Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple R...

By tanishatribe1118

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As she joins the academy, Leah doesn't know that she's related to SPD's head technician. Kat and Cruger are h... More

Beginnings Part 1
Beginnings, Part 2
Sam Part 1
Sam Part 2
Shadow Part 1
Shadow Part 2
Wired Part 1
Wired Part 2
Messenger Part 1
Messenger Part 2
Reflection Part 1
Reflection Part 2
S.W.A.T. Part 1
S.W.A.T. Part 2
Endings Part 1
Endings Part 2


49 3 0
By tanishatribe1118

"Aah!" screamed Mora as she looks at what she's seeing. She then runs out of the room, dropping Cindy Sunshine as she goes.

At the base, Kat was walking with Cruger. "I've overhauled the morphing grid and uploaded the relevant battles to the mainframe for review." Kat explained and Cruger didn't reply to her. "Still no word from the "A" Squad, and...and the rangers have asked to wear clown suits while on patrol. I've approved them."

"Fine." said Cruger, still deep in thought until Kat stops him.

"You're not listening to me at all, are you?" asked Kat.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Kat." he tells her. "I was just thinking about...."

"Aisynia?" she asked him.

"(Sighs) Yes." said Cruger. "Do you think it's possible she's still alive?"

"I don't know. It's been a long time." said Kat. "Hope can be a dangerous thing if you let it consume you."

Just then, the rangers walked up to hear their conversation. "Well, I still haven't lost hope for the "A" Squad." said Cruger, not noticing them. "Sometimes I wonder if I hadn't sent them to the helix nebula, maybe we'd defeated Gruumm already."

Z pulls Leah close to her as Leah's ears went down in sadness, tears were filling her eyes as they walked away. It was night in Newtech and at the base, Z was up. As she was over at the monitor, getting a cup of milk, she heard Jack's voice behind her.

"Can't sleep?" he asked, causing her to scream and jump.

"Jack..." she said, seeing him on the couch. "You scared me."

"Better me than Leah." said Jack and she nodded at him.

"Yeah. What are you doing sitting in the dark?" asked Z.

"Can't sleep either." he tells her as she walks over to them. "I let you all down. I'm the leader and I failed."

"Cruger was right...we should have defeated Gruumm by now." said Jack.

"We're doing okay." said Z.

"Remember where we started from?" she asked.


"I'm sorry." Jack said to the women. "We don't have anything to give out. Maybe tomorrow."

She then turns away until Jack calls out, "Wait, wait." He then her his jacket.

"If we're gonna make a change, then we're gonna have to be a part of something bigger." said Z.

"I need something more challenging, Jack." said Leah as she hops down from the top of the car.

"Yeah, well, when you find something bigger, let me know." Jack tells them.

"Stop, Z! Leah!" shouted Jack as they ran through the square. "Outta of the way, we don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt us?" asked Sky.

Jack was standing on a table when Sky decided to flip it over. Z and her duplicate were fighting with Syd. Leah then teleported behind Bridge. "You three have been charged of stealing and distributing stolen goods." said Sky as he raised his morpher.

"Guilty." said Bridge.

"Fire!" shouted the Blue head as he aimed at Sky, Bridge and Syd.

"They were really outnumbered back there." said Jack.

"I hate to admit it, but he's right. They are going to get bruised back there." said Leah.

"They were trying to arrest us. Besides it's not our fight." said Z.

Out of nowhere, Jack, Z and Leah came out from behind them. "Back off!" said Jack as he and Z knocked a Blue head to the ground.

"You can serve your time in prison, or you can become part of something bigger, something that makes a difference." said Cruger.

"Can we think about this?" Z and Leah asked, then looked over at Jack.

"We've got company." said Syd.

"It's Jack." said Z as Jack appears in front of them.

"You guys need any help?" asked Jack. "S.P.D. EMERGENCY!"

Jack runs towards the Krybots, destroying them with his blasters. "S.P.D. EMERGENCY!" shouted Z and Leah. An Orange head had cornered Z and Leah to the ground until Jack runs to help them.

