Très Belle [James Potter II]

By ali_book_reader

19.7K 283 99

Harry Potter Next Gen fanfic! Arabella is a cute little first year, excited to be going to Hogwarts, when her... More

1. In which we meet my dysfunctional family. Seriously
3. In which we confess, cry and I get crafty ideas
4. In which I experience déjà vu and we attend a wedding
5. In which everyone hates each other and we meet Prince
6. In which we eat lunch and James comes up with crafty ideas
7. In which we go glamping and play Quidditch
8. In which Rose is upset and I experience déjà vu
9. In which Dom is wicked and I visit Marcus
10. In which Cecilia plays Quidditch and we eat dinner
Author's note - please read IMPORTANT!
11. In which we talking of Weddings
12. In which two people get married and two people fall in love

2. In which we get drunk and do stupid things

2.4K 28 20
By ali_book_reader

“Uh-uh, ma cheri. You cannot wear that. I mean, honey, its sweet and all, but no. Just no.” Celi says.


“She’s ri-ight!” I trill

“Now, put this on, okay?” Ari calls, chucking some random clothes at her – that, as per usual matched.

“Belle! Still in bed? At least she doesn’t need to do anything to you, unlike Dommy-doll over here!” She then teased.

This, is an average morning.

I’m still lying in bed, probably reading, if not, then watching in amusement.

Cecilia (innocently nicknamed ‘Celi-doll’) would be laughing that Dom couldn’t find any matching clothes.

Arianne (Ari) is probably painting her nails, while reading through one of her Russian books (she’s not from there, she’s just very academic, and to challenge herself learns a new language every year. Yes, YEAR.), and babbling Mandarin into her phone.

And Dominique, or Dom (Yes, Weasley/Potter’s cousin) is dressing up, and trying on Ari’s idea, usually deciding to go with it. She does have to look perfect for her latest boyfriend, doesn’t she, now?

I finally scramble out of bed, and pull my hair into messy pony-tail (I’m betting it won’t last until lunchtime), grab some Aztec print leggings, and pull them on under a big red knit, with some little black ankle-boots and a long gold pocket-watch-necklace. Yup, my style. It rocks, okay?

It’s a weekend, and we get to go into the village. We love it there; ‘cause the muggle boys gawk at us, and we egg them on with winks, fake blushes, and quick glances from the corner of our eyes.

Madame Maxine would be officially unimpressed, but as soon as they left, she’d laugh and give us a wink of her own.

We were the last ones in the room, all the fives’ and sixes’ had left, they still had final school tests for the year – but us? No, we’d finished our NEWTS, and were now doing whatever we wanted for the remaining two weeks.

Yeah, you heard me. I’d come here in fifth year, and now had two weeks until I graduated.

My life had been great, I’d been able to spend holidays at home with my brothers (well, Casper, being in America and unable to floo didn’t, but you know…), school with my best friends – my sisters – and had already got my life sorted out from here on.

“So, Ari, what are you planning to do once we leave?” Dom giggles as we pass some cute sixth years (except for the fact that one of them was her brother, and another was the little brother of Emile (a male BF).

Arianne was the most academic of all of us. We all expected she’d get some official job in the ministry or something.

Cecilia is really sporty, and pretty tomboyish. In the village, she only looks at boys she could be friends with, although we all know its only because she has a huge crush on Pierre – but of course she won’t admit it. Anyways, she’s already been admitted into the Wimbourne Wasps, the team she’s wanted to be in for forever.

Dominique is, of course, going to start up a world-famous clothing store. I doubt she’ll succeed, but only because of the money-saving and running-the-actual-store part, not because of the clothes.

“Well, I was admitted into the English Ministry of Magic, and I’ve got a spot as the administrator and secretary for the Aurora’s office. That’s pretty high up, and I’m working with Harry Potter! I think.” She trilled.


I wasn’t really expecting that, but wow.

“That’s great and all, but guess what I’m doing?” Dom squealed. She’d been going on about her shop for a while.

“We know – start a fashion shop.” I say monotonously.

