Holiday Hearts (Vi x Reader)

By Pumpkin-Carver

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It's time for a much needed break. So when your friend Caitlyn Kiramman asks you to attend her yearly holiday... More

Information and Notes
Prologue - Road Trip Ready
Chapter 1 - A Long Trip
Chapter 2 - Icebreaker
Chapter 3 - The Last Leg
Chapter 4 - Grove Hollow
Chapter 5 - Movie Night
Chapter 6 - Into The Woods

Chapter 7 - Crossroad

259 8 11
By Pumpkin-Carver

The sound made me jolt awake and I wasn't sure if I was hearing things in my half sleep stricken state or not. So, I waited to see if it was a real knock or my mind playing tricks on me.

I waited. And waited some more. I waited until my eyes started to flutter closed once again. The sweet serenade of sleep casting a spell over me.

Knock! Knock!

It wasn't my imagination after all! I spring to my feet, dropping my poor book in the process. It hits the floor with a thump. Unable to comprehend my book flying to the floor in my frantic state, I ignore it. Instead making my hasty dash to the door.

As I approach the gorgeously carved wooden door, my mind wanders to who it could be. One person in particular making an appearance front and centre.

"But why would she be here this late?" I think to myself. Scenarios begin to play out in my mind. Scenarios where this near complete stranger simply wanted to get to know me better or return something I had misplaced prior that day. These silly visions all stem from the ridiculously unrealistic romance books and online fiction I've read.

As one scene plays out I'm reminded of something I would rather have not been. "Unless... She wouldn't have figured out I took her picture? Right?" My hand hesitates at the door as my anxiety starts to get the better of me.

"If she asks, simply say she walked into the shot. That's not a lie. Entirely anyway." After making up a pre plan of what to say, I quietly crack open the door enough to see a set of blue eyes. But not the blueish grey ones I'm used to avoiding. No. These eyes are a pure blue. The colour near perfectly matches that of a clear ocean. Caitlyn. Without even knowing, I released a small breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Sorry to bother you so late Y/N." Caitlyn started in an apologetic manner. She sure is living up to her mothers etiquette lessons. "I didn't wake you did I?" She then asks. Her eyes peered through the crack at me.

"Oh no. No, no, nooo." My words are accompanied by a nervous chuckle. "Had that been who my mind wanted it to, I could have been in some serious trouble." I think while rubbing the hand out of Caitlyn's view against my leg.

"Not at all. I was just... reading a book." I sheepishly tell her.

"Is everything okay, Cait?" I ask, not wanting her to dispute whether or not I was reading or falling asleep. At this point I swing the door fully open. Caitlyn raises her left eyebrow as a smidge of asmsment paints its way onto her lips.

"Is that so?" Caitlyn's eyes move past me and land on the novel laying on the ground. Then she moves her gaze back to me.

"Yep" I quickly replied.

"Why is the book on the floor if you were reading it?" She retorts.

"Well, it slipped off the bedside table when I put it there but I didn't want to keep whoever was at the door waiting. So I left it there." I give Caitlyn a closed lip smile in hopes she doesn't press further. She does, however, press further.

"If you didn't want to keep the person at the door waiting, why did I have to knock more than once before you opened the door?" Caitlyn has always been one to get to the bottom of a lie. It is her job after all. What should I expect?

"Alright!" I whisper yell. "I was reading, until I fell asleep." Caitlyn quietly laughs at my confession.

"I had a feeling you were asleep. You are also a terrible liar, Y/N. Your face and body language always gives you away. May I?" She says holding an arm up and gesturing to my room.

"I am not that bad at lying. You caught me off guard is all." I cross my arms over my chest but step aside to let Caitlyn in.

"You may enter." Caitlyn gives me a playful smile before elegantly striding into the dimly lit room.

"So, are you okay?" I ask once the door is tightly shut behind me.

"Everything is fine." She replies. "I just thought I would come to see you." She says as she pulls the chair out from the desk and sits down.

"I feel like we haven't gotten much chance to catch up since we got here." Caitlyn's smile is soft. It fills my chest with warmth to know she still cares about our little chit chats.

"Yeah. I guess we haven't." I say while watching Cait make herself comfortable. Also wanting some comfort myself, I make my way over to the bed and sit down. The soft sheets under me combined with Caitlyn's calming aura make me forget how panicked I had been minutes ago.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask her. She thinks for a second, leaning her elbow on the chair and her face on her fist.

"How is your photography coming along? I follow all of your social media accounts and it seems like you're doing well." It's nice to hear Caitlyn supporting me even if we don't talk all that much anymore.

"It is! I've had a few clients. A few of which referred me to people they know. So business is slowly building. I even have a wedding planned around christmas. Which is both nerve wracking and exciting all at once." As I go on my tangent about all my plans and schemes Caitlyn listens. Asking questions here and there. She even suggested a few people who I should get in touch with to boost my name.

