Xmen and Avengers (1)

بواسطة demfreaks

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Lafyia Mooncrest is a mutant on the run. Professor X finds her and sends Logan to get her. The Avengers get h... المزيد

Lafyia Mooncrest
99 problems and a bitch is one
99 problems and a bitch is one part2
Bitch please
Ow my throat!
Authors note
Authors note
Jokes, Party, Probs
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Party and Confessions

1.4K 33 7
بواسطة demfreaks

If I don't have a good pic for the next chapter I will do a pic of all their makeup. I will just describe the guys suits/tuxedos. Please listen to the song. Oh and btws there is no Pepper or Jane or Clint's wife in this so Clint and Thor and Tony are single.
Thor's POV
I walked with Sir Scott to Lady Natasha's room to escort our ladies. "So," Sir Scott said, "you and Storm."
"Well," I said thinking, "I like her but we are not 'dating' as you Midgardians say. I do not think Lady Storm even has feelings for me."
"Well I think different." He said and patted my back.
I wore a maroon jacket with the collar up, a gray V-neck shirt, dark jeans, and dark combat boots (like in AoU at Tonys party). I had my hair in a ponytail. Sir Scott wore a gray traditional suit. He reminded me of sir Steve, both had traditional Earth haircuts and both wore 'old time' clothes. We got it to Lady Natasha's room and Sir Scott knocked. "Who is it?" Lady Natasha inquired.
"It's Thor and Sir Scott." I said.
She opened the door and said "Hello. Well Jean is ready, but Storm is fixing her makeup and hair. So Thor you may come in."
She pushed Lady Jean into Sir Scott and pulled me inside. I heard lady Jean chuckle. Ladies Lafyia, Kitty, and Rouge were also in the room. "Hey Thor!" They all exclaimed.
"Hello. Who is escorting you Ladies?" I inquired of all them.
"I'm going with Clint." Lady Natasha said.
"I'm going with Steve." lady Kitty said.
"I'm going with Bobby." lady Rouge said.
" And I'm going with Logan." Lady Lafyia finished.
"Oh yes.. um so how is the Beautiful Lady Storm?" I asked looking around.
Lady Kitty made an "aww" noise and she answered "She is great, she's really excited that she gets to go with you."
My head snapped to Lady Kitty "Are lying to me Lady Kitty, was she really ecstatic?"
lady Natasha answered "Yes she was Thor. She was really excited. as you seem to be..." she quieted down at the last part.
Lady Storm then walked out in a beautiful golden dress and goddess sandals. "Lady Storm you look stunning." I said my mouth a gape.
She blushed "Thank you Thor. You look handsome, absolutely perfect."
I felt heat rush to my cheeks "Well thank you. Is thy Beauty ready to go to Man of Irons party?"
She chuckled lightly and said "Yes that would be lovely."
We left, holding hands.
Sirs Logan and Steve were walking by and Logan stopped and looked at Storm. He hugged her and said "You look great."
"Thanks," she smiled, "you boys don't look bad yourselves."
steve looked at me "Do you two plan for her to wear Asgardian like clothes?"
"No." I looked at her and smiled, "but she would look stunning in Asgardian clothes."
She blushed and quietly said a thanks. "Oh sir Steve?" I said just as they started walking again.
"Steve, Thor, just Steve."
"Oh Steve, Lady Kitty might jump on you she seems so ecstatic." I said with a small chuckle.
"Well thank you, but I will enjoy it..." he quieted down at the last part.
They then walked away and Storm asked "Who do you think Tony invited?"
I answered "probably mostly women, possibly a few SHEILD agents."
"Oh." she stated.
We walked down the hallways until we made it to the main room where the party was. Tony walked up and said "Ah Thorm!"
"I do not understand." I was confused.
"It's your guys's ship name bud!" Tony replied.
"What is a ship name?"
"A ship name is when you combine people's names cause you think they are cute together, and I think you two are cute together so Throm."
"Oh well thank you Man of Iron, but we are not dating, yet.." I muttered the last part.
Tony smirked and said "Well I'm gonna get drunk, don't have too much fun kids!"
We chuckled as he walked away. "Care to dance, malady?" I bowed and held my hand out to her.
She grabbed my hand and we danced many different dances. At one point we were ballroom dancing to a 'hip hop' song. I lifted her up and set her back down as we looked into each other's eyes. We both leaned in and we kissed. It started to lightly snow. I pulled away and said "We both love the weather I guess?"
She lightly laughed and pecked my lips "We go together like thunder and lightning."
I smiled and we kissed again. Tony walked up and screamed "Throm! I love it!"
We both pulled away and I put my hand on the small of her back. "Well Storm would you like to Throm?"
She kissed me and said "yes!" She jumped into my arms.
"You two are cute! Wait until Bruce finds out, I owe him twenty!"
Storm smirked "You two bet on us?"
"I bet you two would fuck by tonight, but you are both too classy for that."
"Man of Iron, that is disgusting. I love my Beauty, but we have only just started 'dating', as Midgardians say." I out air quotes around dating.
Storm turned to me and says "Your cute when you talk Asgardian."
We kiss again and wait for Lady Lafyias party to die down, and once it does....

