The Rejected|BxB

By money_festing

35.1K 1.5K 239

Just when Mizuki thought he had found his one true mate, his entire world turned upside down. He went from t... More



624 36 3
By money_festing


The cycle of life and death, we were meant to be alive until our time came, and our wolves were to return back to where they came in hopes of getting to bond with another.

We were all happy until we weren't.

We are alive until we die.

But there was a place between life and death, where the lost and broken are sent to wander. When you are not stable enough to stay on the land of the living and too stable to be dead.

I knew I wasn't dead because I would've been in Thanatos right now. I wasn't alive either. I was in the in-between with no idea how to get back.

The place was bright, nothing could be seen but white. I've been here for a while, days, weeks, probably months now.

There were people walking around, but they didn't seem to see me. I've tried walking in front of them, waving, yelling, and still nothing. They just looked lost and like they've given up.

I had a small feeling that I was supposed to look like that, or I would end up looking like them.

I tried walking too, but no matter where I went, it all looked the same, and it was the same results every time.

From time to time, I would hear a small whisper,I think that might've just been my brain testing to see if I was still here.

Maybe all these people have been here for far too long for them to lose their minds and shut down.

This was all my fault, I wasn't strong enough to heal myself and stay awake.

I was currently sitting with my legs criss-crossed, watching people walk past me; they just looked straight ahead like lifeless zombies.

I had no idea where they were walking to either, but they were very determined.

A soft meow caught my attention, and I looked ahead of me to see the small kitten making its way towards me.

"Ohh my god, aren't you adorable." I squealed and extended my arms out to the cat. She rubbed her head against my hand.

Her fur was a rich chocolate brown, and her eyes were two different colours, one brown and the other blue.

I ran my hand over her fur, and she purred in satisfaction. How did she even get here?

So someone can see me after all.

The cat crawled on my lap, and I continued to pet her as I looked all around me, trying to find where she came from.

I wasn't gonna see anything if I sat down all the time, so I might as well walk with these people.

I cradled the cat to my chest and stood up and walked behind the group of people.

"Uhm hello do you know where everyone is going?" I asked the person in front of me. No one even looked in my direction.

A small child came to walk beside me, and I looked down at him. He was staring at me as he held on tightly to a weird looking doll made of sticks and grass.

"Do you know where we're going?" I asked, and he nodded.

"The processing." He said and stroked the grass that was attached to the stick. I guess it was supposed to be hair.

"The what?"

"To know if we live or die." He mumbled, but I catched it.

The processing, I guess , is where we'll be judged to see if we were good enough to live or not enough to die.

I looked down at the cat, and she was looking right back at me. I wonder if, somewhere in the world, she too was lying unconscious.

The line got shorter and shorter as we went along, and ahead of me were 3 doors.

Two had to mean you either live or you die and move on to Thanatos, but what was the third one for?

The little kid stepped in front of me when we were almost at the doors, and I was grateful.

I watched as he walked up to the first door at the far right corner and twisted the Knob. It didn't open.

He sighed and stepped to the other one in the middle and did the same thing, but it still didn't open.

He looked over his shoulder and stared at me, then shook his head.

I guess he meant the last door was death. I gave the child a sad smile, and he took a deep breath before walking slowly to the last door at the far left. He twisted the knob and the door opened.

He looked at me for one last time, and I could see the tears that streamed down his face. I wanted to do something, like grab him and run or anything, but he stepped in, and the door slammed shut.

I quickly looked behind me, and the people that were in line didn't seem affected at all.

They were all just looking at me. fear and panic overtook me, and I came out of the line.

The people started to shake their heads in sync, and I paused and looked at them.

They pointed at the doors, and I looked back at them.

It was either the doors or I sat here forever with no way of leaving.

I knew the last door meant death, but which door meant I got to live?

I slowly walked up to the middle door, holding on to the cat tightly, but not tight enough for me to hurt her.

I looked at all the doors and decided that the one the child went through should be my first option.

Getting the bad door out the way should be better.

I walked up to the door, and my heart drummed in my chest. I reached out to grip the metal knob and stared at it for a few seconds.

