Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple R...

By tanishatribe1118

3.9K 64 8

As she joins the academy, Leah doesn't know that she's related to SPD's head technician. Kat and Cruger are h... More

Beginnings Part 1
Beginnings, Part 2
Sam Part 1
Sam Part 2
Shadow Part 1
Shadow Part 2
Wired Part 1
Wired Part 2
Messenger Part 1
Messenger Part 2
Reflection Part 1
Reflection Part 2
S.W.A.T. Part 1
S.W.A.T. Part 2
Endings Part 1
Endings Part 2


77 0 4
By tanishatribe1118

Inside of the New Tech city observatory, Broodwing was hatching another one of his plans. "Ah, Professor Cerebros, thank you for meeting with me." said Broodwing.

"Oh, this is highly dangerous, Broodwing." said the professor. "Gruumm wouldn't like it if he knew I was working for you."

"That's why I'm paying you top dollar for your skill...and your silence." said Broodwing as he hands Cerebros money.

"Let us proceed. Do you have them?" he asked, pocketing the money.

"Right here." replied Broodwing as he opens up the case, holding three gems. "I procured them on the planet Onyx for a considerable sum."

Reefside High 2005

A tall male wearing a leather jacket over a red shirt caught up to an African American male wearing a blue striped shirt. "Ethan!" shouted Connor McKnight as he caught up to his friend. "Hey, man, wait up."

"Connor McKnight, my ex-partner in crime fighting." said Ethan, high fiving him.

"I didn't think I'd see you at the reunion." said Connor.

"Well, my class schedule at Reefside tech is brutal, but there's no way I'd miss this." said Ethan. "What have you been up to?"

"I'm trying to get a soccer program for kids, you know?" said Connor. "Give them somewhere fun and safe to go after school. It's been tough raising the money."

"That sounds cool. Keep at it." said Ethan. "Do you think Kira's coming?"

"I doubt it. I heard she move to New York to try and get a recording contract." said Connor.

"'Trying' being the keyword." said Kira as she appears behind Ethan.

"Kira!" both boys exclaimed as she hugs them.

"So, when can we hear your first big single?" asked Ethan.

"Oh, I'm already all over the radio, singing a cat-litter jingle." said Kira.

"Shall we?" Ethan asked, holding out his arm for Kira.

"We shall." she replied when suddenly they were gone in an orange light.

Newtech City 2025

"Huh?" said Connor as they were confused.

"Welcome to the future." said Broodwing as he walks up to them. "Now you will help me destroy the planet!"

Connor then kicks Broodwing before saying, "Let's get out of here!"

The three of them grabbed their gems and left. Back at the base, Kat had gotten a strange reading. "This is strange." said Kat.

"Troobian energy reading?" asked Cruger.

"No, a ranger energy reading." said Kat. "An intense surge in the morphing grid is spiking in the downtown sector."

"You're kidding me, right?" asked Leah, walking over to her mother.

"But I didn't deploy the rangers." said Cruger. "I thought they were here in the base."

"Unless Jack, Sky and Z are in the city without knowing it, I know the energy readings." said Leah, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm never gonna hear the end of this, am I?" asked Kat.

"Nope. You know you love me, mom." said Leah as the others walked in.

"That I do." said Kat.

"What's new at the S.P.D. Zoo, commander?" asked Jack.

"That's a new one. I never heard that one, Jack." said Leah.

"Narrow in on the energy reading." said Cruger.

"I'm on it." said Kat.

"What's going on, Kat?" asked Syd.

"What energy reading, sir?" asked Sky.

"I'm detecting an alternate ranger energy reading downtown." answered Kat.

"But we're not downtown." said Bridge. "I mean, I'm not downtown. I don't think I am."

"You're not, Bridge." said Leah. Syd then looks at Z.

"Don't look at me! I'm all here." said Z.

"It's gotta be the "A" Squad." exclaimed Sky.

"They made it back!" said Syd as the rangers started to get excited.

In the city, Connor, Ethan and Kira were still running from Broodwing and were chased by Krybots. "Come on!" shouted Connor as they continued to run. "Down here!"

