Billionaire Villainess (Unedi...

By HighInCoco

82.9K 3.5K 384

The MC may seem cringey in the first few chapters, but please give this story a chance. This story is an exp... More

Death (Edited 8/31/24)
New Appearance (Edited 8/31/24)
The Memories (8/31/24)
Her Options (Edited 12/25/23)
Meeting the Wellesters ( Edited 8/31/24)
She Messed Up (Edited 12/25/23)
Judgement (Edited 8/31/24)
Computer (Edited 8/31/24)
Orientation (Edited 12/25/23)
Annoyance (Edited 12/25/23)
Meeting (Edited 12/25/23)
Pushing To Her Limit (Edited 1/3/24)
Plan Failed (Edited 1/3/24)
The Fifth Male Lead (Edited 1/18/24)
Club ( Edited 1/17/24)
Accepted (Kind of) (Edited 1/18/24)
Private Talk
Aftermath (Edited 8/31/24)
Gossip and Planning
They Are Actually Not Bad
Verona (Edited 8/31/24)
Project Idea (Edited 2/29/24)
Phone Call With Her "Dad"
Boys And Girls Together
Thrills, Twinkies, and Tension
Splitting Up
Ferris Wheel
The End of A Fun Day
The Project: Planning
Allowance Cut
Job Searching
The Project: Design pt. 1
The Project: Design pt. 2
What Is She Up To? (Gabriel)
What Is She Up To? (Verona)
Got The Job
They Think It's A Game (Extended 7/14/24)
The Project: Development
Lines Crossed
Emergency Meeting (Edited 8/31/24)
Birth of a Rivalry
The Project: Content Creation
Walking Together

The Vandersons (Edited 3/1/24)

1.8K 91 7
By HighInCoco

The next morning, Judith found herself reluctantly driving towards the imposing Wellester mansion. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from anger at being forced to explain her actions to frustration with the original's father's lack of understanding. As she approached the grand entrance, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the impending confrontation.

The Vandersons were already waiting in the lavish living room along with Judith's own "family" consisting of her parents, Damian, and Verona. The Wellesters and Vandersons sat across from each other. Gabriel, sitting beside his parents, looked uncomfortable as he avoided eye contact with Judith. The tension in the room was palpable.

"Judith," Her father greeted her sternly. "You are here at last. Please, have a seat."

Judith took a seat on the single counch between the two families, her posture radiating defiance. The room seemed to close in on her, but she refused to let it break her resolve.

Gabriel's parents are named Erik and Irina Vanderson. His father looks like an older version of Gabriel with the same copper hair, except his eyes are gray. His mother has the same blue eyes as Gabriel, and shoulder-length wavy blonde hair.

Mr. Vanderson spoke next, his tone cold, "We were shocked to hear about the termination of the engagement. Our families have worked hard to establish this union for the benefit of both parties. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Worked hard my a*s! All you have to do is say a few words than 'Bam!' an engagement happens!

Judith looked directly at Gabriel before responding, "I won't pretend that everything is fine. Gabriel and I have realized that our personalities clash. However, there are certain things I won't tolerate, such as physical violence."

She recounted the incident from the school where Gabriel accuses her of harming Verona, making her sister fidget nervously. She emphasized that Gabriel had initiated the aggression by slapping her on the face. The room fell silent as the Vandersons absorbed the revelation. On the Wellesters side, Judith's mother Elana and her brother Damian have a shocked expression.

Gabriel's face turned several shades of red as Judith explained the situation, a mix of embarrassment and anger.

Mrs. Vanderson broke the silence, her voice stern, "Violence is unacceptable in any relationship. Gabriel, is this true?"

Caught off guard, Gabriel stammered, "Well, she provoked me! I didn't expect her to fight back."

Judith interjected, "Regardless, violence should never be justified. I won't compromise my well-being for the sake of an engagement. If our families value their connections, they should consider the consequences of aligning with someone who resorts to physical harm."

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. The Vandersons exchanged glances, weighing the information presented to them.

Mr. Vanderson finally spoke, "We need time to discuss this matter privately. Please excuse us for a moment."

Judith nodded, watching as the Vandersons exited the room. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and Judith could feel the scrutiny from her own family. Her father, Arthur, spoke up, his voice low but intense, "Judith, you've really put us in a difficult position."

Judith's mother, Elana, sighed and chimed in, "Sweetheart, we understand that Gabriel's actions were inexcusable, but you need to consider the consequences of breaking off this engagement."

Damian, her older brother, scoffed, "I'd say good riddance that this engagement is being called off! She is way out of his league, so she is not suitable to be by Gabriel's side!"

"If you want him, you can have him!" Judith shot back at him, surprising the Wellesters besides Arthur.

"What did you just say?!" Damian was taken aback.

"I know how much you love praising that jerk! So maybe you should get to marry him instead of me!"

Her older brother just blinks repeatedly, in disbelief at what he just heard from her mouth.

"A-are y-you assuming that I'm gay!" He stammered.

Judith decided to not answer him and continue speaking. "Anyway, I won't sacrifice my dignity for a potentially toxic relationship according to Gabriel's actions."

Verona, her sister, looked worried, but internally she is actually very happy for this outcome.

With Judith no longer engaged to Gabriel, she can now have him for herself.

Judith doesn't deserve Gabriel.

Keeping her caring sister persona, Verona spoke next. "Can't there be a compromise, Judith? Maybe Gabriel can apologize, and you both can find a way to move forward without breaking off the engagement entirely?"