This could be it.

I slowly turned the knob but it didn't work.

It didn't open.

I released the breath I was holding and walked to the door at the right.

If the left was death, the right must be the one to go back.

I repeated the same action as I did with the door of death, but sadly, it didn't open, which meant the middle door would.

I looked down at the cat, and she looked at the door, I walked up to it and twisted the knob. The door opened, and a bright light made me immediately close my eyes and place my hands over the cat's eyes too.

I stepped into the room and popped an eye open to check if it was still bright. Once I saw that the light was gone, I removed my hand from the cat.

The room looked exactly like the one I was just in, but empty.

I was speechless. I nearly had a heart attack when I opened the first door just to end up in a slightly smaller room like the one I was previously in.

The door opened and shut again, and I turned to look who came in.

A boy around my height was looking at the door with sagged shoulders. He was wearing full white, and his hair was white, too. Even though he was turned away from me, he still reminded me of...


"Mizuki?" I whispered, and the boy jumped slightly and turned to look at me in fright.

It was Mizuki, I practically ran over to the boy and wrapped my one free arm around him, hugging him with a little distance to protect the cat.

It was such a relief to see someone here who I actually knew.

Muzuki was stiff under my touch, and I pulled back to look at him.

He looked me up and down as his eyebrows pulled inwards, and the look of confusion came upon his face.

This wasn't him, was it?

"Who are you?" His voice was the same as Mizuki's.

"Who are you?" I asked him instead.

His confused expression was quickly replaced with irritation.

"I'm Koa." He simply stated, and I looked at him weirdly. Did he think that his name was supposed to spark some kind of knowingness in me?

"Koa?" I repeated, and he tilted his head.

My eyes widened when it finally clicked.

"Koa as in The Koa one of creators?" I gasped.

"Sure, now who are you?" He asked again, and I gawked at him for a minute more before answering.

"I'm Mylo and this-" I held up the cat towards him, he looked at her in disgust then back at me "-is well I don't have a name but I guess I'll call her Phoenix, so this is Phoenix. "


I opened my mouth to say something else, but he started to speak again.

"How did you get here?" he asked, and I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"That's a funny story-"

"Then by all means, humour me."

"No thank you, I would love to hear how the great creator ended up here, though." I said, and he blinked at me.

I wasn't going to tell a total stranger about my life's story, even if that stranger was the one who helped create the world I lived in.

"You called me Mizuki earlier. Why?" He asked instead.

"If we both keep asking questions instead of answering, we'll get nowhere." I said and pat phoenix on the head.

"Exactly so I suggest you start answering questions."

"You know you're not the king, so you can't really force me to answer anything or suggest anything for that matter." I said stubbornly.

His face morphed into a shocked expression, and he came closer to me.

"What do you mean I'm not the king?" He asked softly.

"Exactly what I said, Zephyr and Mizuki are the rulers of Oridian." I explained. His eyes moved downwards, and all emotions that were previously on his face were wiped off completely.

He seemed to be in deep thought. It took a while before he sighed and shook his head.

"This is going to happen again--" he mumbled to himself. "-Myla, was it?"

He looked at me.

"Mylo." I corrected.

"Same thing" he said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I've been here a very long time, long enough for my mate to get his second chance, and that can only mean one thing-"

He looked at me, and I nodded my head for him to continue, cause why would you pause in the middle of your sentence.

"It'll happen again-"

"What the hell is 'it'll'? Just say what's gonna happen already." I blurted out. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Your friend will end up here just like me, unable to cross over whether to Thanatos or back to Oridian. I've walked through this door at least a hundred times. There is no escape for me, but you."

"Me?" I pointed at myself, and his head bobbed up and down.

"Yes you, maybe you'll get out of here, and when you do, you can stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Zephyr doesn't know how I died, he-I left him. I left to protect him, to protect what we created. The night I disappeared from his life was the same night I found out we were going to have a family of our own. That's what she wants, a child from me and Zephyr, she wants a child to turn into her servant."

