By Dread08297

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(this was based on a roleplay me and a friend made, all characters belong to me) a story about a race of huma... More

chapter 1 pie contest
Chapter 2 shopping day
chapter 3 back to school
chapter 4 the big race
chapter 5 Riptide
chapter 6 the tournament
chapter 8 training
chapter 9 rise of the oni

chapter 7 the truth

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By Dread08297

(The truth)

*We open right where we left off last time with our main group after being called “Dragonborn”*

Willow: I'm sorry, what exactly did you call us?

Sage ignitus: forgive us but we had to bring you here, you children are more special than you think you believe

Shard: well I'm always told in special by everyone~

Ash: shut up snowball

Shard: who you calling snowball scale face!

Ash: oh you did not *growls*

Sage Nimbus: *bonks them both with my staff* enough for both of you!

Sage mercury: we saw how that fight between you 8 went

Sage cloud: not only immature but an embarrassing use of your power

Ash: *rubs my head after I got bonked* hey they started it

Silver: no that fight was between me and farm boy and you 3 idiots interrupted the match embarrassing me in front of the kingdom's

Thunder: don't be a drama queen

Silver: don't make me cut you

Sage granite: *I roll my eyes and slams my staff on the floor causing the ground beneath them to shake*

Gust: woah!

River: *falls out of my bed* hey!

Ash: pfft

Sage granite: you 8 show some respect, we are the sages, guardians of the 8 kingdoms!

Gust: *my eyes widen as I bowed* my apologies sages

Shard: what are you doing?

Gust: *whispers* Do you know what they can even do don't piss them off, besides I always wanted to meet a sage and I got to see 8 of them! This is way better than the books

Quake: you called us dragon born? What the hell does that mean?

Sage ignitus: come with us and we will show you

Ash: …

Willow: looks like we don't have much of a choice here guys..

Gust: nope *gets out of bed*

Quake: *shrugs and gets up*

Silver: *pushes myself past him*

Quake: *growls slightly*

*They began following the sages through the hallway which seems to have some type of dragon cravings on the walls*

Shard: where are we?

Sage Frost: my dear shard you are in the final resting place of the 8 dragons, and the new birthplace of our species

Gust: Wait, this is the temple of unity!?

Quake: what?

Gust: this is where the dragons lived when they came to our realm! The same place they died as well risking themselves for our ancestors seriously you need to read more often

Quake: whatever

Sage cloud: this is where the sage order resides as well, ever since our master the founder of our order brought the sages together he had them keep the peace and protect the kingdoms

River: And who is this master?

Sage granite: you will meet him in time, but you are not yet ready

Thunder: ready for what quit being cryptic!

*They walk to a large room with 8 different dragons statues*

Ash: holy shit

Silver: woah

Gust: oh my draco I wish I had my phone on me

Sage ignitus: now then children, it's time for the truth, do you all know the story of the 8 dragons

Ash: we hear that story like a billion times please don't-

Sage ignitus: long ago humanity only love was for power, they disrespected nature and whose hearts were filled with hate and greed, they were heavily divided amongst themselves and soon lead themselves into war, they destroyed each other and the world with it with their doomsday weapons, it left the lands into unsustainable wastelands where barley anything was able to survive afterwards, only one human bunker managed to survive all this time, our ancestors struggled to survive but then their salvation had come

Ash: damn it here we go

Sage ignitus: 8 dragons of each element, fire, water, earth, wind, nature, metal, ice and lightning, they found our ancestors and had gave them a way yo survive, they gave them food and crops, along with water to stay alive, they were their protectors, but that changed when humans started getting sick, and began dying, the dragons tried to figure a way to save them and came to a conclusion, all 8 of them came together on this very mountain, using a special energy soon they destroyed themselves but transformed the land and those who lived, trees, rivers, rain and snow returned, the animals have changed and so have the humans, being reborn a new species calling themselves draconians after their saviors

Ash: what does this have to do with us-

Sage ignitus: *bonks her with my own staff* let me finish

Ash: ow what's with old people and sticks!