"I knew you would do well." Caitlyn says as I wrap up my long and through chat about work.

"It helps when you have a pretty good friend to support you." I flash Caitlyn a smile and she smiles back and for a moment the room falls into comfortable silence. I break eye contact first as I move into a laying down position. One arm propping my head up.

"What about you? I heard you've been solving cases left right and centre!" Caitlyn laughs as I wiggle my eyebrows at her. Or shall I say I attempt to.

"It's been going really well. Vi has been a big help too." At the mention of Vi's name I suddenly feel as though I'm laying on hot coals. A feeling I try to hide as Caitlyn goes on about the case she's on currently. I grab a blanket from behind me, balling it up to form a pillow-like mound. A mound which conveniently covers the bottom portion of my face.

"I can't share too many details of course." I nod, knowing that her line of work is one of a secret nature.

"But I don't think this was an accident like some are claiming. It all feels too clean. It's too well thought out to be an accident. Vi also agrees with me." Caitlyn mentions Vi again and her image floods my brain. The thought of Vi in her work uniform is not something I should be focusing on right now! Not when one of my closest friends is trying to talk to me.

"She says-" Caitlyn stops when her eyes land on me.

"Are you okay?" She asks knitting her eyebrows together and giving me a once over.

"I'm fine. Carry on." I try to speak normally. As if I wasn't just fantasising about her work partner and friend.

"Okay?" She says, not sounding convinced before continuing.

"Vi says the way the accident happened is near perfectly illustrated." Cailtyn's face turns focused as she falls silent.

"I know you can't say much, but do you think someone wanted the person in the accident dead?" Caitlyn softens her focused look as she peers at me.

"I believe so. Vi managed to do some digging and found out a few people who could be involved if my assumption is correct." I look around the room as my mind tries to wrap itself around why anyone would want to kill another person.

"Of course there are many reasons I suppose. But to actually get them killed or to do it yourself?" A shiver runs down my spine at the thought.

"How come you aren't back home working on the case? Aren't you always telling me 'While the trails hot.'?" When I look at Caitlyn, I get my answer. No words necessary.

"You can't be serious?" Caitlyn nods.

"But why would anyone from this town, hours away from the city mind you, want to kill some city prat?" I ask Caitlyn who goes to say something but stops herself.

"Ah, I see. Well, I wish you good luck." Caitlyn smiles at me.

"Thank you. I'm sorry I can't say more but-"

"I know. Don't worry." I say cutting her off. When we make eye contact, I smile at her and she returns it looking rather relieved.

"Wait, is Vi here because of this... tribulation too? Or?"

"Yes. She is my partner, Y/N." Caitlyn replies. I shift awkwardly on the bed as embarrassment creeps its way up my spine.

"Okay. So why are me, Jayce and Viktor here? Surely it's dangerous for us?" Caitlyn's face turns into a smug smirk. Which only raises more questions than it answers.

"Because, I'm simply going on my annual family holiday. And since my parents couldn't make it this year, I invited my friends instead." I knit my brows together, still not understanding how this makes me any safer.

"I don't follow." I say while sitting up.

"I've not told anyone but Vi, and now you, that I suspect this accidental death wasn't actually an accident at all." I mull over what Caitlyn had said for a moment while my sleep deprived brain wraps itself around her words.

"Oh!" I say, finally understanding.

"I get it. No one knows what's going on. Therefore no one suspects anything or feels threatened by you being here. Which is why we're safe?" Caitlyn nods.

"Okay, well in that case I think it's best to talk about something else before I get put in some real trouble." I flatly state.

"I agree. However, I would never put you in danger to solve a case Y/N." Caitlyn says as she reaches out to me. I take her hand in mine and squeeze.

"I know." A soft smile warms my cheeks as I look into Caits concerned eyes.

"You would never put any of us in danger, Cait." My words seem to strike a cord with her because the concern seen only seconds ago has washed away. Leaving in it's wake a soft cheery gleam.

A silent thank you is shared between us before we return to normal chatter. Our hands falling away from one another as we do.

"So?" Caitlyn begins.

"What do you think of Vi?" All of a sudden, I regret suggesting a swap in topic. My hands start to become clammy and my throat dry.

"Uh..." I say while resisting the urge to rub away the sweat now pooling in my palms.

"She's nice." I watch in horror as one of Caitlyn's eyebrows raises.

"She can be pretty funny at times too." I add on, in hopes Cait won't get too suspect of me.

"Is that all?" Her tone tells me what words do not.

"I thought you would have had more to say about her since you two seem to get along fairly well." Caitlyn points out, once again resting her chin against her fist. Her blue eyes search my expression with laser-like focus. The feeling that comes along with her hard gaze is making my skin crawl.

"Uh, yeah, I guess we do get along okay." Heat starts pouring into my cheeks as my mind drifts back to Vi.

