The Spanking ABC"S Volume 1.

By VixentheHuntress

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There are 26 letters in the alphabet we speak, 26 scenarios that we are gonna explore a few times each week... More

Episode 1: A is For Asking For Your Spanking. (Amari)
Episode 2: B Is For Buying Your Own Brush (Irena)
Episode 3: C is For Cornertime.
Episode 4: D is For Diaper Position
Episode 5: E is For Example
Episode 6: F is For Flogging (Fiona)
Episode 8: G is for Get over my knee. (Giana)
Episode 9: J Is for Journal
Episode 10: K is for Knickers
Episode 11: L is for Long Spanking
Episode 12: I is for I want( rather or would) a spanking.
Episode 13: M is for Maintenance Spanking
Chapter 14: N is for No Rubbing.

Episode 7: H is for Hard Hand Spanking

455 4 2
By VixentheHuntress

A/N: Okay.... So I kinda realized when I finished writing this that G comes before H, don't know how I made that mistake but I will have G up sometime tomorrow... sorry for the confusion lol.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Matilda Jone said as she stood in front the absolutely massive person that she called her father. Built like he was a human ox, nearly 6 '8 in size, a large round belly but that almost acted like a disguise for the true strength of her father. His strong broad arms, and even bigger rougher hands.

"No I am not fucking kidding you, and watch your mouth." Her father grumped as he looked up from his book. That almost looks pitifully small in his strong hands. "I told you when you came back from break, what was gonna happen if I caught you in that car, drunk out of your mind. I don't care if you are 21 years old and are about to graduate, I'm gonna put an end to this shit right here right now."

"D-Daddy," Matilda said softly. "Can we maybe discuss this like adults?" A nervous sweat began to run down her face. "I mean come on, daddy I am 21 years old."

"Do you want a cookie for being 21 years old?" Her daddy questioned as he raised an eyebrow over at her. "How many times have I warned you, asked you, damn near begged you to never attempt to even put your little foot on the gas pedal if you are even a bit tipsy." Her dad closed his book before reaching over and taking a long sip of his coffee. "I told you that is how we lost your mother, cause she did the same thing. I will be damned if I lose one of my children for the same reason that I lost your mother."

A wave of guilt began to run through Matilda's stomach, and she found herself kicking at the ground once more, almost like she was 11 years old and she was being scolded for stealing or lying. However, this was much worse, if there was one thing on this planet that her father drilled into herself and her brothers was never to drive drunk. He didn't care what reason it was, heck they all had his credit card number to call an uber and he would be the first to come and drive to get them if they were drunk. Last night was a lapse in her judgment, if she was being honest she didn't even remember getting back inside last night. Hell she was still a bit hungover but that was starting to fade away the more she looked into her dads soft blue eyes. "I'm sorry," those were the only words that could escape her mouth at that moment.

"Oh you will be, cause regardless of how big you get, you are still small enough to get over my lap and get your ass spanked." Her cheeks flushed a bit darker as she found herself nodding. "So you have a choice to make, either I can get this done right now, or we can wait till you get back from work?"

"How about a counter offer?"

"Alright we are doing it now."

Matilda frantically shook her head back and forth. "Please let's do it when I get back from work, for the love of God please let us do this tonight." That got her dad to crack a small smile.

"Good that I suggest you get dressed so I can take you to work."

"Take me to work?"

"You are not driving anywhere today."

"Oh come on daddy!"

"What was that, you want to get this done right now instead?"

There was a long wave of silence before Matilda began to inch her way out of the kitchen. "Give me an hour and I will be ready to go."


For her entire shift at the small cafe she worked at over winter break from college. The only thing on her mind for most of her shift was the absolute fear that she had not felt in nearly... Well technically it had only been a year since the last time she was over her dad's lap. He did not use a hairbrush, or paddle, her parents never believed in belts or switches. However, what was used for years in her home, were those heavy solid hands of her father that could crush metal and snapped trees if he truly wanted to. The last time she had felt his hand on her bare rump was when she was here for summer break. That was because she had gotten into a car accident that was her fault, that one being because she was texting and driving that night. No matter how much she tried in her life she could never really prepare herself for the sting of her father's large hand.

So as she left work and got into her dad's large truck, she was also exhausted as she had taken two shifts to maybe get him to think about not doing what was about to happen. However, where she was tired and grumpy, he seemed just as strong as he always was. As she took a long nearly hour long shower she could only hope that again he would fall asleep after a very long day at work. However, what she found waiting for her in her old room was her dad sitting on her bed. "You are smart but you are not that smart little girl." He gave her a knowing look, probably understanding her many tactics for not getting the spanking she knew and feared.

She let out a small sigh before walking over and putting her towel in her dirty clothes bin. Each soft and slow step she took towards her father sent more and more worry running through her body. She felt like she was a little girl once more, no matter how big she got it never mattered, he never seemed to change size. Nor did those annoying large mitts for hands that he had. Her father was a construction worker, and had his own company that he owned. He was raised on a large farm about 4 hours from their home here. All of the things in his life only made him stronger, and that strength also was added to those huge hands,

"D-Daddy," Matilda began. "Can we maybe discuss this?"

"Sure we can discuss your actions while you are over my knee getting this punishment. So either we can keep stalling like you have been doing all day, or we can get this done and over with. Lord, I thought we were passed these attempts of yours to get out of a sore ass. Taking a double shift, using up all of my warm water that is gonna be added onto my bill this month."

"If I agree to pay the water bill can we just skip this?"

For a moment hope filled her heart as her father placed a hand on his bearded chin. "If this was for anything else, maybe. But the answer is no."