"Want a hand?" asked Z

"You really want to be my friend?" asked Sam.

"We already are." said Z and Sam runs up to hug them.

"I'm gonna puke. Bugglesworth!" shouted Mora.

"On it!"

"Look out!" shouted Z as she pushes Leah and Sam out of the way. "Leah, get out of here!"

Leah teleports away.

"Sky, take your flyer back to earth." said Jack. "If I take my flyer and hit the core, maybe I can destroy it."

"And yourself? No way." said Sky.

"I'm red ranger, and that's the plan." said Jack. Sky's zord was disengaged from the rest of the S.W.A.T. Zord.

"S.P.D. Emergency." said Jack. "Have a safe trip back to earth. Realign to target."

Jack and the others were battling Stench and Thresher. "Activate." said Jack as his weapon charged up and fires at them.

[Flashback ends]

"Okay, so we whipped some alien thugs." said Jack. "So why does Cruger think he'll be better off with 'A' squad?"

"'Cause he's right." said Sky. "The 'A' squad's the tightest, most disciplined team in the whole academy. As a team, we haven't been on the same page, and it's mostly my fault."


"Ever since I was a little kid, I've trained for the day I become like my dad...the next red ranger." said Sky.

"You've got to be kidding me? He's the red ranger?" asked Sky as he sees Jack wearing red.

"He's got no business being the red ranger." stated Sky.

"I heard that." said Jack. "Think you can do a better job?"

"Yeah, but Cruger picked you." said Sky. "You may be wearing red, but you're not a leader."

"If we could have caught that guy, we could have formed the megazord right away." Sky argued with Jack.

"You don't know that, Sky." said Jack.

"Actually, I believe I do." Sky tells him.

"Well, maybe if you spent more time with the team, you could enlighten us." said Jack as they entered Kat's lab.

"This coming from a guy who used to order us around like he was our boss."

"Hey, I was just trying..."

"That's enough." said Kat. "Fight the enemy, not each other."

"I guess you two really don't know when to quit." said Leah.

[Flashback ends]

"Okay, it's true we had our differences, but we pulled it together when it mattered most." said Z.


"Guys, this has to be one of Silverback's plans." said Jack. "He wanted us all to be together."

"You know what?" asked Sky. "When I was running, I realized so do I. I want us to be together as power rangers and as friends. From now on, we need to take Leah seriously when she says about fighting in front of her. So I want to apologize."

"I'm sorry." said Syd.

"I'm sorry." said Z as both girls hugged each other.

"Me too." said Jack.

"Me three." said Bridge.

"Come on, guys. Let's show them." said Jack.

"Yeah." shouted the others.

"Bring it!" shouted Drakel.

"With pleasure!" said Jack and they began to attack. "Need a lift?"

"Ranger Power!" they shouted.

"Ready team?" asked Jack.

"Yes, sir!" the others replied as they formed the megazord.

"Are you sure this will work?" asked Syd.

"Knowing Jack, he'll make it work." said Z, feeling confident in her best friend. The three zords then combined together. "Let's show 'em how it's done." said Sky.

"Ready, Jack?" asked Bridge.

"Oh, yeah." he replied. "Here it goes."

"Delta Squad Megazord!"








[Flashback ends]

"Sure, we had our moments, but as a team, I'm not convinced we can defeat Gruumm." said Sky. "Are you?"

Bridge walks into the room as Jack, Z and Sky were sitting down, yawning as he walks pasts them. He then picks up a cupcake. "Bridge?" asked Z.

"What are you doing eating a cupcake in the middle of the night?" asked Sky.

"I always eat when I'm responsible for the end of the world." said Bridge.


"What are you doing?" asked Z.

"Watching you read." replied Bridge.

"I don't think I want to ask you why you're watching me read, but could you at least do it without chomping on your food?" asked Z, trying to read her book.

"Toast...want some? Its buttery." he said, wiggling his fingers by his mouth.

"Bridge!" shouted Jack.

"Um..." said Diane as Jack pulls him up.

"It's rude to sniff other people's dogs without permission." Jack tells him.