"If you're such a good judge of character, what do you think about me?" Her voice echoes in my head. I have to try hard not to fall back into the scene. Back into those lovely greyish-

"You guess?" Caitlyn asks. Scepticism practically oozes off of her as she does.

"I don't know Vi that well yet. So I can't say if we get along well or not." Using the blanket from before to cover my face, I let myself relax a little.

"Would you like to get along?" Caitlyn won't give ground as she asks another hard question. All her questions thus far are seemingly leading to the same place.

Knowing Caitlyn she already knows the answer to all the questions she's asking me. However, she wants to hear what I have to say and judge my answer. She more than likely knows I have some kind of attraction to Vi. Which is why she won't let up on this. As much as I want and try to get her to.

"I don't think it would be a bad thing." I say while leaning down to finally grab the forgotten book.

"We could hang out together." with the book in hand I look back up to Cait only to be met with a Cheshire cat-like grin. My eyes grow wider the longer I stare at Caitlyn.

"The three of us. Obviously." I hurriedly state.

Nice save

As I place the book safety back on the bedside table, I'm not quite able to meet Caitlyn's stare. Knowing full well she was looking for me with a knowing smirk.

I don't feel like talking about my mega crush on her friend... Although I'm sure Cait knows. Sometimes she knows how I'm feeling before I do. It's kind of annoying. But in a good way. Sort of.

"I'm sure Vi would love to hang out together." She says with a pause.

"All of us, of course." Caitlyn's teasing tone pulls a groan right from the back of my throat.

"It's really not what you think, Cait." Another poor choice of words.

"And what do I think it is, Y/N." Caitlyn replies, a smug undertone lining her every syllable. She talks as though she hadn't been trying to squeeze this out of me for the past 5 minutes or so.

"Something you shouldn't." Caitlyn's lips curl up at my flat response. I myself, choose to ignore her teasing antics by sealing my eyes closed. This ends up being a bad idea though. The sleep I didn't fall into earlier tugging at my consciousness, pleading my brain to turn off.

"You aren't very good at lying, Y/N." She says repeating what she had said earlier. I hear her stand but don't open my eyes. Instead I reply by "hming" into the pillow. Caitlyn chuckles at me. Then, a few moments later, something soft is draped over me. With one eye cracked open, I see Caitlyn standing over me.

"Thank you." I say. Although, my thank you doesn't sound like much more than a tired grumble after being muffled by the blanket.

"I'll leave you to rest." She softly says.

"Goodnight, Y/N"

I hear the door click open as Caitlyn goes to leave. "Finally." My brain says as my body snuggles further into the cosy blankets.

However, before I hear the second click, I hear something else instead.

"You might want to try being less obvious." Is whispered into the quiet air, causing my eyes to fly open. I look towards the door but Caitlyn has already left. The click of the door indicating that she really did say that and leave.

Thanks to Caitlyn and her advance. My night of what was supposed to be a peaceful rest, turns sour. My mind goes over every interaction I've ever had with Vi and how truly stupid I must have looked to her. Only stopping its rampant rampage of thoughts when my body simply can't stay awake any longer.

When I awake the next morning, I can't seem to tell if last night was all just a bad dream. I pray that it was and try to push the truth lurking somewhere in the darker corners of my mind away. Not wanting to live in that reality.

So, I choose to live in the much more preferable plain of existence where Caitlyn hadn't said what she did before letting me rest. A plane of existence where my dear friend had no idea I was crushing oh so hard on her work colleague.

Still feeling groggy from my restless sleep last night, I decided that a morning walk before breakfast could be my saviour.

With my plans made and myself all ready to go, I take one last look in the wardrobe mirror, then head downstairs.

As I reach the second to last step Jayce appears. Holding several papers, all of which have his full and undivided attention. He doesn't even know I'm here. And if he does, he makes no attempt to acknowledge me.

With Jayces mind occupied by his nerdy papers plus his lack of awareness. I may as well be a fly on the wall to him. I have to admit, the thought of scaring him did cross my mind. However, with other people in the house possibly sleeping, I thought better of it.

"Morning Jayce." I say in a hushed voice. Jayce snaps his head up at me, eyes wipe with surprise and lips parted.

"Oh, Y/N. I didn't expect anyone to be awake yet." He says as he checks his watch. The papers in his hand rustle and crumble loudly in the quiet morning air.

"Is it really that early?" As I stare out the front door, I remember that I didn't even check what time it was. Not once. Judging by how little light is coming through the glass, I'd say the sun has only just started rising.

"Yes. It's just gone a quarter to seven." I look back at Jayce and frown. It's too dark out there yet to go walking alone. Let alone in the woods. What Cait said last night doesn't exactly help make me feel better.

"I guess it is a bit early to go on a morning walk alone." He gives me a sympathetic smile and looks back at his papers.

