmilla rises from her seat, her gaze fixed on the horizon beyond the window.

Carmilla: "Long ago, I encountered someone who taught me the art of crafting holy weapons capable of slaying both demons and... angels."

???: "With my blood, you shall wield the power to forge weapons capable of vanquishing both demons and angels."

The stranger's voice carries an otherworldly resonance, captivating Carmilla's attention as they present her with a vial of shimmering golden blood.

???: "A single drop can imbue any weapon with divine potency."

Carmilla accepts the vial with a mixture of fascination and apprehension, the weight of such power palpable in her grasp.

Young Carmilla: "I shall use it judiciously."

But as the stranger's demeanor shifts, a shadow of warning taints their words.

???: "Yet, heed my caution, demon. Should you dare to wield these weapons against an angel and incur the wrath of God, the consequences shall be dire."

Carmilla's gaze narrows with intrigue, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic stranger's foreboding words.

Young Carmilla: "And what manner of consequences would these be?"

The stranger's eyes gleam with an ominous gleam, their voice carrying the weight of prophecy.

???: "Imagine not the wrath of angels, but the fury of archangels descending upon heaven to cleanse it of your transgressions. You and all whom you hold dear shall face obliteration. Do you comprehend the gravity of your choice?"

Carmilla's resolve strengthens, her determination unyielding in the face of such ominous portents.

Young Carmilla: "I understand well the stakes. Rest assured, I shall tread carefully."

Carmilla: "So now you know why I can't let this secret out."

Zestial nods gravely, his eyes reflecting understanding.

Zestial:"Aye, I see it indeed. If Archangels were to descend unto Hell, we would be helpless to halt them."

Carmilla's expression darkens with self-reproach.

Carmilla: "I can't believe I was such an estúpida. I might have doomed us all. But when I saw that thing near my daughter, I couldn't think straight."

She pulls her daughters close, holding them protectively. Zestial's comforting gesture offers a semblance of solace.

Zestial: "My friend, thou didst what any would do. Thou needst not apologize."

Carmilla: "Thank you, Zestial."

As their conversation continues, Zestial's curiosity piques.

Zestial: "But may I inquire, who was this person of whom thou speakest?"

Carmilla's expression turns guarded, her resolve firm.

Carmilla: "I'm afraid that's a secret I must keep."

Zestial bows respectfully, understanding the gravity of her decision.

Zestial: "I respect thy choice. Fret not, what thou hast said shall never depart this chamber."

Behind a potted plant, Frank stands in the shadows, his ears attuned to every word exchanged between Carmilla and Zestial. As they conclude their conversation, Frank slips away silently, his mission clear: report back to Alastor.

Alastor awaits Frank's return with a keen interest, his smile widening as Frank approaches.

Alastor: "So, what did you hear?"

Frank, eager to share his findings, launches into a rapid-fire summary.

Frank: "First off, the old guy mentioned something about you not being yourself, and then the lady admitted she killed an angel! And then she said something about a stranger giving her some kind of fluid to make weapons, and Archangels are on their way—"

Alastor's interest peaks at the mention of the angel's demise.

Alastor: "Wait, what? She killed an angel?"

Frank nods vigorously, his eyes wide with excitement.

Frank: "Yeah, boss! And she's keeping it a big secret!"

Alastor's grin widens at the revelation, his mind already racing with possibilities.

Alastor: "Interesting. And what about the last part?"

Frank hesitates, trying to recall the details.

Frank: "Oh yeah, she mentioned something about Archangels coming!"

Alastor's expression darkens momentarily, a hint of concern flickering across his face.

Alastor: "Hmm, this could prove rather troublesome. It seems I may need to deploy my secret weapon sooner than expected. Let's keep this between us, shall we?"

Frank nods eagerly, eager to be part of Alastor's plans.

Frank: "You got it, boss!"

Alastor: "Now, come. We're taking a trip to the Sloth Ring."

Back at the hotel, Vaggie stands atop its roof, her voice carrying through the night air as she sings:

Vaggie: 🎶Whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes...🎶

But her serenade is rudely interrupted by the sudden intrusion of Angel Dust, bursting through a nearby window.

Angel Dust: "Shut the fuck up, we're trying to rest over here!"

Vaggie shoots him a glare as he slams the window shut. Minutes later, Vaggie enters the hotel and approaches a dejected Charlie.

Vaggie: "Hey."

Charlie: "Hey."

Vaggie lets out a heavy sigh, her shoulders sagging with exhaustion.

Vaggie: "I'm sorry I got so crazy today."