With her last option out of the way besides doing what she did when she was a kid and trying to use fake crying to get out of trouble. Matilda took the last steps forward she needed before her dad placed his hands on the hem of her pants. "D-Daddy," she whined.

"Stop it," her face turned bright red as in a small tug he pulled down her loose fitting pajama pants. "Honestly acting like we have done this before."

"That does not stop it from being embarrassing." She hissed as her light blue thong was exposed for her father to see. She had honestly forgotten what choice of underwear she had changed into until this moment. Granted in her 21 years of life he had probably seen every choice of panties she could have possibly had. From stars and unicorns, to solid colors both light and dark, to even the occasional lacy ones. At least she knew one thing, with choice he probably would not have to bare her backside. Oh who was she kidding, she could wear 15 pairs of panties and two pairs of sweatpants and that still would not make a difference.

He tipped her over his large lap tilting her slightly so her backside was in prime spanking range. She squirmed lighty as his hand came to rest on her partially bare bottom. Her rump was what her friends called, small yet plump. Her years of soccer and softball helped form a cute heart shaped backside that her boyfriend very much loved. Even the smallest pats he gave made the round backside tremble, he could completely cover her backside, so no need to alternate cheeks. However, she also knew that this was probably gonna be the worst spanking of her life for her actions.

"Five minutes," he said, he always had a set time for his punishments, which in her opinion was the worst thing in the world. Cause she could go time getting at most 15 swats, or as many as over a hundred depending on what pace he used. She was completely at his mercy right now. "Now are you ready?"

"If I say no will you-" Her sentence was cut off as his large hand came down across her backside making her jolt forward. Her eyes widened in surprise as that first swat sunk in, she remembered most of the spankings she had gotten from this man. However, that spank was the hardest she could ever remember feeling before in her life. That swat was quickly followed up by another, and another, each of equal strength. All of them quickly started to warm her backside up, quickly bringing out hints of pink from it. His pace was not fast but the strength behind each one made her wish he would go faster, as he waited maybe two seconds in between each spank. Each one starting to add up, each spank sinking in before the next one came crashing down. Her ass was no match for his hand, and it did not take long before his deep voice was starting to scold her.

"I don't know how many times I have told you, your brothers, your cousins. Never to drink and drive, I would assume that at some point in your life you would take my warning seriously!" He seemed to punctated each pause in his words with a hard spank. As if he was writing commons with the spanks he landed. "I told you all after we lost your momma not to make this mistake. Yet here we are, doing just what I told all of you I would do if I ever caught you."

Matilda silently winced and wailed as he let the first part of her scolding sink in with more spanks. His pace not changing but even if she could predict what spank was coming next it did not matter. The pain was growing and was getting worse with each one, if she had to guess her backside was probably a dark pink color. Her only saving grace was the slow count that she was keeping in the back of her head. However, knowing that she still had three minutes and 32 seconds left was also not helping that much either. Especially with tears starting to build in her eyes.

Another minute passed and Matilda found herself leaning up on her elbows as that hand steadily popped and spanked her backside. Her legs started to kick more and more as her tears dripped down her chin and onto her bed. She had to keep on sniffling as her nose was starting to run, and her yelps and cries of pain became a bit louder. Her toes curling up to the point a dull pain was starting to build. However, despite all the things that she was doing, the steady hand did not change speed, however the strength of his spanks started to get worse. If she thought he was spanking hard before, now it was becoming unbearable. Her tears blocked out her vision, turning most of her room into a wavy look. "I'm sorry," she whimpered over and over again hoping that maybe that one word would grant her some kind of mercy.

However as she and her brother's knew from years of earning this hard hand spanking. Their cries of pain, theirs and words to try and get some kind of mercy, did not fall on deaf ears. However, as their dad had once said as a joke. "My hand does not have ears so they don't work with him."

"Lay down," he said, pushing her back in place as she was starting to rise up to her knees.

"D-Daddy," she cried out as she tried to put a hand back to try and block, only for it to get pinned to her lower back. "P-Please," she cried out bitterly. "It won't happen again, I swear it won't happen again. I swear to God it won't happen again!"

"I am sure it won't cause I am gonna make sure it doesn't happen ever again, you can bet your ass on that." Like she was a little once again she was starting to squirm like a worn picked out of the ground. Her rump burned like she had been forced to sit over an open flame, and it was only growing worse with each new swat that landed. There was nothing she could do to get out of this situation, despite her squirms and how hard she was kicking. Her father only needed less than half of his strength to hold her in place.

So all Matilda could do was openly cry and wail, having lost track of how much time she had left with this spanking. So each new swat made her only wonder how much more she had left, and that thought alongside knowing the reason she was getting her butt spanked. Only seemed to make her cry more.

Long after her punishment ended, and long after her father had left to get some rest. After a very long hug and kiss to the top of her head. Matilda finally found the courage to walk over to her mirror and see what damage had been done to her backside. "Christ alive," she whimpered as she looked at her bright red bottom, her sit spots having a lighter red hue as well. She had never seen her ass so red before in her life. "Why the hell are your hands that hard..." she asked for probably the 100ths time in her 21 years of life.

A/N: Thank you all for reading once more. As always I appreciate everything you have done for me which is just reading these small fics and ideas that I have. It means the world to me. So like I said above G will be out soon, I don't know why I forgot the alphabet but it won't happen again. I think G will probably be either gentle, or a goodgirl spanking so it depends on which one I like better.

Again I think you all so much and the fact that my first story is about to reach 20,000 views. It is unreal and it makes me want to keep writing and the fact these ones are also doing good in their own way. It makes me happy, and I owe you all that, and God for letting me write these.

So until next time.

Stay Safe,

Stay behaved,

Or you might get spanked.

Love you all. 

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