Ms mysterious (httyd x reader)

By random5374

3.6K 67 55

Y/n 'y/l/n' loves going on morning flights with her light fury Mindi but what happens when she's attacking hu... More

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449 7 13
By random5374

y/n Pov (the next morning)

I woke up feeling sore from yesterday's events i woke up Mindi and solar so we could all go to the lake together because i know how much they love swimming with me and or laying in the sun while i swim

Small time skip

Now that were at the lake i sit and lay in the sun for a good while with Mindi and solar soon i get up to get in the water i discard my clothes until I'm in my swimwear (pretend it exists back then)

(Your swimwear is shorts and a Viking type sports bra)

You jump in encouraging you dragons to join you once they do you three play for a while then just relax for a little bit in the water.

Astrid Pov

I woke up early and on time to make sure no one questions why i slept in a day ago i get to the club house and wait for the twins and snotlout to arrive once they do hiccup starts assigning tasks to us.

"snotlout you prepare extra pens for her dragons make sure food and water are in both Aswell" uh heather could you set up an extra bed for her in... Actually, who here is comfortable with y/n staying i their hut for a few days?" Heather then says something that made my heart stop.

"i think y/n should stay with Astrid because we don't want her to be uncomfortable with the boys and I'm staying in fishlegs hut so i think she would be best" heather states "are you fine with that Astrid" hiccup asks and i nod "alright so heather you can set up and extra bed for her" and "Astrid could you go pick her up?" "Yea sure" "ok then it's settled everyone please get to work and hey ruff tuff be on your best behaver" the twins salute him and everyone walks out i catch up to heather drag her inside my hut "why would you do that!!" I whisper yell at her for doing this "because you obviously have feelings for her, I'm just trying to get you to realize it" "i don't have feelings for her but whatever."

I walk out and over to stormfly and put her saddle on got on her and we took off towards y/ns island we fly for an hour or two we see y/ns dragons near a lake so suspected she was there with them i land and called out her name as i got off of stormfly my dragon ran over to her two to play looked around until i heard a splash of water and turned to see y/n in the lake my face was a whole new shade of red when i saw how she looked with wet hair *hot*i thought soon i was broken out of my trance as she called my name

(ofc your hot got to make an impression yes you have your mask it's just a waterproof one now)

Y/n Pov

I called out to Astrid she seemed to have zoned out for a few seconds "oh uh hey y/n i came to pick you up" "hey Astrid just give me a second to grab my bag of stuff i need over there and put Mindis saddle on and we can go" "ok that's fine you know stormfly really seems to like your dragons "Mindi and solar seem to like her Aswell there never usually this friendly with other dragons" i respond looking at how solar and stormfly are playing and even Mindi joining in a little bit

i get up out of the water and walk over to Mindis saddle i put it on her Easily and grab my bag of stuff (waterproof bag also I'll explain how later) i turn around to Astrid to tell her I'm ready to go but when i look at her and i see her face is really red.

"Hey Astrid, are you ok?" I say walking over to her she shakes her head and says, "yea I'm fine don't worry" "are you sure your face is red" i ask as i put the back of my hand to her forehead to check for a fever "yes I'm ok let's get going shall we."

"Ok but tell me if you're not feeling well i have some medicine in my bag if you need some" "i will but now let's get going" i walk over to Mindi and get on and me and Astrid take off toward the edge.

Astrid Pov

next to me is y/n she's doing all kinds of Aireal tricks with Mindi and solar i see her and Mindi dive in and out of the water a few times before she comes back up to fly next to me (your still in your swimwear bc you couldn't change at your island since you weren't in your hut)

"How does your bag not get wet when you do that" i ask curious to how she keeps it dry "shedded scauldron scales i found on beach near where a lot of scauldrons live since scauldrons live in water their scales have to be strong and waterproof to protect themselves"

"It also makes things easier to hide" i look at her amazed "wow that's so smart you wouldn't mind telling the others this would you?" "Sure, i don't mind if it helps you keep certain things safe from hunters or bad people" even though y/n has a mask on i could still tell they smiled at me oh her smile it's probably so pretty...

Heather Pov

Everyone was all done with their assigned tasks were all at the stables landing area waiting for Astrid to get back with her soon i saw three silhouettes "hey i think that's them" i point out towards them everyone is waving to them after they land hiccup walks up to greet Astrid and y/n.