"My bad." said Bridge.

"Bridge!" said Syd, getting his attention.

"Bridge!" said Z.

"Watch." said Bridge as he makes a balloon animal.

"He's good." Leah tells her as Diane glances at the young purple ranger.

"Bridge!" all of them minus Leah shouted.

"Wait a minute. What did the monster say he was after?" said Bridge, then did a handstand against the wall to remember what Valko had said.

[Flashback ends]

"You can be a little odd, Bridge, but without you, we wouldn't have caught have those freaks." said Jack as he, Z and Sky were doing handstands while Bridge was sitting against the wall.


"A series one processor hyper intelligent encryptor...surrender it to me or pay the price!" shouted Valko.

"Sophie!" said Bridge as he gets back to his feet. "S-O-P-H-I-E. Series one processor..."

"Hyper." said Jack.

"Intelligent." said Z.

"Encryptor." said Syd.

"We practically handed her to them." said Bridge.

"That's him." said Diane. "That's the alien I saw break into the bank. Arrest him."

"But he's not guilty." said Bridge.

"How is that possible?" Diane asked in amusement.

"You should know, you're the one who framed him!" Bridge accused.

"Bridge, are you sure about that?" asked Jack.

"Sure enough to do this." he said, as he walks over to a car and hauls it over his head.

"What are you doing?" she asked.





Her eyes then flashed red before she changed her appearance, raising her hand above her head. A powerful jet of water burst from her hand and cuts through the car. "What the..." said Jack.

"Fire!" shouted Bridge as fires at Valko.

"Go, Bridge!" shouted Sky.

"Let's party." said Bridge as they went against the robots. "Fire!"

[Flashback ends]

"Okay, then who's fault is it then?" asked Bridge.

"Mine. I can't sleep." said Syd, walking into the room. "It keeps swirling around in my head. I'm gonna have bags tomorrow. I spend too much time thinking about me. Me, me, me. I'm the reason we can't win."


"This is my room." said Syd, walking into it.

"Your filthy, lace less, tasteless trash-dumpster boots... out of my room." said Syd as she picks them up and throws them out the door.

"Here's a news flash for you, missy..." said Z. "The big blue dog says it's not just your room anymore."


Out of nowhere, a purple cloud of smoke appears to reveal Leah. "Hey Z, you think I can...am I interrupting something?" she asked.

"Whoo-ho-ho-ho!" said Bridge.

"For information, I'm going out for my birthday." said Syd.

"What?" they said.

"It's your birthday?" asked Bridge.

"Why didn't you tell us?" asked Z.

"Well, tomorrow's officially my birthday." said Syd. "It's no big deal to me, but my parents insist on throwing me this enormous party every year the night before. You know, they rent the best restaurant in town, and there's limos and a live band and blah, blah, blah."

"Really? I didn't know that." said Leah.

"Landors, I want you to choose one member of your squad to stake out her laboratory." said Cruger.

"Not a problem. Syd and I will do it. Leah can be an alternative." said Jack and Syd had a shocked look.

"What?" she asked.

"Alternative...not bad. What do I get out of it?" asked Leah.

"Nothing if you keep asking that question." said Kat.

"You have the most surveillance training, so that makes you the best person for the job." said Jack.

"Yes, but I'm gonna miss my birthday dinner." she complained.

"And your birthday tomorrow." reminded Jack. "Sorry, Syd, but this is an important assignment. Birthday's not a good enough reason to get out of it."

"I can't believe I have to spend time in this grimy..." complained Syd.

"Yeah, well, whining is not gonna make it go by any faster." said Jack with Leah walking in behind him.

"I'm not whining. It's just so unfair." said Syd.

"Will you get over yourself?" asked Jack.

"If you ask me, he's been ready for the scrap heap for a while now." said Syd, not bothered by the news.

"Syd, that's pretty cold, even for you." said Z.

[Flashback ends]

"Syd, you've also taught us all how to be better rangers." said Z.


"A few more minutes." she said, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"I hate to say it, but he obviously wasn't able to trace the scent." said Z, shaking her head.