"I would come with you, but-"

"But you have a lot of nerdy work to do." I say stepping down the stairs to meet Jayce face to face.

"It's okay. I know your work is important." My hand reaches to pat Jayce on the arm. Again he shows me his sympathy in the form of a smile. Then carries on walking to who knows where in the house.

Once he's gone, I let my shoulders slump and my mood swing low. With my plans well and truly ruined I have two options. Either go back to bed and restlessly try to get more sleep. Or, go watch TV until I can will myself up into the kitchen for breakfast.

I sigh as I look down at myself. No point in going to bed fully clothed. Less point in changing into my pyjamas only to change back in an hour. With my mind made up, I let my feet drag me to the living room.

It seems as though no one has been in here yet this morning. The TV remote is perfectly placed in the middle of the coffee table, the curtains are still closed from the night before and the cushions are all neatly perched on the chairs.

"First things first, let's get those curtains open. Then I'll know when it's light enough to go out."

As the curtains swing open, I'm met with an even more dreary sight. Rain. It's starting to rain! You have got to be kidding me. Normally, I wouldn't mind this kind of weather, but today, the day I was actually up dressed and ready, the world said nope. Needless to say I'm less than pleased about the rainy sight outside.

"It's almost like the world is trying to dampen my spirits this morning..."

With a heavy sigh and heavier heart, I trudge my way over to my new favourite armchair. Grabbing the remote along the way. I defeatedly slump down into the chair. Where I stay for what feels like hours, mindlessly scrolling through the TV channels. However, when I check the time on my phone it's only been about 15 minutes since I came downstairs. Frustrated and bored, I drop my phone into my lap. Pulling a pillow from beside I stuff my face into it scream before letting my body go limp over the arm of the chair.

"Well good morning to you too." A husky voice says from the lounge doorway. My mind immediately recognises the voice as my face heats and eyes shoot wipe. Embarrassment fueling my hot flush. With Vi's sudden appearance I scramble to sit up right while hurriedly removing the pillow from my face.

"Morning Vi." I hurriedly say, still trying to detangle myself from the chair and find a suitable sitting position. When I turn to face the entryway, Vi has already crossed the room and made herself comfortable on the sofa next me.

She's still in her pyjamas by the looks of it. Black cropped vest with something written on it in white. From the angle I'm sitting at I can't quite see what it says. I turn my gaze upwards after deciding it would be literal suicide to head down north. As my eyes reach her hair I have to smile. Her hair looks a bit more... wild than normal. It sticks up in some places completely ignoring gravity. The more I look at her mess of hair the more I struggle not to burst out laughing.

"Damn it. How can one person be this cute?"

"What are we watchin'?" She asks, her voice still sounding husky from sleep. It sends a shiver down my spine bringing me back to reality. I fumble to find the remote as pillows get picked up and almost dropped several times.

"Uh" I say, shoving my hand into the crack of the cushions. "I was still looking. So nothing at the moment." I feel Vi glance over at me which only makes my struggle to find the TV remote more desperate. I can't tell if I'm being paranoid or not but it feels like Vi is dragging her eyes up and down my body.

"Is it just me or is it starting to get really hot in here?" I think to myself.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asks. Good to know I'm not going crazy.

"Oh. Well I had planned to go on a walk, but." I move my gaze from the ceiling to Vi only for a few seconds. Long enough to catch sight of the way her vest hugs her body. But not long enough to be caught looking. Or so I try to convince myself.

"This early?" She follows up sounding a bit surprised.

"Yes." Finally my finger tips touch something other than armchair lint and I curl my fingers as best I can around what I can only assume to be the elusive remote. "However, I wasn't aware of the time or weather before I started to get dressed." Pulling as hard as I can with one hand, the remote suddenly flies out of the cushions. With the speed it flies out I nearly end up throwing it at Vi but manage to catch it with my other hand.

"Let me get this straight." She starts. Ignoring the fact I am now hanging over the edge of the armchair, arm outstretched and TV remote pointing ominously close to her face. "You got up, didn't check the time or look outside and then only after you got ready to go, did you check the time?" As Vi finishes talking my supporting arm slips off the edge of the chair! And unlike Vi's hair, I cannot defy gravity.


I sigh as my body begins to ache.

"You didn't hurt yourself, did you?" Vi asks from above me.

"I'm fine. You hit the nail on the head though." I say, making a declaration to myself that today won't be my day. Surprisingly though, my nerves seem to have either become numb from my fall or decided that falling off a chair in front of your crush isn't worthy of being embarrassed over.

"How can such a small person be so clumsy?" Although Vi doesn't laugh, I can tell she wants to. Hell, I would laugh at myself right now if it weren't for the fact I am so over today already. All this before breakfast? Who'd have thought it were possible to make such a fool of yourself so early in the morning?