"Hey, you two y/n welcome to the edge!!" we got you an extra bed set up extra pens for solar and Mindi i hope you will have a great time here oh your probably hungry we've got dinner being prepared soon oh and you don't mind sleeping in Astrids hut, do you?"

"I'm fine with sleeping in Astrids hut if she's fine with it and thank you for inviting me to stay this place looks wonderful" y/n says getting off Mindi "oh where can i put Mindis saddle?" "Right in here in the pens we have a shelf area for saddles" hiccup says leading her in the pen area with the shelfs for saddles she puts up her saddle and walks out with him talking and laughing i look at Astrid and she does not look happy.

"Hey Astrid, we alll know you like hiccup but jealousy isn't a good look on you" snotlout says to her uh oh "shut up snotlout!!!" She shouts punching him and storming away i walked over to him "you kind of deserved that one" i told him and started heading to Astrids hut.

i knock on her door and open it let myself in i close it and head over to Astrid whose sitting on her bed i sit on the edge of the bed "hey... you okay" "i- i don't get why i feel like this why am i jealous" "because you like her you may have known her for a short amount of time but that doesn't make it impossible" she lifts her head to look at me.

"But how am i supposed to know if she likes girls?" Shes asks me i look at her get up off the bed "i guess when you feel ready to confess you will know by her answer" i add and walk to the door i stop and turn around "oh and dinners going to be done soon" i then leave I'm going to make it my mission to get those two together.

Time skip dinner Astrid Pov

(you have changed out of swimwear and into pants like Astrids no skirt and into a top like Astrids but dark blue and no metal shoulder pads)

I walk in and sit down waiting for y/n to show up when she finally does i see she's with hiccup she looks around for a seat and i motion for her to sit next to me she does and we all start eating and talking to each other i look at y/n and realized that she isn't eating not wanting to put all the attention on her i whisper "hey why aren't you eating?" she looks at me points to her mask and whispers in my ear and sends a shiver down my spine i hope she didn't notice

"i can't take off my mask remember?" (you guys are just whispering now) "right but why?" "I'll explain after dinner I'll be in your hut eating, okay?" I nod and continue eating as y/n sneaks away just a minute later hiccup notices she's gone since I'm the one that was next to her, he asks me.

"Hey Astrid, where did y/n go?" "Shes eating in my hut since she not comfortable with taking off her mask yet" "oh ok just tell her to warn everyone when she's leaving to anywhere so she doesn't scare us" "ok i will hiccup" i get up and leave since I'm finished and i knock on my hut door.

"Hey, its Astrid do you have your mask on?" I ask to give her time to put it on if she doesn't "yes!" I walk in and see her sitting on her bed and her empty plate next to her i take her plate and put it somewhere else ill deal with it later "hey hiccup said to warn everyone if you're going to leave to leave to anywhere, so you don't scare anyone" "oh alright." She responds.

i walk over to her and tuck a strand of hair that was in her face behind her ear once i realize what i did i quickly backed away a sat on my bed we sat in awkward silence i clear my throat "so can you explain why you won't take off your mask?" "Oh yeah alright"

Y/n Pov

"Oh yeah alright" I say and start explaining. "When I first met you all I felt like I knew heather from somewhere so when I got home, I thought about it but couldn't put my Finger on it I continued thinking about it till you guys captured me." "When we got on good terms while hiccup was introducing you guys."

"When I looked at heather again it all came rushing back me her and her brother dagur were all best friends when we were little, the three of us were inseparable we were always together playing hide n seek tag and a ton of other games we were never apart when Mindi took me that one fateful night i never came back."

"I won't take off my mask because I'm afraid she will be mad at me for not coming back when I could have this entire time." I feel a hand on my chin lifting my face to look at her.

"its ok Heather is the most understanding person in the world I know she will understand why you didn't come back." "Ok but I'm not ready to tell her yet." "that's okay tell her when you're ready." "Ok thanks for understanding Astrid." "you're welcome." "Hey, it's getting late let's get some rest." She adds walking to her bed and getting into it "yea goodnight, Astrid." "Goodnight y/n" i hear her whisper something else Aswell but being too tired i decided to leave it alone.

I'll tell heather soon...

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