•The Step Daddy•

By jjjustherrr

54.7K 2.2K 741

•DISCONTINUED• Y/n is a single mom of a two year old boy,Daniel,she's all about her boy and does everything s... More



1.1K 53 15
By jjjustherrr


I knocked about three times in a rhythm so they knew it was me,the door was finally pulled open "what's up chica" Carlos greeted

"Hey,Lexi has work so she can't babysit.Can you guys please take care of him?" I begged knowing they're always busy

"Yeah no problem,chill out" he says before taking Daniel out my arms "where you going?"

"I got work today" I say with a smirk,he raised a brow

"No shit" he said causing me to smack his arm "oh my fault I mean no poop" he says side eyeing Daniel,I giggled

"Yo josh,come here" he shouted.Josh then pushed the door more

"Oh hey chico" josh says taking Daniel from Carlos

"Girl got a job" Carlos says before placing his hands in his pockets,josh eyes widen

"No way,that's good! We're proud of you" josh spoke,I smiled "and don't worry about the paying us back,we don't expect you to alright? It's all on us"

"Aw thank you guys,I'll be back soon to get him.Love you" I say while walking away

"Love you chica!" Carlos yelled

"Good luck!" Josh shouted


I walked in the store seeing Mart by the registers,he looked up seeing me "oh hey,the uniform is laid out in the back so go change" he said

I hummed before walking in the back seeing the black and white striped shirt with my name tag,I got a name tag.I'm so grateful with any job I get

I put the shirt over my black plain sleeve v-neck shirt then the name tag around my neck,I fix my hair to make sure I look nice

I walked back out "okay come here" Mart says,I obeyed he began teaching me how to work the register even though I already knew since I'm always jumping job to job

He then taught me some of the shoes and their names,I obviously already knew but I didn't want to seem the 'know it all' so I didn't tell him

He then told me how to approach customers and how to make a sale,so far the job seemed easy and I know I can handle it since I handled a lot of harder jobs

"Okay I think you're good to go" he said,i lightly cracked a smile "I'm gonna put the 'open' sign okay? The others should come in to clock in"

"Oh okay" I muttered

"I also send you guys your schedule through numbers so write your number down and place it in the back so I can have you" he stated,I hummed

"I don't have all employees on the same shift so there's gonna be at least two or three of you per shift alright? So don't be surprise if you see a new face"

I chuckled "that's not a problem"

"Okay well you're with miguel and thomas,they've been here for a minute so if you have questions you can ask either one of them"

"I can't ask you?" I asked

"If I'm here but since I have three employees on the job,I don't have to be.Good luck on your first day" he says before going into the back

I took a deep breath,trying to prepare myself for the first day.I heard the bell on the door that dings when someone walks in

I looked up seeing Miguel and I'm guessing Thomas,miguel stopped in his tracks when he noticed me

"Oh you're the new employee right?" Thomas asked,I nodded "well I'm thomas or tommy,which ever you like"

He walked to the computers which were our registers,he clocked in before going to the back as miguel and I stared at each other

"Hey,new coworker" he says as I softly smiled "he trained you?" He steps closer

"Yeah it's pretty easy to me" I told him,he nodded

"Well that's good" he leaned back to look at me from head to toe "don't you look pretty in your uniform"

My stomach turned while playing with my rings "thanks mikey" I say tilting my head "but don't get too comfortable"

"Aw man" he sarcastically says,I scoffed "well I'm gonna clock in" he walks to the same register Thomas used and clicked in

"I'll be back" he said before going to the back as Thomas came out after him

"You ready for your first day?" Tommy asked

"Yeah just nervous" I say,he raised his eyebrows

"Well if you ever need help,you can come to me.I got you girl" he spoke,I gave him a fake smile before turning my back on him to look at the shoes we've had

Miguel came out with his uniform and name tag,he walked over to me as Martin came out the bag with his jacket and bag

"Okay if anything,call me and help y/n if she needs it but something tells me she doesn't" he says,I smirked to myself

He then left "seems like mart has confidence in you" miguel said,I turned to him

"Is that bad?"