Sage ignitus: as I was saying, the draconians may have had access to elements but not the full power of the dragons themselves, but it was believed that 8 children would gain such power of the dragons, ones making them stand out from others being more powerful, they are known as dragonborn

Sage Evergreen: which was thought to be a myth, until now

River: I'm sorry what? So let me get this straight you think we are dragon born

Sage tsunami: we heard many rumors about you, how you seem more advanced and unique, Quake have you wondered why you are so strong, why thunder is so fast? You children are more special than you could imagine

Quake: do you not realize how crazy you old weirdos sound we deal with crazy old ladies enough as it is

Sage Evergreen: if you give us time to show you-

Quake: no we are not heroes we are just kids, this isn't our responsibility you can have it me and my sister are going home

Willow: but Quake-

Quake: no buts, where is the exit out of this place?

Sage Nimbus: *sighs* granite you want to show them out?

Sage granite: *I sigh and taps my staff on the ground making tunnels open up on different walls* these will take you directly to your kingdoms and villages

Shard: I'm not walking into a miles long dark tunnel

Sage granite: that's what's special about sage magic, it's much more strange than you think

Quake: which one home

Sage granite *points to one of the tunnels*

Quake: let's go Willow

Willow: *sighs* ok brother *follows him into the tunnel and it closes behind us*

*The others walk into different tunnels back to their homes*

Sage ignitus: *sighs* that could have gone better

Sage Frost: I thought your boring story had some inspiration to it

Sage Evergreen: what do we do now? What do we tell the master?

Sage ignitus: we will have to see what happens next, he's been feeling uneasy lately

Sage tsunami: yet he doesn't explain his troubles, I worry for him

Sage cloud: he is old and faced a lot of responsibility, but we still trust him, they will return soon I know it

Sage ignitus: I pray to draco they do..

*Meanwhile in the mountain that was containing the strange statues*

*One of the larger demon looking creatures began to break out of the stone it has been covered in along with 6 of the others after it, the first to break had demon wings on its bad, large horns and red markings as well, the next to break out was much taller and more muscular with orange markings and ram like horns, after that was one with 6 arms and yellow markings on his body, then a forth with green markings, webbed hands and feet holding a trident in her hands, the next one was much taller, very slender with long horns and feathered wings with blue markings on his body, after that the one who broke out after was a bit shorter with spider legs on her back with pink markings, then finally the last one was a bit more chubby, tall and had ram horns and hooves instead of feet, these creatures were known as the 7 deadly sin generals of the oni*

Pride: *spreads out my wings as I was the first to break free* at last

Wrath: *I break out roaring and brushing off the stone covering my skin still*

Greed: *stretches my arms* those dragons will pay for this

Envy: I felt like I got the best and worst sleep in a long time

Sloth: *looks around my surroundings without saying a word as I flap my wings to get some of the stone off my feathers*

Lust: where are we?

Gluttony: more likely how long has it been?

Pride: *turns around behind us to see some type of massive crystal substance and inside was a much larger female Oni* our queen still hasn't been freed

Greed: *turns around* holy shit, well good riddance-

Pride: *grabs him by the horns* show some respect you parasite, we must free her immediately, wrath if you mind

Wrath: understood brother *walks up to the crystal and my markings glow as I punch the crystal but it did not even crack* huh? *Punches it against much harder making the ground shake*

Envy: out of my way you dumb brute *pushes him out if the way and points my trident at the crystal blasting it with dark energy but still nothing* agh what is this!?