Suddenly they were back into a corner. "Any thoughts to what these things are?" asked Connor.

"They're not Tyrannodrones, but they're up there in the creepy department." said Kira.

"Any ideas on how to get out of this?" asked Connor.

"I'm still trying to figure out how we got in it." said Ethan. Then the Krybots started attacking the former rangers. Kira was fighting a group of Krybots when she suddenly screamed like a Pterodactyl. The Krybots were knocked back, their circuits destroyed.

Connor was battling his group of Krybots when he suddenly went over the side and went fast to his feet. Connor then ran quickly to destroy his. Ethan was dealing with his group of Krybots when he rolled up his sleeves and the triceratops skin suddenly appeared. The Krybots tried to defeat Ethan but were outmatched by him. When Ethan finally defeated his group, he looks down and sees circuits coming out of its chest.

"It's a robot!" Ethan exclaimed and he picks up a leg. "Check out the crazy circuitry. Way advanced."

Suddenly a laser was shot and all three were knocked to the ground. When they looked up, Broodwing was coming towards them. "Fools!" shouted Broodwing. "Do you think you could get away from me that easily?"

"We've run away from a lot worse than you buddy." said Ethan. "Ooh, that didn't come out right at all."

"Who are you? What do you want with us?" asked Kira.

"Your power is legendary throughout the galaxy." explained Broodwing and Krybots were by his side. "Fight alongside me, and we'll bring down this wretched planet."

"Maybe you're suffering from a lack of oxygen from being in that punch bowl too long, but in case you didn't notice, we're the good guys." said Connor.

"Yeah, we're not exactly about destroying our own planet." Kira said in agreement.

"Oh, I think you'll come around to my way of thinking with a little persuasion." said Broodwing as Kira, Connor and Ethan took their stances.

Just then, the rangers arrived in the jeeps. "What?!" shouted Broodwing as he turned around.

"Hey Broodwing! How's it hanging?" said Leah as she got out of the jeep with her squad and started fighting the Krybots. Kira, Connor and Ethan stood there watching as B-Squad fought the Krybots. "Back off, Broodwing!" said Jack.

"Fly back to where you came from." said Z.

"S.P.D.-always getting in my way! I'm not through with any of you!" said Broodwing as he flies off.

"Keep telling yourself that, bat brain!" Leah yelled after him.

"You guys ok?" asked Z as they ran up to them.

"A little confused but ok." said Connor. Ethan then looks down at Leah and she notices the look on his face. "Yeah, I'm an alien and I'm proud to be one. Got a problem with that?" she asked.

"No." said Ethan, backing up from her.

"Good. I see you at the base." Leah tells the others.

"Good idea." said Syd and Leah runs around the corner to teleport.

"Don't mind her. She's just being spunky." said Z.

"And a little headstrong sometimes." said Jack.

"Broodwing's bad news." said Sky. "But attacking innocent civilians...that's just low."

"You've fought this freak before?" asked Connor.

"Oh yeah, us and Leah. All in a day's work." said Jack. "We're power rangers. Space Patrol Delta."

"Wait a minute, you can't be power rangers." said Kira.

"Why not?" asked Z.

"Because we are." said Connor and all three held up their wrists to show the Dino gems.

At the base, Ethan started asking questions. "Wait, so let me see if I got this straight." said Ethan. "Somehow we've been transported years into the future?"

"And this is the state-of-the-art command center that trains fighters to become power rangers." said Kira.

"And earth is under attack by aliens and giant robots?" Connor asked.

"Yep. That's about it." said Syd.

"Good to know that there will be beautiful girls in the future." said Connor.

"Would you give it a rest? We gotta keep focused here." said Ethan as they entered the command center. When they looked at the technology, he was shocked. "Not that I'm complaining, but our command center was a cave." said Ethan. They then turned to see Kat and Cruger walking up.

"Hey, hey guys its ok." said Jack. "That's our commander...Anubis Cruger. And our lovely technical expert, Dr. Kat Manx."

"Welcome to our Base, Rangers." said Cruger.

"But he's a dog...sort of." said Kira.