Logan's POV in the morning
I walked to my closet to try and find a suit. No luck. I tried to think of someone my size who would give me something. Steve. I walked down to his room and knocked. He opened it "Hey Logan. What do you need?"
"Hey, I need a suit or something to wear to Laf's party."
"Oh yeah sure come on in."
I walked in and his room was extremely neat and his desk had drawings all over it. He walked to his closet and I said "Sorry to have to borrow one, but you were the only one I thought of who was my size."
"Oh it's fine," he pulled out a few suits, "uh this is all I have besides my funeral suit."
"Is it black?"
"Uh... yeah."
"Can I borrow that?"
"Uh sure..." he said taking it out of his closet and handing it to me.
"Thanks man."
I walked out of his room and into mine. I put the suit on my bed and walked to the kitchen. Tony and Peter were in there. Tony was saying "I wonder how your metal would be against Hulk? I mean it could work."
"Your funny." I say.
"What? Me and Bruce are trying to find a solution to when he Hulks out so we can contain him."
"Yeah, but Peter's not a container he's a living being."
"Says the guy who uses me as a pitching machine for yourself sometimes." Peter says laughing.
"Hey. Don't act like you don't like throwing me." I said narrowing my eyes at him.
He chuckles and eats some cereal. When I finish eating I go to my room and shower. I fix my hair and put my suit on and go into the main room where all the guys are sitting in their fancy stuff. Alex sees me and says "Jeez Logan it's a party not a funeral."
Steve laughed and said "That's actually my funeral suit."
"Aww" Tony says "How cute?! They're sharing clothes!"
"ha.ha. I don't own suits so I had to borrow one from him and he only has like gray and brown. And I like black and so does Laf so..."
"Ahh.." Clint says, "Is that a tactic so you two can have sex?"
"I don't know Clint, is having Nat's favorite cologne on a tactic to get laid?" I said with a smirk.
"How did you..." Clint starts.
Bruce interrupts "He has heightened senses he can smell the cologne and he probably heard Nat comment on your cologne before."
I nod and say "I don't plan on doing anything with her until she is ready."
Darwin said "Aw how cute. not forcing yourself onto a girl." he chuckles.
"Yeah," I say smirking, "Well Darwin, have you seen a woman like Laf naked?"
He blushed and muttered no I continued "Well I have and even though don't I want to I think the wait for sex is worth it." I added a wink at the end.
Sean coughed and said "Gettin it!"
We all laughed and just talked about stupid stuff. Thor got up and said "Well lads I'm going to go get my Beauty. See you lads at Man of Iron's party."
We all laughed and waved as he went to get Storm. Bruce said "Ah he really is swooning over her."
"Yeah," Scott said, "Strom's a great woman."
Tony went into a high school girl mode and said "Oh. My. God! Scott are you tryina steal Thor's girl?!"
Scott chuckled "No, I have Jean. I just love Storm as a sister."
"Oh well your no fun, drama is great!" Tony said with a imaginary hair flip.
Scott got up and said "I'm betting Thor is still walking so I will catch up to him."
A few minutes later
I stood up "Well I'm gonna go get Laf."
I started to walk down the hall then Steve came up and said "I figured I'd come with you."
"I'm taking Kitty to the party."
"Oh just so you know, don't hurt her cause then I'll have to kill you."
"I wont, I promise."
Then as we were almost to Nat's room we saw Thor and Storm. I stopped and hugged her and said "You look great."
"Thanks," she smiled, "you boys don't look bad yourselves."
steve looked at Thor "Do you two plan for her to wear Asgardian like clothes?"
"No." Thor looked at her and smiled, "but she would look stunning in Asgardian clothes."
She blushed and quietly said a thanks. "Oh sir Steve?" Thor said just as we started walking again.
"Steve, Thor, just Steve."
"Oh Steve, Lady Kitty might jump on you she seems so ecstatic." Thor said with a small chuckle.
"Well thank you, but I will enjoy it..." he quieted down at the last part.
We started to walk again and I nudged him and said "You'll enjoy it?" I chuckled a little.
"Well... uh... Kitty's beautiful... not-not that I just like her for her looks.. I-I love her personality.. uh" Steve was stuttering and blushing like a crazy guy.
"Steve," he looked at me, "shut up. I get what you mean. It's the same for me with Laf."
He nodded nervously and we walked in silence. We got to Nat's room and I knocked. "Who is it?" Nat yelled through the door.
"Logan and Steve." I said.
She opened the door "Ah gentleman. Your lovely ladies are just getting fixed up in the bathroom. Come on in."
She pulled us inside and I noted that Rouge and her were in the room. Rouge hopped up at the sight of me and hugged me hard "Logan this is the fanciest I've seen you!"
I mocked her tone, which was similar to a high school girl, "Rouge this is the first I've seen you in a dress!"
She lightly punched my arm and said "Well Laf and you will look great together, you to match quite well since..."
Nat put a hand over her mouth "Shhh, don't ruin Laf's beautiful dress."
Rouge chuckled as Nat put her hand down and rouge bowed slightly to mock Nat.