Pride: dragon magic.. all of you at once this time

*All 7 of them surround the crystal and try to use dark magic on it together, it was no use however not even a crack was made*

Pride: agh! *Punches the crystal out of frustration*

Lust: it seems like she isn't going anywhere

Greed: perhaps it's time for new leadership

Pride: what are you implying

Greed: calm yourself brother, our queen was powerful but cruel, surely we can manage without her-

Pride: *grabs him by the neck and pins him to the wall* shut your damn mouth, your loyalty should only be for our queen, our Creator

Greed: *trying to breath*

Envy: put him down you moron

Pride: *shrugs and throws him down on the floor* if dragon magic is what caused this then we must find those dragons

Gluttony: and how do you suppose we do that

Pride: we do what we do best, cause some chaos

Envy: *looks around the cave seeing thousands of our soldiers turned to stone* they should be easy, we could use the army's help

Pride: free them then

Envy: *my hand glows with a green and black aura as I slam it down spreading it throughout the cave*

*The Oni army began awakening and breaking free from their stone slumber and looked around confused*

Pride: brothers, sisters, children of the Oni empire, we have slept for far to long sense our defeat by the hands of those dragons, our queen is trapped from their magic, we must come together to help free her, rebuild our empire, seek the dragons who imprisoned us and once our queen rules us again, we can finally conquer this realm in the name of our empire!!

*The Oni were cheering to his speech*

Pride: *my hand glows black and red energy as I bust down the door sealing the tomb and covers my eyes from the bright light of the sun as I walked outside*

*The Oni army was left in total shock, from what they last saw as a barren wasteland was now a beautiful forest*

Greed: looks like much time has past hasn't it

Lust: it's quite beautiful~ to bad it won't last for much longer~

Pride: greed, lust, wrath, take scout teams and search these lands, the rest of us will build a stronghold here, see if you can find traces of the dragons

Wrath: as you wish brother

*The 3 generals get scout teams and leave out in separate directions*

Pride: this realm shall be ours

*Meanwhile back with Quake and willow they finally return home to their farm*

Terra: Quake, Willow!

Fern: where have you both been? We were worried sick! We saw the tournament on the news

Terra: What were you both thinking!?

Willow: We are sorry mom..

Quake: …

Fern: *sighs* here come inside and you can tell us what happened

*They all head inside*

Quake: *sits on the couch*

Fern: now explain what happened

Willow: well…so our group and rivers group got into an argument again and Quake ended up getting himself into the tournament to challenge their friend Silver, that wasn't going well so I had to help him things may have gotten out of hand

Terra: you don't say

Quake: and then those old sages took us to their mountain told us some bullshit story of what they think we are, I didn't pay attention to that shit and we came straight home

Fern: What did they say?

Quake: they think we are something called Dragonborn, we apparently have “the powers of the dragons themselves”

Terra: hmm..

Willow: what if it is true though Quake

Quake: don't tell me you think they are telling the truth they are probably as crazy as Ms Cherry

Willow: I mean are they wrong though, your super strong even for an earth elemental and I can understand animals

Quake: that doesn't make us dragons

Fern: enough, now I don't know much about the sages but you both had a long day

Terra: perhaps a day at the market would calm you both, I need to pick up groceries anyways

Willow: ok mom *smiles slightly*

Quake: sure why not *I stand up*

Terra: *kisses fern* we will be home soon

Fern: *smiles* I'll cook tonight

Willow: bye dad

Quake: bye dad *heads outside with willow*

Terra: *heads outside with them*

*All 3 of them fly making their way to the market together*

*Meanwhile with wrath and his scout team they weren't to far from the market*

Wrath: what do you see?

Oni warrior: they look like humans but…with dragon wings and tails?

Wrath: what!? Show me!

Oni warrior: *hands him the telescope*

Wrath: *looks through it and was watching some draconian civilians*

Oni warrior: should we alert the other generals

Wrath: hm, no it's been such a long time sense I had any fun, who's ready for a raid?

*The other warriors chuckled as they prepare their weapons*

*Quake, Willow and Terra make it to the market place*

Quake: damn it's crowded today

Terra: must be good deals on sales

Willow: *sniffs* hey Quake you smell that?

Quake: *sniffs* pie?