"Pets as authority figures...you get used to it." said Bridge.

"Whoa!" shouted Leah as she teleported into the command center, landing in the commander's chair. She then popped up and looked at the others. "I'm ok." said Leah.

"Leah!" said Z and Kat.

"What? At least I'm not the floor this time." said Leah, dusting herself off. "Better yet, at least I'm not landing on my side when I land on the floor."

"That's true." said Kat as she walks over to the others.

"Do you see what I'm seeing?" asked Kira as she looked at Kat and Leah.

"Yeah." said Connor, seeing the similarities.

"Leah's my daughter." said Kat.

"You two are related?" asked Connor.

"I can see resemblance." said Kira.

"I'm the first one in my family to have a power." said Leah.

"Cool." said Ethan, excitedly.

"Ahem." said Cruger as they were getting off topic.

"Sorry, sir." said Leah, guiltily. "Won't happen again."

"I know, Leah. But your landing in the command center is getting better." said Cruger as she nodded before he turned back to the Dino Rangers.

"She reminds me of Hayley's kid." said Ethan.

"Aliens and humans live in harmony here." said Kat.

"Well, for the most part." said Sky. "Broodwing is after them."

"I can see why." said Kat as she pulled up footage from the archives of Kira, Connor and Ethan. "The archives show that the Dino Thunder team have faced off against the most treacherous villains in history."

"Ah, memories." said Connor.

"I remember watching this about the Dino Thunder Rangers." said Leah.

"Oh really." said Kat, crossing her arm with a smile on her face.

"I'm getting a feeling that Leah's going to tell us." said Sky.

"You're right, Sky. Our ranger line goes back all the way to Zordon of Eltar when he created the first ranger team in Angel Grove." said Leah. Kat looked at her in surprise. "I didn't know you did that." she tells her.

"Well, I was bored last week and needed to entertain myself. With Sky's dad being a ranger, I did some research and I learned a lot." said Leah.

"Dr. O would be so proud of this kid. Maybe even Hayley." said Ethan.

"Ya know, I've always wondered what Tommy Oliver is like." said Leah. "I have so many questions that I want to ask him about Zordon as well as what Alpha 5 and Alpha 6 were like."

"Never gets out much, doesn't she?" asked Kira.

"Apparently not." said Connor.

"They shouldn't have said that." said Kat when suddenly, Leah teleports to both the former red and yellow Dino thunder rangers.

"By the way, how is your brother doing at the wind academy, Connor?" Leah asked with a smirk on her face.

"How did you know?" he whispered.

"I know everything." said Leah.

"Leah....wala ufasaha." said Kat.

"Samahani. I'm sorry, Connor." said Leah.

"Wow....you've got to teach me how to speak your language." said Ethan.

"I don't think so." said Kat.

"I'm not fluent yet and I'm still learning." said Leah.

"But that was years ago." said Jack. "What I don't get is, how did you guys get here?"

"Well, things are a little fuzzy, but we were on our way to the reunion at Reefside High." explained Kira.

"I'm sure Broodwing went to a lot of expense to bring you here." said Cruger. "He won't give up on you so easily."

"We'll take him on and anyone else that gives us trouble." said Connor.

"Ha, yeah right." said Leah.

"You haven't met Broodwing's boss." said Z. "Gruumm is as nasty as they get."

"Well, I say bring it on. We're rangers." said Kira. "We can deal with it."

"Correction...you were rangers." said Sky. "We've been specially trained to take on Gruumm's army."

"And no offense, but fighting dinosaurs is over." said Syd.

"Weren't you guys taught to respect your elders?" asked Ethan.

"I was." said Leah.

"Only you, Leah." said Sky.

"It's never too late to learn, Sky." she replied. "Just remember who can be vengeful at times like these."

"We don't want you guys to get into any more trouble." said Jack. "We have enough problems as it is."

The alarm in the command center had sounded. "The quarry's under attack." said Kat.

"My hunch is that Broodwing is trying to draw you out." said Cruger.

"Just because we're not rangers anymore doesn't mean we can't fight." argued Connor.

"Okay, you guys chill until we get back." said Jack.