"We're not sure of that yet." said Syd, not looking up.

"I told you, Syd, we didn't have enough time to test the program." said Bridge, crouching down beside her. "I guess he's still kinda of buggy."

R.I.C. barks at the ground. "But he seemed so sure." she said, looking at R.I.C. sadly.

"There's no use in all of us wasting our time out here." said Sky. "Come on, guys."

"Hey guys, Cruger filled me in on what's going on." said Leah.

"Come on, R.I.C." said Bridge and R.I.C. whimpered, walking away with his head down and his tail between his legs.

Syd and Leah were digging as rain poured overhead until the ground beneath Syd gave away.

"Syd!" shouted Leah as she peered into the hole.

"I'm ok. But I can't see anything."

"Careful, I'm coming down there." said Leah as she jumps down.

"I knew it!" said Syd as she lifted one of the containers from a shelf and Leah continues to look around. "R.I.C. was right!"

Syd and Leah were then fighting Rhinix as he knocks them back. "Time to finish this game." Rhinix declared.

"Hope that you didn't forget about me." Leah said as she rushed towards him and hopped on his back. She tried to get a good hold of him but was thrown off. There was a howl and both girls looked around just in time to see R.I.C to attack Rhinix, who cried out.

"Didn't see that coming." he groaned.

"Whoa." said Syd. "R.I.C."

Syd then slashed him, cutting off his horn.

[Flashback ends]

"I guess you're right. I am great." said Syd.

Suddenly a purple cloud of smoke appears, letting the others know that Leah was up and about, mumbling to herself. Leah walks over towards the counter, looking in the bowl that was on the counter for something healthy. "Isn't a little late for you to have a snack?" asked Z, causing Leah to drop the apple she was holding.

"You scared me." said Leah. "Besides, mom decided that I should be eating healthier."

"She went through on monitoring your sugar intake?" asked Sky, causing Leah to nod.

"I feel like this is my fault." said Leah, picking up the apple.

"Can't sleep, huh?" asked Jack.

"Sleep is overrated." said Leah. "Especially when you're tossing and turning in bed."

"Why do you think it's your fault?" asked Bridge.

"Because it's true. We all know that I'm a brat." she tells them.


"Why didn't you tell us you're a cyborg?" asked Jack.

"Better yet, why didn't Leah?" asked Sky, then they turned to face the youngest ranger.

"Uh..." said Leah before teleporting away.

"I don't want any of you to get hurt." said Leah, her ears pressed against her head.

"What are you saying?" asked Syd, Z and Kat.

"Cadet Manx, what do you prepare for, since you have something to say." said Silverback.

"Yes, sir. I prepare for training, I prepare for my lessons in school, and I prepare to study for exams. I do not prepare to go into battle, I do not prepare to get hurt in my mother's lab." Leah said, listing things on her hand.

"I can't believe you called her, Pinky." said Leah.

"Yeah, so that's her color." said Z.

"All I got to say for that is I wouldn't say it to her face. Sure, I'll say it behind her back but never to her face." said Leah.

"Ugh! This thing needs a tune up." said Z.

"It sure does." said Syd. "Think you can do it, Leah?"

"Unfortunately, I can't. My mom never shared those secrets with me yet." said Leah.

"You saw what happened to the others." Z said to him.

"Yes, I did." he said.

"I don't care if I get my butt kicked all over kingdom come." said Leah, as she and Jack continued walking. "He is our commander and I will die for him if it's the last thing I do."

"Was that the real Leah or was that a..." Bridge started to say when Z hold up a hand.

"I've got to give her credit. She's getting smarter every day." said Z.

[Flashback ends]

"Okay but it's still not your fault, Leah." said Jack.

"Then why do I feel this way?" she asked, sitting in Z's lap. "I mean, I know that I'm smart and all but..."

"True, but you have your moments." said Sky.


"What in the world are you drinking?" asked Jack. Z takes the thermos out of Leah's hands, takes a small sip and gives her a look. "This is coffee. Why are you even drinking coffee?" asked Z.