Willow: hey Ms Cherry! 😊

*Ms Cherry was selling pie at her own stand*

Ms Cherry: oh hello Willow dear, and hello again handsome~

Quake: damn it not you

Willow: *giggles*

Ms Cherry: thanks to you two helping I thought I should open my own shop here, business is pretty good *chuckles*

Willow: *I hand her some cash* one pie please

Ms Cherry: of course deary *hands her a pie* have a nice day you two

Quake: uh-huh *walks off with Willow*

Willow: lighten up Quake

Quake: I'm fine

Willow: you still cranky that Silver put a scar across your eye

Quake: …maybe

Terra: it doesn't look to bad, who knows someone might find that attractive

Quake: thanks mom

Willow: awww quake look

*She points to some small rodents up ahead, these creatures resembled rats but had multiple legs, these were known as grub rats*

Quake: no

Willow: please? 🥺

Quake: no

Terra: you have enough animals to care for Willow

Willow: aww..

*Some screaming could be heard from the distance and people running away*

Willow: huh?

Terra: What's going on?

Civilian: monsters!! *Runs by*

Quake: monsters~ *looks over trying to see what they were running from*

*An Oni warrior jumps out killing two guards*

Willow: what the!?

*It turns to them and jumps towards them*

Quake: *kicks him down using a lot of my strength*

*The Oni flys off hitting the ground a few times and crashing into one of the stands*

Terra: What the hell was that thing!?

Quake: *I noticed more in the distance attacking civilians* mom, Willow get out of here *picks up a sledgehammer I found near a blacksmith forge*

Willow: Quake what are you doing!

Terra: Quake no!

Quake: people are getting hurt I have to do something

Willow: I'm coming with you-

Quake: no! If you want to help then help these people get to safety while I keep them busy, don't worry about me I'm strong I can handle myself

Terra: …

Willow: *hugs him*

Quake: *hugs back* now go!

*Terra and Willow run off to help guide some civilians*

Quake: *walks over to where the Oni were*

Kid: *falls over*

Oni warrior 1: *walks towards them holding an axe and swings it*

Quake: *grabs it by the handle*

Oni warrior 1: *looks at Quake*

Quake: *headbutts him into the ground*

Oni warrior 3: looks like we got a real challenge boys!~

*The Oni draw his attention to him*

Quake: so you ugly things can talk, tell me, can you fight

*All the Oni start rushing to him*

Quake: *swings my sledgehammer knocking 3 of them away and takes another swing at two more*

*More kept coming and one of them tries to blast Quake with dark magic*

Quake: *dodges quickly and throws my hammer hitting multiple Oni at once*

Oni warrior 6: *jumps onto his back*

Quake: *I try to get him off but more start jumping on me*

Oni warrior 2: hold him down!

Quake: *growls as my eyes and veins in my arms glow as I throw all of them off of me with my strength making them crash around me*

Oni warrior 9: agh..

Oni warrior 5: why the hell is this one so strong..

Quake: now who's next *growls but I stop when feeling heavy vibrations on the ground*

*The Oni get up quickly and back away from Quake*

Wrath: *busts through one of the stands and looks at Quake* now what do we have here *I noticed my soldiers looking pretty beaten up and gave them a disappointing look* you must be pretty strong to have taken on my hunting party

Quake: whatever the hell you are, wherever you came from you are not welcome here, I'm not letting you or your ugly friends harm another draconian here

Wrath: that's some big talk, you got guts kid I respect that

Quake: I'm not afraid of you

Wrath: *chuckles* you should be

*While Quake was nearly around 6 feet in height wrath towers over him by being 9 feet tall*

Wrath: this one's mine boys, sit back and watch hows its done

Quake: *stomps on the ground pulling a boulder out with my power and throws it towards him*

Wrath: *punches it shattering it into pieces*

Quake: *punches him in the face*

Wrath: *all that did was turn my head and I rub it chuckling to myself* my turn *uppercuts him launching him high in the air*

Quake: ahhh!!