“No! Well, yes, but I’ve got news! Tante Ginny got me a shop place in Diagon Ally, and she said that she’d work with me on the running-it part, since she stopped Quidditch commentating half way through the year!”

“That’s amazing Dom!” Ari says.

“Wow, it’s going to be so good, especially now that you’ve got someone with experience helping you!” I chime in.

Now, the one thing I’ve got out of this little conversation is that my three best friends in the whole world are all moving the England once we finish school.

And my plan was to stay in France.

“So, Belle, what’s your plan?”

“Ahhh…Well, I was going to stay here, but maybe if you’re all moving, I might to England too…but I dunno.” I sigh.

“Oh! I didn’t even realize! I thought Dom would have her store in Paris…” Ari says.

“Yeah, and that Ari would get a spot at the French ministry…” Celi says.

“I could stay here, get Ginny to move her store?” Dom offers, but I know that she really doesn’t want to.

“Well, in all my time off I’ll spend it here.” Celi nods.

“And I could go back to the French Ministry, I got some job offers there too…” She trails off, and I can tell she felt compelled to say that because of the other two.

“It’s okay guys, honestly. I’ll come to London. Seriously, and my parents would hate it if they knew my friends had all moved here and I hadn’t. Plus, Gabe will have finished school, so I’ll be able to see him too. It’s all gee.” I say.

So, I re-formulated my plan.

At the start of the holidays, I would go to Diagon Alley, and visit Patterson’s Wands (since Olivander’s had been destroyed, a new one had popped up), and get a part-time job there, and do my writing for the rest of the time.


“Okay, since we’re all in London, maybe we could share a flat? You know, get a really big one, and share the cost and stuff? We’re all going to be out working a lot, so…” Dom says.

Back in fifth year, we had all promised to share a flat when we graduated. But, at that time, innocent little us hadn’t been thinking of boyfriends and England. But, I knew that I really wanted this. I could tell Celi did too, as she didn’t want to rent/buy a flat she’d hardly spend any time in. I wasn’t sure about Arianne, but we could do it with the three of us.

“Yeah, I’d really like that.”

“I’m in too. Much better to share.”

“I guess so. But you can’t mess up my stuff, okay?!” This last one was, of course, from Ari.

We all agreed that we would spend the first week of the holidays staying with our own family. Then we would go to my Mum’s place in London, and go flat searching. I would pack up all my stuff (from her house), and have everything I’d be moving neatly done up.

Then, we’d move to Dom’s house, Shell Cottage. She would pack up her stuff while we were there, and we’d get tante Fleur to help pick out furniture.

Then, we’d move to Celi’s house, by the Mediterranean, and have a week of relaxed bliss and swimming, and she would pack up her stuff.

Then, we’d finally go to Arianne’s house in Paris, and get any final pieces of furniture. Ari would pack up her stuff, and then we’d move to London, into our flat.

We’d spend a week moving all the new furniture in, staying at Dad’s house this time, and I would pack up my stuff from there. Then, we’d spend a week getting settled in, and putting our personal stuff up.

We’d have one final week to party, relax and enjoy each others’ company.

And at that, work would begin.

“Operation Perfect Flat-Mates: Step One: Finish School!” Celi announced, as we finally arrived at our favourite little café in the village.

“Quatre croissant avec confiture du fraise et crème, et deux café, une milk-shake et une the, s’il-vous-plait!” Arianne orders our usual breakfast, but I think the boy had already placed our order – he obviously liked me (not to be prissy, but it's true), and couldn’t have been a year older, but I have no interest in him whatsoever.

“It’ll be so much fun, I can’t wait! I wonder what the boys will do without us, though?” Celi wondered.

At that exact moment, they decided to grace us with their presence, knowing we’d be taking breakfast here at about this time. In our group, other than us four, we have five boys – Christophe, Emile, Jacques, Marcel and Pierre.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Beauxbatons-food-isn’t-good-enough-for-their-favourite-students group!” One called out.

“Christophe!” Emile scolded.

“Bonjour, la filles! Please don’t kill me, I said hello!” Pierre cried, glancing fake-scared at Emile.