"Unless you're planning on dragging me out there through the Zord bay tubes, I'm staying here." said Leah.

"Suit yourself." said Jack.


"READY! S.P.D. EMERGENCY!" shouted B-Squad and went through the morphing grid. Once they were in the S.W.A.T vehicle, they went to the quarry.

"S.W.A.T MODE! HYAH!" shouted Jack once they arrived.

"You're not really mad at Sky, are you?" asked Kat.

"Nah. But I'll get him back later for his comment though." said Leah.

"Delta enforcers!" her squad shouted and they went after the monster. The rangers attacked the monster until it pushed them all back. "Jack, you okay?" asked Sky.

"Yeah." said Jack. "Now, all together."

They fired their delta enforcers at the monster and couldn't believe their eyes that the monster survived. It started digging into the ground. "Where'd he go?" asked Sky.

"We lost him!" exclaimed Syd.

On Gruumm's ship, Gruumm started blowing off steam. "I told Dragoul to destroy the rangers and all but one where there. That insolent bat continues to go against my orders." he said to Morgana.

"You'd be the laughing stock of the galaxy if Broodwing destroyed the rangers instead of you." Morgana tells him.

"That'll never happen. I want to initiate a full-scale ground attack." said Gruumm. "I want every robot in our arsenal down there. It's about time that the rangers and Broodwing find out who has the true power."

"Let's get back to the base and see if Kat can run a trace on that thing." said Jack and as they turned around, they gasped. An army of Blue and Orange heads were gathered together.

"Something tells me that's gonna have to wait." said Sky.

"Looks like Gruumm's bot factory has been working overtime." said Jack and the fight began from both sides.

Back at the base, Cruger and the others were watching. "I could be wrong, but they look like they're in trouble." said Kira.

"I've never encounter this many troops at once." said Cruger.

"I don't like those odds." said Leah.

"Neither do I." said Kat.

"You've gotta let us in on this." said Connor.

"No, I won't put your lives in danger." said Cruger. "If anything happens to you in this time, the results could be catastrophic."

"That could mean no more ranger legacy." said Leah.

"Yeah, but if your cadets lose, none of that matters anyway." said Connor.

"Hey! He still has one cadet left and she's standing right here." said Leah, pointing to herself.

"There is no way you could be a cadet." scoffed Connor.

"You're too small." said Ethan.

"Uh, hello. She's wears the uniform." said Kira and Leah gestures her hand towards her in agreement.

"And I also have the morpher." said Leah. Suddenly a robot appears in the city.

"I see some things never change." said Ethan.

"I wish we had our megazord." said Kira.

"Kat, dispatch Omega Ranger to the scene. Leah, stay here as backup." said Cruger before he turns to the three former rangers. "This is not your battle. I'm going to help the others. You are to stay here. That's an order."

"S.P.D. EMERGENCY! S.P.D. Shadow!"

The omega max cycle went into Megazord formation and battled Dragoul while Cruger went to help the others. Once at the quarry, Cruger blasted several blue and orange heads from his ATV. "Go, Commander." shouted Jack.

"Hang on, rangers!" said Cruger.

"Where's Leah?" asked Sky and just as he said that, Cruger was blasted off his vehicle and was on the ground.

"Commander, are you all right?" asked Jack as they ran up to him.

"Yes, but we got trouble." said Cruger as another vehicle approached them.

"I couldn't let my soldiers have all the fun." said Gruumm as he and Morgana got off the bike. Gruumm noticed that Leah wasn't there so he decided to use her as an advantage during his fight.

"We want to play too." Morgana said in a coy tone.

"Let's play." said Cruger.

"Cruger, you and your precious S.P.D. have stood in my way, long enough." said Gruumm. "It ends now!" He then pointed his staff at the rangers and Cruger, causing them to hit the ground hard. Back at the base, they watched what Gruumm had done. "Let me guess, that's Gruumm." said Ethan.

"You got that right." said Leah.

"This is serious." said Kat.

"That's it. It's time to get prehistoric on Gruumm and his goons." said Connor.

"Cruger ordered us to stay here." said Kira.