Wrath: *jumps up grabbing him by the foot*

Quake: *kicks him in the face multiple times*

Wrath: hahaha! *Spins him around in the air and throws him to the ground and lands next to him*

Quake: *stands back up with my legs shaking a bit* shit..

Wrath: *chuckles* surprised you survived this long

Quake: *growls and began throwing punches*

Wrath: *uses my arms to block him* you hold back, I can feel it, show me what you can really do!! *Punches him in chest*

Quake: *falls back and coughs up some blood*

Wrath: or perhaps I can make you watch as my men kill everyone left at that market

Quake: *growls and picks up a fallen tree and swings it hitting him*

Wrath: *hits the tree behind me knocking it over from the force*

Quake: *I take another swing*

Wrath: *smashes the tree he was holding and trys to punch him*

Quake: *dodges quickly*

Wrath: *tackles him and starts running him into multiple trees*

Quake: agh!! *I try slamming my fists on his back but even that wasn't stopping him*

Wrath: *rams him into a large boulder*

Quake: agh… *I fall down after leaving cracks on the boulder*

Wrath: you don't quit do you

Quake: fuck you… *coughs*

Wrath: I think our little game ends here-

Quake: *picks up the boulder and smashed it on him*

Wrath: *breaks free and tackles him down and began punching him multiple times*

*As Quake was being punched he kept getting flashes of the earth dragon himself, seeing this causes his eyes and veins to glow orange and the rocks and dirt start to swirl around us*

Wrath: *I stopped one I noticed* What the hell?-

Quake: *punches him off of me with a lot more strength*

Wrath: *flys off of him and hits a tree and growled once I got back up*

Quake: *breathing heavily as I slowly stand up still glowing*

Wrath: *roars loudly*

Quake: *the rocks and dirt surrounding me take shape, they form an earth dragon around me as I roar back at him*

Wrath: *my eyes widen* the earth dragon… *I growled as my markings start glowing and i use my magic to make gauntlets appear on my hands* I will take such pleasure in ending you!

*Both of them charge at each other and when they collided they cause a powerful shockwave*

*Meanwhile Willow was helping people get to safety and fighting off some of the Oni until she heard Quake and Wrath from where she was at*

Willow: Quake!

Terra: Willow go I'll handle these freaks!

Willow: *flys away quickly trying to find Quake*

*Both Quake and Wrath were punching each other rapidly but even with quakes sudden boost in strength he still didn't have the upper hand in the fight*

Wrath: *wraps my arms around him and I start trying to crush him*

Quake: agh! *I stop glowing and try to break free as I was struggling to breathe*

Wrath: you really had me their for a second, to bad you won't be making it out of this*

Quake: *some of my bones began to crack as my vision was getting dark*

Willow: PUT HIM DOWN!! *Uses my powers to make the roots and branches of the trees try and restrain him*

Wrath: *I drop Quake trying to break myself free*

Willow: *runs over to Quake* Quake, wake up! *Tears up*

*Quake didn't respond to her*

Wrath: *breaks out from the roots* you will both be meeting the same fate for that!

Willow: *stands in front of Quake with my hands glowing green as tears roll down my face* stay away from him!

Wrath: you really think you can protect him, your small and weak, you can't stop me *I use my magic making an axe appear*

Willow: *shaking slightly but I start firing green solar beams towards him*

Wrath: *I use my axe to block off her blast and slowly began walking towards her*

Willow: *breathing heavily*

*Before wrath could get to her 3 large rock monsters tackle wrath into the river*

Wrath: gah! *I smash one of them and tries to fight the others off*

Sage granite: Willow we must go

Willow: He's hurt!

Sage granite: *I pick him up and stomps on the ground making a magic tunnel appear again* this way! *Runs through*

Willow: *follows behind him*

*The entrance seals up before wrath could get back*

Wrath: *growls* the others would need to hear about this *I blow a horn alerting the Oni to retreat* we will be back


Sage granite: *carrying Quake* This one needs help!

