Unraveling Secrets

By Reading_Ig2

86.9K 2K 363

Nova was only 2 years old when she was kidnapped from her family. She has 5 older brothers and her biological... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 13

1.8K 43 15
By Reading_Ig2


We are all sitting around at the dinning room table eating the breakfast food Matteo made. I have never been to big on breakfast, not because I didn't like the food. I love breakfast food, but just because I never had the time, or felt comfortable enough to be around those I previously lived with. 

There were so many options for me to choose from, but I ended up getting full before I got to have a couple of them. 

"So principessa, we have a few rules I would like to go over with you. I figured now is a great time to do so. Please if you can, refrain from saying anything until I am done. I hate being cut off." Lorenzo says.

"I feel the same way so that won't be a problem." I tell him, and he nods at me.

"Okay so I am just going to list them for you. 

1. When you are going out, I need to know when, where, and with who. I most likely will not tell you no unless we have plans or I do not like the sounds of that plan. 

2. You will have a curfew as well, unless I gave you permission to stay out past curfew you will follow it. As of right now it is set to be 10, but as we get into the swing of things I am willing to negotiate the terms later on.

3. This one should go without being said. No drinking, smoking, or drugs. One your underage and two that shit messes you up. 

4. Actually we are going to get rid of 4 since me saying it does absolutely nothing, because if you have always done this it comes naturally. So you can swear, just if we are in a argument do not swear at me.  

5. No sneaking out, that one should also be common sense.

And last but definitely not least rule number 6. No boyfriends. 

So if you have any questions comments you can speak now."

Alright. Questions? No. Comments? Yes.

"Yeah I have some comments. Now it is your turn to not cut me off. Um for rule number one, I have no issues with it. Although I will say if you are always demanding my whereabouts, you might end up with a lie here and there if I have to tell you. And I am not a fan of lying, but I will if need be.

For rule number 2, no problems for now but I will be seeing you about 'negotiating' it later. 

For 3? Sure.... Just as the rest of the brothers I will gladly follow that rule for you.

I am glad we got rid of four because there was no fucking way I would follow that. And I will respect you in those future arguments, because there will most definitely be future ones.

5. Okay.

And oh 'last but certainly not least' rule 6. For one I don't do boyfriends, they have always been a pain in my ass in the past. Yes I have had boyfriends precisely the reason I just hang and have fun now.  Don't cut me off, and don't give me that look. I know for a fact you guys are not, and were not innocent at the age of 16. So why should I be given rules that you guys did not follow at my age? Where is the fairness in that? I can tell you I don't see non, and do not try to pull the little sister card,or the girl card. Because frankly I don't know about you, but I live in the 21st century where girls can have casual hook-ups as well. And if I am not going to be treated fairly in this house I would like a heads-up before I unpack all of shit."

Okay so total lie. All of my shit is unpacked, but I needed to get the point across. Also I am totally going to be sneaking out sometimes. I ain't big on the whole drug thing either, but I do occasionally have fun. I see the looks I am getting now, and they were not prepared to find out there sister was not a virgin, but I do not feel bad. I know most of these rules were made up upon my arrival, but if I was going to fight over one it was going to be the last one. 

"Slut" Antonio scoffs leaning back in his seat.

"Hm.. So what does that make you? What was that girls name again who was sneaking out of the house last night?" I say tapping my finger on my chin for dramatics. His shoulders stiffen at the fact he had been caught, and he narrows his eyes on me. "Was it Isabel? No that can't be right. Vanessa? Veronica? Nope but it did start with a V." I smirk and his eyes widen a little. "Oh! I remember now! Valentina!"  He was getting ready to say something when everyone's head turns from me to him. 

He starts shaking his head with a loss of words. "Valentina?! Really dude?! I thought we talked about this. Fuck bro." Angelo says while shaking his head with disappointment.

"What- I- No- it wasn't Valentina!" He tries to lie. "She heard wrong! You heard wrong!" He says glaring at me.

"Nope.. Don't think I did." I say with a smirk on my face.

"Antonio.. Her? Out of all people you fucked her?" Marcello says.

"Well if I heard wrong.. Which I don't think I did.. Why don't you guys pull up the camera footage that you have for the hallway? That way just in case I am wrong, we can make sure." I say, and Lorenzo looks like he is about to ask me how I knew about them so I beat him to it. "I know a lot of things Lorenzo.. A camera hanging in the hall isn't hard to spot." I say.

"Yeah lets settle this and just pull up the footage." Matteo says pulling out his phone. Everyone but me and Antonio crowds the phone. I already have a knowing look on my face, while Antonio puts his face in his hands getting ready for the million questions. 

I get up out of my seat to head to my room, while doing so I stop by Antonio and lean my head down so I can whisper. "Who's the slut now brother?"

Word Count: 1064

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