As I pull myself into a sitting position on the floor, I slump back against the armchair and close myself.

"If you find out. Please tell me." This time Vi does laugh, well, it's more of a chuckle but whatever. I open one eye to peek over at the woman I am now fully acknowledging is too cool for me. Still, let my lips curl into a lopsided grin while I try catching my breath to calm my racing heart.

"Actually, I have a secret to confess." I begin, feeling a bit more playful after my near death experience.

"Oh yeah?" I think Vi can tell I'm about to say something stupid. She's clearly trying to hold back a grin as her one eyebrow raises in curiosity.

"Yep. I do." Trying to be my normal self around Vi is difficult. The butterflies I feel when she looks into my eyes isn't fair. Nor is the heat that boils my blood when she so much as grazes my hand.

"You gonna' tell me what it is, shortie?" Vi leans in a bit closer causing my already unsteady breathing to become a bit more rapid. Still, I try to remain somewhat normal. Caitlyn's advice from last night ringing out in my ears.

"I didn't check the time. Jayce did." I confess.

"Wow." Vi says, falling back into her seat. "Do you tell everyone your darkest secrets or am I a special one off?" Vi nearly makes me choke on her response. My mind goes blank as I try to come up with a reply.

"Be normal!" My brain yells at me. "What would you say if it were Caitlyn?" It asks.

"Nope, Only you I'm afraid. You're stuck with me. At least until it gets lighter and then I intend on going on a walk." Vi's face turns to confusion. And she looks at me like I've spoken another language to her. Then without a word she stands up. Before I know it, I'm on my feet too.

"What are you doing?" I ask as she begins to walk towards the stairs.

"God, I sound so panicked!" I thought after hearing my own voice. Nonetheless I go to follow after her.

"Do you want to go on a walk or not?" She casts over her shoulder. Then she stretches her arms over her head. Revealing to me just how muscular she is. I don't miss the way her black vest pulls ever so slightly further up her back. Revealing more of the tattoo I didn't know she had and the muscles I definitely haven't dreamt about

This is the point where most people would probably be feeling rather intimated. But not me. My gay ass is currently unable to pull my hungry eyes from Vi's incredible physic. The question she had asked me has been since forgotten as I drink in the sight standing in front of me.

As Vi stretches more, something in her body cracks. The sound makes my mind jolt back into the real world. Back into embarrassment and shame. Guilt floods my system like a tsunami.

"I'm such a gay ass perv!" I think to myself before returning the conversation at hand.

"I do. But like I said, it's dark. Plus I'm pretty sure it's raining." To make sure it's still raining I look over my shoulder. It is. Small droplets are hitting the glass before slowly rolling down into bigger drops.

"Scared of the rain Miss Moonberry?" Vi says as she lets her arms drop. She looks over her shoulder at me. A challenging gleam in her breathtaking eyes. All movement stops as I stand there under her gaze.

"W-well no." I stammer out. "But-"

"I'll be down in ten." As Vi disappears up the stairs. I'm left speechless. Standing in the middle of the living room gawking at the stop once inhabited by Vi. Once my senses return, I begin to scurry around in search of my boots, keys and coat. All the while, scolding myself for being so fucking gay for a woman I have no chance with.

Once my boots are firmly done up, I go and wait next to the door. I'm not left waiting long as Vi jogs down the stairs. Coat slung over her arm and shoes held in the other. She stops shy of the last step and sits down.

"You were quick." I whisper to her. Scared of waking anyone up.

"I told you I'd be down in ten." Vi's hands make quick work of tying the old laces of her boots. But not quick enough. As I get a good minute to take in the old battered boots. The longer I look at them the more details I notice. The most notable of these details being a square metal grate piece attached to her left boots tongue.

"I wonder why that's there?" as my mind tries to come up with an answer for the odd piece of metal Vi finishes tying her laces. They really do suit her down to a tee.

"No camera or water bottle today shortie?" Vi asks as she hoists herself off of the stairs, that mocking nickname slipping past her lips without a single care.

"Not today. I only wanted a short walk." I quietly state before turning to unlock the door.

"Got ya." Vi says as I open the door. We both exit into the rainy weather. The downpour, although not heavy, still makes a wonderful sound as we walk. With the sound of the rain and our gravely footsteps, my ears start to pick up a rhythm. If Vi weren't here I'd probably start humming to myself as the rest of the world falls away. But with Vi standing within ear shot, I keep my poor humming skills to myself.

The sound of gravely is replaced by mud rather quickly as Grove Hollow soon becomes a blur in the distance. Me and Vi walk down the road in the same direction as yesterday. Only this time I'm leading the way as Vi follows closely behind me.

"So, where are we walking?" Vi's voice cuts through my thoughts.

"Uh. Well... you see I..." My words trail off into a mixture of ums and ahs while I try to conjure up an answer.