*Time skip to when the party dies down*
Laf's POV
The party finally died down, so the Xmen and Avengers all met up in living room part. We all sat down and Alex said "So Thor is the secret to your hammer whoever has your fingerprints?"
Clint perked up "That's exactly what I said!"
Thor chuckled and said "well try it then, how about all you Xmen try to lift it."
He set his hammer on the table. Everyone had gone and failed, but me and Logan haven't gone yet. I put my hands out and said to Logan "Ladies first."
He laughed but got up anyway. He grabbed the hilt and pulled. He grunted as he pulled harder. "Haha. Nothing." Thor said.
I got up and said "What happens if one of us could lift it?"
"You would be ruler of Asgard." Thor said.
I walked up to the hammer. I traced the designs on the metal ,then I slid my fingers up to the hilt. I grabbed it and pulled up lightly. "What if I don't want to rule Asgard?"
Thor looked at me amazed "You don't have to."
I started to flip it and swing it. I said to Thor "The weight is very balanced."
Thor said "Yeah it's nice to use."
"Well," I flipped it to him "I like my powers and knifes."
He chuckled then Bruce and Tony walked in. Bruce had something behind his back. I sat down on Logan's lap and said to Bruce "Whatcha got behind your back?"
"Your present for all of us."
"Ooooooo. I'm excited!" I said basically bouncing with excitement.
Bruce laughed and handed me a long box. I opened it and gasped. It was two bracelets that had many charms on them. There was 9 charms on one and 10 on the other. There was a symbol for everyone. "Oh my god! You guys these are beautiful!"
"It was Thor's idea." Nat said.
I got up and went to Thor. I bent down and hugged him really hard. "Lady. Lafyia. I. Can't. Breathe."
"Ops. Sorry I forgot how strong I am."
"It's fine."
Logan then waved me over. I went over and sat next to him. "Yeah?"
He pulled out a small velvet box. He got down on one knee. My hands immediately went to my mouth. I felt my eyes start to water as he said "Lafyia Mooncrest, you have given me a new purpose in life. You've given me something to protect and love for the rest of my long life, you. We can live our extremely long lives together. I love you so much. Will you be my wife?"
I started crying and bent down to his level "Yes!" I kissed him.
Everyone clapped then we hugged. After everything calmed down everyone was kind of talking amongst themselves. I was at the bar with Nat and Storm. Storm cleared her throat then said "Laf, I'm not trying to dull the great mood, but me and Nat have something to ask you."
"Okay.." I said confused.
Nat continued "Laf why do you where long sleeves all the time?"
"I get cold alot.."
"Laf please tell me the truth."
"Fine okay. I'll tell everyone."
"Okay we'll get everyone in the main part."
I slowly walked over to Logan in the main part. And held his hand while waiting for everyone to come in. Everyone came in and I stood up. "Guys I haven't been completely honest to you. I cut myself. I have for 100 years."
"Not to be rude," Alex said "but where are your scars then?"
"I used makeup to cover them up." I grabbed a cloth and wiped off the makeup on my arm "See?"
Everyone stared at the large scars and recent cuts....

A/n: the confession is out. And my new Venomous Love book is out now! Please go check it out. I love you guys and thank you so much for the support.
And continue reading
Love ya

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