Sage ignitus: what happened!?

Sage granite: you wouldn't believe me if I told you

Sage Nimbus: well spit it out then

Sage granite: *lays Quake in a bed* …the Oni have returned

Sage ignitus: *my eyes widen* are you sure?

Sage granite: they are just as the master described them, they attacked a market and luckily I saved these two before a general could kill them both

Willow: is my brother going to be ok!?*

Sage tsunami: he is hurt badly.. I do not know if he would survive or not..

Sage Evergreen: I have an idea, Willow dear come here

Willow: *walks over to them looking at Quake* …

Sage Evergreen: the nature dragon was told to have possessed healing abilities

Willow: but I don't know how to do that

Sage Evergreen: you will have to try

Willow: But what if I fail.. *sniff* I don't want my brother to die, even after trying to protect me..

Sage Evergreen: you will have to trust in yourself

Willow: … *nods slightly and rests my hands on Quakes chest*

Sage Evergreen: now focus your energy onto him

Willow: *takes a deep breath as I try to do what he says, my hands were able to start flashing green a bit*

Sage Evergreen: that's it Willow, keep it going

*She began sending off healing energy to Quake, his bruises and other injuries began to slowly fade and heal*

Quake: *my breathing seemed to be going more smoothly*

Willow: *my hands stopped glowing as I felt extremely weak and almost falls over*

Sage Frost: *catches her* easy young Dragonborn

Willow: mmm…

Sage tsunami: it worked!

Sage Evergreen: quickly get her a spot to rest as well

Sage Frost: *nods and lays her on a separate bed*

Sage ignitus: if the only have returned then the realm is in danger once again, we need the dragon born more than ever now

Sage mercury: we will go collect them, one of us must speak with the royals about this attack while others see where this enemy is located, I pray to Draco we are not too late..

*Meanwhile on the news they were showing the events that were filmed at the market including Quakes fight with wrath*

Ash: holy shit…

Flame: what the hell are those things?

Blaze: I do not know- wait Ash isn't that your friend?

Ash: give me a second *I pull up my phone quickly trying to call Willow and Quake but neither of them answered* Come on, come on!

Blaze: sweetheart what's wrong

Ash: …I'm hoping they are ok…

Blaze: oh sweetie *hugs her*

Ash: *hugs back* …

*Meanwhile back at the Oni tomb they had already began building a stronghold and cut down the trees in the area*

Wrath: *I walk in looking pissed off*

Pride: ah brother you finally show up, any news on what you found?

Wrath: the humans in this realm haven't seemed to died out as we thought

Pride: excuse me?

Wrath: but they are much different, the dragons must have had something to do with it, they had wings and tails, and even elemental powers

Pride: what else?

Wrath: while I raided their market for fun we ran into this one boy who gave us trouble

Pride: a human reptile gave you trouble?

Wrath: well obviously my warriors have gotten sloppy, but this boy was different from the other ones, he was far stronger, well not as strong as me

Pride: get to the point

Wrath: his power, it formed something similar to the earth dragon

Pride: *my eyes widen* so the dragons gave their power to the humans

Envy: Well where is this boy?

Wrath: he got rescued before I could kill him and got away

Pride: these pests might be the solution to our problem

Gluttony: how is that?

Pride: some of them are bound to have the power of the dragons like wrath here has mentioned

Envy: wasn't the reason we wanted to conquer this realm was because humans were doing the job of destroying themselves for us

Greed: it was way easier after that then those reptiles stood in our way, now we gotta deal with a whole army?

Wrath: they are weak, they still won't stand a chance against us

Pride: for now we will build this stronghold and prepare our army, it's time we finish what we came here to do, and when we find the ones who have the power we need, our queen shall be freed and this realm shall fall under our rule forever

(End of chapter 7)

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