Leah looks up at Z, yanks the thermos out of her hands and said, "I'm tired, I'm crabby, and I needed something to keep me awake right now so I can fully function today. So I beg you, don't touch my coffee."

"Hey, has anyone seen Leah?" asked Syd, looking around the command center.

"She was here a minute ago." said Cruger. Just then, they heard a small snore coming from behind the commander and looked to see Leah was laying on top of the computer console, still holding her cup in her hand with her headphones on.

Z walks up to her, eases the cup out of her hand and smells the cup. "Figures. Milk gets her every time." said Z as they heard a small part of music coming out of her headphones.

"To be completely honest here, his name sounds more like Sudoku to me." Leah muttered to no one in particular. Z flicked her cheek hard, knowing that she heard her. "What? I can't make fun of his name? Because that's what it actually sounds like to me." Leah complained as she rubbed her injured cheek.

"Don't get smart with me, munchkin." said Z.

"Now I'm gonna get a bruise." grumbled Leah.

"What's going on with Leah?" Kat asked Z.

"Yeah, I should've warned you. She gets like this when she eats too many cupcakes. One cupcake is fine. Two, sure. But when Leah gets more than three, that's when she gets like this. Keep an eye out for when she starts twitching." said Z and then suddenly Kat starts running after her.

"Leah, get back here!" shouted Kat as Leah starts laughing a mile a minute.

"Fun! Fun! So much fun! Let's go play on the swings!" Leah screamed at the top of her lungs.

"No, let's not play on the swings." said Kat.

[Flashback ends]

"You're right. I do have my moments." said Leah.

"Don't ever forget that." said Z.

"Do you think that's why Cruger became Shadow Ranger...he didn't think we could do it on our own?" asked Syd.


Cruger had the morpher Kat made for him in his hand. "S.P.D. EMERGENCY!" he shouted. "You have taken what was dearest to me, Benaag, but that has only made me stronger. I am Shadow Ranger."

The lights on the side of his helmet flashed. "Shadow Saber!" shouted Cruger and starts fighting the Krybots.

"Fire!" shouted Benaag as he fires an energy ball at Cruger. Cruger stops it with his sword, then aims it straight at the truck holding Kat and Leah, destroying the force field and the belts that were around them.

"You have destroyed my planet of Sirius. You've defeated my comrades. You have taken my wife, Aisynia." said Cruger, making each strike against Benaag.

"My turn." said Gruumm as he returns fire at Cruger.

"Full throttle!" shouted Cruger as he went airborne. Gruumm went airborne as well, holding his staff out. Cruger drew out his sword and jumps off his vehicle, striking Gruumm as he went through the air.

"I've never been more disappointed in a team in all my years." said Cruger as he looks at the rangers.

"That's a lot of years when you consider that one of my years is equivalent to seven of your years." said Bridge, causing Cruger to growl at him.

[Flashback ends]

"I guess we all let Cruger down in our own way." said Jack. He and Sky were sitting at the counter while the girls were sitting on the couches and Bridge still on the floor.

"Yeah, you're probably right." said Sky.

On Gruumm's ship, he drags Mora by the arm. "This way, Mora." he said, laughing as he pushes her towards the door.

"I promise not to disobey you again." said Mora, trying to get out of his grip.

"Open." said Gruumm and the door opens. "The magnificence will not be denied."

He then gives Mora a big push into the room and she turns around. "Gruumm!" she called out but her plea was fallen on deaf ears. She then tries to open the door. "Gruumm?" she asked and bangs on the door. "Gruumm!"

Mora then hears snarling behind her as she turns around to face what was there, whimpering. "AAAH!" she screamed.

It was still night back at the base. "Guys, I have a question." said Bridge. "Have you ever wondered why Gruumm just hasn't destroyed earth like he did in Alandia?"

"I've been wondering that too." said Leah.

"If Gruumm can destroy earth from orbit, why doesn't he?" asked Sky, getting up from his seat.

"Well, he must need something." said Jack.