"I don't care about what happens in the past or the future." Connor tells her. "The others need us now."

"I agree with Connor." said Leah. "And I can't believe that I'm disobeying an order."

"This is a first, coming from my own daughter." said Kat.

"It's shocking, isn't it?" asked Leah. "Oh my god, I'm scaring myself."

"They're right." said Kira.

"Let's do it." said Ethan.

"If you're going to go out there, at least go prepared." said Kat, then looks down at her daughter.

"I know what you're thinking and yes, we should do it." Leah said.

"Girls day?" she asked.

"Girls day." Leah said in agreement and they both turned to the three former rangers.

"Give me your Dino gems." said Kat with her hand out.

"Cruger is going to kill me for this. But then again, he and my squad will owe me big time." said Leah as Kira, Connor and Ethan handed over their gems.

Soon as Kat had restored the Dino Gems and handed them back, Leah asked, "You guys ready for the ride of your life?" In the city, Dragoul was still fighting the Omega Max Megazord, melting part of the zord. "Unreal!" shouted Sam, he couldn't believe his eyes. "Whoa!"

In the Quarry, Gruumm shot at Cruger as he went at him. "Ready! Fire!" said an Orange Head and they fired upon the boys of B-Squad while Morgana shot lasers at the girls. "Time to battle-ize these bots." said Jack as he was in the battlizer.

Jack was then able to destroy some of the Blue and Orange heads until Gruumm shot at him, causing him to power down. "Gotcha!" shouted Gruumm as he went.

Everyone, including Cruger, had powered down and was hurting. "At last. No more power rangers." said Gruumm then he looked up when suddenly Leah, Connor, Ethan and Kira came running towards them.

"Think again, bonehead." said Connor.

"You forgot about me, Gruumm!" shouted Leah as they caught up with the others. "The last cadet he has left."

"Leah!" shouted Cruger.

"What?" Gruumm asked in confusion.

"This is not a good idea." said Jack.

"Get out of here." said Z.

"You have no idea how much power Gruumm has." said Sky.

"Leah, get them out of here." said Bridge.

"Yeah...not gonna happen." said Leah.

"We brought a little power of our own." said Connor and all three had shown their dino morphers.

"Kat and Leah are the coolest." said Ethan. "They pulled our morphers out of the archives and regenerated them."

"Don't get mad as us, commander. You would have done the same thing." said Kira. They all turned and looked at Leah.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't know what else to do." said Leah. "Consider this a favor that I'll cash in one day."

"You have a point." said Cruger and placed a hand on Leah's shoulder. "Now, let's show Gruumm what we can do together."

"Alright!" shouted Leah.

"Power Rangers, suit up!" shouted Cruger.

"Power Rangers, you guys ready?" said Jack.





Just then, Gruumm and his army shot at the line of rangers as they all went through the morphing grid. "SUPER DINO MODE!" shouted the Dino rangers as their dino mode appeared.

"S.W.A.T. MODE!" shouted B-Squad and S.W.A.T. mode appeared on their suits.

"Attack!" shouted Gruumm and his army went in at full force.

"Okay, everybody, let's give it all we got." said Jack. "Together, we can do it!"


Both teams went into battle. Sky, Bridge and Ethan went one way. "Okay, Ethan, do your thing!" shouted Sky.

"Yeah!" Ethan shouted as he ran towards them and jumps off their shoulders to get at the Krybots. In another part of the quarry...Z, Kira, Syd and Leah were ready to get rid of their group of Troobians. "Let's show 'em some girl power! Ready?" said Kira.

"Yeah!" said Syd.

"You know it!" said Z.

"Let's do it!" said Leah.

"Fire!" they shouted, firing at the Krybots. Once they were down, there stood Morgana by her lonesome. She then fired at the four rangers. Kira then attacked Morgana while Z, Syd and Leah got in position. "You with me?" asked Syd.

"Oh, yeah!" said Leah and Z as all three fired upon Morgana, causing her to be knocked back.

"Attack!" shouted an Orange Head as he led his group towards Jack, Connor and Cruger, who was driving the assault vehicle.

"Come on!"