"You don't know." Vi says flatly. Somehow she managed to walk up beside me without me hearing or seeing her. She gives me a playful side glance as I'm left stunned by her level of stealth.

"It's not that I don't know." I say, trying not to sound like an idiot who has truly no idea where she intended to go.

"So you do know?" Vi says, this time giving me an unconvinced look.

"Not exactly. No." My eyes land on Vi's. They seem full of something. Something playful? Mocking? Amused? Whatever it is lurking in her grey eyes, sure isn't helping me come up with an answer. I look away and swallow. Allowing the sound of nature calm my nerves.

Vi says nothing. Leaving the space between us all up to me to fill.

"But what I do know is that I wanted to walk in the forest. Which is where we're heading right now. So if you think about it, I did know where I was going to a certain degree." As I finish my last sentence, Vi lets out a huff of air. I glance at her and see a smirk peeking out from under her hood.

"You really are something shortie." She says, that same smirk still glued to her lips. This time, Vi's nickname fills my heart with an airy lightness. It's a weird feeling and one I'm not used to. Despite it being an unusual feeling, it's not an unwelcome one.

Usually when people say those kinds of things it feels like a punch to the gut. But with Vi it feels different. When she uses nicknames it's somehow less condescending. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it gets under my skin a little but nothing serious. Usually I get annoyed because I'm not always brave enough to say something back to her. It would be far worse if I said something embarrassing or out of line.

I don't bother replying to Vi. Instead I let my feelings take control as the voice inside my head goes on a tangent about some of the nicknames I've gathered over the years. Vi doesn't seem to care about starting a conversation too much either. So we peacefully continued walking down the road with only the birds and rain filling the silence.

As we enter the forest, Vi walks ahead of me. She makes traversing this watery woodland look easy. So easy in fact, that I forget what happened the last time we were here. Fortunately, fate is all too happy to remind me...

"Woah!" I cry out as my feet slide over a particularly nasty pile of wet, decaying leaves. Both splitting off into different directions as my arms flail around! Desperately my hands search for something to stop my descent before it's too late. As I think about landing face first into the muddy floor below, my hands land on something soft. Soft and... wet!

"Shit! Y/N, are you okay?" A concerned Vi asks from somewhere in front me. I can't bear the thought of unscrewing my eyes yet. Thoughts of whatever my hands are currently grasping onto keeping the lids of my eyes clamped shut even if I had wanted to open them. Which I don't.

A high pitched "Uh-hmm." is hummed from my lips. All sorts of horrid imagines stir around in my mind's eye. All with one goal in mind. "What am I touching?" The phrase gets repeated over and over again. Each time causing more panic to shoot through me.

Cold, wet, soft and plush are all that make up this thing under my hands. "Slugs." Is the only reasonable answer I can come up with right now. Although I'm sure given more time I could come up with something far worse.

"Here." At Vi's calm voice, I reluctantly opened my eyes. Yet, instead of slugs, I'm met by vibrant green moss. Relief washes over my body at the sight. However, I'm not allowed to wallow in my peace for long. Vi has her hand extended out to me. A simple offering of help. One that shouldn't spark any particularly strong feelings. However, as I balance here, legs spread eagle and hands getting progressively more damp by the second, I can't help the nervous bubble floating up my throat.

"This is exactly like something from a book." I think to myself.

"What was that?" I hear be asked by my story's version of prince charming.

The little girl within me who grew up watching princesses be rescued by their knights in shining armour is screaming out right now. Not something you want when you are currently trying to compose yourself.

"Nothing!" Or so I thought I had thought. "Sorry! I'm just muttering to myself. Don't worry." Words have never left my mouth faster than this.

"Thank you." I say, finally looking up and hesitantly grasping Vi's hand. Her hand is a stark contrast to mine. Warm and dry. The contract between us leaves my heart buzzing.

Without much effort on Vi's part, I'm hoisted back into a standing position in no time. Once safely planted on my feet, for now anyway, Vi releases my hand...

"You should come with a warning." She says as she looks down at me. The hood pulled over her head casts a shadow which looms over her face. Making her already mysterious energy spike to new levels I didn't know possible.

With her face somewhat concealed in shadows, talking became a bit more easy. By that I mean, I could no longer get lost in all the details which made Vi so unapologetically her. It made being gay much easier.

"That wouldn't be as fun though, right?" I say trying to poke fun at myself. I catch a small glimpse of movement under the vale of shadows hiding Vi's face away.

"I guess not." She replies, turning her body away from me. An action that left me confused and my thoughts ready to start panicking. Had I said something wrong? Done something wrong? I don't get much time to overthink because not even a second later, Vi starts walking again.

"You looked like a baby giraffe learning to walk for the first time, by the way." She half yells out into the wet and rainy forest. It takes me a few breaths to kick my brain into gear before being able to respond.

