My Professor Husband

By Vp_Bubbles_Bbb

11.8K 679 275

Two different people who always focused on their future, career, goals and never gave a second thought about... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 3

924 67 21
By Vp_Bubbles_Bbb

"Good morning, mom." said Vegas to his mother as he just come from his morning jogging.

"Morning." said Gina to her son as she was just settling the breakfast on the table.

"No morning to dad?" said Gun as he was just sitting on the chair.

"Why morning, I'll hug you dad" said Vegas as started going towards his father for a hug.

"Stay there young man, I just showed and I don't want to go to office smelling like I didn't bath for two days." said Gun knowing damn well his son's intention.

"Did your love towards me change in this year, dad ? It hurts me to know that my own father doesn't love me anymore." said Vegas with utter sadness in his voice.

"Such a drama queen, go and bath. You don't want to be late on your first day of the college?" said Gun as he started eating his breakfast.

"No even though I just choose to teach for some time because I don't want to continue your boring buisness for now. I would not like to be running late." said Vegas to his dad.

"Boring?, Don't disrespect your step mother like that Vegas." interpreted gina as she took a bite of her food.

"Honey?" said Gun as he looked at his wife who's while focus was on her food.

"Yes." said Gina as she smiled at her husband way sweetly.

"Are you jealous of my buisness?" asked Gun to his wife.

"I need to be when that bitch has hooked my husband on her finger that her name is on your tongue for 24/7 buisness, buisness and buisness." said Gina annoyedly to Gun.

"Honey it's not like that." said Gun as he tried his best to make his wife happy.

"If it's not then what, Gun?" said Gina as she was getting angry.

Vegas who was looking at them silently just rolled his eyes at them as he is not unfamiliar with this and started going upstairs to his room.

'Mothers and their obsession with hating dad's buisness is something else, I will never understand' thought Vegas as he breathed heavily.

"Wake that sleeping beauty too." said Gina in her ranting to Vegas as she saw him going upstairs.

"Okay mom." said Vegas as he went towards Macau's room first.

"How should I wake him up ? Because he sleep like he took ten bottle of sleeping pills." said Vegas to himself as he thought for a second.

"Idea." said Vegas as he got the idea he needed.

"Ahhhhahh." shouted Macau as he wakes up from his sleep and probably woke up the neighbour too.

"Hia." said Macau as he looked at his brother who was just standing with a empty jar of water who's water is now on Macau and his bed.

"Good morning." said Vegas with smile in his face.

"People like you have a special place in hell." said Macau as he wiped his face with his hands.

"Can't you wake me up like a normal human being." said Macau as he looked annoyedly at his brother.

"For that you need to sleep like human too, not like sleeping beauty who thinks a prince will come and wakes you up with a kiss on your forehead and says 'oh dear sunshine, wake up it's morning', you delusional daydreamer." said Vegas mockingly at his brother.

"I hate you." said Macau as he stands up from his bed which is drenched in water.

"It's not like I love you." said Vegas as he put the empty jar on the table beside the bed.

"I don't know what sin that person has done who will marry you, I will always pray for their sanity." said Macau as he looked at the celling as if showing he is praying.

"Get ready and come downstairs." said Vegas as he started going towards the door.

"So, bossy." said Macau lowly so Vegas won't hear him.

"I can still hear you, do you wish to bath in the middle of your room. I actually don't mind bathing you." said Vegas as he turned around to Macau.

"No thanks, I still have the trauma you have gave me in my childhood by literally peeling my skin off, just go away." said Macau as he goes towards his closet to take out his uniform.

Vegas just goes to his room and quickly showers and then get dressed to get down.

Vegas slowly makes his way downstairs towards the dinning area and sees Macau already there dressed in his uniform, eating his breakfast.

"How come you dressed so fast. Did you even bath?" said Vegas as he went towards Macau and smacks his head lightly.

"One day I will file a case against you for bully a minor." said Macau to his brother who sit beside him and laugh.

"You know, you are the only minor I have the privilege to bully as much as I want." said Vegas as he takes his breakfast.