I laughed, Pierre could always make me smile. He grinned, and gave me a side hug, before pulling up a chair next to me, from one of the neighboring tables.

I noted the waiter who fancied me (Tyson, from his nametag) looked annoyed, and glowered at Pierre.

Pierre has messy black hair (no, he does not look like Harry Potter) and tanned skin, with handsome black eyes. He’s a prankster, and is also laughing and having fun. He’s pretty good looking, and usually has a girlfriend, not chosen on personality, to put it nicely.

Christophe is like the male version of Dom, except he doesn’t care if he only has one-night stands with girls. I find this repulsive, but in person he’s pretty nice. He has straight blonde hair with a front fringe, very tanned skin, plays beater and could be a frickin’ model, I’m not even kidding. He’s sooo handsome. Not that I like him, or anything.

Emile is the caring, teddy-bear-that-I-go-to-when-I’m-crying one in the group. He’s always so sweet, and looks out for us, and reprimands the others’ whenever they say something jokingly naughty. He’s got long arms, is pretty well built, has curly dark brown hair and eyes, and lightly tanned skin. He’s not especially good looking, but it doesn’t matter with Emile.

Jacques is kind of the serious one, like the male Arianne. He always studies, even now, because he “Has to be prepared for his job!” It’s ridiculous, really. Anyways, Jacques has army-style-cut brown hair, with pale skin and light blue eyes. He’s got glasses, but they’re thin and don’t have a frame and generally look a lot like Dumbledore’s (RIP). Plus, he always has a book at hand, although sometimes it’ll be a novel, not a textbook – gasp!

Finally, Marcel. Marcel is fairly quiet, and shy, although we all love him. He has dirty blonde hair that falls into his eyes, but not in that Justin-Bieber style, but in strands, like you see in Anime. He’s a little short, and very sweet, with slightly hollowed cheeks and fuzzy brown eyes.

My beautiful friendship group – Arianne, Dominique, Cecilia, Jacques, Emile, Pierre, Marcel, Christophe and me!


It was our last day of school. We’d gone to the village, had our breakfast, done lunch in the hall, and talked to all the younger students (we were apparating home, not taking the carriages.). Then, we spent the afternoon at the beach with the boys.

And finally, tonight we were having a massive beach bash, with everyone from 5th year up, except 5th years couldn’t drink. Because yes, we were getting drunk.

“Come on, Dom!”

“We all took about 15mins getting ready, you’re here taking until fucking Autumn!” Cecilia screamed

“Okay, well, I’m sorry, but I have a boyfriend!” Dom trilled, obviously not caring that we were sick of waiting.

“Well, yeah, but you’re just going to get drunk and smudge it off, and its not like boys’ notice your clothes, unless they’re too low or too short.” I say factually.

“I put a spell so my makeup won’t smudge, and I happen to have a boyfriend, so he will notice what I’m wearing!” Dom cried, and stomped her foot for emphasis.

“Whatever. Can we just go?” Arianne was absolutely dreading the whole party, but the rest of us were so excited.

“Okay! Let’s gooooo!” Dom screamed.

I grinned, and we all linked arms and ran down the stairs.

~~Time Passes~~

This party was rockin. There was food, and water (well, I think its water), and boys and fairy lights, and a big bonfire, and little kids going crazy, and telephones, and stars, and…wait, telephones?

Oh, right, no telephones.

But yep, it was pretty cool.

“Awesome party, girl!” Some little first year or something screamed at me.

“OK!” I grinned back.

Everything was perfect, and the world was amazing. I was going to do great, great things.

“Wanna dance, sweetheart?” A…sixth year (?) asked me.

“Aaaaaalright!” I squealed.

We ran onto this dance floor thing, that was a big patch of sand, with trash on the ground. Great dance floor.

~~More Time Passes~~

I ran down to the water, we were skinny-dipping.

I giggled as some boy pulled my hand, into the water.

I looked over and saw Dom and her boyfriend, Antoine, snogging in the shallow water. It would usually have been kinda gross, but I thought it was sweet, and looked fun.

I swam out, washing the water over me. There’s a little island, not far out, and I reached its shores. The boy had left, I could see him with some slutty girl back on the shore.