"But what?" Syd asked. "He already has millions of dollars' worth of diamonds."


"Do you think 100 karats is a bit much?" asked Syd.

"Personally, that is way too much for me. 50 karats is good enough for me and nothing more." said Leah, looking at the diamond in her hands.

"Me either." she replied as Sky scoffs at them.

"Later dude." said Leah and teleported away.

"Later, gator." said Syd as she walks away.

[Flashback ends]

"But wait a minute, guys." said Bridge. "Gruumm tried to steal all that gold, remember?"


Krybots were robbing gold from the world gold depository by using a drill through the wall. An alien had tied up the guard and was laughing on the ground.

[Flashback ends]

"I got it!" said Bridge. "Gruumm's master plan is to open up a mega jewelry store. It's perfect."

"I still stand by of what I said that day. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that brain of yours." said Leah.

"Think a scan of his brain would work?" asked Syd.

"That would be a good start." Leah replied. "That's if I can learn how to read his head scan."

"Okay, maybe it's not that perfect." said Bridge as Jack sighs at him.

"Gruumm must be trying to build something...like a new ship." suggested Z.

"Out of gold?" asked Sky. "It's way too soft a metal."

"But not if he added that iridium that he stole." said Bridge. "Iridium can be used to harden all metals."

"It's a scientific fact." said Leah, going into thinking mode.


Krybots were taking cases of iridium out of the plant.

[Flashback ends]

"Okay." said Z. "So Gruumm is looting the earth of our resources to build either a ship or a giant weapon."

"A weapon of that magnitude would need radioactive material to drive the reactor." said Sky.

"What if Gruumm got a piece of it of that meteor that Jack blew up." said Bridge. "The radiation would be more than enough."


A giant meteor in space was heading for earth. "Double-team, Sky?" asked Jack.

"You got it." said Sky. The S.W.A.T flyers transformed into a Delta gun and both of them took a shot, shooting a hole into the meteor.

[Flashback ends]

"So Gruumm has everything he need to build...whatever he's building." said Syd.

"Except a synthesizing agent to pull it all together." said Jack.

"Hemotec Plasma." they said.


Outside of Newtech Laboratory, Krybots were taking Hemotec Plasma.

"Newtech Laboratory was raided." said Jack.

"Yep, this is it...Hemotech Synthetic Plasma." said Morgana as she holds the canister. Krybots were bringing more cases of it.

[Flashback ends]

"This is bad." said Z. "We gotta tell Cruger."

"Tell me what?" asked Cruger, standing in the doorway. The rangers started walking over to him, talking over each other. "Wait. Slow down." he said to the rangers. "Rangers, silence! What is this about?"

"Sir, we heard what you said to Kat." Jack said. "You think if the 'A' squad was here, we would have defeated Gruumm."

"Apparently, you didn't eavesdrop on my conversation long enough." said Cruger. "If you had, you would have heard Kat and I agree that if 'A' squad was that good, they would not have fallen into Gruumm's hands, as you haven't."

"He's got a point." said Jack as the others agreed.

"Will that be all?" asked Cruger.

"No sir." said Sky. "While we were feeling sorry for ourselves, we realized that Gruumm is using resources from this planet to build something large."

"If it's a weapon of a large magnitude that Gruumm's building, it would be superior to all three Megazords combined." added Leah.

"It is our job as rangers to protect the planet and..." Sky continued to say but was cut off by Cruger.

"Yes, I, too, believe that Gruumm is using our resources against us." said Cruger. "The time has come to act, but we'll do it after you get some sleep."

"Yes, sir." said the rangers as they started heading back to bed.

"And, rangers, make no mistake..." said Cruger, as they turned to face him. "The fate of the world rests in your hands."

Back on Gruumm's ship, Mora's eyes were returning back to normal after seeing what the magnificence shown her the plan. "Yes, Magnificence." she said and walks forward. "I pledge my allegiance. It will be done."

In the center of the room, a brain surrounded by a fluidic sack with tentacles. One tentacle had an eye, looking down at Mora. "And you will rule the galaxy!" exclaimed Mora.

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