"You know, you are the only older who I can disrespect as much as I want." said Macau as he aggressively put ketchup in Vegas plate.

"Macau." said Vegas as he looked at Macau angrily who just shoved his tongue to Vegas.

"At breakfast too, can't you both eat peacefully for once. You both are grown up please act like that." said Gina as she was done with her sons.

But her sons just shoved their tongue at each other before eating their breakfast.

"I am finished, hia, drop me at my school." said Macau as he finished his plate.

"Why?" said Vegas as he also finished his breakfast.

"So, I can bury a dead body there. It's obvious why we go to school." said Macau to his brother who just rolled his eyes for the nth time.

"Go take your bag and come meet me at the parking lot." said Vegas as he took his car keys and went towards his car.

"What took you so long?" said Vegas as Macau took ten minutes to come here.

"Nothing, it's fun to make you wait." said Macau to Vegas who just looked his brother with a glare before starting the car.

"Tell me the direction of your school." said Vegas as he started the car and drive it.

"And tell me the right one otherwise I will fucking kick you out of my car in the middle of nowhere." said Vegas as he remember one time Macau has told him wrong direction and made him drive through the whole city.

"Okay." said Macau as he started the radio and plays a song of his liking.

"By the way what do you think of the guy mom is so determine to marry you off with?" asked Macau as he remember about her mother talking about a guy to marry Vegas.

"Damn, i don't know. She is so much obsessed with that guy. She clearly and seriously said to me that if he says yes then I have to marry him." said Vegas as he remember the conversation that happened a while ago.

"Take left." said Macau as he thought about what his brother said.

"God saves him from you then." said Macau to tease Vegas who just rolls his eyes at him.

"If only I was not driving, i would have showed you how God saves." said Vegas as he looked at Macau briefly before focusing on the driving.

After that both brother peacefully reached the school and Macau goes out of the car.

"Will you come to pick me up?" asked Macau from the outside to his brother.

"In your dreams, I just took you here because I had some time. If you think I am free as you are then no, I am not I am busy person." said Vegas as he started the car again.

But before he can drive away his phone started ringing and he picked up.

"Hello." said Vegas to the other line as he saw it was his dad.

"Vegas, can you do me a favor?" said gun from the other line.

"Sure dad, just say it." said Vegas as he saw Macau entering the school.

"Actually I was in hurry and i forgot to take an important file on the dinning table. If you don't mind can you bring me that file." said Gun from the other side.

"Don't worry, I will bring it." said Vegas as he looked at his watch to see he has plenty of time to go college.

"Okay, thank you." said Gun as he cut the call and Vegas just turn towards his house.

Vegas returns towards his house and sees his mother standing at the gate with a file and smile when she see Vegas coming out of the car to take file.

"Here." said Gina as she handed the file to Vegas who just murmure a small thanks and went towards his car.

After taking the file he hurriedly went towards the office and goes to the top floor where his father is with his uncle and cousin.

"Good morning uncle." said Vegas as he enters his dad's office and sees his uncle and cousin sitting there.

"Good morning Vegas how have you been?" asked korn to his nephew.

"I am fine uncle, what's up kinn?, do you still gets beaten up by porsche?" asked Vegas to tease kinn as he hands the file to his father who just took it.

"Get beaten by him? You must be joking ? He is a such whipped puppy for him to even upset him." said korn as he joins his nephew in teasing kinn and Vegas just laugh at that.

"Laugh just as much as you want, when you get married then we will see who laughs." said kinn as he smirked while looking at Vegas.

"Do you really think someone can control me ? You must be joking. No one has the power to make me go behind them looking like lost puppy like you kinn." said Vegas as he looked at kinn who just smiled at him.

"We will see, my dear cousin." said kinn to Vegas as he just smirked.

"Okay bye. I need to go, can't be late on the first day." said Vegas as he went away from the office to his car.

Vegas started going towards the college but stopped at his favourite cafe which is situated at 5 minutes distance from the college.

Vegas hurriedly walked inside the cafe and bought his coffee as he sit inside his car to go towards college.