"If we had any chance of seeing any kind of woodland creatures. You definitely just ruined it." I try to ignore Vi's playful but embarrassing description of me. Instead reflecting the conversion back on her.

"I think our chances of seeing fluffy forest bunnies sailed the moment you tripped over and screamed like a little girl." She fires right back.

"She has a point." The unhelpful voice inside my head says butting in.

My lips screw up as my plan to reflect the conversation away from me backfires. Now the small burning sting of defeat is a full blow stab to the heart. A sigh soon follows my crushing defeat.

"Firstly," I pipe up feeling oddly confident.

"I didn't scream." I say hoping the firm tone my voice carries will cause Vi to believe me.

"And secondly," I begin whilst carefully jogging up beside her.

"I don't understand how you can be so steady when the floor is so slippery." Once finished talking I let my eyes fall closed and my stick chin up. Then I waited for Vi's reply. Only, before I hear her, I feel her lean closer to me.

"You screamed princess." She flatly says, causing goosebumps to rise all over my arms. Which are thankfully covered. Despite Vi getting in my personal space everytime we're together, my gay ass still freaks the fuck out! I mean, who gets goosebumps from someone leaning closer to them? Not even touching them, simply leaning closer!

"Who wouldn't when you have some monster of a woman looming over your shoulder?" One of my many thoughts echoes in my skull.

"And the floor being wet doesn't change my sense of balance. It's all about placing your feet in the right spots." She says standing upright again. Even with Vi out of my bubble the heat started to course through my veins. Slowly making its way to my hands. At least they're warmed up now...

"I didn't scream. I simply called out." I turn my head away from Vi. Partly to hide my rosy cheeks but also to calm down.

"Are you pouting?" Vi asks. I can only imagine the amused grin lining her features as I stay staring at the slow passing trees.

"No." I say, sounding somehow unconvincing in spite of that being the truth. The feeling of Vi moving around, presumably to get a better look at me, meets my senses.

"Oh yeah?" She says as her head pops into view out of the corner of my eye. Still I stay looking off into the endless orange, red, yellow and occasional green passing us by. Vi's amusement is contiguous. Now I really look like a love sick fool. And I'm not even in love with this woman! It's just a small crush... after all, I hardly know her.

"Then why are you refusing to look at me?" Her head stays put in the corner of my eye. Her vibrant hair curtains over her right eye as her head tilts to better gauge my reactions. Even with half of her face covered by hair and a hood, she's still stunning.

"She must be taken." My inner mind states.

"Or straight." Another chimes in. Joining the debate currently being had in my mind.

"No way is she straight! Look at her." And as the first voice instructs, my eyes glance over at her. I nearly forget how to breathe when our eyes meet. Has she always looked mysteriously alluring? Or is it that damn hood?

The brow left uncovered by her hair quirks up. As do her lips. My heart races as my thoughts turn from their debate about her love life and instead begin to get curious. Curious as to how it might feel to press my lips up against- No, No!

"I'm not pouting." I say again, only this time Vi can see I'm telling the truth. I watch as the mysterious woman in front of me moves the rest of her body into view. She now stands directly in front of me. However, she doesn't straighten up like I thought she would. Instead she stays eye level with me.

"You are really weird. You know that?" She whispers, inching closer. Her eyes narrow as if searching for something.

A loud "Fuck." rings out in my mind as panic starts to set in. About 10 seconds pass before I manage to fight past all the panicked screams now rattling my skull. But even then what comes out of my mouth isn't the smartest comeback of all time.

"Yeah. Well... So are you." Surprisingly, my voice doesn't fail me. No my voice doesn't but my words do.

"Careful there, princess. You might hurt my feelings sayin' things like that." Vi straightens up to her full height and then takes a step closer. Instinctively my body moves on its own, taking one step back.

"Uh, I guess I'm a bit of a baddie like that." The nervous bubble from earlier escapes my body in the form of an anxious chuckle. Vi either chooses to ignore my nervous behaviour or simply doesn't care. Either way she continues to step closer. I'm confident she knows exactly what she's doing. It's like she's trying to get a reaction out of me, but why would she do that? Being gay is so confusing!

"A baddie? Really?" Vi says as she stifles a laugh.Taking yet another step closer. There's something sinister lurking in her voice. Now I really feel like a baddie. But not the boss bitch kind. Plus, I'm beginning to regret my choice of words.

"Maybe?" I say, taking a step back. Desperately needing the space to think, breathe, be less flustered even!

"Maybe? Doesn't sound like something a baddie would say." Every step I take back to create distance is quickly filled again by Vi.

"Can't baddies be humble?" I say, trying to dig my way out yet another grave. As me and Vi step further off the path, twigs and fallen branches are snapped under our feet. I stumble back a few times but luckily catch myself before tumbling to the ground.

"Usually? No." Her reply is short and quick to the point. Not so good for a panicking mind.