He took a deep breath and then continued, "I wasn't going to let that happen. Send my child to be her footstool. Just like me, he would inherit the ability to control time, and like Zephyr, he would be able to create worlds and possibly end them, too. Now, putting all of that in one child and having another person manipulate him could be the end of us all. That night, I went to Kian seeking his help. I got rid of the child, and I guess you can figure out what I did next." he finished.

So he asked a trickster for help, and now he's stuck here.

How clever.

"Wow, so let me get this straight. This what you're going through will happen to Mizuki?" I asked, and he nodded.

"How do we stop it?"

"I don't know, but you should focus on getting back first." He said and sat down against the door.

"Why do you sit against the door? What if other people choose this door and it opens?" I asked curiously.

"No one will come in, trust me."

I trusted him. He's been here for approximately 25 years, so I had no other option than to trust him.

"Are you a wolf?" He suddenly asked.

"Yeah-why do you ask?" He looked down at the cat and raised both eyebrows.

"Oh, she's cute." I looked at phoenix and booped her little nose.

"So who is Mizuki?" He asked. It was so low you could hardly hear it.

"Uhh-" Do I tell him the truth, or should I lie?

The truth is always better.

"He actually looks exactly like you. He came to Oridian well; they found him the day after the blue moon." Koa's head snapped up to look at me in shock, then the look of sadness came, and he hung his head low with a simple oh.

I would be sad too if my mate found another mate.

Speaking of mates, I wondered if mine was alright, I wasn't skilled in the healing department, but I tried my best and gave it everything I had.


I hoped he appreciated the gesture and when I went back we could get to know each other.

"Do you have a mate?" Koa asked as if he read my mind.

I looked down at Phoenix, who was fast asleep. "I guess so. He saved my life, actually."

"That's nice." He hummed.

"Does Zephyr know you were pregnant?"

He sadly looked at me and shook his head. "No, and I would really like it if you didn't tell him."

I told him I wouldn't, and he thanked me. Afterwards, we talked about Oridian and Phoenix for a bit, and then we sat in complete silence.

The silence itself was so loud. Phoenix walked around the room for a bit. Sometimes, she played with her tail or the small string on Koa's clothes. He would sometimes push her away, but she kept coming back.

I laid in the middle of the room, just looking at the ceiling.

I could tell by Koa's steady breathing that he was asleep. It must be lonely to be stuck in a place like this with no hope of freedom. He knew what he was getting into, though. He trusted Kian and wanted to protect his mate, so he knew what he was signing up for.

If that was his side of the story, why were we told he was killed. I looked over at him, then back at the ceiling. There were sides to every story. In this case, it was his side, Kian's side, and the truth.

I slowly closed my eyes and prayed to the moon goddess that tomorrow would be better than today.



I groaned.


I opened my eyes to see Miz-Koa leaning over me.

"Get up! You need to see something right now." He urged me. To be honest, it all sounded jumbled to me. I just woke up, and the first thing I heard was talking.

Koa grabbed my arm and helped me stand but kept his arm around me to keep me steady.

" I've been here for years, and not once did I see a door appear, so this must be your chance to go back." He said, and I looked at him confused.


He released me and walked over to where phoenix was sleeping and picked up the cat.

He placed her in my arms and then gently pushed me to the door. This was all too much for me to process after just waking up.

Koa opened the door, and the bright light flashed, blinding me and phoenix.

"Mylo, it was nice to meet you. My fate and the fate of your friend and Zephyr are all in your hands now. It's up to you to tell them what I said." He proclaimed.

I shook my head immediately after he was done, "No you come with me, you tell them yourself." I insisted.

"This door wasn't made for me. You're the one who gets to go back. I don't b-belong on Oridian anymore, but you do." With that, he pushed me roughly and quickly shut the door after I was in.




I jolted awake, sitting up immediately.

A glass was pushed to my lips before I was able to process anything, and I wrapped my hand around it, parting my lips to let the liquid come in.

After downing the water, I looked around the room and then at Mizuki.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he placed his palm against my forehead.

"I-I am fine." I stuttered.

I am fine, I think.

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