After reaching the college, Vegas parked his car and was about to go outside but the ringing of his phone stopped him.

"Hello." said Vegas as he comes out of the car with coffee in his left hand and phone in his right.

"Hello." said Gina from the other side of the call.

"Actually I forgot to tell you something." said Gina to her son through her phone.

"Yes?" questioned Vegas as he leaned against his car, waiting his mom to finish whatever she wants to tell him.

"Today, evening, we all are going to preaw and pram's house for the dinner so, be ready, I don't want to hear any excuses and be on time." said Gina strictly to Vegas who was ready to make an excuse.

"Okay, mom, as you wish." said Vegas as he sipped from his cup of coffee.

"And my dear son i asked you to do a work, did you do that?" said Gina sweetly from the other side but Vegas knew his mother is about rant in him.

"What work mom?" asked Vegas a bit terrifiedly as he can't seems to remember what work his mother was talking about.

"Nice, as expected, not once you and your father can do the things, I have told you to do so, did you both have swear to not do the things I have asked for you both to do ? How much fun is it to make me annoy that you both seems to be doing a lot." comes a rant which Vegas has expected already and put his phone at distance to say his poor eardrum.

"Mom, I am really sorry, I might have forgotten so please tell me what was it you told me to do." said Vegas as gina stopped her ranting.

"Vegas I gave you the photo of him to see." said Gina more like shouted from the other side of the line.

"Photo ? Of whom mom?" asked Vegas as he can't think of his mother giving him a photo of someone.

"Him, your soon to be husband. I gave the photo of him to see and God knows where the hell you put the photo." said Gina in angrily to Vegas.

"Mom, I don't care who he looks, If you want me to marry him then I will." said Vegas as he started going because he checked the time and he was running a little late.

"Nice, don't complaint to me afterwards that why didn't I show you how he looks." said Gina as she cut the call in anger.

"Hello mom hello?" said Vegas and looked at the phone to see his mother already cut it.

Vegas tries his mother phone for few more times but to his vain she didn't pick it up.

"Damn it." said Vegas as he tried again' but Gina didn't pick it up in her anger.

And if the day was not bad itself something more like someone slammed into him which made him lose balance and all the coffee pour on him.

"I am really sorry! I didn't see please forgive me." comes an apologising voice but Vegas mood was already bad so he also rant on him.

"Are you fucking blind ? Can't you see where are you going, you stupid." said Vegas as he looked at the man standing infront of him.

"Hey! I am sorry, i already accepted that it was my fault but it was yours too because why are standing in the middle of way." said the man in front of him which made Vegas much more annoyed.

"It my fault ? that you have buttons instead of eyes to see?" said Vegas as he looked at his shirt which was drenched in coffee.

"I already accepted it was my fault but you didn't accept that it was yours too, seems like you have an ego problem." said the man who has the audacity to say Vegas something like that.

"Leave it, i don't have whole day to fight with a man who's mind is filled with ego instead of brain." said the man standing infront of him and went away.

"How dare he?" said Vegas as he was getting angry at the man who just insulted him like that.

Vegas went towards his car in anger while cursing the man and opened the back door where he knew were his  shopping bags he bought few days ago.

Vegas quickly unbuttoned his now ruined shirt and took a new and cleaned one and wore it.

Vegas was about to go inside the college but he got a massage from his mom which he opened immediately only to see this.

Vegas started at the picture for few more second as he remember that this is the same guy who he was arguing with.

'It's him.' read the small text Vegas for the fifth time just to make sure he was not daydreaming.

"No, no way he cannot be the person." said Vegas to no one.

"Mom is going to kill me if she knew I behave like an asshole' in front of him." said Vegas as he looked at the photo.

"Oh! I am running late." said Vegas as he saw the time and hurriedly went to attend the first class.

Vegas reached the class on the time and gave a brief introduction but his eyes widened when he see the same person sitting on the first bench with porsche.

Vegas manage the first lecture without freaking out how will he apologized to him and without even knowing himself he was staring at him for the whole lecture.

After he attended the other classes too but all in his mind was if he tells his mom that he acted like an asshole' then his mother will feel bad.