"Perhaps they should be." Lightning fast, Vi's tattooed arm shoots up! My eyes slam shut as all I see is a blur. All moventent in my body stills as I wait for something to happen. But when nothing does, I open my eyes. Following the outstretched arm, I see Vi holding a low hanging branch. A branch that would have hit me in the back of the head had she not pushed it to the side.

"You might be right. But you're still weird." She gives me a faint smile as I step away from branch hitting territory. I swallow down a fear induced lump sitting in my throat and then smile back at Vi.

"Thanks." I say as I cautiously side step past Vi and back onto the path.

"No problem." She says while letting go of the branch. The spikey branch whips back into place as the few remaining leaves rustle and shake around in protest. Had Vi not of noticed the branch, I would definitely have a one hell of scratch up the right side of my cheek right now. As I look from the branch to Vi, all she does is grin at me. Neither of us said a word as I looked back in shock horror at the branch that nearly took my eye out.

"I nearly lost my eye." I quietly say as Vi walks up to me.

"You did." She says as she pats my shoulder and then begins down the path once more. With one last glance at the branch of death, I turn tail to catch up with Vi.

After walking for a bit, we came to a crossroad.

"I don't remember this being here." I say as I look down the three paths all splitting off in different directions. Vi walks past me and stands at the centre of the cross roads. She seems to be inspecting a rather big moss covered stone.

"Really?" She asks from her crouched position. I nod in response as she glances at me.

"We went down that path last time we came here." With one hand she points over her shoulder at the right pathway. Squinting I try to pick up on anything to jog my memory. But I can't see anything of note. Just a path with trees, twigs and bushes. Basically the same as the one we'd just walked down.

"I guess I'll have to take your word for it." I say turning my attention back to Vi. I watch as she prise the moss off of the weirdly specific placed stone.

"Guess you will." She says, staying focused on the task at hand. I walk up closer to the cross road. Still maintaining a bit of distance from Vi. My nerves from earlier have since numbed themselves. However, I still feel on edge.

"Which way now then?" I ask as I look down the two remaining options.

The left path seems a bit more overgrown. Plants have reclaimed the dirt path and started to flourish. The rain is only further helping their war over the unused path it would seem. The more I stare at the plantlined pathway, the more I'm reminded why I never leave the house without my camera.

The middle path seems to be in pretty good shape! Until you look to the floor... Muddy puddles are everywhere and if it isn't a puddle, it's a pile of soggy leaves. Maybe not the best place to go when it's raining. As I inspect the flooded mud and muck, rocks seem to be dotted throughout the path. A majority are probably hidden by the water and fallen foliage. One slip there could spell disaster... So before Vi can answer my question, I answer it for her.

"Left. We're going left." Vi quickly looks up at me as if to say, hang on a second. But I ignore her and turn to walk down the left path.

"Woah woah woah." A hand grabs my forearm and gently pulls me back. "You want to go down there." Vi asks, flicking her eyes from me to the bushy pathway covered in plants.

"Have you seen the other option?" I ask her, looking back to the middle. Vi looks over her shoulder and soon after relaxes her hand. She looks back at me, eyes wider than before.

"Good choice, moonberry. You really know your way around this forest don't you?" She lets go of my arm completely and waits for me to walk.

"Vi and her nicknames." I think as a sigh struggles to break loose.

"This is my kingdom. What kind of a princess would I be if I didn't know my way around it?" Feeling a bit brave, I decided to play along with Vi. But I'd be lying if I said my ears weren't feeling a bit more than hot. Thank god it's raining.

Vi seems to light up. A childish glint gleaming somewhere behind those murky ocean eyes. A glint which turns my insides to putty ready for her to unknowingly mould.

"After you, your ladyship." Vi says, as she crosses her arms and waits for me to walk ahead.

"Thank you, my royal subject." I say sticking my head up proudly and beginning our trek into the unknown.

And just like that, a forest princess and her unwaveringly loyal subject wander into the unexplored parts of their kingdom.

Author's notes.

Word count: 8208

If you want to know what Vi's vest said, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. But let's just say it's something very gay.

Okay, so I want to apologise for having been so absent for so very long. Hopefully this extra long chapter makes up for that. I also praying this wasn't a massive let down because I am very rusty. I have not written anything in months. Not even things unrelated to this account.

Has everyone been doing well? Drinking plenty? You better have been. Just because I'm away it does not mean you can stop drinking up that lovely liquid known as water (I don't like drinking just water).

God, I'm very tired as the time of posting this. I really wanted to get this out though and couldn't wait another day.

Take care everyone and I really mean this next part.

Thank you for all the support and contuined support at that. I haven't been the most reliable or consistent the past few months so to anyone that has come back, I sincerely thank you. And if you've just found this story, then heres to many more chapters!

I love you all dearly my little plumpkins. Heres to a good rest of the year!

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