"Of course not,that means you showed him something he liked" he crossed his arms,i hummed "so who's taking care of the boy?"

"My brothers" I said

"You're the only girl?" I nodded,he chuckled "that's cute"

"How is that cute?" I raised a brow,he licked his lips

"Cause I know they're protective of you,that's a nice bond" he commented,I shrugged

"You got siblings?"  I asked

"I'm my mom's only child but I have half siblings" I smiled causing him to do the same while the eye contact we were having was strong


My first day was actually going good,I made a few good sales that I know Martin would love.Miguel and I would talk throughout our shift but I always dodged his flirty comments or compliments

But we got to know each other a bit more though I didn't tell him everything about me,he's funny and sweet.

I don't want anything more than that right now,I can't do it to myself.I have Daniel and other things to worry about,I don't need someone else right now

It was time for the shift to end,I went to the back.I noticed a sticky note so I took it to write my number for Martin,I stick it to the walk above the desk where there's the others sticky notes

I took off my name tag and hang it on the small hanger with other employees names,I grabbed my purse and small jacket.

As I was putting on my jacket,the back door open "hey I guess we're clocking out at the same time?" Miguel said

"Yeah I guess so" I say while zipping up my jacket,he cleared his throat

"I can give you a ride if you would like" he suggested,he's really sweet but I can't get weak in the knees

"Thanks mikey but I got my car" I told him,his eyebrows slowly dropped as he looked disappointed

"Oh that's alright but if your car ever breaks down or is in the shop,I don't mind giving you a ride" he rumbles,I chuckled

"Yeah I appreciate it mikey but I'm good" I grabbed my purse before placing it over my shoulder "I see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah I'm on schedule tomorrow" he muttered,his mood now changed he's seems upset.I sighed

"Good night mikey" I said before walking out


I wanted to take her home and make sure she got home safe,she doesn't like to open up or talk about her childhood or anything.

I have a feeling she's gone through shit that messed her up,a beautiful girl shouldn't have to go through that.

I seemed so desperate,my dumbass probably made her uncomfortable "Yo are you leaving or what? I'm gonna close" Thomas said

"Yeah I just need my stuff and I need to clock out-did y/n already leave?" I asked

"Yeah she clocked out and left,you like her too huh?" He said,my eyebrows furrowed while scrunching my face

"You like her?" I ask

Thomas is a typical fuckboy,I definitely don't want y/n to give him a chance cause that's gonna hurt her but knowing she's probably got a lot going on

It will kill her,I gotta protect her

"Yeah she's hot" he says with a smug

"She has a kid" I told him,he shrugged

"So what? All you gotta do is put the rug rat to sleep and she's yours for the night" he said,i scrunched my face even more

I hate guys that think like that,that treat girls like that.He makes it worse for us lover guys that actually want to treat the girl right

"Oh come on,that's fucked up" I said before he looked over at me "what?"

"Is that her number on the note?" He asked while pointing,I turned seeing a lot of sticky notes so it was hard to find the one that stood out

I looked closer as Thomas did the same,it has her name and her number on it "she probably wrote it down for Martin,he sends the schedules remember?" I said

"So what? Her number is write there,I can text her and ask her out" he says now pulling out his phone,I shook my head

"You're gonna look stupid,why would you do that? She's not giving you her number directly.she's giving it to the boss-

"Hey Mikey,stop being a cockblocker would ya? You supposed to go home so get out" he sternly spoke

"I said no" I snatched his phone out his hand,he immediately looked up with a shocked face "she has a fucking kid and I know she has shit on her mind already"

"That's not my problem dickhead-

"Then don't add more dipshit" I scolded,he sucked his teeth

"Man whatever,I can find pussy somewhere else.she's not the only woman in the world" he says snatching his phone back

"Yeah you do that" I said while he walked out,I scoffed as I grabbed my things


I wanna bite him


Vote slut

Love you mwah

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