"You're mine, Cruger!" shouted Gruumm as he went at the commander again and landed on the assault vehicle. Cruger whipped out Shadow saber and defended himself.

"Get off my truck!" Cruger shouted as he knocks Gruumm off. Once on the ground, Gruumm attacks Connor and Jack with his staff but missed as both red rangers returned fire.

"Nice work." said Jack.

"You too." said Connor.

"Good job, rangers!" said Cruger as he and the others joined them. "We'll take it from here. Omega Ranger needs your help."

"You got it! Let's go "B" Squad." said Jack and left the quarry.

Back in the city, Sam was struggling against Dragoul. "This guy's a lot tougher than he looks." said Sam. Dragoul laughs evilly at the struggling megazord when suddenly shots were fired at him and the delta squad megazord appeared.

"You okay?" asked Sky.

"Yeah, but I'm glad to see you." replied Sam.

"Let's double team this freak." said Jack.

"Come on!" taunted Dragoul and both Megazords were ready. Soon as they formed the Delta Max Megazord, the rangers went after him, knocking him to the ground and destroying him. Back at the quarry, Connor was fighting against two blue heads and an orange head, while Ethan fought two blue heads and Kira fought both a Krybot and an Orange head. Cruger took on Gruumm himself.

"Cruger, using rangers from the past may have won this battle, but I have a surprise of my own in store." said Gruumm.

"Come on!" shouted Cruger.

"Let's put it together!" said Connor and the Dino Thunder rangers combined their weapons together.

"Z-Rex Blaster!" shouted the Dino Thunder rangers.

"Do it!"

"Fire!" shouted Connor and they fired the Z-Rex Blaster at Gruumm and a dirt cloud formed.

"He's gone. Yes. We've sent him running. Gather round rangers." said Cruger as the dirt cloud dissipated. "Connor, Jack, Kira, Z, Ethan, Sky, Syd, Bridge, Leah and Sam. that was great teamwork."

Back at the base, both teams were in the command center. "I still think you guys need us here to deal with Gruumm." said Ethan. "He's gonna be madder than ever."

"Yeah, what about Broodwing?" asked Kira. "He's still around flapping about somewhere."

"It's obvious we should stay. We work great together." said Connor.

"Nice try. But I don't date older guys." said Syd.

"Ooh!" commented Jack.

"Can we keep Ethan?" Leah asked hopefully.

"No." said Kat as she flicked her daughter's ear.

"Ilikuwa tu swali rahisi." said Leah, grabbing her ear.

"He still can't stay." said Kat.

"Okay." Leah said in disappointment.

"We appreciate your offer to stay, rangers, but that's not possible." said Cruger.

"Besides Kira, if you don't get back, you'll never start your recording career." said Syd.

"My recording career?" questioned Kira.

"Of course." she tells her. "You become a huge singing sensation. I grew up listening to your songs."

"Yeah and everyone knows about the Connor McKnight soccer camps. They're all over the country." added Sky.

"For real?" asked Connor. "Wow!"

"And Ethan...you have to go back." said Bridge. "You developed some software that we still use here at S.P.D."

"You've inspired me to even write my own codes and software." said Leah.

"You mean, I'm a genius? Sweet!" said Ethan.

"Your lives as rangers have made a difference." said Cruger. "But you all go on to lead exciting and significant lives after you hang up your helmets."

"It's amazing." said Ethan.

"I think we're ready to go back, Commander." said Connor.

"Your courage and dedication will live on in ranger legend. Thank you all."

"Goodbye, Dino Rangers." said Kat. "Your memory of us will be erased. But we won't forget you."

She then sends them back to their own time. "Thank you."

Reefside High 2005

Returning to where they were first taken by Broodwing, Connor, Kira and Ethan were back at the top of the stairs with no memory of being in the future. "Do you think Dr. Oliver's in there?" asked Kira.

"Come on!" said Connor and the three of them ran down the stairs.

Back in the year 2025, Broodwing was angry. "You destroyed the first Dragoul, rangers." he said into the night. "But what you don't know is, there's even a more powerful one waiting to strike. You may have won today, but tomorrow will be mine!"

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