First for knowing how rudely i behave with a stranger and second for knowing i too behave rudely to the person she wants to make her son in law, my image in her eyes will be ruined.

"I need to apologise for behaving in a such bad way." said Vegas as he started the car and drove to the only person who can help him with this.

"Why the hell you are here?" asked Macau as he saw Vegas already waiting for him outside the gate.

"Can't I pick my brother?" asked Vegas as he went inside the car and Macau did that.

"So, are you hungry ? Do you want to go somewhere and eat?" asked Vegas as he starts his car.

"Yes, took me to my favourite restaurant." said Macau jokingly as he knows his brother won't take him there.

But he was shocked when he saw Vegas going towards the restaurant he like the most.

"Wait! Why are you going towards there?" asked Macau as he was confused with his brother's behaviour.

"To eat, you just said you wants to go to your favourite restaurant and eat something." said Vegas as he parked his car at the parking lot and comes out of the car.

"Okay." said Macau as this type of opportunities doesn't come soon to him and he will be a fool to not take advantage of it.

They both entered the restaurant and sit at a table as Macau ordered his food.

"Don't you want something ? I won't give you a piece." said Macau as he looked at his brother who just shook his head.

After sometime the food arrived and Macau started eating his food while Vegas just looked at him with a smile.

"You are creeping me out." said Macau as he looked at his brother.

"Nothing, just looking at my cute brother." said Vegas with a smile to which Macau was shocked and pointed a finger towards him.

"Me?" asked Macau as he points his finger towards him to which Vegas nods.

After hearing that Macau puts his food back on the plate and looked at a frowning Vegas.

"What happened ? Why are you not eating?" asked Vegas as he saw Macau stopped eating.

"No, you tell me what happened that you are behaving like that?" asked Macau as he understood his brother's intention.

"Is it that obvious?" asked Vegas as Macau nods his head in agreement.

"I am your younger brother after all, I know there is something fishy if you behave this nicely to me. so speak and tell me what the hell did you do?" said Macau to Vegas.

"Here me out then." said Vegas as he took a deep breath before he explained everything to Macau.

"Oh my god." said Macau as he heard from his brother what was the reason behind his behave like this.

"You did this, hia?" asked Macau as he looked at Vegas as if he can't believe what he just heard.

"Yes." said Vegas guilty at his behaviour.

"So, you meet the person who you were supposed to marry without knowing and behaves rudely. Now you are worried he will tell mom about your asshole' of a behaviour?" summaries Macau and Vegas just nods his head.

"Why do you always do such things, my dear brother?" asked Macau in annyonce to Vegas who was just speechless and has no words to say.

"Now when I think of this, i really think it was my fault too and I couldn't even say sorry, he is true when he said I got some ego issues, i really do." said Vegas as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Can you show his picture, i have not seen him yet." said Macau as vegas pulls out his phone and shows the photo to Macau.

"P'Pete?" said Macau as he took the phone out of Vegas hand and zoom in to see it was in fact pete.

"Do you know him?" asked Vegas hopefully so Macau could help him in apologising.

"It's P'Pete. No wonder why mom is so obsessed with making him as her son in law, you are a lucky guy to have him and me too for having him as brother in law, I can't believe." said Macau excitedly as he returned the phone to Vegas who looked confused.

"It's uncle pram and aunt preaw's son." said Macau to clear Vegas confusion.

"Don't worry I know P'Pete so well I will surely help you with apologise." said Macau proudly.

"How?" asked Vegas to Macau as he looked at Macau.

"Tonight we are going to theirs house so I will help you apologise to him, you don't need to worry phi is nice he will forgive you." said Macau as he knows pete is very nice person he will surely forgive his brother.

"Really?" asked Vegas in hope as he will do anything for the apology.

"Yeah, when I am here then you don't have to worry." said Macau as he started eating his food.

After hearing that Vegas finally breath in relief and now was waiting for the evening urgely.


Thanks lot for reading 🖤💙
If there is any kind of grammatical mistakes or misspellings please forgive me and correct me too.
Take care 💜

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