Charlie shakes her head, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Charlie: "No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put pressure on you. We're a team, remember? I guess I just expected things to go smoother. But we'll figure it out together. And hey, look at the bright side, your exercise did wonders for them."

Charlie gestures towards the lobby where laughter fills the air.

Angel Dust: "And then when that buff guy started beating the shit outta you."

Sir Pentious: "Ha ha! Yes, with the dismembered arm. Yes, that was particularly unpleasant."

Niffty: "I liked the part where Y/N kept throwing me."

Husk joins the group, giving Sir Pentious a hearty pat on the back.

Husk: "Well hey, at least you can take a beating like a champ. You did okay, new kid."

Sir Pentious: "Really? Oh, well, I suppose I did get into a little of the old rough and tumble today. HA ha!"

Y/N offers a reassuring pat on Sir Pentious' back, a playful glint in his eye as he delivers his jest.

Y/N: "Don't let it go to your head now. I had to swoop in to save you, what, a dozen times? HA! But seriously, you did acceptable."

Sir Pentious: "I did acceptable! Yay! Your praise means the world, especially coming from you. And thank you for having my back back there."

Y/N pulls Sir Pentious closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulders in a gesture of camaraderie.

Y/N: "Anytime, Snake."

Their laughter rings out, a harmonious symphony of shared victory and mutual respect.

Vaggie: "Well, how about that?"

The hotel doors swing open, revealing a visibly irritated Alastor, though his trademark smile remains plastered on his face.

Vaggie: "Alastor... failed to get rid of the eggs, I see."

Alastor: "Yes, well, the little monsters proved to be rather useful."

Vaggie: "Why don't you give them back to Sir Pentious?"

Sir Pentious: "Really?!"

Vaggie: "Yeah, after today, I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons."

Sir Pentious darted forward eagerly, clutching the eggs to his chest.

Sir Pentious: "Ah, my dear eggs! It's a delight to have you back. But wait... why are there only four?"

Alastor: "Oh, I may have misplaced one. But fret not, I'll find the little rascal."

Sir Pentious: "As long as I have one, I'm content. Now, off you go, eggies, to clean my quarters!"

Sir Pentious screams at his eggs, displaying a surprisingly tender side to his otherwise menacing demeanor.

Charlie: "Maybe things will move faster than you think."

As Charlie glances around, she catches Alastor's gaze fixed on her. She gives him a friendly wave, to which he responds in kind. Unbeknownst to her, beneath Alastor's smiling facade, a simmering anger starts to brew.

Meanwhile, in Sir Pentious's chamber, he carefully tucks his four eggs into bed, each receiving its own special place. With a satisfied nod, he then settles himself in.

Sir Pentious: "Ah! How was your day with Alastor, my little ones?"

Frank: "It was awesome, boss! I went to this meeting, and there was a lady with knives, an old guy, and a... dinosaur!"

Sir Pentious: "That's... interesting."

Frank: "And the lady with knives killed an angel, but I wasn't supposed to talk about it."

Sir Pentious: "Oh, I'm sure. Perhaps you'll meet Martians tomorrow. But for now, it's time for sleep. Goodnight, my precious little eggs."

Frank: "Oh, and by the way, the Reaper escaped."

Four hours earlier, deep within the heart of the sloth ring, Alastor stands amidst the eerie silence of a blood-stained temple. The air is thick with tension, and the walls seem to ooze with the remnants of ancient atrocities.

Alastor's eyes gleam with a sinister light as he gazes upon the empty coffin before him, his voice a low, menacing growl that reverberates through the chamber.


His words pierce the stillness like a blade, dripping with venom and malice. With a sudden, violent motion, he seizes one of the trembling egg boys, their terrified screams echoing off the blood-streaked walls.

The hapless egg boy's cries are silenced in an instant as Alastor's grip tightens, and shatters it, the contents spilling onto the floor.

Alastor: "Only the blood of Lucifer could unbind these chains. So who..."

Alastor's transformation is swift and terrifying to behold. His once-human form contorts and distorts, his skin twisting into grotesque patterns as dark, primal energy surges through him. His eyes blaze with unholy fire, their pupils dilating into slits as he unleashes a guttural, wendigo-like scream that seems to tear at the very fabric of reality.

The chamber itself seems to recoil from the force of his rage, the walls trembling as if in fear. Shadows writhe and twist, taking on grotesque, demonic forms that dance and cavort in the dim light, adding to the sense of otherworldly horror that permeates the space.

Alastor: "CHARLIE!!!"

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