Judith became irked at Verona's act, decided to call her out in front of everyone.

Judith glared at Verona, her frustration boiling over. "Verona, stop pretending to be concerned. You continuing the innocent white lotus act makes me want to hurl. I've made my decision, and I won't compromise my principles for the sake of appearances. Gabriel's actions were unacceptable, and I won't entertain the idea of salvaging a relationship with someone who resorts to violence."

Damien abruptly stood up and point his finger at her sharply, "Judith, watch your tone! Verona is genuinely trying to find a solution, unlike you, who seems more interested in blaming everyone else for your problems."

Judith blinks a few times. According to her memories, the original Judith's only problems are her grades and falling in love with the wrong guy.

Since when did the original blame others for her problems?

It's official. This guy is on my sh*t list.

In the villainess novels I used to read in my past life, one of the characters I usually hate are the stupid older brothers who defends the white lotus b*tches.

The idiot continues, his voice firm, "Just because you've decided to walk away from this engagement doesn't mean you can berate Verona just because you feel like it! Verona cares about you, and you should appreciate that instead of snapping at her!"

Judith narrowed her eyes at her so-called brother. She didn't immediately respond back, not willing to waste energy on someone she sees as trash. The room fell silent, the tension shifting from the broken engagement to the unexpected confrontation within the Wellester family.

Damien, unyielding, addressed Judith directly, "You're quick to criticize, but have you considered the impact of your decisions on the family? This goes beyond your personal feelings. Verona is trying to suggest a compromise for the sake of our family's reputation, and you should at least hear her out."

Judith, feeling cornered, again shot back at him, "This isn't about Verona or the family. It's about me standing up against any kind of violence and refusing to be in a toxic relationship. I won't apologize for prioritizing my well-being over some societal expectations."

Damien crossed his arms, his expression unwavering. "No one's asking you to apologize for that. But you could handle things with more tact and respect for others. We're still a family, and your actions affect all of us. Verona is just trying to navigate a difficult situation, and you should respect that."

Judith glared at Damien, a mixture of anger and frustration on her face.

"Respect is earned, and she definitely doesn't earn it. Nothing I will say will ever get through to you, so why bother? I know that you never see me as your sister anyway. Just know that I think of you as a blind ignoramus buffoon."

Damien's face reddened with rage.

"Y-you! What the f*ck did you just call me?!"

Elana, their mother, decided to intervene. "Both of you, that's enough! There shouldn't be any fighting!" She reprimanded them harshly.

Then looking directly at Judith she said, "Judith, apologize to Verona! You shouldn't have spoken to your sister that way!"

Verona shifted uncomfortably when Judith's gaze turned her way.

"I don't think I will." She deadpanned.

"Judith!" Elana and Damien yelled simultaneously.

"Everyone enough!" Arthur bellowed. "You all need to control yourselves! "This situation has spiraled out of control! Judith, apologize to your sister right now!" He ordered angrily.

Just as Arthur said that, the Vandersons returned to the room. Mr. Vanderson's expression was stern, indicating a decision had been made. Judith braced herself for the outcome.

Mr. Vanderson addressed the room, his voice firm, "After careful consideration, we have decided that the engagement between Gabriel and Judith will be annulled. It's clear that there are irreconcilable differences, and we won't force them into a union that's marred by such conflicts."

Gabriel's face tightened with frustration from speaking with his parents, but he remained silent. The Wellesters exchanged glances, anticipating the consequences of this decision.

Mr. Vanderson continued, "We appreciate the effort both families have put into this union, but it's in the best interest of everyone involved to move forward separately."

Arthur nodded in understanding, albeit reluctantly,"We respect your decision, Mr. Vanderson. Sometimes, things don't work out as we plan."

Mr. Vanderson and his family prepared themselves to leave, although Gabriel wanted to say something to his father as he glanced at Verona. The atmosphere was heavy with disappointment. However, before they could exit, Arthur suggested something unexpected, "Wait, there might be a solution that benefits both families. Gabriel is still a suitable match, and I propose that he be engaged to Verona instead."

The room fell into a stunned silence. Verona's eyes widened, and she glanced at Judith to see her reaction, who is just silently picking at her nails with a uncaring expression. Gabriel looked shocked, as well as Damien and Elana.

Arthur continued, "This way, the alliance between our families can be maintained. It's a fair compromise."

Mr. Vanderson, considering the proposal, took a moment before responding, "That's an unusual suggestion, Arthur. But if both Gabriel and Verona agree, and they understand the responsibilities that come with such a union, we might consider it."

Verona looked at Gabriel, uncertain of how he would react. Gabriel nodded, seemingly eager, "If it helps maintain the alliance, and Verona is agreeable, I'll consider it."

"Verona, do you agree to be engaged to Gabriel?" Arthur asked his youngest daughter.

Without hesitation, Verona replied with a smile,
"Yes father, I agree to the engagement."

Gabriel smiles.

Mr. Vanderson nodded approvingly, "Then it is settled. The alliance between the Vandersons and Wellesters will continue with the engagement of our son with your youngest daughter."

Arthur and Damien sighs in relief, while Elana tries not to squeal in excitement.

As everyone in the room discusses the new set up for the engagement, Judith was ignored.

Not willing to stay any longer, Judith took her chance to leave, so she snuck away without them noticing.

I had to cancel my plans for this unnecessary drama, she thought in irritation as she left the mansion.

This world is already making her go crazy.

Note: Over 1700 words. Probably my longest chapter so far.

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