I lay on my back, and looked up at the moon.

Out of the water, some boy came up. I recognized him, but he was kind of blurry, and I wasn’t sure exactly who it was.

He had a bottle of something; I think it was firewhisky, which he handed to me.

I took a gulp, and grinned.

He sat next to me, and took the bottle back.

He looked so handsome, with dark eyes and hair, and beautiful features. He had a good body, well exercised.

I resisted the urge to run my hands through his hair, but when his arm slipped around my waist, and travelled a bit lower, I couldn’t help it.

I turned wrapped my legs around his waist, and tangled my hands in his hair, giggling.

He smirked, “Well, then…” But I pressed my lips to his before he finished.

He stuck his tongue into my mouth, and I let out a low moan.

He rolled me over, so I had my back on the sand, and he was leaning over me. His hands ran over my body, and something told me I shouldn’t be doing this, something was wrong.

But then his lips were back on mine, and I was lost.

~~The Sun Rises~~

I woke at about 11:30, feeling awful. I was in the girls’ common room, with only a blanket wrapped around me.

“Here, I made these beforehand. They cure hangovers.”

“Did I ever mention that I love you very much, and you’re one of my favourite people in the whole world, Arianne?” I mumble.

I drink down the potion (thank goodness they decided not to inflict upon people with hangovers an awful-tasting potion).

I felt better instantly.

“Great! Breakfast time!” I say happily, and promptly get up.

“Well, you may want to put on some clothes first. And, just so you know, some boy carried you in here. I couldn’t tell who he was, because it was…blurry.”

“Oh. Wow, who…?” I thought carefully to myself. I didn’t remember much of last night, but I do remember a boy running his hands over me, with handsome black hair and eyes.

I got dressed, with an old white shirt tucked into a green skater skirt, with flip-flops.

We left today. Wow.

I went down to the breakfast hall, and sat with Emile, Marcel, Jacques and Cecilia. I guess the others’ weren’t up yet. They had all, obviously been subject to Arianne’s potions as well.

“Morning, my graduated friend! Woohoo, school’s over!” Emile cried at me.

“Hey, Millie. Hi Marcel, Jacques, Celi. How was last night, all?”

“Boring. I watched everyone get trashed and make a fool of themselves.” Jacques said straight away.

“Hold up, handsome! Just cause you can’t have fun!” I cried.

“Well, I thought it was good. I kissed Sophia…” Marcel has this huge crush on a girl in sixth year. It’s so sweet, and he finally kissed her!

“Yes! Go Marcel!” Cecilia says, very loudly.

“What about you?” He says evilly at her.

Celi sighs, “Played some beach volleyball, went swimming, and saw stuff I’d rather not.” I could tell she’d had fun, but nothing special for our last ever night at Beauxbatons. I felt bad for her, but its not like mine was really great. I had sex with a boy, but I don’t know what he even looks like!

“Well, I had fun. It was good to get out, and I played Truth or Dare, and did some crazy stuff. Had a good laugh.” Emile added. “How ‘bout you, Belle?”

Ummm… “I had a good time. Went skinny-dipping with some boy, who later ditched me for a slut! Yeah, it was good.” I laughed, and it was real.

Just then, Pierre decided to show up.

I smiled at him, “Morning. Get your potion?”

“Yeah. Lifesaver. Don’t remember much from last night, but shagged some sweet girl.” He laughed. I wouldn’t put that past Pierre, it was his last night a Beauxbatons, of course he would.

But then, as his face shifted in the shadows, I was reminded of something – the boy from last night. Handsome dark hair and eyes, good build. He had the same glint in his eyes, the same hair-that-you-want-to-run-your-hands-through. Uh-oh.

I had sex with one of my best friends, and the boy my other best friend has a massive crush on.


Chapter 2!

I'm going to try and update really often, because on my other story (Go check it out!), I haven't updated in ages, but I've written quite a lot ahead for this story, so I'm going to promise to you that I WILL update, LOTS <3

There's a cute drawining of Dominique on the side (NOT BY ME).

Here's the set:

-Ali xx

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